Dump Starbucks: Bloggers Edition

Shane Vander Hart of Caffeinated Thoughts (an Iowa conservative politics blog):

...Starbucks has claimed to be “post politics and post partisan” nevertheless decided to jump into the political fray back in January in order as a corporation throw its support behind same sex marriage legislation in Washington State. They are obviously free to do that, and we are free to demonstrate our disapproval. It seems to be a odd business decision to make a decision that will alienate roughly half of your customer base.

And yet they did. Voluntarily and apparently enthusiastically as reported by Maggie Gallagher, co-founder of the National Organization of Marriage who attended a recent shareholders meeting [...] thus the Dump Starbucks campaign was born. A portion of every coffee, bag of coffee beans or ground coffee, lattes, etc. purchased goes toward their assault on traditional marriage. If the CEO, Howard Schultz, decided to just personally get involved that’s a completely different thing, but they decided as a corporation to get involved – shareholders, employees, and customers who believe differently be damned.

Until they shift back into a neutral position, while I’ll miss my French Roast Coffee Beans and Café Americanos, I can get my coffee elsewhere.

Man Demoted For Pro-Marriage Facebook Comments Denied UK Human Rights Laws

The UK Christian Concern:

A Judge has ruled that a Christian who was demoted for posting private comments on his Facebook page criticising the introduction of “gay marriage” in churches cannot rely on his human rights to defend himself.

... Mr Smith had posted a comment on his private Facebook page, out of working hours, suggesting that the introduction of “gay marriage” was “an equality too far.”

... A spokesman for the Christian Institute, which is supporting Mr Smith, said:

“This ruling, while not fatal to Mr Smith’s case, is deeply concerning. It reinforces the widely-held perception that Christians are not afforded the same human rights as others.

“If the shoe were on the other foot, if an employee had been disciplined for advocating gay marriage, it is inconceivable that human rights arguments wouldn’t apply.”

Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, commented:

“Adrian Smith has been demoted and has received a big pay cut just for expressing a privately held opinion outside of work, an opinion that merely supports the current legal definition of marriage.”

“This ruling highlights the continuing reluctance of the judiciary to recognise and uphold the rights of Christians to express their beliefs freely. It also confirms the suspicions of many that the introduction of same-sex ‘marriage’ will deeply damage freedom of speech and freedom of belief in this nation.”

Slovenia Votes No on Same-Sex Marriage, Overturning Law Adopted by Parliament

The Turtle Bay and Beyond blog (covering international law, policy and institutions):

Yesterday, Slovenia held a post-legislative referendum on the new Family Code that was adopted in the Slovenian parliament in June 2011.

In a popular vote, 55% of voters rejected the new Family Code and 45% supported the law. Turnout was 30% on a sunny Sunday.

The people of Slovenia expressed their belief that motherhood and fatherhood are both unique and represent a fundamental value; for the good of a child,” said Aleš Primc, head of the Civil Initiative that proposed the referendum.

...This was a first referendum of this kind in an EU member state and is likely to become an important point of reference for any further legislation in this area in the region of Central Europe.

... On 3 February 2012 the Civil Initiative delivered well over 40,000 verified signatures, needed to hold a referendum on the new Family Code to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia.

Following the rejection of the new Family Code at this referendum, this legislation is now scrapped and Slovenia will go back to the drawing board, with a recently established new Slovenian government, and a clear message from the Slovenian people.

Let the people vote!

NOM Proud of Strong Record on Minority Partnerships

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

"We proudly bring together people of different races, creeds and colors to fight for our most fundamental institution: marriage."—Brian Brown, president—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The following statement may be attributed to Brian S. Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, concerning documents written in 2009 and provided by NOM to the state of Maine:

“The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) was formed in 2007 and has worked extensively with supporters of traditional marriage from every color, creed and background. We have worked with prominent African-American and Hispanic leaders, including Dr. Alveda C. King, Bishop George McKinney of the COGIC Church, Bishop Harry Jackson and the New York State Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz Sr., all of whom share our concern about protecting marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

“Gay marriage advocates have attempted to portray same-sex marriage as a civil right, but the voices of these and many other leaders have provided powerful witness that this claim is patently false. Gay marriage is not a civil right, and we will continue to point this out in written materials such as those released in Maine. We proudly bring together people of different races, creeds and colors to fight for our most fundamental institution: marriage.”


