State and County Officials Defying New Mexico’s Marriage Law

One News Now reports on the lawlessness taking place in New Mexico, and our action alert to keep the pressure on Governor Martinez.

NOM is asking New Mexico residents to press Governor Susana Martinez (R) to intervene and defend marriage as between one man and one woman. Attorney General King – who plans to seek the Democratic nomination for governor next year and very likely run against Martinez – also declined to step in when Doña Ana County Clerk Lynn Ellins began issuing same-gender marriage licenses last Wednesday.

“The good news out of that is that over two dozen state legislators have now decided to intervene and take the county clerk to court to stop this lawlessness,” Plante explains. “And no matter what you think about the marriage issue, we all ought to be concerned about the rule of law in our country.”


Governor Martinez has been a strong supporter of traditional marriage and she needs to hear from youUrge her to intervene in order to restore the rule of law and the rightful definition of marriage in New Mexico.

Churches Change Bylaws to Protect Themselves from Lawsuits

By now, you've probably heard about the same-sex couple attempting to force the Church of England into performing a same-sex wedding for them. Even though the couple can get married elsewhere, perhaps at a church that would have no problem holding a ceremony, one of the men complained that he was "still not getting what he wanted". Okaaay.

Now churches across the nation are moving to protect themselves against potential lawsuits from same-sex couples. AP:

Church PewsWorried they could be sued by gay couples, some churches are changing their bylaws to reflect their view that the Bible allows only marriage between one man and one woman.

Critics say the changes are unnecessary, but some churches fear that it's only a matter of time before one of them is sued.

Kevin Snider is an attorney with the Pacific Justice Institute, a nonprofit legal defense group that specializes in conservative Christian issues. His organization released a model marriage policy a few years ago in response to a statewide gay marriage fight in California. Snider said some religious leaders have been threatened with lawsuits for declining to perform same-sex wedding ceremonies.

Dean Inserra, head pastor of the 1,000-member City Church Tallahassee, based in Florida, said he does not want to be alarmist, but his church is looking into how best to address the issue.

Inserra said he already has had to say no to gay friends who wanted him to perform a wedding ceremony.

Eric Rassbach [an attorney with the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty] said it was important for churches to get their beliefs in writing before a dispute arises, otherwise it can look to a court as if something was done after the fact as an attempt to cover up hostility to gays.

Redefining Marriage and the Concept of Freedom

In his column today, First Things editor R.R. Reno discusses the concepts of freedom and discipline. And why same-sex marriage is intimately tied to both.’s very palpable here in New York and entirely accepted and affirmed by the well-educated twenty-somethings who flock here—it’s not surprising that we see people cherishing compensatory freedoms. The hard-working twenty-somethings have tattoos, dye their hair weird colors, and want to organize their intimate lives without rigid limits and invasive rules.

Rainbow FlagRedefining marriage becomes an obvious imperative, but not because of abstract claims about equality. It’s a powerful institution that disciplines us, not only sexually, but in many other intimate ways as well. Today many, perhaps most, want this power to serve our freedom. Thus our new cultural ideal, which is by no means limited to gays and lesbians: marriage is the creation of the love of individuals, not an institution with rigid roles and rules.

Same-sex marriage, gay adoption, sexual freedom? We’re under tremendous pressure to affirm these goals because the top level of society is turning in on itself. As is always the case when society isn’t facing external threats or internal chaos, the powerful seek greater freedom, because they’re the ones in the best position to take advantage of it.

True, the Left wants a finely woven safety net for those who use their freedoms unwisely, while the Right tends to go the other direction, arguing that people need to suffer the consequences of their choices so that they’ll make better choices in the future. But the political and policy differences operate mostly on the surface. At a deeper level our leadership class is consolidating around a generally libertarian outlook that accepts and affirms ways in which the authority of the marketplace and its ministering disciplines have superseded the older authorities.

Same sex marriage is the issue today because our culture is now dominated by people for whom freedom is (conveniently for them) the solution to most problems. People don’t have jobs? Answer: more freedom. Terrorists want to kill us? Answer: more freedom. People are unhappy in their intimate lives? Answer: more freedom.

Read the full article over at First Things.

Demand Chairman Camp Subpoena IRS Perpetrators

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The IRS is back in the news this week, with liberal media pundits trying to downplay charges of political targeting based on alleged new evidence that left-leaning groups were impacted along with conservatives. This new spin might be used to try to convince federal legislators to stop digging into what went on at the IRS during the last election cycle. We can't let that happen.

