Video: Brian Brown Debates Evan Wolfson on Marriage in New Jersey

Wolfson spends a good deal of time saying that marriage should never be put to the vote of a people. Has he checked that argument with gay marriage activists in Maine, who have chosen to go that route?

Wolfson also says "there are basic rights, basic freedoms that are protected for everyone under the Constitution. And it's exactly what we don't do, is have a big debate about whether you should have freedom of religion, or whether I should have freedom of speech, or whether you should have the freedom to marry. We're all Americans, we're all entitled to basic rights and protections and we don't put that to an up or down vote."

Brian Brown responds: "But all of us agree on that issue, we agree that we have civil rights, the question is whether there's a civil right to redefine marriage. And we disagree on that."

URGENT ALERT: Stand for Marriage in Concord at Noon TOMORROW!

Email Header Image

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Please—if at all possible—make plans to come to the statehouse at noon tomorrow to show your state legislators that the people of New Hampshire care about marriage!

Rep. David Bates and our friends at Cornerstone Action have sponsored tomorrow's rally, and we are calling on citizens from all across the state to come to Concord at noon on Tuesday to urge legislators to pass HB 437, the bill that would restore marriage in New Hampshire.

The bill could come up for a vote as early as next week, and we need to send a powerful message to our legislators, letting them know how critical this vote is. Join us!

Here are the details:

Date: Tuesday, February 7th
Time: Please arrive by 11:45am
Where: New Hampshire State House
107 North Main St. Concord
Directions: Click here
Attire: White shirt...Cornerstone will be handing out marriage stickers for you to wear.


This is a great opportunity to get together with friends or family and carpool to Concord—making your voice heard as New Hampshire prepares to vote to repeal same-sex marriage. Every voice counts, and if there is any way you can spend an hour at the statehouse tomorrow, please do it!

But even if you can't make it in person, please keep making phone calls and emails! Click here to send your email today!

These next two weeks are critical! Please keep up all your good efforts.

Breaking News: Prop 8 Decision to be Released Tomorrow

We will have comment shortly after the decision is released tomorrow, so stay tuned:

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is expected to release its opinion on the constitutionality of California's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage Tuesday morning.

The appeals court is deciding whether to uphold or reverse a federal judge's 2010 ruling that Proposition 8, which was approved by voters in 2008, was unconstitutional. Regardless of the outcome, the decision is expected to be appealed to the United States Supreme Court.

The opinion will be posted online at 10 a.m, according to a press release from the court.

The opinion is also expected to address Proposition 8 proponents' argument that the federal court ruling should be thrown out on the basis that the judge in that case, Vaughn Walker, should have recused himself from the case because of his own sexual orientation. An earlier motion to that effect was dismissed by another U.S. District judge last year. -- Sacramento Bee blog

George Will on Generational Fatherlessness

George Will's moving column on a society that has failed (among other things) to attach sons to their fathers:

The worst day of Sugar Bear’s 55 years was one of the days — there have been many of them — when he got out of prison. In the early 1990s, in a prison where people whose sentences have ended and are being released see those whose sentences are just beginning, he saw one of his sons coming in.

Generational recidivism is not unusual in Sugar Bear’s world of fatherlessness. His son, who was convicted of selling drugs, is still incarcerated because he has not been a model prisoner. He is an apple that did not fall far from the tree.

... Born to an unmarried, mentally ill prostitute, he acquired his interest in driving from his grandfather, who would drive around the block with Sugar Bear in his lap. Not until Sugar Bear was 25 did he learn that his grandfather was his father, too, having had a sexual relationship with Sugar Bear’s mother.

... [Ken Canfield, 58, a Kansas State Ph.D. who, until five years ago, headed the National Center for Fathering in Kansas City] acquainted Sugar Bear with Psalm 68, which speaks of God as “father of the fatherless” who “setteth the solitary in families.” For people like Sugar Bear, people with holes in their souls never filled by the love of fathers, Canfield says religion offers the “spiritualization of fatherhood”:

“If you don’t have the calm self-respect that a father gives, your passions go sideways. For a number of men, their passions become sexualized as they look for comfort and affirmation of their manhood.”

Victory! VA House Approves Bill 71-28 to Protect Faith-Based Adoption Agencies

The news broke late last Friday. This via the Associated Press:

Legislation that would allow private adoption agencies to deny placements that conflict with their religious or moral beliefs, including opposition to homosexuality, sailed through the Virginia House of Delegates by a wide margin and without debate Friday.