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

CBN Video: "Starbucks Boycotted Over Gay Marriage Support"

The Christian Broadcasting Network reports:

NOM Congratulates Prof. Robert George's Appointment to the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom

From the office of Speaker of the House John Boehner:

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following release announcing his appointment of Dr. Robert P. George to the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom:

“Dr. George is a respected and leading voice for religious freedom, and I’m pleased that he will bring his passion for this issue and legal expertise to the commission. No person should live in fear of persecution for worshipping as they see fit or be forced by government mandate to disavow or compromise their faith. He will be a great resource in the House’s effort to defend this fundamental human right.

“This commission has a unique opportunity to call attention to efforts that threaten religious liberty around the globe, and I was pleased that Congress reauthorized it last year. Lastly, I appreciate the leadership of Rep. Frank Wolf, the founder of the commission, who has been a leader in Congress to ensure that religious freedom is protected in the U.S. and is appropriately addressed in our foreign policy.”

Prof. Robert George served as NOM's founding Chairman of the Board. All of us at NOM commend Prof. George on his latest distinction!

NH Union Leader: "Gay Marriage Fight Isn't Over, Legislators Say"

The New Hampshire Union Leader:

The move to repeal gay marriage may have been put to rest for now, but the battle is likely to continue, legislators say.

...The bill's prime sponsor, Rep. David Bates, R-Windham, said it is foolish to think the issue will not be back before lawmakers, particularly if there is a change in the governor's office.

...“If we have a governor the next term more favorable to traditional marriage,” Bates said Thursday, “that will change the dynamics considerably.”

... The two Democratic candidates for governor, former state senators Maggie Hassan of Exeter and Jackie Cilley of Barrington, support gay marriage. The two announced Republican candidates, Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith, oppose it.

... The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) plans to use its national donor base to raise at least $250,000 for television commercials and candidate donations to support candidates who favor repealing the law.

The group's president, Brian Brown, warned Wednesday it would target lawmakers who voted against the repeal.

“This is a sad day for New Hampshire families who in 2010 had elected what they thought was a solid pro-marriage majority,” Brown said. “They were once again let down by politicians who promised them one thing and then left them at the altar when the vote was on the line. These legislators will be held accountable.”

Jonathan Baker Explains NOM's Dump Starbucks Campaign to the Christian Post

The Christian Post interviews Jonathan Baker, director of NOM's Corporate Fairness project:

The National Organization for Marriage has announced that it is launching a boycott of Starbucks, the international coffee chain, along with its affiliates.

NOM decided to organize a boycott, dubbed the "Dump Starbucks" campaign, because the company's corporate leadership actively supported efforts to legalize same-sex marriage.

Jonathan Baker, director of NOM's Corporate Fairness Project, told The Christian Post that Starbucks' support for same-sex marriage goes beyond a mere statement from an executive.

"The support is not just the personal endorsement of a senior executive, but is the official corporate position of the company," said Baker.

"Obviously this position does not reflect the views of all customers and employees and the NOM protest and is designed to enable these customers and employees to have a voice."

Last GOP Flip-Flopper, Sen. Saland, to Face Primary Challenger

Sen. Stephen Saland, provided the critical 32nd vote for same-sex marriage last June. Now he too will face a primary challenger:

After Gannett reported today that no Republican candidate has surfaced to challenge Sen. Stephen Saland, R-Poughkeepsie, Neil Di Carlo of Putnam County said today he’ll take on the veteran senator.

... “The families of the 41st Senate District desperately need relief from mandates, crushing regulations, and high taxes from Albany,” Di Carlo, of Brewster, said in a statement. “Senator Saland has been in office for 32 years and he has not delivered.”

... Our families need a new voice in Albany that will deliver the benefits that flow from genuine conservative ideals and principles; this will not be a one-issue race,” Di Carlo said, hinting at the same-sex marriage issue. “That is why I am formally announcing my intention to seek the Conservative and Republican Parties endorsements for New York Senate in the 41st District.”

On his congressional campaign website, he says he’s pro-life and opposed to same-sex marriage.

Di Carlo said the “voters must have an opportunity to choose a conservative Republican who is not a liberal Democrat collaborator.” -- Politics on the Hudson

Sen. Diaz on NY Special Elections: "Gay Marriage Has Backfired on the Democrat Party"

Sen. Ruben Diaz, the pro-marriage hero who broke with his party last June and voted against gay marriage explains how gay marriage has backfired on the Democrat Party:

Gay marriage has backfired on the Democratic Party.

You should know that since Governor Andrew Cuomo pushed for gay marriage in the State of New York and convinced the Democratic Party in the Assembly and the Senate to follow his lead to legalize gay marriage, the Democratic Party in New York City has not won a single victory.

