The Heroes Emerging

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Gay marriage activists are filing lawsuits across this country to strike down marriage laws. Already they have in place lawsuits intended to wipe out the marriage laws of all but twelve states. And that's before they get into the Supreme Court again.

Justice Scalia said, too many judges will do what they think they can get away with.

Now is the time to ACT, and I'm asking you to help marriage hero Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.) who has reintroduced a federal Marriage Protection Amendment. Write your representatives and senator today to demand justice for marriage and for kids and for traditional religious believers!

Hero Pastors Standing up in PA

Recently, NOM's founding Chairman Robby George went on BlazeTV to explain the recent court decision and our call to action today!

The corruption from this decision is already spreading to Pennsylvania, where pastors are demanding the Democratic Attorney General Kathleen Kane defend the state's marriage laws from an ACLU-filed lawsuit in federal court.

This story is not going to just fade away, I promise you. The people of Pennsylvania are about fairness and the rule of law. Kane still has the chance to change her mind, do her job, and defend the laws of the state of Pennsylvania. Or voters will hold her accountable.

If you live in Pennsylvania, let Governor Corbett and your state legislators know right away that you want Pennsylvania's marriage laws vigorously defended in court, and that they should act quickly to give the people of the Keystone state the right to vote on the fate of marriage.

A Hero Senator Demanding Justice

Also happening this week, breaking news on the unfolding IRS corruption/scandal — with the scandal now moving from the IRS to the Justice Department.

You know that NOM was the first organization to release hard proof that its confidential tax records were revealed to our political opponent.

J. Russell George testified before Congress on Thursday. He is the inspector general of the IRS, and he has acknowledged in a letter that IRS officials have in at least one instance willfully targeted political candidates for audits or improperly disclosed tax records — and that the Justice Department declined to prosecute!

Is that NOM's case, or some other felony being covered up by the Justice Department?

Another marriage hero, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), has stepped up, writing a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder asking for details on who made the decision not to prosecute and why. Grassley wrote:

The IRS is required to act with neutrality and professionalism, not political bias. The Justice Department should answer completely and not hide behind taxpayer confidentiality laws to avoid accountability for its decision not to prosecute a violation of taxpayer confidentiality laws. The public needs to know whether the decision not to prosecute these violations was politically motivated and whether the individuals responsible were held accountable in any other way.

So the center of gravity of the IRS investigation is shifting from the IRS's Cincinnati branch office to Washington, and from Washington to the Justice Department.

In the American Thinker this week, Scott Varland makes the case (admittedly speculative at this point) that AG Eric Holder is staying in office to make sure the investigations into corruption in the IRS are never coordinated or pursued with vigor. If so, that would put the corruption at the highest levels of government!

Varland makes mention of our own John Eastman in making his case:

Dr. John Eastman (Chairman of the Board, National Organization for Marriage) makes the most convincing argument for probable cause with regard to the release of tax returns. In his June 4, 2013, testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, he described in detail the criminal activity of IRS employees. On March 30, 2012, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) learned that its confidential 2008 Form 990 Schedule B, containing donors' names, had been published on websites. NOM removed the published document's redaction layer and discovered that the document had originated within the IRS itself. The unredacted original bore two IRS markings. Someone at the IRS had disseminated the unredacted original for publication. On April 11, 2012, NOM filed a written request for investigation with Attorney General Holder's Department of Justice and the Treasury. The latter assigned a complaint number, but Justice and Treasury have done nothing since.

The release of our confidential tax information was and remains a crime, a felony! The IRS refusal to prosecute or investigate would transform an individual criminal act into serious government corruption at the highest levels.

As Varland notes, "The release for publication of confidential tax returns provides the most clear cut example of criminal conduct and the Obama Administration's ongoing cover-up of that conduct."

Another witness testifying before Congress on Thursday is Elizabeth Hofacre, a revenue agent. In June, she disputed the claim that political scrutiny of Tea Party applications was the work of "rogue agents" in Cincinnati. When IRS chief Lois Lerner first blamed it on the Ohio office, Hofacre described it as a "nuclear strike" on that office.

Well, it was a nuclear strike on all of us, too — on the idea of fair government and respect for the law.

We will not stop fighting for your rights, whatever the intimidation techniques powerful people try to use to stop us! Please help us stand up to these legal travesties and to continue to speak truth to power and be your voice for your values in Washington and across the nation.

