How Language Affects Poll Results

When it comes to marriage polls, wording matters. This is something that same-sex marriage advocates are well-aware of, and we've seen them use it time and time again -- on polls and ballots alike -- in attempts to skew results in their favor.

Take a look at how Americans responded to two different questions on redefining marriage.

Would you approve or disapprove of changing the definition of the word marriage to also include same-sex couples?

  • Thumbs Up & Down39% Approve
  • 56% Disapprove
  • 5% Don’t Know

Do you favor or oppose legalizing same-sex marriage?

  • 46% Favor
  • 47% Opposed
  • 7% Don’t Know

The first question, which makes clear that marriage would be redefined entirely to include same-sex couples, garnered just 39% support. 56% were opposed to the redefinition. But now take a look at the language of the second, shorter question. When asked if they were for or against legalizing same-sex marriage, the results were drastically different.


Why Didn't You Hear About This?

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

On Monday I wrote to you about all the good things happening in defense of marriage and asked you to make a donation in support of NOM's work to bolster these efforts around the country.

Here's another good thing you probably haven't heard about: two major polls demonstrate that the majority of Americans believe marriage SHOULD NOT BE redefined.

First, a Rice University poll has surfaced showing that a majority of Americans — 53% — STILL believe marriage should only be between a man and a woman! This comparative study demonstrates that the idea that droves of Americans are changing their minds in favor of redefining marriage is a myth.

And today news of a recent Fox News poll has come to light that is even better. Fox asked the question, Would you approve or disapprove of changing the definition of the word marriage to also include same-sex couples?

56% said they would disapprove, while only 39% would approve!

You are not alone. We are winning this battle in the hearts and minds of every day Americans like you.

But the results of these surveys are being largely ignored in the media because they don't fit into the drum beat that says same-sex 'marriage' is "inevitable."

It is this lie of "inevitability" that we need your financial help to overcome. You may remember NOM's five-point plan I outlined several weeks ago. Point #5 is winning the battle in the court of public opinion — to overcome the false perception of "inevitability." These polls prove we are winning this battle.

Supporter, that's why we need your support. The only way we are going to be able to overcome the extremely well-funded group of extremists and a complicit media pushing this radical agenda is if we have sufficient resources to get our message out.

Won't you please make an immediate, generous donation to NOM to support our work today?

We must rally the religious, grassroots base of America to stand up for marriage. We must get on the airwaves and make sure people understand the nature and purpose of marriage and the consequences of redefining it. We must continue win in the court of public opinion.

So, please, consider making a generous donation to NOM so that we can continue building on all the positives in the fight to defend marriage.

Remember, when you make your gift, if you check the box on the donate page indicating that you want your donation to be an automatic, monthly, recurring gift, we will send you a free copy of NOM co-founder Robbie George's book, What is Marriage?: Man and Woman: A Defense — the best resource out there for anyone interested in defending marriage.

God bless you for all you have done in defense of marriage!


Brian S. Brown

NOM's John Eastman Debates Marriage on PBS News Hour

States have been feeling the ripple effects over these past few months following the Supreme Court's DOMA ruling. NOM Chairman John Eastman was featured on PBS News Hour today to talk about how the DOMA decision is affecting state laws, particularly those states that already have marriage protection amendments in their constitutions.

New Zealand Legislators Committed "Arrogant Act of Cultural Vandalism"

New Zealand held its first same-sex ceremonies yesterday, which you've probably heard something about in the news over the past 24 hours. The media has been at it again, celebrating NZ same-sex weddings with as much hype as possible, all the while ignoring the fact that legislators redefined marriage back in April despite strong opposition and very little debate at the time.

You won't hear much about it in the mainstream media, but conservative groups, religious leaders, and Kiwis across the nation are speaking out this week, saying that the new law "defies the national mood and common sense". We agree.

Wellington, New Zealand“Despite their grandiose view, the politicians never had the authority to redefine marriage,” said Bob McCoskrie, the national director of Family First NZ. “They committed an arrogant act of cultural vandalism with no clear public mandate."

