In Last Iowa Poll, Santorum Voters Most Committed

The Des Moines Register:

In the new poll, 76 percent of Santorum supporters say they will definitely caucus rather than probably attend, a higher proportion than for any other candidate. For Romney, 58 percent of his supporters are definite attenders; it’s 56 percent for Paul.

Iowans: Ron Paul's Negatives Rival Gingrich

The Des Moines Register:

The libertarian-leaning Paul’s vulnerability: 21 percent say he’s the candidate they like least, just 2 points behind Gingrich at 23 percent. Bachmann, who led on this measure in the past, claims 14 percent.

Final Des Moines Register Poll Shows Santorum Surging

The Des Moines Register:

In four days of polling, Romney leads at 24 percent, Paul has 22 percent and Rick Santorum, 15 percent.But if the final two days of polling stand alone, the order reshuffles: Santorum elbows out Paul for second.

“Few saw this bombshell coming,” GOP strategist David Polyansky said. “In an already unpredictable race this is another stunning turn of political fortune.”

Only 12 Hours Left — This Is It... Your Last Chance!

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Money Raised So Far

This is the last email I'm able to send you before tonight's midnight deadline and the conclusion of our tremendous million dollar matching campaign.

As you know, one of our most generous donors has offered to MATCH—dollar for dollar—every donation we receive, all the way up to one million dollars!

As of this morning, we have raised $894,915.06 toward our goal. We have only until midnight tonight to raise another $894,915.06 to take full advantage of this incredible opportunity!

Today is the last day for the match and we are so close!

Will you be the one to help put us over the top?

Donate Now

As you know, our opponents get huge checks from Hollywood celebrities or well-funded left-wing foundations. NOM counters with tens of thousands of small donations from supporters just like you, who sacrifice your time and money to defend marriage.

If we are able to take full advantage of the Year-End Million Dollar Match, we will have the sort of financial security and proof of grassroots support that will show the anti-marriage crowd that we are not going to roll over and allow marriage to be destroyed. It will send a strong message that we are ready to go toe-to-toe with the anti-marriage bullies all over America.

Will you do your part to help?

We are counting on you—one of our most loyal supporters—to make sure we receive every penny of this $1 million matching gift offer.

So please make one urgent year-end gift to the National Organization for Marriage before midnight tonight to put us over the top and send a message to those who would see marriage in America destroyed.

As I said, today is the last day before this offer expires–you must act now!

With so much at stake in 2012 (marriage under fire in dozens of states, the legal case to uphold Prop 8 in California, a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act moving through the Senate, and the most important presidential election for marriage ever), we MUST close out 2011 on strong financial ground.

That's exactly what we'll do with this Million Dollar Matching Gift offer, but only if you make your own urgent, generous gift right away.

Thank you for all you have done and all that we will do together in 2012. Happy New Year!


Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S. Please do not delay. When thinking about how much you can afford to stop same-sex marriage from being imposed on your state in 2012, consider that your gift will be immediately matched for maximum effectiveness.

So please be as generous as you possibly can right now. The offer expires tonight at midnight, so I must hear from you as soon as possible. Thank you so much, and God bless you!

Donate Now

Double Your Money – Invest in Marriage Today

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Money Raised So Far

Dear Marriage Supporter,

There are just 36 hours left to take advantage of this exciting opportunity!

Invest in marriage today and DOUBLE your impact!

One of our most generous donors has given you the exclusive opportunity to DOUBLE YOUR MONEY by investing in marriage with NOM today! Every single gift we receive from you from now until New Year's Eve will be instantly DOUBLED to achieve maximum impact.

If you donate $50, you will really be donating $100.

If you can afford $100, your efforts are actually worth $200 in defense of marriage.

And if you are able to send us $250, your return on your investment is actually $500 to help the National Organization for Marriage defend marriage, protect religious liberty, and hold candidates accountable throughout the upcoming 2012 election season!

Where else can you double your money in this economy? If you plan to support marriage, please do it today! Your generous donation will go twice as far in helping the National Organization for Marriage combat liberal America's assault on traditional marriage.

Donate Now

We will expose their ill-conceived notions of marriage and remind millions about the true and only definition of marriage: one man AND one woman.

We have now raised $887,200.06, but have just 36 hours left to hit our goal of raising $1 million and earning every cent of the million match, thereby striking a double blow for marriage against the anti-marriage establishment!

If we can take full advantage of this Matching Funds Program, we will enter 2012 ready to fight back against those who wish to destroy the very foundations that support marriage and the family. Your donation is critically important to help us fight back on the phones, on television, on the radio, and in the mail.

So please make one urgent year-end gift to the National Organization for Marriage right now, and please be as generous as you possibly can.

Donate Now

We will immediately match it with funds from our anonymous donor and DOUBLE the size of your contribution as soon as your donation is processed.