We need you, no matter where you are, to contact Chairman Dave Camp of the Ways and Means Committee. The Ways and Means Committee has held hearings on the IRS scandal but has not used all their power to resolve this issue. Please call AND email Chairman Camp urging him to make sure this powerful committee subpoenas and puts under oath critical players in this criminal investigation.

Remember, NOM's story with the IRS has always been markedly different from various other accounts of inappropriate political targeting and harassment reported by non-profit groups. NOM and its supporters were the victims of a felony at the hands of the IRS! And yet we still don't have answers as to who was involved and whether justice will be served.

That's why I need you to take this important step today: Email and call Congressman Dave Camp right now, urging him to use the full leverage of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee its subpoena powers to get to the bottom of this outrageous scandal!

No matter what the 'new evidence' touted by the mainstream media may mean for the broader IRS scandal, it certainly doesn't explain away these troubling facts:

  • In March 2012, someone at the IRS leaked the National Organization for Marriage's confidential tax return to the same-sex marriage lobbying group, Human Rights Campaign — and NOM has evidence to prove it.
  • After the leak, the HRC used this document (2008 Form 990 Schedule B) to harass NOM and the dozens of major donors named on the confidential release.
  • At the time of the incident, HRC President Joe Solomnese was serving as a national co-chair to reelect President Barack Obama.
  • To date, the IRS, the DOJ, and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) have all failed to bring charges against the individual or individuals who perpetrated this crime, and NOM's frequent demands for information on the investigation have been consistently ignored.

There's no spin cycle that can remove the stain of scandal here. We need answers, and we need them now!

That's why Chairman Camp needs to hear from you right away. Insist that House Ways and Means subpoena Joe Solomnese and other HRC staff for questions about their knowledge of or role in this crime, and demand that IRS officials make a full disclosure of what their internal investigations have revealed.

And this matter is so important that, after you have taken time to email Chairman Camp's office, I'd ask you to pick up a phone and place a call as well. The number for Chairman Camp's office is 989-631-2552.

Remember, NOM's story is not simply about political targeting and inappropriate scrutiny — that would be bad enough! But we were victims of a felony disclosure of confidential documents to a political group known for its aggressive harassment of our organization and its supporters. That sort of thing simply cannot be allowed happen in an agency as far-reaching and powerful as the IRS without serious consequences.

So please email Congressman Camp today, and give his office a call at 989-631-2552. Demand that House Ways and Means get to the bottom of this matter, subpoena those involved, and bring justice to those who broke the law.


Brian S. Brown

Opposition Rises in Response to Lawlessness in New Mexico

More than two dozen GOP legislators are moving to stop clerks in Doña Ana County from illegally issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Flag of New MexicoSanta Fe New Mexican:

Republican Sen. William Sharer of Farmington said a lawsuit will be filed, potentially by the end of the week, seeking a court order to stop County Clerk Lynn Ellins.

“It has to do with a county clerk cannot make law. That is the Legislature’s job,” said Sharer, who sponsored a constitutional amendment in 2011 to define marriage as between a man and woman.

He said more than two dozen GOP lawmakers have agreed to join the lawsuit. It likely will be filed with the state Supreme Court, but Sharer said lawyers were trying to decide the best legal strategy.

Contact Gov. Martinez to thank her for her strong support of marriage and urge her to intervene in its legal defense in New Mexico.

Cardinal Wuerl: “Truth is Never Discrimination”

Never be afraid to speak the truth about marriage. Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington wrote on his blog last week:

Cardinal_Wuerl"As state after state considers changing its laws on the definition of marriage, all of us have had to think about the nature of love, the meaning of marriage and the teaching of the Gospel.

“In the debate over the nature of marriage, even the White House chose to use words like ‘discrimination’ to describe the position of people of good faith who simply disagree with the President’s stance.” And in states where the legal definition of marriage has been challenged in the legislature and/or the courts, “words like ‘bigotry,’ ‘discrimination’ and ‘hatred’ have been bandied about with nothing more to support them than the actual fact that some people think that the definition of marriage really and truly is between a man and a woman.

