Monthly Archives: April 2013

School Cancels Santorum Speech Over Marriage Views

The new "tolerance" -- simply blocking pro-marriage figures from sharing their views on any topic:

A Michigan high school canceled a speech by former Sen. Rick Santorum after teachers became outraged over his opposition to gay marriage and threatened to stage protests and a possible work stoppage.

Santorum had been invited to deliver a upcoming speech on leadership by the Young Americans for Freedom chapter at Gross Pointe South High School. But the speech was canceled on Monday after the school district’s superintendent heard from angry teachers.

“It’s a sad day when liberal educators are allowed to influence young minds – extending free speech rights only to those who share their liberal views,” Santorum said in a statement posted on Patriot Voices. “This has nothing to do with the content of a speech, but rather the context of my convictions.” (FoxNews Nation)

NEW Marriage ADA Video: A Warning for Parents and Educators!

Email Header Image

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Third grade classrooms having pretend same-sex weddings… textbooks featuring pictures of cross-dressing carpenters… children being taught that there are "six genders."

"If same-sex marriage is passed in your state, your children—your grandchildren—will be exposed to the same kind of instruction."

That's what educator and marriage supporter Phil Lees says in our latest Marriage ADA interview.

He worked for years in the public education system in Ontario, Canada, and saw first-hand—only one year after same-sex marriage was legalized in 2005—18 school boards in Ontario instituting school curricula that affirmed and promoted LGBT "values," including same-sex marriage.

Click here to watch Phil's incredible first-hand report of what he witnessed as a public school educator in Canada.

Phil's story needs to be spread far and wide. In every place where NOM has fought the legalization of same-sex marriage here in the United States, our opponents have falsely promised that it will not affect the innocence of children.

But in every place marriage has been redefined, we have seen a powerful movement begin to use the schools to teach children about same-sex unions, intentionally confusing them about the unique and complimentary role of mothers and fathers.

Supporter, as this educator points out, one of the problems is that people of faith sometimes withdraw from the system and cede control to activists bent on promoting values that we know to be harmful to children and to society.

We cannot let this happen to our kids in America!

Together, we can create a better future for our kids.

You and I know that when people of faith stand up and fight to protect marriage, becoming more actively involved in the education of our children, we can fight back against the threats posed by those who would promote same-sex marriage and other harmful "values" in our schools.

Please watch this new video right away and then forward this email to family and friends to help us reach as many people as possible with this urgent and critically important message.

PS: If you haven't done so yet, please take a moment to join the thousands of Americans who have signed the Marriage Petition to the Justices of the Supreme Court: And share it with your friends!

Gay Couple in WA to Christian Florist: Publicly Do Penance, Pay Our Movement $5K, or We Will Sue You

When issues of consequence like this were raised during the campaign against same-sex marriage, the backers of same-sex marriage said things like this would never happen. They went so far as to claim we were lying and that religious freedom was fully protected.

That so-called “protection” didn’t even last a matter of weeks. This is just the latest example that whenever marriage is redefined, it’s the end of full religious liberty for the citizens in that jurisdiction:

After five weeks of biting their tongues, a gay couple in Richland, Washington, ismaking a loaded offer to a florist who refused to sell them flowers based her biblical belief that "marriage is between a man and a woman."

Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed's lawyers, working with the legal powerhouse at the ACLU of Washington, sent a letter today to Arlene's Flowers owner Baronelle Stutzman saying she has two options: (1) She can vow to never again discriminate in her services for gay people, write an apology letter to be published in the Tri-City Herald, and contribute $5,000 to a local LGBT youth center, or (2) she can get sued for violating the Washington State Civil Rights Act.

That's some offer. (The Stranger blog)

Church of England Rejects Blessings for Same-Sex Couples

The UK Guardian:

The Church of England has ruled out offering blessings to same-sex couples, insisting that such public gestures belong only to heterosexualmarriage.

The announcement – made in a report from the church's faith and order commission entitled Men and Women in Marriage – comes weeks after the outgoing bishop of Liverpool, the Rt Rev James Jones, suggested the church consider blessing gay couples as it should "bless true love wherever such love is found".

The report stresses the church's immutable definition of marriage as "a faithful, committed, permanent and legally sanctioned relationship between a man and a woman, central to the stability and health of human society", but recognises the existence of same-sex relationships, which it terms "forms of human relationships which fall short of marriage in the form God has given us".