Many people have commented on the bias in reporting on the day’s events. The mainstream media featured laudatory coverage of the weddings themselves, giving little attention to opponents' views.

Australian couple Trent Kandler and Paul McCarthy were flown from Australia to Wellington by Tourism New Zealand, where a “wedding” was held at the national museum, Te Papa.

NewspaperAir NZ provided an in-flight “wedding” ceremony for a lesbian couple, Lynley Bendall and Ally Wanikau, where Jesse Tyler Fergusson from the TV series Modern Family was present. The package included a honeymoon at a Palms Spring Resort in the U.S.

Lance Huxford is calling for people to complain to the media, saying he is “shocked at the unbalanced coverage of the same sex marriage law coming into effect on both TV 1 and TV 3.”

“We must continue to speak up for marriage as uniting a man and a woman with each other and any children born from that union” Dame Colleen Bayer, national director of Family Life International NZ, said. “For the sake of our children, we cannot stand by and let marriage be mocked.” -LifeSiteNews

Legal Action Launched to Force Church Same-Sex Wedding

A same-sex couple in the UK made headlines earlier this month after vowing to sue the Church of England to force the Church into hosting their same-sex wedding. As of today, legal proceedings have officially begun.  This case is the ultimate proof that same-sex 'marriage' is truly about the desires of adults.  Mr. Drewitt-Barlow's cry, "I am still not getting what I want" is his motivation for suing Christians in order to force them to recognize his 'marriage.'

UK ChurchMillionaire gay couple, the Drewitt-Barlows, have confirmed they have “launched” a legal challenge to the right of churches to opt out of gay weddings.

[Barrie Drewitt-Barlow] said: “We’ve launched a challenge to the Government’s decision to allow some religious groups to opt out of marrying same-sex couples.

“We feel we have the right as parishioners in our village to utilise the church we attend to get married.”

Earlier this month, Mr Drewitt-Barlow said he and his civil partner, Tony, would go to court to force gay weddings on churches.

He added: “It upsets me because I want it so much – a big lavish ceremony, the whole works, I just don’t think it is going to happen straight away.

“As much as people are saying this is a good thing I am still not getting what I want.” -The Christian Institute

Defend Marriage Lobby Day in Illinois!

If you live in Illinois, mark your calendar now! The Illinois Family Institute will be hosting the second annual Defend Marriage Lobby Day & Prayer Watch on Wednesday, October 23rd.  This is an incredibly important opportunity to stand for marriage.  The Illinois legislature is coming back into session for 3 days and homosexual-'marriage' advocates have dedicated $3 million to winning over the courageous black legislators who stood for marriage earlier this year.  Let these men and women know that you stand with them.

IFI_Lobby-Day-Oct-23-2013_2upJoin IFI and Illinois families from around the state to take a stand to protect marriage, religious freedom, parental rights and the innocence of our children! Plan to bring your family and friends AND organize your church to support this second Defend Marriage Lobby Day.

It is critically important that we have a strong showing because homosexual activists continue to press for counterfeit "marriage" (SB 10), which will affect all of society, especially children and religious freedom.  The groups pushing to pass this bill are planning to be at the Capitol on October 22nd, the day before our event. According to a 6-12-13 Windy City Times article, they have dubbed it "10.000 Families March for Marriage Equality."

Wednesday, October 23rd
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Illinois State Capitol
401 South 2nd St, Springfield, IL 62701

Download the flyer here.

Congressman Camp is Coming to Town, Tell Him to Stop the IRS

Editor's Note: This email went out to Congressman Camp's district in Michigan, but the issues surrounding the IRS scandal are of national importance. Please look over the blog post below and then call Congressman Camp at 989-631-2552 to demand that he use his power as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to resolve this egregious violation of NOM's (and all Americans') rights. And if you have family or friends in Rep. Camp's district, please use the social sharing buttons in the post to share this information with them.