The House passed the Republican-backed bill 71-28 a day after rejecting several amendments offered by Democrats aimed at softening the measure. Earlier Friday, the Senate Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee endorsed its version of the bill on an 8-7 party-line vote, sending it to the floor for a vote next week. Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell is expected to sign the bill if it reaches his desk.

Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Woodstock and sponsor of the House bill, says it protects religious freedom.

NOM Congratulates Mitt Romney on Back-to-Back Wins

CONTACT: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

Former governor of Massachusetts wins Nevada caucuses; has signed NOM's Marriage Pledge

National Organization for Marriage

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today congratulated GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney on his victory in the Nevada caucuses, a back-to-back victory following Romney's victory in the Florida primary.

“NOM congratulates Mitt Romney on another impressive victory in the Nevada caucuses, just days after his big win in Florida," said Brown. "Governor Romney, who has signed NOM’s Marriage Pledge has now won contests in three different regions of the country and has clearly established himself as the leading candidate.”

Three of the four remaining candidates in the race have signed the NOM Marriage Pledge. Only Ron Paul, who has said that civil marriage should be abolished all together, has refused. Paul is the only candidate who has failed to win a single primary or caucus. Rick Santorum won in Iowa while Newt Gingrich won in South Carolina. NOM has actively opposed Paul’s candidacy and maintains the website to inform voters about his radical views.

“Preserving marriage as the union of one man and one woman is an important issue in the GOP presidential race, and we will continue to let voters know where the candidates stand on marriage,” Brown said.


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Seattle Times on NOM's Promise to Help WA Defeat SSM

The Seattle Times:

With same-sex marriage virtually assured in Washington state, opponents seeking to undo it are looking ahead to summer and fall, and to a campaign they say will draw on the resources of national organizations that have waged and won these kinds of fights.

A day after the state Senate approved same-sex marriage on a 28-21 vote and moved the bill to the House, where it's expected to pass, the Washington, D.C.-based National Organization for Marriage (NOM) said it's fully committed to repealing the measure in November.

One of the largest national funders in the fight against gay marriage, NOM also is gearing up for ballot battles in North Carolina and Minnesota, where voters this year will decide whether to ban gay marriage in their constitutions, as 29 states already have done.

In Washington state, NOM will employ strategies not unlike those it used four years ago to help roll back legislatively approved gay marriage in Maine and bring about a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in California under Proposition 8.

"We plan to submit a referendum on this to the secretary of state before the ink is dry on the governor's signature," said Chris Plante, regional coordinator for NOM. "We've got a major constituency; faith communities across the state will carry a heavy load on this. But they're not the only ones committed to retaining the current definition of marriage."

AP: Ballot Challenge Certain for WA Gay Marriage Bill

The Associated Press:

Washington state is likely to become the seventh state to legalize same-sex within the next two weeks, but opponents have already promised a ballot challenge would halt any summertime weddings.

As supporters celebrated the Senate's 28-21 vote passing the measure on Wednesday night, a coalition of religious groups promised to start collecting referendum signatures as soon as the measure is signed into law. The bill still has to be approved by the House, but with the tougher hurdle of the Senate already cleared, that second vote is just a formality.

Gov. Chris Gregoire announced support for the bill last month, and said she would sign it into law.

The Washington, D.C.-based National Organization for Marriage, noting its involvement in ballot measures that overturned same-sex marriage in California and Maine, issued a statement Thursday promising to work with groups in Washington to qualify a referendum to overturn the likely new law.

New Jersey Assembly Committee Passes SSM Bill on Party Lines

After a long hearing that produced heated and emotional testimony Thursday, an Assembly committee voted 5-2 along party lines in favor of a bill from Democrats that would allow gay couples to marry in New Jersey.

The measure still faces votes in both houses of the Legislature, with the Senate vote set for Feb. 13. Republican Gov. Chris Christie has promised to veto the Marriage Equality and Religious Exemption Act if it reaches his desk.

Maggie's Column: The Happiest Wives in America

NOM co-founder Maggie Gallagher's latest syndicated column in Human Events:

Let's take a break from politics to ask the burning question: How did Karen Santorum and Ann Romney get so lucky?