A Hero Lawyer Defending Our Rights

On Friday my friend and hero Chuck LiMandri (who was one of the first to help us get Prop 8 on the ballot!) will be in court in New Jersey, taking on the goliath Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and its new militant attempt to misuse consumer fraud laws to attack a small Jewish nonprofit named JONAH that helps observant Jews with same-sex attraction live according to the Bible's laws.

This is one of the hugest stories you've never been told by the media: the SPLC wants to use its $250 million budget and 7 full-time staff lawyers to bankrupt therapists, counselors, and religious nonprofits that offer help to people with unwanted same-sex attraction. And they are misusing "consumer fraud" statutes to do it.

I suspect SPLC picked a Jewish service organization first because they were hoping many of us in the Christian community would ignore it. But whatever you think about sexual orientation, it's wrong to tell people they can't ask for help to live their sexual lives as they choose, not as the SPLC's lawyers want them to do.

This is a test case, in other words: if the SPLC wins, they hope to use it to unleash bankrupting civil lawsuits against 70 or more pro-family groups. They were hoping no one would take the case on and that JONAH would be left to fluster with little or no legal help.

The SPLC wasn't counting on the courage of Chuck LiMandri. He's a fantastic, first-class trial lawyer with a successful law practice in San Diego. For years he worked pro-bono winning cases like the Mt. Soldedad Cross case and the San Diego Firefighters case (where the government tried to force firefighters to appear in a gay pride gay against their will).

Chuck has just started up a public interest law firm, so he can defend us all from the mounting attacks that are coming from those well-heeled gay rights groups that want to shut down and threaten groups they disagree with. Chuck's new nonprofit law firm the Conscience Defense Fund adds wonderful resources to the fight to protect traditional believers in this country.

If you want to learn more about this amazing man, and his amazing work, go to

A Hero Friend in Need of Prayers

Finally, I'd like to ask you for your prayers for our young, valiant marriage champion Thomas Peters. He is in the hospital in stable but critical condition due to a spinal injury following a swimming accident.

He is aware of the prayers that have been offered all over the world, from those who both agree and disagree with Thomas' pro-marriage convictions.

He and his wife Natalie and their families are grateful for your prayerful support, and so am I. Please continue to keep Thomas in mind and we will do our best to update you on his condition as we know more.

As always, thank you for all your support and prayers, for standing with us in so many ways. Together, thanks to you, and by the grace of God, we will not falter, we will not fail, we will stand with love for the truth about marriage.

God Save the Queen? Queen Elizabeth Gives “Royal Assent” to SSM in England, Wales

The Washington Post reports that Queen Elizabeth II has given “royal assent” to a same-sex marriage bill that has recently passed in both of Great Britain’s legislative houses. This assent comes despite the fact that the Queen is also the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, which opposes same-sex marriage.

ssm_bus_englandThe bill had the full support of Prime Minister David Cameron, despite strong opposition by his Conservative Party. Cameron’s support appears to have come at a high political price with the article noting that, “some political commentators predict Cameron’s gay-friendly attitudes will cost him at the next election in 2015.”

The Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales also fought the bill and quickly condemned its passage: “With this new legislation, marriage has now become an institution in which openness to children, and with it the responsibility on fathers and mothers to remain together to care for children born into their family unit, are no longer central. That is why we were opposed to this legislation on principle.”

You can read the rest of this article here.

Marriage Reduces Likelihood of Child Poverty by 82 Percent

Heritage’s blog, The Foundry, recently shared an illuminating chart (see below) that demonstrates the connection between child poverty and being raised in single-mother households.

Today, one out of every four children lives with only his or her mother. Of those children in single-mother homes, 58 percent are impoverished. In contrast, as Heritage’s Robert Rector points out, marriage reduces the probability of child poverty by 82 percent. Growing up with a married father can have significant impact on a child’s economic, social, and psychological well-being.

“[R]edefining marriage further distances marriage from the needs of children and denies the importance of mothers and fathers. Redefining marriage rejects as a matter of policy the ideal that children need a mother and a father,” explains Heritage’s Ryan T. Anderson. “Redefining marriage diminishes the social pressures for husbands to remain with their wives and children, and for men and women to marry before having children,” he continues.