National Organization for Marriage

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

You have a special opportunity to strike a blow for the rule-of-law and the defense of marriage this month. Your Congressman, Dave Camp, is the Chairman of the very important House Ways and Means Committee. This is the Congressional Committee that has been holding hearings on the IRS scandal in Washington, DC.

As you know, NOM has been the victim of a felony crime in that someone within the IRS leaked NOM's confidential tax return in 2012. This criminal provided our tax documents, with the names of several donors, to the Human Rights Campaign and the Huffington Post. It is a felony to have provided this information and to have revealed the confidential names of NOM's donors.

Since learning about this, NOM has filed numerous "Freedom of Information Requests" and demanded that the IRS take action against the perpetrator. To this point NOM has received no satisfactory answer from the IRS as to the status of the investigation or even if one is under way.

The scandal made national news when it was also revealed that the IRS inappropriately targeted conservative organizations for particular scrutiny in the applications for tax-exempt status. However, what happened to NOM goes beyond targeting to a felony crime.

Chairman Camp is holding Town Hall meetings in your district this month to hear from you, his constituents. This is an opportunity for you to go and ask your Congressman, the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, what exactly is being done to get to the bottom of the IRS Scandal and restore the rule of law in Washington.

Friday, August 23, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
James Wickson Library
359 South Franklin Street
Frankenmuth, MI 48734

Friday, August 23, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Isabella County Building - Room 225
200 North Main Street, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48850

Thursday, August 29, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Owosso City Hall - Conference Room
301 West Main Street, Owosso, MI 48867

Thursday, August 29, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Clinton County Courthouse
100 Michigan 21
St. Johns, MI 48879

Friday, August 30, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Gratiot County Courthouse - County Board of Commissioners Room
214 East Center Street, Ithaca, MI 48847

Friday, August 30, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Roscommon County Building - Commissioners Room
500 Lake Street, Roscommon, MI 48853

I urge you to make the time to attend one of the Town Hall meetings the Congressman has scheduled and ask him for an explanation and demand the Ways and Means Committee use its power of subpoena to resolve these issues.

Here are several talking points about the scandal; followed by action items NOM has demanded the Ways and Means Committee take to resolve this issue. We urge you also, as his constituent, to respectfully demand the Ways and Means Committee use all its powers to restore credibility in Washington.

  • In March, 2012, someone at the IRS leaked the National Organization for Marriage's confidential tax return — a felony — to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), which posted the document on its website. HRC is NOM's principal opponent in the marriage battle and has waged a war of intimidation and harassment against NOM and those active in the effort to preserve marriage. In early 2012, HRC president, Joseph Solmonese, was appointed a national co-chair of the Obama reelection campaign. A few months later, the publication of NOM's tax return occurred.

  • NOM's published Form 990 Schedule B from 2008 contained the identity of dozens of major NOM donors. NOM knows the document was from internal IRS because under a mask that was applied to the document to hide the origin, which computer programs were able to remove, revealed the internal IRS stamp on the document, on every single page in the same location.

  • In early April 2012 after the publication of their tax returns, NOM asked both the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) for investigations. NOM knows TIGTA conducted an investigation, but they never identified the perpetrator of this crime. If charges are brought, federal law requires that the taxpayer be advised.

  • Beginning last August 2012, NOM began filing a series of FOIA and Privacy Act requests with TIGTA and the IRS to try to ascertain the status of the investigation, the identity of the perpetrator, and any information relating to where the decision was made to commit this felony against NOM for obvious political purposes. Those requests have been stonewalled, with the latest non-response response, dated May 3, 2013, claiming that the very same statute that was violated by disclosing our returns shields the identity of the perpetrator as the "subject" of an IRS investigation.

  • The IRS, the DOJ, and TIGTA have not brought charges against the individuals who committed these felonies in over a year, and they are using a convoluted interpretation of the statute prohibiting disclosure to shield the identity of those same individuals from NOM.

  • Insist that the House Ways and Means Committee subpoena Joseph Solmonese, and other HRC staff, to determine exactly by what means HRC obtained NOM's confidential donor information

  • Pursue full disclosure from former Acting IRS Commission Steven Miller. Mr. Miller was unable to provide satisfactory answers to the Committee on May 17th. The Committee should subpoena Mr. Miller and require him to give a full account under oath.