“Too often the people who claim to be able to read the minds of other people and thus can denounce them as bigots are prepared to say in the next breath not only are your opinions not welcome, but neither are you any longer.” -Marriage: Unique for a Reason

85% of Americans Say Christian Photographer Has Right to Refuse Same-Sex Ceremony

We've heard a lot of stories recently about people of faith being forced to compromise their religious beliefs over same-sex marriage (bakery owners in Oregon, a florist in Washington state, innkeepers in Vermont...). But a new Rasmussen poll shows the vast majority of Americans are highly opposed to business owners being penalized or sued for running their business according to their own personal beliefs and values.

In fact, just 8% of the population answered "no" when asked the question "Suppose a Christian wedding photographer has deeply held religious beliefs opposing same-sex marriage. If asked to work a same-sex wedding ceremony, should that wedding photographer have the right to say no?"

Wedding PhotographerMore Republicans (96 percent) than Democrats (77 percent) agreed with the photographer's right to deny a gay wedding request. Ninety-seven percent of evangelical Christians and 92 percent of weekly churchgoers said the same. But even 88 percent of atheists agreed that the photographer has the right to say no.

This comes four months after the latest development in the famous Willock v. Elane Photography case, where Vanessa Willock and her partner, Misti Collinsworth, sued Christian couple Elaine and Jon Huguenin for this very denial in 2006. In 2008, the New Mexico Human Rights Commission found the Huguenins guilty of sexual discrimination, and the New Mexico Court of Appeals upheld this ruling last May.

The Alliance Defense Fund, which defended the Huguenins and their company, Elane Photography LLC, has taken their case to the New Mexico Supreme Court. The court heard ADF Senior Counsel Jordan Lorence's oral arguments on March 11. On Wednesday, an ADF spokesman told CP that "ADF attorneys are still waiting for the decision from the New Mexico Supreme Court." -Christian Post

Business owners and employees should never be threatened with legal action for abiding by the tenets of their faith. If you or anyone you know has been threatened, harassed, or intimidated because you believe in the truth about marriage, we want to hear your story. You are not alone.

You've Been Framed, NOM Marriage News

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Prof John Eastman, Chairman of our board, is one sharp legal eagle. Watch him take on and demolish the idea that the Supreme Court has authorized county clerks in Pennsylvania and other states to just hand out 'marriage' licenses to gay couples lawlessly, without even the cover of a court order.

Watch Prof. John Eastman on PBS New Hour lay down the law to James Esseks from the ACLU:

The people that are opposed to redefining the very core institution of marriage are going to continue to fight. Justice Kennedy's opinion in the Defense of Marriage Act case rests heavily on the fact that states are the primary determiners of marriage policy in our country. . . .The statutes and the state constitutional provisions that define marriage as it has been through most of human history, as a man and a woman, don't need to be changed.

All over this country people are facing the question: submit or stand up. Prof. John Eastman points out how many people are choosing to stand up and speak truth to power:

I think the other side of [the] coin is what we saw happen in Illinois. The African-American pastors rose up and they almost single-handedly stopped the redefinition of marriage bill from going through the Illinois legislature.

The new powers want you to believe that giving up is the only option. They are continually coming up with creative new strategies to suppress your rights, and the rights of millions of other Americans who believe marriage is the union of husband and wife.

Karger: "My Effort is to Silence Your Voice"

Our own Chris Plante told One News Now about a conversation he had with Fred Karger, heralded in the gay media for running around the country filing false complaints without any evidence that NOM violates campaign disclosure laws. His hope is that somewhere some minor oversight will trigger an unfair "investigation" and force NOM to reveal its donors to the public. Chris reports Karger is quite open and honest about his goal, "My effort is to dry up your funding stream and silence your voice," he said.

To "silence your voice"—that's what the Fred Kargers of the world want. To silence the voice of traditional believers across the board.

And so the "creative" strategies multiply, because if you can redefine marriage you can redefine election laws too, right?

We have a word for the political extortion dynamic (now unfolding under Obamacare) of a government passing broad regulations and then granting special exemptions to favored businesses (those who donate and help elect politicians): crony capitalism.

We need a new word for the aggressive new attempt to apply that Chicago way to nonprofits.

Laws are enforced unequally with favored groups getting exemptions that political groups disfavored by powerful elites do not get. This is political corruption aimed at our core rights to participate in democracy on a free and equal basis.

Political Exemptions: Your Freedom Redefined

I want to point out to you a story you would otherwise miss, about an "ethics law" championed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in New York requiring nonprofits that do any lobbying at all to reveal their donors.