Every dollar you contribute counts for twice as much! Make your year-end contributions count, with double the impact for marriage, and receive 100% return on your investment with a gift to support NOM's work today.

And remember—the offer expires at midnight on New Year's Eve.

So please do not wait.

Thank you for everything in advance.


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S. Friend, in case you were waiting for the 2012 Election Year to take shape before making another gift to the National Organization for Marriage, please do not wait one more day! Our Matching Funds Investment Program expires in just 36 hours and we need all of the help we can get. We have come so far, and now is not the time to let up.

Please don't delay. We only have 36 hours left!

So please be as generous as you possibly can right now. Thank you so much, God bless you, and Happy New Year!!

Donate Now

NRO's Rich Lowry on the Santorum Surge

Rich Lowry of National Review Online on a new poll finding Santorum in 3rd place:

This could be huge for Santorum. I’m guessing people in Iowa like what he says, but needed permission to support him in the form of some assurance that their votes wouldn’t be wasted. If he’s trending upwards in the polls, they get that permission. As John McCormack pointed out in his nice piece on Santorum in The Weekly Standard, he’s not perfect; he has the liabilities of a Bush-era member of the Senate Republican leadership. But our friend Quin Hillyer, who’s been banging the drums for Santorum for about a year, had this post in the Corner a few weeks ago that makes the case for his record.
Also, see Lowry's latest column: "Santorum's First Look"

HuffPo Blogger Says Black Churches Taking on Role of "Oppressor" for Defending Marriage

Monique Ruffin in The Huffington Post:

The civil rights issue of our time is gay marriage, and the key players in our country's most significant civil rights movement are on the wrong side of it. The black church has taken on a new role: oppressor.

... Today, I am still shocked by the response of some of my black Christian friends to the plight of gay people in our nation. "I just don't agree that gay people can compare their struggles to ours," they bemoan. This is followed by the list of injustices blacks have experienced: the middle passage, slavery, lynching, rapes, and deaths. "Gay people haven't suffered nearly as much as blacks," they say. "Being black is not a choice," they add. "As if being gay is," I respond. I don't support the comparison. For me, the sufferings of a person or a group of people at the hands of other humans are frightening and heartbreaking. Instinctually, I feel that if any group can be oppressed, then I can be oppressed.

... Gay is the new black, sadly, because many blacks haven't been willing to embrace their own practices, secrets, fear, and shame about homosexuality. Many blacks have not been able to reconcile their real-life experience with their faith, and until they do this, they are oppressed people who are also practicing the oppression of others.

Keith Fournier: Santorum is the "Ronald Reagan" Candidate of the GOP Primary

Keith Fourner at Catholic Online with glowing words about his friend:

There is a "Ronald Reagan" candidate in the Republican primary.He "squares the circle". He is morally consistent and politically courageous. His name is Rick Santorum. I have written extensively about his positions. I know him, his wife and their family - personally. I have followed him throughout this campaign. He is exactly what many people - just like me - have been hoping for. He is the "Reagan candidate" for the 2012 campaign - and much more. This man is the "real deal", in every way.

Wrong on Marriage: Spotlighting Ron Paul's Unwillingness to Defend Marriage

Wrong on Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

I wanted you to be one of the first to see NOM's newest TV ad airing in Iowa.

In this final week before the Iowa caucuses, NOM is working hard to make sure the Republican nominee for president is a leader in defending marriage.

As you know, five of the leading GOP candidates have already promised to be marriage champions, leaving Congressman Ron Paul alone among the frontrunners in his continued refusal to stand up for marriage.

Please take a moment and watch NOM's latest ad right now.

Ron Paul: Wrong on Marriage

Many believe that Congressman Paul is a conservative, but when it comes to marriage, he's no conservative—his position is radical and will lead to the destruction of traditional marriage in America.

Go and see for yourself what he has to say. When asked if gay marriage should be legal, his response was, "Sure." Even should a federal court impose gay marriage (as a district judge in San Francisco has already done), he opposes a constitutional amendment to restore traditional marriage. In fact, he has even gone so far as to say that civil marriage should be abolished altogether.

Together with our new TV ad, NOM has launched two new websites highlighting the candidates' positions on marriage. Visit, for the latest on Congressman Paul's flawed views on marriage.

Meanwhile, over at, you can see the Marriage Pledge signed by Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Speaker Newt Gingrich, Gov. Rick Perry, Gov. Mitt Romney, and Sen. Rick Santorum.

Marriage between one man and one woman is the foundation of American society and the government has a vested interest and an obligation to protect it. Please help NOM hold Congressman Paul accountable for his refusal to defend marriage. Watch our new ad and check out our new websites today.


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

Donate Now

In Iowa, Santorum Calls for National Discussion on Marriage and Family

The Quad City Times:

One of the problems in America today is marriage has become “one of the alternative lifestyles,” former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum said Tuesday.