  • Some Congressmen are arguing that the IRS scandal should result in broad based tax reform.

  • Tax reform, though a laudable future goal does not help with the immediate problem before us of the criminal theft of confidential donor information.

  • Left unsolved, the theft of donor data is now perpetuating donor intimidation, further eroding public confidence in the ability to Congress to the people's business and emboldening political opponents to engage in more criminal acts and intimidation.

  • Tax reform will not hold those responsible accountable for their actions. We are looking to Congressman Camp, as Chairman of Ways and Means, to aggressively investigate the theft and publication of donor data by the staff of the IRS and the Human Rights Campaign.

Thank you for taking the time to make your voice heard Chairman Camp, and to move this investigation forward. All Americans should be able to engage in the public discourse about marriage without fear of reprisal or harassment.

You can keep up to date on the latest regarding NOM and the IRS scandal here.

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DOD Leave for Same-Sex Marriage Criticized


Conservatives have criticized Pentagon’s decision to grant full family benefits including marriage leaves of up to 10 days to military gay/lesbian couples who want to get married.

Marine WeddingCritics say the move by Pentagon is unusual as same-sex marriage is still barred in 37 states including the entire southern states, where most military installations are based.

Conservatives say that openly homosexual service members, who were barred from serving in the military until two years ago, are receiving special treatments that even heterosexual couples can not enjoy, according to Los Angeles Times.

Heterosexual couples are not granted marriage leaves, which Petere Sprigg, a senior fellow at Family Research Council calls “homosexual honeymoons.”

“It could well be argued that the new policy actively discriminates against opposite-sex couples, who receive no special leave for their weddings,” Sprigg wrote in a FRC news release on Thursday.

Reverse 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'?

Don't Ask, Don't Tell may just be alive and well in the military. Only now it applies to Christians.

The Right Scoop:

Senior Master Sergeant Phillip Monk, who’s been in the Air Force for 19 years, was relieved of his position and reassigned because he disagreed with his openly gay commanding officer about gay marriage. Monk’s commanding officer wanted to strictly punish a subordinate Airman for mentioning to his trainees that he disagreed with same-sex marriage. Monk apparently thought her punishment was to harsh and it came out that he also disagreed with same-sex marriage. He was later reassigned.

“I was relieved of my position because I don’t agree with my commander’s position on gay marriage,” said Monk.


FOX News Interviewer: How worried are you that Christians in the military are caught in a really tough spot now, in trying to balance tolerance and acceptance of their fellow men and women who are serving with them, but also to be able to express their own views based on their religious beliefs?

Kelly Shackelford [attorney representing Sergeant Monk]: This is really concerning. What happened here to Sergeant Monk is a violation of Air Force policy. It's a violation of DOD policy. It's a violation of the Constitution. And as you mentioned, this is a trend. For instance, if you were to go to and look at Sergeant Monk's facts, you'd see a link to numerous other recent attacks on our soldiers and our airman, and that shouldn't be happening. That violates the law, and our soldiers deserve a lot better. They're giving service for us to protect these freedoms, so I think the least we can do now is stand with them when they come under attack.

Debating Marriage: What's a "Hater" To Do?

In the Public Discourse today, Narrator Principal Brian Brown writes on the need for marriage advocates to discuss marriage in a way that appeals not only to reason, but also to emotion, intuition, and imagination.

Brown outlines Nathan Hitchen's document You’ve Been Framed: A New Primer for the Marriage Debate to suggests several methods of unifying marriage advocates "so that we can pursue a future in which we are no longer viewed as haters and bad guys."

Hitchen argues that to change aspirations, marriage advocates must understand five basic things:

  • Emotion, which interacts with reason in people’s moral imaginations;
  • Narratives, which shape people’s biases about pretty much everything;
  • Stories, which make things relatable and personal in a way no courtroom argument does;
  • Metaphors, which allow the mind to easily process and retain complex ideas; and
  • Memes, which are easily replicable ideas that stick in people’s minds and slowly change perceptions.