The law, passed 2 years ago, supposedly safeguards free speech by permitting the state ethics board to grant exemptions to the law for nonprofits whose donors might be endangered by being publicly revealed.

We saw how "state ethics commissions" can be influenced by politics, though, when the Maine ethics commission rejected its own staff recommendations and proceeded to open an investigation into NOM. We saw the same dynamic in Iowa, where the state ethics chairman slammed NOM by falsely describing our legal position to the media. Despite the fact that the Board has confirmed that there is no evidence pointing to any violation on NOM's part.

So now we have a state ethics commission in charge of determining who gets to participate safely in the political process in New York. And guess who is the first, and so far only, nonprofit that the commission has exempted from disclosure law? NARAL Pro-Choice New York.

That's right: government grants a politically powerful and engaged pro-abortion lobby special protections from a law passed by a Democratic governor.

Even the New York Times smells something fishy, noting:

NARAL has been so politically active: waging a campaign last year to help Democrats take control of the State Senate; spending $425,000 on lobbying this year, pushing an abortion rights measure put forth by Mr. Cuomo; and vowing to go after incumbent Republican senators next year.

Donor disclosure laws do not apply to friends of Andrew Cuomo in New York.

Our friends over at New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms are among groups applying for an exemption, but so far: stonewalled.

It's a political protection racket, posing as a disclosure law.

I have to give a shout-out to the New York Civil Liberties Union, though, because they too recognize the threat this law poses to freedom of speech and democratic process:

"People say nasty things about us or call us up all the time, and we can take that," said Arthur Eisenberg, the group's legal director. "It's the individual donors who shouldn't need to take that, and the price of their association with us, and their participation in the First Amendment activity of lobbying, should not be at the cost of their feeling secure and free from threats and retaliation."

Amen to that!

You've Been Framed

Many of you wrote to say you've read the new Public Discourse essay "Now that We are All Haters," about the power of the mainstream media and the gay rights lobby to choose the language, the stories, and the narratives around gay marriage. In particular the power of the narratives that frame those of us who stand up for marriage and the Biblical tradition as "haters" and "bigots".

I should point out (because a lot of you missed it!) this essay is by that other Brian Brown, the Princeton alum who runs Narrator, a communications consultancy that "uses neuroscience and social network theory to build powerful support communities around products and causes."

The other Brian talks about speaking to young conservatives, some of whom support gay marriage but most of whom just want to get out of the crosshairs:

The most common sentiment: even though none thought a same-sex relationship was a marriage, almost none wanted to play for a losing team whose objective was a national stranglehold on people's happiness.

Can we surrender truth to escape the power of their hatred towards us, their capacity to saturate the media with narratives libeling good, decent, loving and law-abiding people as haters?

This kind of media social punishment has a cultural effect, no doubt.

But do the American people really believe in gay marriage?

We got more evidence the answer is "no" from a surprising source: Reason Magazine, which is editorially a pro-gay marriage libertarian slant.

Reason reports on a recent Fox News poll about gay marriage that asked, "using two different word frames," whether folks support or oppose same-sex 'marriage': and the two methods yielded dramatically different results. But both put the lie to the argument that somehow redefining marriage is somehow inevitable.

The first frame asked about "changing the definition of the word marriage to also include same-sex couples", and found that Americans oppose redefining marriage by 56 percent to 39 percent.

But in the same poll Fox asked if respondents would favor "legalizing same-sex marriage." Here Americans split 46 percent in favor and 47 percent opposed with 7 percent undecided—still far short of the supposed majority other mainstream media outlets would have you believe support same-sex marriage.

Americans don't really believe gay unions are marriages. We found the same thing in our November 2012 poll of voters: 3 in 5 Americans said marriage is ONLY the union of a man and a woman.

So don't lose hope. In the end truth trumps falsehood, and the Love that created us will protect those who stand with Him and protect His creations.

That's why I admire you so much; I know it takes courage in the darkness to light a candle, to have faith, and to work hard for what is true, and good, and loving and right.

God bless you and thank you again.

It is a privilege to stand shoulder to shoulder with you in this great fight for the country we love.


Brian S. Brown

National Organization for Marriage Denounces the New Mexico Supreme Court's Decision to Force People of Faith to Compromise Their Religious Beliefs

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"This decision is outrageous. While simultaneously admitting that this decision will harm the Huguenins, the court uses its full power of coercion to force them to compromise their beliefs." — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today denounced the decision of the New Mexico Supreme Court to force Christian photographers to violate their beliefs by photographing a same-sex commitment ceremony or be sanctioned by the State. The ruling in Elane Photography v. Willock flies in the face of all Americans' First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion.