ADF Attorney: Gay-Marriage Advocates are Not Politically Powerless

Kellie Fiedorek is litigation counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom. She writes in the Washington Examiner against the claim made by gay marriage advocates that they are "politically powerless" and therefore need the courts to strike down laws protecting marriage:

In their recently filed brief before the U.S. Supreme Court, advocates for redefining marriage argued that "gay men and lesbians are a suspect class" and thus need special judicial protection of the "politically powerless."

But making claims to be a minority in need of special judicial protection while simultaneously enjoying the patronage of some of our country's most powerful people, corporations and political entities is disingenuous.

...Unlike African-Americans, who struggled for full recognition and participation in society, homosexual activists and their goals are lionized by practically every powerful cultural institution and center of wealth in America today.

Their political and social war chest -- which includes the backing of Fortune 500 companies and other well-known businesses, politicians and celebrities -- is a far cry from the batons, fire hoses and tear gas that black Americans faced.

Washington State AG Sues Florist For Refusing to Provide Flowers to S-S Ceremony

Like clockwork, those who disagree with gay marriage are being fined and forced out of the public square -- by the state-imposed redefinition of marriage:

Attorney General Bob Ferguson has filed a consumer protection lawsuit against a florist who refused to provide wedding flowers to a same-sex couple.

The complaint was filed in Benton County on Tuesday against Barronelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene's Flowers and Gifts in Richland. The lawsuit is in response to a March 1 incident where she refused service to longtime customer Robert Ingersoll. Stutzman did not return a call Tuesday night seeking comment. Ferguson had sent a letter on March 28 asking her to comply with the law, but said Stutzman's attorneys responded Monday saying she would challenge any state action to enforce the law. Washington state voters upheld a same-sex marriage law in November, and the law took effect in December. The state's anti-discrimination laws were expanded in 2006 to include sexual orientation.

Ferguson seeks a permanent injunction requiring the store to comply with the state's consumer protection laws and seeks at least $2,000 in fines. (AP)

Oklahoma House Votes 84-0 to Uphold DOMA

Is there any part of the country as pro-SSM as Oklahoma is pro-marriage?

The Oklahoma House has approved -- without a single negative vote but with some members walking out -- a resolution reaffirming marriage as between a man and a woman and supporting the federal Defense of Marriage Act that prohibits recognition of same-sex marriages.

The House approved the resolution Monday on an 84-0 vote. House Democratic Leader Scott Inman and openly gay Rep. Kay Floyd of Oklahoma City were among more than half of the chamber's 29 Democrats who walked out of the chamber instead of voting.

... The resolution would not carry the weight of law. Its supporters say it's meant as a message to the U.S. Supreme Court, which recently heard arguments in two cases concerning same-sex marriage rights. (AP)

First Things Editor Reno: If Government Can Reshape Marriage, It Can Reshape Everything

Rusty Reno, editor of First Things, makes the conservative case against the false libertarian notion that redefining marriage will serve to "limit government" -- in fact, it will vastly expand government, he argues:

"...As marriage gets redefined we’ll see an expansion of government. That’s because gay marriage won’t just happen if government “gets out of the way.” It requires creating a new possibility that will not come to pass if traditional institutions and moral traditions are left alone. Government must intervene. Our moral traditions must be subjected to what activists think of as corrective surgery. With gay marriage we’re sure to get legislation redefining what it means to be a parent, and what it means to be a child, as is already the case in California. In the way of these redefinitions will come programs to “reeducate” John Q. Public to the “new realities.”

Here as elsewhere the progressive project is always political. It sees a problem: The pre-political institutions and traditions of society are violating rights and creating inequalities. Then it reaches for the ready tool for redress and correction, which is almost always the power of government—coercive force.

... Tyranny isn’t just a situation in which the government is telling you what to do at every moment. It’s also a society in which government says that, if necessary, it can. In this respect gay marriage reflects a dramatic enlargement of government. If legislatures and courts can redefine marriage, what can’t it intervene to reshape and re-purpose?

Santorum: Supreme Court Won't Make Same Mistake Twice

The Des Moines Register:

A “chastened” U.S. Supreme Court won’t make the mistake of granting same-sex marriage rights, former presidential candidate Rick Santorum predicted in an interview today.

“I think you’ll see, hopefully, a chastened Supreme Court is not going to make the same mistake in the (current) cases as they did in Roe v. Wade,” Santorum told The Des Moines Register in a telephone interview. “I’m hopeful the Supreme Court learned its lesson about trying to predict where the American public is going on issues and trying to find rights in the Constitution that sit with the fancy of the day.”

... Asked what he thinks about the two Midwest senators who have recently backed gay marriage, Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio and Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, Santorum said some Republicans splintered off in the late 1960s and early 1970s to support abortion rights when the courts “started mucking around with pro-life statutes at the state level.”