Read more.


American Thinker: A.G. Holder’s Department of Injustice

Scott Varland over at the American Thinker cites John Eastman’s recent House testimony as some of the strongest evidence yet that the IRS broke federal law:

eric-holderDr. John Eastman (Chairman of the Board, National Organization for Marriage) makes the most convincing argument for probable cause with regard to the release of tax returns. In his June 4, 2013, testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, he described in detail the criminal activity of IRS employees. On March 30, 2012, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) learned that its confidential 2008 Form 990 Schedule B, containing donors' names, had been published on websites. NOM removed the published document's redaction layer and discovered that the document had originated within the IRS itself. The unredacted original bore two IRS markings. Someone at the IRS had disseminated the unredacted original for publication. On April 11, 2012, NOM filed a written request for investigation with Attorney General Holder's Department of Justice and the Treasury. The latter assigned a complaint number, but Justice and Treasury have done nothing since.

You can read the whole story here.

Pennsylvania Pastors Speak Out for Marriage

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is already under fire for her recent announcement that she will not uphold PA's law defining marriage as one man and one woman. The Pennsylvania Pastor’s Network held a press conference at the state capitol in Harrisburg yesterday asking Kane to change her position and uphold state law.

The Pennsylvania Pastor's Network, which is led by former Berks County state representative Sam Rohrer, held a news conference at the state capitol in Harrisburg Wednesday morning. The group is presenting a letter to Attorney General Kathleen Kane telling her that she is not upholding the duties of her office by refusing to defend the suit.

The suit was filed last week by the ACLU and several same sex couples, including one from Northampton County. It seeks to overturn a law passed in 1996 that prevents gay marriage. Kane said she will not defend the suit because the law is discriminatory. She says Governor Tom Corbett's office is allowed to defend the suit if it chooses to. -WFMJ

AUDIO: PFI's Michael Geer on State of Marriage in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Family Institute President Michael Geer appeared on WHYY Public Radio earlier this week to discuss PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane's decision not to uphold state marriage law because she personally doesn't support it. Listen to the full audio below:

National Organization for Marriage Communications Director Seriously Injured in Swimming Accident

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

Thomas Peters

Group requests thoughts and prayers for Thomas Peters

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage urges you to join us in asking for God's blessings and strength for Thomas Peters, our communications director and dear friend, who was seriously injured in a swimming accident Tuesday evening. Thomas is responsive and is receiving excellent medical care, and we have every hope for his recovery and future health. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Airman Punished for Objecting to Gay Marriage in Military Chapel

Todd Starnes of FoxNews Radio:

A 27-year veteran of the Utah Air National Guard said he was reprimanded after he wrote an email objecting to a gay wedding in the West Point chapel and was later told to prepare for retirement because his personal beliefs about homosexuality were not compatible with the military’s policies.

78518504“The military is trying to make examples of people who have religious beliefs that homosexual conduct in the military is wrong,” said John Wells, an attorney representing TSgt. Layne Wilson. “The end game is to force conservative Christians out of the military.”

Last December Wilson wrote a letter to a person believed to be a chaplain at West Point. He stated his displeasure at news of a same-sex ceremony held in the Cadet Chapel.

“This is wrong on so many levels,” Wilson wrote. “If they wanted to get married in a hotel that is one thing. Our base chapels are a place of worship and this is a mockery to God and our military core values. I have proudly served 27 years and this is a slap in the face to us who have put our lives on the line for this country. I hope sir that you will take appropriate action so this does not happen again.”

Instead of responding to the private email, the Commandant of Cadets notified the Utah Air National Guard – leading to an accusation that he had brought disgrace and discredit upon the Air National Guard and his conduct was inconsistent with the United States Air Force.

This is important...please take a minute to read...

Dear Marriage Supporter,

If you're anything like me, you're still seething over the two terrible decisions issued last month by the Supreme Court against marriage.

But, again, if you're anything like me, you're not giving up on marriage!

You and I both understand that marriage is the foundation of society; that children have a right to a mother and a father; and that the beautiful, God-ordained marital union of man and woman is worth fighting for...ALWAYS!

Please consider making a generous donation of $35, $50, $100, $500 or more right away to help NOM enter this new phase of the fight to defend marriage and restore a true marriage culture to America.