"This decision is outrageous. While simultaneously admitting that this decision will harm the Huguenins, the court uses its full power of coercion to force them to compromise their beliefs," declared Brian Brown, NOM president. "This is not what this country was founded upon; governmental coercion has no place in the public square never mind the freedom of religion supposedly enjoyed by the Huguenins."

NOM and scholars on both sides of the issue have long agreed that redefining marriage will be a direct threat to Americans' First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion. Increasingly, gay-'marriage' activists are using the courts to force people of faith to violate their beliefs when a myriad of other options exist for the same-sex couples in question.

"While the court calls for compromise, they got it wrong in this case," continued Brown. "The Huguenins should not have to compromise. Their beliefs are constitutionally protected. But the Willocks could easily have compromised by going to another photographer who would not have had such a conflict. Instead the Willocks forced the issue and used the power of the court to put the Huguenins in an impossible position - compromise their beliefs or give up their livelihood. There is nothing just about that."

The courts forcing people of faith into impossible positions is a growing trend. Like the Huguenins in New Mexico, Bed and Breakfast owners Mary and Jim O'Reilly in Vermont lost a similar case in 2012. As a result, the O'Reillys were fined $30,000 and ordered to stop hosting all wedding activities. Similarly in Washington State, Christian-owned Arlene's Flowers has been sued by the state for declining to serve a same-sex 'marriage' ceremony.

"People of faith should not be coerced to denying their beliefs or losing their livelihoods," concluded Brown. "There are plenty of photographers, bed and breakfast owners, or florists who would happily serve same-sex ceremonies. However, same-sex 'marriage' activists are not concerned with getting service, but instead forcing Americans of faith to compromise their beliefs and support something they know is objectively wrong."

A recent Rasmussen poll on this issue demonstrates that 85% of Americans believe that if "a Christian wedding photographer who has deeply held religious beliefs opposing same-sex marriage is asked to work a same-sex wedding ceremony" they have the right to say 'no.' Only 8% believe the photographer should be forced to serve the couple.


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

New Group Pushes to Redefine Marriage in the Hoosier State

The Indy Channel:

Indiana Capitol BuildingA coalition of businesses and activist groups has begun its push to defeat an amendment that would write Indiana's same-sex marriage ban into the state constitution.

[Freedom Indiana] Campaign Manager Megan Robertson says passing the amendment would strip gay and lesbian residents of their rights and harm Indiana's reputation. She calls the campaign against the amendment a bipartisan push.

The Republican-dominated Legislature passed the amendment in 2011, but the measure must pass a second time and be approved by voters before it's added to the state constitution.

The Indiana Legislature and Indiana voters will likely have the final say on the controversial debate next year.

New Mexico County Clerk Breaks Law; Issues Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

First Pennsylvania, now New Mexico. Another county clerk has taken it upon himself to completely ignore state law and issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. ABC News:

Dona Ana County Clerk Lynn Ellins said his office had provided 35 licenses to same-sex couples compared to four or five given on an average day to heterosexual couples.

Wecome to New MexicoEllins said he had been considering issuing the licenses since June, when [New Mexico Attorney General Gary] King released a position paper saying state laws don't allow same-sex marriage.

Ellins, however, said "any further denial of marriage licenses to these couples violates the United States and New Mexico Constitution and the New Mexico Human Rights Act."

"I see no reason to make committed couples in Dona Ana County wait another minute to marry," he added in his statement.

Still, [King] warned that marriage licenses issued by county clerks could become invalid if the state Supreme Court later rules that same-sex marriage is not allowed.

Take action to STOP this reckless behavior in Dona Ana County. Email Governor Martinez and urge her to intervene so the rule of law and the rightful definition of marriage can be restored in New Mexico.

Marriage Emergency — Lawlessness in New Mexico

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Same-sex 'marriage' activists in New Mexico are not content to wait for the courts. Now they have found a county clerk willing to defy the Governor and Attorney General by issuing illegal 'marriage' licenses to same-sex couples.

It was reported yesterday that Dona Ana County Clerk, Lynn Ellins will start issuing same-sex 'marriage' licenses, against the express directive of the Attorney General. In June, Attorney General King issued a position paper stating same sex marriages are illegal in New Mexico and asked clerks to not begin issuing such 'licenses.' Nevertheless, the Attorney General refuses to put a stop to the issuance of these illegal documents, and that is why the Governor must act right away.