Just who are the happiest wives in America?

According to a new report by the University of Virginia's National Marriage Project, "When Baby Makes Three," the surprising answer is: women who attend church at least weekly with their husband and have four or more children.

Women like Mrs. Romney and Mrs. Santorum, in other words. This insight is embedded in a larger report whose overall purpose is to find out the factors that lead to happy and successful married families -- particularly using data from "next generation marriages," among those currently 18 to 46 years old.

Children are known to stress marital happiness, on average, but what helps some couples resist the stress and build enduring and happy married families?

Among the report's findings, some seem obvious: Married parents do better if they spend time with each other, spend time with their children, are generous in helping out one another and have a satisfying sex life.

But pro-child attitudes are also very important. Agreeing that raising children is "one of life's greatest joys" doubles the likelihood that these younger married women report being very happily married.

"We found that pronatalistic attitude is one of the top five predictors of marital happiness" for both wives and for husbands, the authors state.

Religious commitment also helps to build a happy marriage for women. Here, actions speak even louder than words. Only when husbands and wives both attend church regularly are wives more likely to be very happily married.

Spain's New Government Tosses Controversial Curriculum


Spain’s new government, swept into power in November after seven years of socialist rule, has announced the elimination of a controversial program to indoctrinate students with homosexualist and socialist ideology.

The government’s new Minister of Education, Culture, and Sports, Jose Ignacio Wert, says frankly that the civics course, which was imposed on all public and private schools, “became a course that was charged with indoctrination.”

“Education for Citizenship has been accompanied, since its birth, by controversy and created a serious division in society and in the educational world because it went beyond what should belong to a true ‘civic formation’ in accordance with the directories and guides formulated by the Council of Europe,” Wert also stated.

“Education for Citizenship and Human Rights,” also known in Spain as EpC, provoked a massive protest by Spanish citizens who said that their right to educate their children according to their own values was being violated by the government.

Course materials suggested that teachers have students make a “critical evaluation of the social and sexual division of labor and racist, xenophobic, sexist, and homophobic social prejudices” and said that teachers should strive to “revise the student’s attitude towards homosexuality.”

In one manifestation of the course, students were told that “sex is for enjoyment as much as we can or want,” and “so and let others do whatever they wish,” according to Forum Libertas, a Spanish Catholic news source.

They Called You Cowards?!?! NOM Marriage News, February 2, 2012

My Dear Friends,

She Called You a "Coward"!

This is the week the gay-marriage movement is trying to break you and me. Pushing forward full-bore in Washington, Maryland, New Jersey, New Hampshire—NOM has never had a week where we've sent out so many action alerts to so many people.

This is the week we take up the gauntlet laid down by the First Lady of Maryland, who had the nerve to tell a gay rights group that those who oppose gay marriage are "cowards." (The governor had to go on an apology tour for that remark).

Even as they threaten the jobs, the businesses, and the livelihoods of people willing to stand for the great truths of Genesis—even as they bask in the accolades of Hollywood and a complacent media—even as they wallow in the silver coins flung into their campaign chests by billionaire gay-marriage backers—they call you and me "cowards"?

Here's how the people of Maryland responded, at a rally you'll never see on Fox News or ABC News—thousands, led by the black church, flooded Annapolis to make it clear that they will never give up the fight for what's right.


Listen as a brave clergyman stands up to government power and the epithets of the governor's wife:

"Never in human history has marriage been defined as two men. Never in human history has marriage been defined as two women. Who has the right to redefine it?"

The crowd shouts: "No one!"

"This is reckless social experimentation. Marriage is the fundamental cell of society. If you mess with marriage, you threaten the very future of humanity. We ask our government to do their job. Fix the problems we already have. Don't make new ones! Do your job!"

Do your job. Fix the budget. Get the economy back to work. Solve problems, don't create them, and don't blame the people for refusing to accept your insults or your epithets as a substitute for rational argument.

Up in New Hampshire the same spirit of courage was demonstrated by Rep. Paul Ingbretson, who takes the gay marriage activists to task for what he calls "usurpation by redefinition":

We all know that the New Hampshire Supreme Court did a great disservice to the people of the state in their Claremont education opinions when they redefined out of thin air the word "cherish" in our Constitution (Part II, Art. 83) to "must fund." We've been paying the price ever since for that unconstitutional redefinition. Part of that price is that it encouraged the Democrat majority's willy-nilly usurpation-by-redefinition of the Constitution's word "marriage" in their "gay marriage" legislation a couple years ago.