Debating MarriageChanging aspirational narratives is also partly done through metaphors. Research has consistently shown that audiences are more likely to remember and comprehend complex arguments through images. Marriage advocates, Hitchen suggests, should communicate truths about marriage and the common good through metaphors such as “marriage is our country’s social infrastructure.” Marriage isn’t just a religious institution or a majority-rules game for the same reason highways and harbors aren’t—men and women are the harbors from which children set sail (which is partly why some people in France and Britain who want homosexuals to be happy don’t favor gay marriage).

And finally, narratives are changed through memes. Hitchen says marriage advocates should compress their arguments into easily replicable ideas that can stick in people’s minds and slowly challenge prevailing assumptions. “Marriage equality” is the meme that is currently dominating the debate. Even disagreeing with it implicitly accepts its premise.

To beat such a “sticky” meme, marriage advocates would have to popularize a stickier meme (preferably stealing back a term the other side likes to use). For example, the meme “true marriage is more diverse” appeals to the distinct, complementary differences between mothering and fathering (instead of the “mono-gendered” structure of two men or two women). Or the meme “changing marriage creates inequality” could be attached to stories of the unequal emotional experiences of children raised in single-sex environments. For memes to work, they have to be on the leading edge of every pro-marriage argument, all the time. -Public Discourse

Good Things in the Defense of Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Despite what the mainstream media would lead you to believe, the marriage debate in the United States is very much alive...good things are happening in the defense of marriage.

I'm writing today to ask you to please consider making a generous donation to NOM so that we can continue to build on these positive steps. And when you make your gift, please consider checking the box on the donate page indicating that you want your donation to be an automatic, monthly, recurring gift. We will send all new monthly donor sign ups a free copy of "What is Marriage?: Man and Woman: A Defense" for enrolling as a NOM "Sustaining Partner" of our work.

What things, you ask?

Positive steps like the African American pastors and legislators standing strong for marriage in Illinois and holding back the homosexual 'marriage' advocates who have pledged to spend $3 million to force their will on Illinois later this year.

Positive steps like the courageous Governors of Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Wisconsin who have taken a strong stand for marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

  • In Pennsylvania, Governor Corbett stepped in to defend his state's Defense of Marriage Act and his administration is suing to stop the lawless behavior of a rouge county official issuing same-sex marriage licenses in direct violation of the law.

  • In Wisconsin, Governor Walker has made it clear that his state will not be redefining marriage in the near future.

  • And in Indiana, Governor Mike Pence came out strongly in the wake of the US Supreme Court decisions this summer declaring his support for true marriage and committing his state to put a pro-marriage amendment on the ballot in November 2014.

Positive steps like the 1500 Iowans who attended The Family Leadership Summit that NOM co-sponsored earlier this month demanding that the GOP produce a candidate in the 2016 elections who will stand for marriage and life.

Top to bottom, positive steps are taking place across our country to protect marriage as God designed it.

The media doesn't want you to know about these positive developments so they don't report it, but the truth always finds a way to shine forth. The truth is that a strong majority of Americans believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

We are privileged to be what the Washington Post called "the preeminent organization" standing for marriage as the union of one man and one woman, but we can only do it with your generous support.

And your support is needed as much now as ever. Even with all the positive steps we see across the nation, opponents of marriage and the right of children to be raised by a mom and a dad push their agenda stronger than ever.

In Illinois, gay-marriage activists have promised a $3 million campaign to win over those courageous black legislators that have stood in the gap.

The state ballot battles looming next year in Indiana, Ohio, Oregon, and other states will require every ounce of strength, perseverance, and financial commitment we all can give.

And the legal battles to stop the lawlessness that has broken out across our country in the name of homosexual-'marriage' demand time and financial commitment that we cannot meet without your gracious support.

Let me close with a brief but powerful example of the craziness that supporters of true marriage are up against.