The battle for marriage as God designed has come to The Land of Enchantment; and it's your turn to stand in the breach. Every person who believes marriage to be the union of one man and one woman needs to contact Governor Martinez, urging her and her administration to give their full support to the defense of marriage.

Governor Martinez has been a strong supporter of traditional marriage, now we need her to put the weight of her office behind this vital institution's defense. Please contact Governor Martinez and urge her to intervene to stop the lawlessness in Dona Ana County. Like her colleague Governor Corbett of Pennsylvania, Governor Martinez can and should step in to uphold the rule of law in New Mexico.

Governor Martinez needs to do two things:

  1. Stop the lawless behavior in Dona Ana County; and

  2. Defend the marriage laws of her state in light of Attorney General King's refusal to do so.

This latest action goes beyond the pending lawsuits in New Mexico and moves into the realm of lawlessness and anarchy. County Clerks are not free to make up law on their own; it is there job to uphold the law and serve the people who elected them. But rather than wait for the legal process to conclude Mr. Ellins has gone rogue and chosen to defy the Governor and the Attorney General.

You can make a difference. In Pennsylvania over 700 people contacted Governor Corbett urging him to intervene, and he did.

Please take the time today to contact Governor Martinez and urge her to stand for marriage in the New Mexico courts.

Please, after you have taken action today, use the buttons below to forward and share this email with your family and friends so they can join you in standing for marriage in The Land of Enchantment.

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For our families and the children to come,

Brian S. Brown

"Serial, Frivolous Case Filer" Targets NOM

What's the best way to weaken and silence those you disagree with? Intimidation and threats, of course. At least that's what some same-sex marriage activists believe. "Serial, frivolous case filer" Fred Karger is well aware of the important work that NOM has done, and continues to do, to protect marriage across the nation. He also knows there are millions of Americans who support our mission. Now he's making his agenda clear:

A homosexual activist is attempting to weaken the National Organization for Marriage and eat away at its donor list.

Fred-Karger“This same gentleman, an openly gay activist who fancies himself president of the United States one day, has filed similar complaints in Maine and California,” says [NOM regional director Chris Plante]. “And at no time has NOM been found guilty of any wrongdoing.”

“It's an effort to silence people who would stand for marriage in the public square,” says Plante, “who would criticize and critique our politicians and judges who redefine marriage against the will of the people.

The complaint stems from NOM's successful work to oust three activist Iowa Supreme Court justices who legalized homosexual marriage from the bench.

“I spoke with the gentleman who filed the complaint and he was quite honest,” Plante tells OneNewsNow. “He said, My effort is to dry up your funding stream and silence your voice. And he knows that by forcing NOM to reveal donors, which we do not have to do under the law, will certainly scare people from donating.” -One News Now

"Albany, where even transparency is discussed in secret"

The New York Times reports on the New York State Ethics Commission's questionable handling of requests for exemption from a state law, now two years old, that forces non-profits that engage in lobbying to turn over names of donors.

The recent dust-up comes after the commission voted to provide an exemption to Naral Pro-Choice New York. The list of critics that decision has garnered includes the New York ACLU:

"People say nasty things about us or call us up all the time, and we can take that," said Arthur Eisenberg, the group’s legal director. "It’s the individual donors who shouldn’t need to take that, and the price of their association with us, and their participation in the First Amendment activity of lobbying, should not be at the cost of their feeling secure and free from threats and retaliation."

Read more here.


Iowa Ethics and Campaign Finance Board Confirms No Facts Point to a Violation of Law

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The following should be attributed to Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).

"The National Organization for Marriage made known to the Board its serious concerns about the possible prejudice against NOM by the Executive Director and Legal Counsel. The Board made a decision which dismissed NOM's concerns, but at the same time, the Board reaffirmed to NOM that it has not made a determination in any manner whatsoever that NOM has violated Iowa law, contrary to previous press reports. The Board has confirmed that it has no facts to support such a finding and that it is incumbent upon the Board to now gather the facts that will inform the Board whether a violation has occurred. NOM will continue to fully cooperate with the Board to furnish the evidence which will clearly demonstrate that no violation of the law occurred. NOM takes very seriously its legal compliance obligations and NOM is confident that once the Board reviews the facts and the evidence, this frivolous complaint will be dismissed."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).