Since 1784 the New Hampshire Constitution has included Marriage in Part II, Art. 76. Because that article includes the word Marriage, its required meaning is the 1784 definition. (Some would argue that since the word is capitalized, the actual definition precedes our Constitution.) In any case, the Constitutional definition of Marriage in New Hampshire has been, and still is, the 1784 definition: one man and one woman. In an arrogant "usurpation-by-statute" the Constitutional definition was altered two years ago.

Both Maggie Gallagher and Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse have penned eloquent responses to the claim that libertarians should support same-sex marriage. These are being distributed to legislators in New Hampshire now as we help the people of New Hampshire fight to overturn gay marriage in New Hampshire. (You can read them here [pdf] and here [pdf]).

Reading these state constitutions, which were drafted by men who founded our Republic, is an education in itself.

Here's how the drafters of the New Hampshire "live free or die" state constitution understood the grounding of religious liberty—in morality and piety:

"As morality and piety, rightly grounded on high principles, will give the best and greatest security to government, and will lay, in the hearts of men, the strongest obligations to due subjection; and as the knowledge of these is most likely to be propagated through a society, therefore, the several parishes, bodies, corporate, or religious societies shall at all times have the right of electing their own teachers, and of contracting with them for their support or maintenance, or both."

The Washington state senate just passed a gay marriage bill, which is being railroaded through without a vote of the people. In Washington, as in Maine and California we will fight for the people's rights by overturning this unjust law.

Meanwhile in New Jersey, even as Gov. Christie bravely promised to veto a same-sex marriage bill he undercut his own claim to be standing by his campaign promises by appointing to the New Jersey Supreme Court an outspoken advocate of gay marriage who equates traditional views of marriage to slavery.

In 2009, Bruce Harris sent an email to State Senator Joe Pennacchio urging him to vote for gay marriage:

When I hear someone say that they believe marriage is only between a man and a woman because that's the way it's always been, I think of the many "traditions" that deprived people of their civil rights for centuries: prohibitions on interracial marriage, slavery, (which is even provided for in the Bible), segregation, the subservience of women, to name just a few of these "traditions."

I hope that you consider my request that you re-evaluate your position and, if after viewing the videos, reading Governor Whitman's letter and thinking again about this issue of civil rights you still oppose same-sex marriage on grounds other than religion I would appreciate it if you'd explain your position to me. And, if the basis of your opposition is religious, then I suggest that you do what the US Constitution mandates—and that is to maintain a separation between the state and religion.

These are not the words of a judicial conservative, a man who believes in common sense, strict construction of the state constitution—in other words, the kind of judge Gov. Christie promised to appoint to the court.

A man who cannot tell the difference between supporting our traditional understanding of marriage and wanting to enslave a people lacks common sense and judicial temperament.

Please use the form below to urge Governor Christie to fix this terrible mistake by withdrawing the nomination of Bruce Harris for the New Jersey Supreme Court. Then tell your friends, and ask them to send a message of their own.

Take Action Now

That message—marriage equals hatred and bigotry—is now being used against Gov. Christie for his support for marriage. The campaign to vilify and exclude millions of Americans from the mainstream because we stand up for marriage is ongoing and intensifying.

Ted Olson, the formerly conservative legal eagle who is now in court fighting to overturn Prop 8, wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal calling attention to the unjust attack on the Koch brothers by the President of the United States.

Here's the letter I would like to write in response: "Ted Olson is right about the Kochs and the misuse of government power by Pres. Obama 'to damage or demean one's political enemies.' It's ironic that this call to decency comes from a man who went to court to get the government to demean 7 million Californians who voted for Prop 8 as irrational bigots."

This is a spiritual battle. That's why, even when as in this week, the times look tough, our opponents try to overwhelm us with insults and defeats—we know this is temporary. We know Who will win this fight, in the end.

It was Dostoevsky who wrote, "Beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and devil are fighting there, and the battlefield is the heart of man."

For the beauty that is marriage, for the idea that we are made male and female—for a Reason—for these deep and great truths about who we are as people, and as a People—we will never give up. We will never stop fighting.

And we will, with the grace of God and your help, win.