You'll remember that last May in North Carolina, the people of that state approved a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman with over 61% of the vote. You'd think that would be the wonderful end of the story, but no. In blatant disregard for the will of the people of that great state, and the Constitution itself, homosexual-'marriage' advocates are now 'trolling' North Carolina for County and City officials who are willing to abandon their oaths-of-office and issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in violation of the Constitution, betraying the voters who put them in office.

They are actually placing ads on YouTube.

Only with your support can NOM continue to help true marriage champions remain strong in the fight and keep taking positive steps in this battle. Remember, if you sign up to become a Sustaining Partner by checking the box to make your gift a monthly, recurring gift, we will send you a free copy of "What is Marriage?: Man and Woman: A Defense."

Thank you for your faithfulness and the positive steps you enable us to take in the defense of God's unique institution of marriage.

For our families and children,

Brian S. Brown

Christians Need Not Apply

Joseph Backholm, executive director of the Family Policy Institute of Washington, writes on the growing bias against people of faith in the public square:

If you don’t actually remember it, you’re certainly aware of the Cold War the United States was involved in with the USSR for forty-four years.  We were fighting, but everyone was being passive aggressive about it.

Cross NecklaceSomething similar has been happening culturally in the war on religious freedom.  For years the war has been undeclared and the damage to religious freedom has generally been classified as friendly fire. “I wasn’t shooting at you, I was trying to shoot hate and intolerance; so sorry about that.”

The victims have been numerous. ...around the country bakeries, doctors, counselors, court clerks, and wedding photographers have been victims of the war on intolerance; specifically because of their beliefs about sexuality and marriage.

All along the way, those tightening the noose around the neck of religious freedom have claimed to be allies all along.

That’s changing.  Now that they feel they have the upper hand, they no longer feel the need to be tolerant.

The City of San Antonio is making a move that would allow the city council to exclude from public office anyone who has “bias” that they don’t like. Here is the resolution:

“No person shall be appointed to a position if the city council finds that such person has, prior to such proposed appointment, engaged in discrimination or demonstrated a bias, by word or deed, against any person, group or organization on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, age, or disability.” 

That’s right, folks.  If you are a person who has “demonstrated a bias, by word or deed” against people based on things such as religion, sexual orientation and gender identity, you are unfit for public office.

Finish reading this article by FPIW director  here.

Oregon Official Says Bakers Who Support Traditional Marriage Need 'Rehabilitation'

Despite the fact that Oregon bakers saw a huge boom in business after standing up for their belief in marriage (proving that many other Oregonians feel the same way), Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian says the state government's goal is to "rehabilitate" them:

A lesbian couple filed a formal complaint against “Sweet Cakes by Melissa” in Portland after the owners – Aaron and Melissa Klein – declined on the basis of their Christian faith to provide services for a lesbian “wedding.”

Sweet Cakes Owner

The Oregonian quotes Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian as saying: "The goal is never to shut down a business. The goal is to rehabilitate."

“To say that this couple needs to be ‘rehabilitated’ for believing and practicing the values on which this nation was founded is entirely beyond the pale,” says [Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association].

“This sounds like Stalinist Russia or China under Mao, where those who thought for themselves were forced under government coercion into re-education camps. This is not the America that was given to us by our Founders.”

Matt Barber [vice president of Liberty Counsel Action] says the “rehabilitation” remark connotes some kind of ailment, mental illness or physical ailment. “You know, we rehabilitate criminals,” he explains. “Are they saying that Christianity is criminal here and we have to rehabilitate those who embrace the Christian sexual ethic? That's what this official in Oregon is saying.”

Wildmon wonders what might follow if the bakery owners refuse to be “rehabilitated.” -One News Now

Why Is It So Difficult to Discuss Marriage?

As a forward to the 2006 book "The Meaning of Marriage", prominent ethicist Jean Bethke Elshtain, who passed away earlier this week, wrote this insightful piece on the marriage debate.

The Public Discourse:

One reason, of course, is that we all have a stake in the debate and its outcome. No one is left untouched by marriage, including those who never marry, because marriage is such a pervasive institution in our society. One recent estimate indicates that 88 percent of women and 82 percent of men will marry at some point.