Last week I sent you a detailed account of our strategic plan moving forward in light of the Supreme Court's rulings. You can read about that plan in detail here.

The basics:

  • NOM will continue fighting for marriage in legislatures at both the state and federal level and work toward enshrining marriage protections into the US Constitution;

  • We will fight with our allies to defend marriage in the courts;

  • We will push for religious liberty protections for people of faith wherever marriage has been redefined; and

  • We will continue to educate the public about the nature and purpose of marriage and change the culture.

If you consider those goals worthy, please make a generous donation right away to help us immediately implement them.

Our opponents and those in the biased media say, "It's inevitable. You can't win. Give up..."

I couldn't disagree more!

In 2008, I heard the same things when we worked on Prop 8 in California...and we WON!

In 2009, I heard the same things when we worked on Question 1 in Maine...and we WON!

In 2010, I heard the same things when we worked in Iowa to oust state Supreme Court justices...and we WON!

In 2011, I heard the same things when we worked in New York to oust legislators who flipped on marriage and betrayed their constituents...and we WON!

And last year, I heard the same things when we worked in North Carolina to pass an amendment to the state constitution protecting marriage...and we WON!

We've suffered some set backs recently — the Supreme Court supplying the most recent — but we have a path forward!

Let's not forget one crucial thing about the Supreme Court's opinions: they did NOT constitutionalize gay 'marriage.' They specifically said that it's the states that get to define marriage. That's good news for us, because 38 states say that marriage is between one man and one woman. And as more and more states see challenges to their marriage laws, I intend, as I always do, to give it my all!

Will you stand by my side?

PA Family Institute's McGinley: Defend Marriage, For the Kids' Sake

Brandon McGinley, Field Director for the Pennsylvania Family Institute, writes in the Pennsylvania Patriot-News:

Single parenthood is on the rise. Fatherlessness, in particular, abounds. Out-of-wedlock childbearing occurs at levels that previous generations of reformers, such as Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, would find incomprehensible. Divorce rates have declined from a recent peak, but are still at unprecedented levels.

Family OutdoorsWho is most harmed by these realities? Common sense and social science agree: It’s the children. Children who grow up without the particular gifts and influences only a father can provide; children to whom mom and dad never truly commit because mom and dad have never truly committed to one another; children who feel like pawns in a legal chess match—these are the victims of the social pathologies that ail our families.

And yet on July 9, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Pennsylvania filed suit to eliminate the legal framework that teaches that moms and dads joined by a public commitment are the best way to bring children into our society. The suit aims to end Pennsylvania’s definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.

In removing sexual complementarity from the legal definition of marriage we remove from our society the final institutional suggestion that it is best to conceive, to bear, and to raise children within a permanent bond between biological mother and father.

The law is a teacher, and the law will teach that neither moms nor dads are essential to raising children, and therefore that neither moms nor dads have any special duties to children. The law will teach that marriage is about the desires of adults, not the good of children.

Blaze TV Video: Prof. Robert George Discusses SCOTUS and Marriage

Princeton Professor Robert George was on the Glenn Beck Program last week talking about the Supreme Court's decisions on marriage:

Take 5 Minutes to Protect Marriage in Pennsylvania!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Last week Pennsylvania's Attorney General Kathleen Kane announced she will NOT defend Pennsylvania's Defense of Marriage Act, which protects marriage as the union of one man and one woman against a new lawsuit.

How dare she abdicate her sworn duty to uphold the law!

This means Governor Tom Corbett is the only elected official standing between far-left activists like the ACLU and their goal of unilaterally striking down Pennsylvania's Defense of Marriage Act, which was passed overwhelmingly in 1996 by the General Assembly.

Elected officials have a sacred duty to do their job and protect the laws passed by the people's elected representatives.

Please take a few minutes to call on Gov. Corbett to provide Pennsylvania's Defense of Marriage Act with the strongest representation in court possible!

These new attacks on marriage serve as an important reminder that Pennsylvania voters deserve the opportunity to vote on a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, the only social institution we have that gives children the mother and father they deserve.

Activist judges or derelict politicians should not have the last word on marriage. We, the People deserve to vote to protect marriage, as people in nearly three dozen other states have done.

Please take a minute to email your state Representatives and Senators and urge them to support the Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment!