“I’m sure you could go back and read stories, oh, you know, ‘The Republican party’s going to change. This is the future.’ Obviously that didn’t happen,” Santorum said. “I think you’re going to see the same stories written now and it’s not going to happen. The Republican party’s not going to change on this issue. In my opinion it would be suicidal if it did.”

A Story I Need to Share...

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Yesterday I asked if you had given up… and today, I want to share with you the inspiring story of a young couple I met that is most definitely not giving up the fight to protect marriage!

Let me introduce Melissa, David, Emily and Ella Hunsaker.

They baked and sold 289 loaves of bread (!) to fund their travel all the way from Utah to participate in NOM's March for Marriage in Washington, D.C. along with their two young girls.

Why did they put in so much work to travel across the country?

As David told the BYU student newspaper, the Student Review:

"It is the future of America. I want my children to grow up in a society that values and understands that men and women have unique things to bring to the table. Children deserve both a father and mother. It's about what the children deserve."

I couldn't put it better myself, David! Thank you so much for you and your family's beautiful witness on behalf of marriage!

Part of the reason we organize the March for Marriage was to share OUR stories, stories of sacrifice, love and courage, even in the face of our aggressive and well-organized opposition that constantly attempts to malign us and impugn our motives.

We Americans who believe marriage is about bringing together men and women for the sake of the children are not a minority. We are not motivated by hatred. We are motivate by LOVE —that's why our tools are not angry signs, they are loaves of bread!

Won't you please make a generous donation today of $35, $50, $100, $500 or more to support NOM's efforts to defend the rights and religious freedoms of ordinary Americans like the Hunsakers to stand up and profess their common sense, political, historical and religious views on marriage?

Remember—thanks to a generous supporter, we have secured a NEW $500,000 matching gift! So every dollar you donate will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $500,000!

David recently wrote on his blog:

The March for Marriage was a huge success. Mostly we felt privileged to meet so many wonderful people defending marriage from all over the country and to make our voices heard. It may not have been well represented in the media, but we saw first-hand the thousands of people who still actively support traditional marriage and the way it impacts children and society.

Please stand with me, the Hunsakers and the thousands and millions of everyday Americans who support marriage by making a generous contribution to NOM today.

Special Thanks to Melissa, David, Emily and Ella... God bless you all! History is on your side!

CNN, MSNBC Refuse to Interview Gay Son After He Refuses to Bash Father

The Blaze reports on the media bias against those who hold traditional views of marriage -- as we know all too well:

During an interview Sunday, Rep. Matt Salmon's (R-Ariz.) gay sontold KPNX-TV that CNN and MSNBC cancelled interviews with him after he told them he would not bash his father for his stance againstgay marriage.

Matt R. Salmon told KPNX-TV that he is disappointed that his father has not changed his position on gay marriage, however, he still enjoys a good relationship with him and supports him. He also said his father is not a "bigot."

"People want controversy," Salmon said.

Accused of canceling the interviews are MSNBC's "The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell" and CNN's "Piers Morgan Live."

The younger Salmon said MSNBC cancelled his scheduled interview because "they had intended to be critical of him and" he was unwilling to do so. Additionally, he claimed CNN was "very gung ho" about doing an interview but then became disinterested when he reiterated he wouldn't attack his dad.

Schubert in The Blaze: What to Really Expect from the Supreme Court

Mission Public Affairs President Frank Schubert, who ran the successful Proposition 8 campaign, argues in The Blaze that the Supreme Court will issue a ruling on Prop 8 and will ultimately choose to uphold it:

The United States Supreme Court held oral arguments two weeks ago concerning California’s Proposition 8 and, predictably, the media pack have all come to the same conclusion. Their meme is that the Court will decline to rule on the merits as to whether Proposition 8 unconstitutionally defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Most base their conclusion on the comment by Justice Anthony Kennedy wondering if the case was properly granted. I believe the media pack has it wrong, failing to appreciate the box that Justice Kennedy likely finds himself in once the Court decided to grant review.

It may very well be that Justice Kennedy would prefer not to decide the Proposition 8 case on the merits. Kennedy is widely viewed as the potential swing vote on the constitutionality of marriage. Despite his lament about having to arbitrate the issue, Justice Kennedy effectively has little choice but to decide whether marriage as it has always been defined somehow violates the constitution.

Once the Court decided to grant review (Certiorari) in the Prop 8 case, Justice Kennedy’s hand was effectively forced. This is true for four key reasons.


For all these reasons, I believe that Justice Kennedy will ultimately agree with Justice Scalia that they have “already crossed that river” and now must reach the merits of the constitutionality of Proposition 8. So then what?