Don't TalkGiven the importance of marriage as an institution for individuals and for society, the thoughtful citizen has every reason to expect, and even demand, a deep and thoughtful debate as the precondition for any change in how we understand marriage and encourage it to take shape. One need only reflect on previous alterations in the regulation of marriage in order to understand that changes in marriage law have consequences that intellectuals, politicians, and citizens alike should think through thoroughly before endorsing.

When one looks back on the debates that took place in the late 1960s and early 1970s over changing the divorce laws of this country—leading to the wide-scale institutionalization of no-fault divorce—there was much debate about the rights of women stuck in unhappy marriages. There were few serious discussions about what effects no-fault divorce would have on the institution of marriage; how social perception of marriage as a normative institution would subsequently change; how its purpose in society might be altered; what historical and philosophical roots anchored the movement; what effect widespread no-fault divorce might have on how we raise children and prepare them to become responsible citizens. Certainly people did not consider the negative impact no-fault divorce would have on women themselves!

But we have now learned that divorce is strongly associated with the immiseration of women: studies indicate, for example, that between one-fifth and one-third of women fall into poverty in the wake of a divorce. At the time, there were a few who argued that no-fault divorce would have significant social repercussions, but the ensuing highly-charged debate, again narrowly cast in terms of individual rights, muted their voices. Any opposition was construed as anti-feminist, despite the fact that many of the concerns expressed were precisely about the well-being of women who faced divorce.

...Responsible social scientists and political theorists always caution that major social change—and same-sex marriage involves something more basic than no-fault divorce—always trails negative unintended consequences in its wake. It follows that this recognition, for which there is a mountain of compelling evidence, should caution us to move with great care if we aim to alter the fundamental human institution that has always been the groundwork of social life.

Breaking Bad Across the Nation

NOM National Newsletter

Breaking Bad in the Nation's Capital

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Fifty years ago, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream:

"I have a dream...when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!'"

Who would think we would live to see the day when a black Mayor of the District of Columbia would use not only local but federal funds to ban a Grammy-award winning black pastor from performing at a concert in honor of Rev. King because — he believes and says that Christ liberated him from "the sin of homosexuality."

Mayor Vincent Grey admits he made the decision to ban Donnie McClurkin from singing, in spite of a signed contract to do so, because gay activists consider him too controversial — calling him vile and claiming his performance would be at odds with the spirit of Dr. King.

The Mayor's office tried to pretend it was a mutual decision, but Pastor McClurkin is not going to let the lie stand:

The black churches in D.C. are up in arms, but they are not yet able to dislodge the new man-made moral law: "Thou shall affirm all things homosexual no matter what the Bible says." Read their statement here.

Breaking Down Intolerance With Love and Courage

When we first started to point out that gay marriage was not just going to be about private liberty and public tolerance — but would result in limits on freedom of speech and religion — many people called us liars or fools. Now, we are looking more and more like prophets. I wish it weren't so, but things, my dear friends, are breaking bad, very bad.

We will need to draw inspiration and strength from the courageous giants like Rev. Dr. King who faced a far worse barrage of hatred and unjust man-made laws than you and I (God willing) ever will have to face. Men and women like Dr. King faithfully adhered to the most often repeated command in the Bible: Be not afraid.

He spoke truth to power, and never descended to hatred. That's a man of God. That's a man for our time. That's a man for all time.

Breaking Bad in Iowa

It's hard to believe, but even in Iowa opponents of God's design for marriage have resorted to name calling, threats, and bias behavior.

In Sioux City, during the 2010 campaign to unseat three renegade judges, Scott Raasch sent this email to a Christian pastor, Rev. Cary Gordon, who campaigned against gay marriage:

Raasch wrote, "You will get what's coming to you sooner or later. I hope you rot in hell," adding, "I think there are many people that deserve to burn in hell...including you and your entire family."

These are not the words of tolerance or civility, and they certainly do not lift up human rights.