We urge you to become better informed about what is happening in Pennsylvania and help us spread the word.

To that end, please listen and call in to Philadelphia Public Radio (WHYY) this morning at 11:40AM to support our ally, Michael Geer, President of the Pennsylvania Family Institute as he discusses the ACLU lawsuit seeking to redefine marriage and Attorney General Kane's refusal to defend the law and do her job.

WHYY can be heard in the Philadelphia area on 90.9 FM, and online at To call in and voice your opinion or ask a question, call 1-888-477-9499.

And please continue to support our efforts to protect marriage in Pennsylvania and across the nation.

God bless you for taking time out of your busy schedule to protect marriage,

Brian S. Brown

Thomas More Society Defending Illinois Marriage Law

The Thomas More Society is defending Illinois' marriage law in court after state officials refused to do so:

ThomasMore"Opponents of a lawsuit challenging Illinois' gay marriage ban say the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act won't change their legal strategy.

The Thomas More Society represents Illinois county clerks defending the state law that defines marriage as between one man and one woman. The ACLU and a gay-rights group challenged the law last summer on behalf of more than two dozen couples.

Thomas More attorney Paul Linton says the court's decision to strike down the federal law still doesn't offer a definitive ruling on the constitutionality of gay marriages in individual states.

The ruling will allow gay Illinois couples with marriage licenses from other states to receive federal benefits. Linton says it's premature to say whether the society will try to prevent that. (AP)

Efforts to redefine marriage via the legislature have been defeated so far.

Anderson: Calling and Witness, Holiness and Truth in the Fight to Protect Marriage

These remarks were delivered by Ryan Anderson on Thursday June 11, 2013 in Laguna Nigel at the closing banquet of Alliance Defending Freedom’s Academy:

Ryan AndersonThank you, Alliance Defending Freedom, for your heroic work defending life, marriage, and liberty. During the past year it has been a blessing to work together on marriage. It’s been a source of encouragement. Thank you Austin Nimocks, Kellie Fiedorek, and Greg Scott for your friendship over the past year.

And what a year it’s been.

I was hired by The Heritage Foundation to do work on ethics and economics. It’s what my dissertation—which I still need to write—is about. But then the President “evolved.” And the Supreme Court granted cert. And I had this co-authored book coming out on marriage. A book that was supposed to be my last word on the topic—so I could write that unwritten dissertation—and move on to other issues.

But God had other plans.

In the past year Austin, Kellie and I have briefed over 50 members of Congress, hundreds of congressional staffers, and another couple hundred coalition partners in DC. This was the first time I ever spoke to a member of Congress. There were other “firsts.” During this past year I’ve lectured on college campuses for the first time. I’ve gone on TV for the first time. I’ve been called uneducated and un-American for the first time.

I learned something from these experiences: that the argument for marriage hasn’t been heard and rejected; it simply hasn’t been heard. Thanks to invitations from Blackstone Fellows and Federalist Society chapters, I’ve debated marriage at a couple dozen colleges and law schools. On almost every campus I visited, including elite law schools like Stanford and NYU, students came up to me afterwards to say that they had never heard a rational case for marriage. The Lefties would tell me that they respected the argument—and frequently weren’t sure why it was wrong, even when they continued to insist that it was wrong. (First Things)

Ed Morrissey on GOP Responding to IRS Leaking NOM's Tax Returns

Edward Morrissey writes in The Fiscal Times:

IRSOutrage over political targeting on tax-exempt applications from conservative groups, as well as selective leaking of confidential tax information of the National Organization for Marriage to its political foes, has given the GOP a chance to express its fundamental antipathy toward taxes and the intrusive manner in which they are collected. If one is inclined to enjoy karma in the political sense, then prepare to get cheered by House Republicans in their latest response to the IRS scandals.

Their new budget proposal, released Tuesday, anticipates cutting funding to the IRS by 24 percent. The proposal also addresses another unrelated scandal at the IRS by imposing limits on conferences and bonuses after tens of millions of dollars were wasted over the last few years on both.

As Glenn Reynolds wrote on Instapundit, this is what happens when agencies stop acting objectively and start acting politically. Prior to these scandals, the IRS enjoyed a reputation as a bloodless technocracy focused on revenue collection, albeit with plenty of anecdotal evidence of apolitical abuses.