There was nothing in the oral argument to suggest that anything approaching a majority of the court is prepared to find a federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage. That being the case, I feel very good about the status of Prop 8 when the Court issues their ruling in the coming months. I also suspect that the media pack is likely never to admit their reporting of oral arguments were off target. More than likely they will immediately pivot, saying winning the most important victory for marriage ever achieved doesn’t really matter because – as they’ve been claiming for years — same-sex marriage is somehow “inevitable.” That’s another false meme, but we’ll deal with that one later, with the wind of a Supreme Court victory at our backs.

Have You Given Up?

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Have you given up fighting the most urgent battle facing our great nation—the fight to protect and preserve the institution of marriage?

Of course you haven't… and neither have I!

Click here to re-engage in the fight to defend marriage and help NOM continue the momentum generated by our recent, historic March for Marriage!

I am incredibly happy and proud to announce that the March was so successful and made such a tremendous impact that an incredibly generous donor has initiated a NEW $500,000 matching gift campaign!

That's right—between now and the day the Supreme Court issues its decision in the Prop 8 and DOMA cases, every dollar you contribute to NOM will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $500,000!

Despite what the media, cultural elites and a small, well-funded band of radical same-sex marriage activists would have you believe, same-sex marriage is NOT inevitable!

After last November's elections, many supporters of marriage were understandably dispirited. That was one of the reasons NOM decided to organize this March.

On March 26th—the day the Court was hearing oral arguments in California's Proposition 8 case—we gathered thousands of marriage supporters from every race, creed and walk of life to provide the most powerful visual demonstration to date of America's support for marriage.

And we're not done yet! In fact… we haven't even gotten started!

In the days and weeks to come, NOM will be again leading the way by rallying supporters of traditional marriage just like you to sign our Citizen's Petition to the Supreme Court, forming a "Virtual March for Marriage" as the Supreme Court considers the legal arguments of the Proposition 8 and Defense of Marriage Act cases.

Will you please send in a donation right away to help NOM continue and build upon the momentum of our March for Marriage while the Supreme Court is deliberating on the two most important cases of our generation?

Thank you!

Cardinal George, Black Pastors Unite in Defense of Marriage

NBC Chicago:

State lawmakers are certainly getting an earful as they prepare to head back to work next week and potentially take up the issue of allowing same sex marriage in Illinois.

Cardinal Francis George on Friday joined a group of African American religious leaders to decry the "redefinition of marriage" as "morally wrong."

...The clergy members stressed, however, that their opposition to gay marriage should not be seen as discrimination against congregants in same-sex relationships.

"Nature and the Bible then dictates our stance today. It is not our personal opinion about the lifestyles of any individual that comes in our church or is outside of our church," said Bishop Lance Davis with the New Zion Christian Fellowship of Dolton.


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National Organization for Marriage Reiterates Pledge to Spend $250,000 To Defeat Any Republican Legislator in Illinois Who Votes For Gay 'Marriage'

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"Any Republican in Illinois who betrays the cause of marriage will be casting a career-ending vote and will be held accountable to their constituents." —Brian Brown, NOM's president—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, DC—With the Illinois state Legislature set to return from recess, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today reiterated its pledge to spend $250,000 defeating Republican legislators who vote in support of same-sex 'marriage' in Illinois, just like NOM successfully did in New York.

"Any Republican in Illinois who betrays the cause of marriage will be casting a career-ending vote and will be held accountable to their constituents," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "We will spend whatever it takes—hundreds of thousands of dollars if necessary—to remove them from office, just as we did three of the four turncoat Republican state Senators in New York who were responsible for gay 'marriage' passing there. We will not hesitate to support pro-family Democrats to replace them, as our record in New York proves."

In New York, same-sex marriage narrowly passed the state senate after four Republicans and two Democrats changed their votes in response to promises of campaign cash from gay marriage activists. NOM targeted all seven for defeat, and was successful in removing five of them, replacing them in 2012 with pro-family Senators. As numerous media have reported, including the New York Times, three of the four Republicans were removed from office despite promises by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and gay-rights advocates to do everything in their power to protect them against political retribution. ("Costly Toll for Republicans Who Voted for Gay Marriage").

In addition to supporting challengers to the four Republicans, NOM also supported pro-family Democrats, helping to re-elect Senator Ruben Diaz and electing a pro-marriage Democrat to unseat Senator Shirley Huntley in the Democratic primary. "Marriage is not a partisan issue," Brown said. "We will stand with pro-family legislators regardless of party affiliation when they stand up for true marriage."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).