Despite these threats, Mr. Raasch now sits on the Sioux City Human Rights Commission. Even though he's since apologized for his outrageous language, can Iowans who believe in true marriage really expect justice and impartiality when the person responsible for protecting human rights so viciously attacks the right to speak the truth about marriage?

Similarly, the Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board, chaired by a woman who used to work for one of the judges we helped Iowans unseat, is targeting the National Organization for Marriage. After a homosexual activist filed a frivolous complaint against NOM, the Executive Director and General Counsel of the Board effectively convicted NOM in absentia, declaring NOM to be "absolutely wrong" without ever seeing the evidence.

Bias and vitriol are not things I normally think of when I think of Iowa, but this is the fight supporters of true marriage face in that state.

We will stand strong and fight back. Thank you for your words of encouragement, and your prayers.

Breaking Bad at the IRS (Still)

The administrative state has tools to make life difficult for disfavored political groups. And the IRS scandal continues to be a perfect case study.

If you do just one thing this week for marriage, please, write to the House Ways and Means Committee to:

  • demand justice for pro-marriage supporters around this country

  • demand they use the power of the subpoena to get to the bottom of the IRS attacks on the National Organization for Marriage, as well as other groups

  • demand to know how the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) got our private tax documents. We know they originated from within the IRS itself. We know that the head of the HRC was a national campaign chairman for President Obama. Who leaked the documents to our opponents at the HRC, and what, if any, role did the White House play in this scandal?

  • demand IRS Commissioner Steve Miller tell the truth about how a felony can be committed against taxpayers by releasing private information—and no-one get disciplined at all?

Please contact your congressman and demand justice for pro-marriage taxpayers in this country. You can look up your representative's contact information here.

Breaking Bad in the Private Sector

Frank Turek knows what it's like to be targeted for his views and also how a Christian hero responds. You may remember Frank from NOM's MarriageADA video:

He lost a job with Cisco Systems after a student Googled him and discovered he had written a book (check it out here) opposing gay marriage. Not for anything he said or did on the job, but for his political and religious views.

If you live in Charlotte, North Carolina, or can travel there, you can hear Frank firsthand on how to respond to persecution from a Christian worldview. He'll be at the 20th Annual National Conference on Christian Apologetics "Reasons for the Hope" Oct. 11 and 12 at the First Baptist Church Indian Trail in Charlotte.

Millenials Resist Breaking Bad and Stand for Marriage

Another reason for hope: Chris Marlink's powerful testimony "Millenials Will Save Marriage." Hundreds of young people are pledging themselves to be the MarriageGeneration:

"[H]ere's my counterintuitive thesis: Millennials, that same generation poised to throw it all away, will save marriage. They'll do it the way sailors have made progress in strong headwinds for thousands of years. They'll tack...

Over the next several weeks I'll offer a few of the tacks that millennial Christians can take to redeem and Before proceeding, let me state that I don't believe legally redefining marriage so as to include same-sex couples will be the death of marriage. As I'll explain shortly, marriage is at the center of God's redemptive plan for mankind and is beyond our ability to remake or destroy...

Millennials who hold orthodox convictions on marriage are not in a race to stop marriage from being redefined. Supposing most Americans understand marriage as "love and commitment," then let us acknowledge that this exclusively personal understanding of marriage, sundered from any of the societal implications of the union, already represents a redefinition. Same-sex "marriage" is a near unassailable eventuality if marriage means solely "love and commitment." Our task then, is not to stop a redefinition of marriage: it is to correct a redefinition. It is to redeem and restore marriage in the hearts and minds of our neighbors. If we do that, the law will follow."

Let me close with a reminder of another set of eternal words of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr from a letter that he wrote while sitting in the Birmingham jail: " A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law."

Have faith and keep the faith: The arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice. Can there be anything more just than preserving the sacred principle that marriage unites men and women to each other, and provides the ideal environment to raise and nurture any children that are born of that union?

Fight hard for the truth, with love, and pray for all of us on the front lines of the marriage fight.


Brian S. Brown