Starting with the defeat of David Weprin by Bob Turner for the Congressional seat vacated by Anthony Weiner, and most recently with the embarrassing defeat of Lew Fidler by David Storobin for the Senate seat vacated by Carl Kruger, the Democratic Party lost. In each special election, the Democratic candidate was expected to win handily given the composition of registered democrats in each district, and given the low turnout expected in special elections.

You can spin this any which way you want, but the fact of the matter remains that gay marriage has played a major role in the outcome of each of these elections. The support that the State Senate Democratic Conference gave for gay marriage has backfired on them to the point that as each day passes, it is more and more difficult and less and less possible for us to get back into the Senate Majority...

If Storobin Wins, He Won on the Orthodox Jewish Vote

Orthodox Pundit:

A reader sent me the election night breakdowns, and it shows that Storobin smashed Fidler in Dov Hikind’s 48th Assembly district, which is the heaviest Orthodox district and is often viewed as reflecting the wider Orthodox communities’ political leanings. Storobin’s showing there is only bettered by the 49th, which makes up a very minor part of the district.

According to the breakdowns by Ads, Storobin pulled in 834 votes on the R line and 181 on the C line, for a total of 1015 (69.14%); Fidler had 414 on the D line and 39 on the I line, totaling 453 votes, or 30.86%.

... Whatever the results are, the changes in AD 48 will probably be insignificant and it will continue to reflect the strong defiance in this Assembly district to high-profile directives. No wonder some are concerned by the Super-Jewish District that heart of it will be the AD-48.

Dump Starbucks: Texas Edition

KHOU Texas:

A new international Starbucks boycott campaign is under way over the company’s support of legalizing same sex marriage.

The National Organization for Marriage has launched the website, where people can sign a petition against the company or learn how to contact Starbucks directly.

"Starbucks has taken a corporate position in support of redefining marriage for all of society. We will not tolerate an international company attempting to force its misguided values on citizens,” said NOM president Brian Brown in a press release.

... NOM said it also plans to launch an advertising campaign in 55 countries, including the United States, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

"In many areas of the world where Starbucks does business, the concept of 'gay marriage' is unheard of and deeply offensive to cultural, moral and religious values,” NOM writes in a post on the dumpstarbucks website.

Tell Your Entire Town What Starbucks Is Up To!

Tell Your Entire Town What Starbucks Is Up To!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

In just a few days, nearly 20,000 of you have signed the DumpStarbucks petition, putting Starbucks on notice that their corporate attack on marriage is forcing you to buy your coffee elsewhere.

Help us cross the 25,000 threshold this week!

If you haven't yet signed the petition, click here to get all the details and add your name to the thousands who have already signed.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, it's important for all of us to continue spreading the word about Starbucks and its campaign for same-sex marriage.

One of the easiest ways for you to spread the word throughout your community is by a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Some of you write letters to the editor regularly—but for those who have never done so, we're making it simple. Just click here to get started—we've prepared a sample letter that you can customize, and then submit electronically through our website. Just be sure to provide contact info so that the editor can contact you if necessary to verify your submission.

Our goal is to submit 200 letters to the editor of newspapers across the country this week. Will you be one of the 200 willing to stand up and tell your community what Starbucks is doing to attack our shared values?

Click here to get started right now!

Video: North Carolinians Explain Why They're Voting YES on May 8th

A video by Vote FOR Marriage NC:

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse on Why Being Pro-Marriage is Not Anti-Gay

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, President of the Ruth Institute, responds to the GLAAD's libel that to be pro-marriage makes one guilty of being anti-gay:

"Earlier this month the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation’s (GLAAD) “Commentator Accountability Project” included me on their list of people who deserve special scrutiny before they can be engaged as commentators on the marriage debate. But it is organizations like GLAAD that need to be held accountable for the impact of their rhetoric on the public debate.

According to the GLAAD website, I have held myself out as someone who purports to be an “expert on the lives of LGBT people.” Evidently (and unbeknownst to me) I have devoted my career “making life more difficult for LGBT people.” Although these extreme statements have since been scrubbed from the site, the organization continues to claim that “Bias is Not Balance.” The undeniable implication is that my views are baseless. GLAAD’s systematic policy of slapping negative labels on their opponents without actually engaging them in debate reduces the quality of discourse in the public square.

Out of the hundreds of thousands of words I have spoken or written, GLAAD found a grand total of four quotes as evidence of my supposed “extreme animus towards the entire LGBT community.” One of these is that I say redefining marriage will marginalize fathers from the family, because fathers will be considered inessential. GLAAD acts as if this were self-evident evidence of anti-gay bias. -- The Blaze