NOM Applauds Higher Court Decision Overruling Prop 8's Rogue Judge

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

"This is yet another example where the higher courts have had to reign in the rogue judge, Vaughn Walker."— Brian Brown

NOM Logo

Washington, DC—The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today applauded the unanimous decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to overrule a lower court decision that would have allowed the public broadcast of the Proposition 8 trial even though former Chief Judge Vaughn Walker promised he would only use the recording for his own use in chambers. The court ordered the recording to be sealed and prohibited the lower courts from returning a copy to Walker.

"This is yet another example where the higher courts have had to reign in the rogue judge, Vaughn Walker," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "Walker's bias in the Proposition 8 case was so pervasive that it infected his rulings throughout the trial. This is at least the third time that higher courts have had to overrule him on critical decisions. We applaud the Ninth Circuit for doing so."

In violation of court rules, Judge Walker ordered the Proposition 8 trial to be recorded for world-wide broadcast over the objections of the proponents of the initiative, who told the court many of their witnesses would refuse to testify. On the morning of trial, the US Supreme Court stepped in to block the broadcast of the trial. His broadcast plans dashed, Walker continued recording the trial but pledged that the recording would only be used by him in chambers to help prepare his decision. However, after he issued his decision and announced his retirement, Walker began using the recording as a prop in speaking engagements, and those challenging the initiative demanded that the recording be publicly released for broadcast. Walker also announced that he has been in a ten-year same-sex relationship.

"You know a federal judge like Vaughn Walker is way out of line when even the Ninth Circuit, the most liberal court in the country, is forced to step in to prevent a miscarriage of justice," said Brown. "The only time those who are challenging Prop 8 have won a decision is when it was before the rogue judge Walker. Once higher authorities have examined the facts, they have reversed Walker time and again. We are confident that we will eventually win on the merits of Prop 8 as well and that it will be upheld as a validly enacted and appropriate constitutional amendment."

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann,[email protected], at 703-683-5004.


Audio: 14-Year-Old Girl Testifies Against SSM In Maryland

A brave young girl testifies on her 14th birthday against the gay marriage bill in Maryland.

She says at one point: "Today is my 14th birthday and it would be the best birthday present ever if you vote no on gay marriage ... I don't want any more kids to get confused about what's right and okay. I really don't want to grow up in a world where marriage isn't such a special thing anymore."

The comments on the version of this testimony posted by ThinkProgress are embarrassing for their vicious attacks the commenters subject her to. Gay marriage activists have often lauded young people when they testify in favor of redefining marriage, but when this young girl testifies in favor of protecting marriage, they subject her to shameful barbs.

Our thanks and praise go out to this courageous young woman!

The National Organization for Marriage to Washington Senate: "Don't Mess with Marriage"

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

Washington residents don't support same-sex marriage

NOM Logo

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), today responded to the Washington state Senate's passage of a same-sex marriage bill. The move brings Washington one step closer to becoming the seventh state to redefine marriage, a move in the wrong direction for the United States.

"As was recently demonstrated in a statewide survey we released, the people of Washington state do not support same-sex marriage," said Brian Brown. "The same activists behind this legislation were barely able to secure passage of civil unions and now they're back demanding that marriage be redefined. It's outrageous. NOM believes the people of Washington deserve to decide this issue for themselves, and we are committed to helping mount a referendum campaign to overturn the law if it is enacted, just as we did in Maine and California."

Thirty-one states have voted on the marriage issue and all have rejected same-sex marriage and reaffirmed their desire to maintain marriage as the union of one man and one woman. This includes traditionally deep-blue states like Maine and California. Maine voters passed a referendum that rejected legislation to redefine marriage, and California passed an initiative to end gay marriage and restore traditional marriage. NOM was the largest contributor to both efforts.

"Washington legislators may think it's politically fashionable to follow Hollywood over the cliff, but they will soon learn there are consequences to their actions," Brown said. "Maine voters vetoed their gay marriage law and then a year later threw the legislators out of office. In Iowa, voters kicked three judges off their state Supreme court for deciding to impose same-sex marriage. And in New Hampshire, voters also ended the careers of legislators who voted for gay marriage. The same thing will happen in Washington state."

The National Organization will work with allies in Washington to qualify a referendum to overturn the law, just as it did in Maine and California.

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann,[email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president.
2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or
candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).