Speaking to an appreciative crowd of more than 100 at the Historic Park Inn Hotel, the Republican presidential candidate said, “We need to have a national discussion on marriage and family.

“There are two things in this country that will assure you of never being poor — graduating from high school and getting married.

“So marriage is important for our economic security. It isn’t an alternative lifestyle. The bottom line is: Marriage works.”

Santorum spoke and answered questions for about two hours.

Surge: Santorum Jumps to Third in Iowa

From NRO's Katrina Trinko:

Results from CNN/Time ORC poll of likely GOP Iowa caucus goers: Mitt Romney (25 percent), Ron Paul (22 percent), Rick Santorum (16 percent), Newt Gingrich (14 percent), Rick Perry (11 percent), Michele Bachmann (9 percent), and Jon Huntsman (1 percent). Forty-three percent of voters still anticipate that they might change their mind before caucus night.

Public Policy Polling adds, reflecting on its own poll (PDF) findings:

"And given all the strange twists and turns to this point don’t be surprised to see yet another surprise in the final week…and based on the innards of this poll the person best positioned to provide that surprise in the closing stretch is Santorum."

National Organization For Marriage Ads Take On Ron Paul Over Marriage Stance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 29, 2011
Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Anath Hartmann at (703-683-5004)

Television and Online Ads Target Iowa Voters with the Message that Paul Is Wrong On Marriage

Des Moines — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today launched a series of television and online ads critical of presidential candidate Ron Paul's refusal to fight to preserve traditional marriage. The ads will air during the run-up to the Iowa presidential caucuses on January 3rd.

"Many people think that Ron Paul is a conservative, but when it comes to marriage, he's no conservative – his position is radical and will lead to the destruction of traditional marriage in America," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "Preserving traditional marriage matters to Iowans and NOM wants Iowa voters to know that Ron Paul is the only major candidate to refuse to pledge to preserve marriage."

Five of the major candidates on the ballot in Iowa have signed NOM's Marriage Pledge, promising to take specific steps to preserve traditional marriage — Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich. Ron Paul has refused to sign NOM's marriage pledge.

The television ad, found here, informs voters that Ron Paul once said, "sure" when asked if gay marriage should be legal. He opposes a constitutional amendment to restore traditional marriage should federal courts impose gay marriage, as a district judge in San Francisco has already done. And Paul has even gone so far as to say that civil marriage should be abolished altogether.

In addition to a television ad, NOM also launch a series of online advertisements and a new website, highlighting Ron Paul's flawed views on marriage.

"Ron Paul holds positions that many conservatives support, but his position on marriage is far out of the mainstream and is simply unacceptable," Brown said. "Marriage between one man and one woman has been the foundation of American society and American families. It is truly radical for a serious presidential candidate to blithely cast marriage aside, suggesting that any private arrangement between adults can be called marriage. Marriage uniquely serves the common good and America deserves a president who respects that. Quite frankly, Ron Paul is worse on marriage than even Barack Obama."

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.


Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Oklahoma Sociologist on the Myth: "50% of Marriages End in Divorce"

The Tulsa World:

Everybody knows that half of all marriages end in divorce, and couples often cite that statistic as an excuse for not tying the knot.

But it's not true.

"I don't know where the 50-percent myth came from," says Amanda Miller, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Central Oklahoma. "But the divorce rate isn't that high and it never has been."

It peaked around 40 percent in the 1980s and has declined since - meaning that, when couples get married, "the odds are on their side," she says.

... The Pew study has received a lot of national press in recent weeks, with most of the analysis concluding that the institution of marriage is in deep trouble.

Miller, however, takes a more nuanced view.

"Most people still believe in marriage and want to be married," she says. "They want to get it right the first time and avoid divorce, but they aren't sure they can do it."

Ron Paul Favorite of Democrats Voting in Iowa Caucuses

Ron Paul leads in the new Public Policy Polling poll (PDF) among likely Iowa caucus goers, but only because he's earning the lion's share of Democrats and independents who say they plan to vote in the GOP primary:

NYTimes Blog on "Leading Social Conservative Group" NOM's New Ron Paul Ad in Iowa

Jeremy Peters of the New York Times The Caucus blog on our new ad now airing in Iowa:

The National Organization for Marriage, a leading social conservative group that is opposed to giving same-sex couples the right to marry, is striking out at Representative Ron Paul with a new television advertisement, a move intended to blunt the Texas congressman’s rise in the polls a few days before the Iowa caucuses.

... Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, said it was important for conservative Iowans to know where Mr. Paul stood on the issue before it was too late. “There’s five days left,” he said. “This is the critical period. This is a very unique election. People are still making up their minds in Iowa, and that’s why it’s important we do this now.”

In a New York Times/CBS News poll earlier this month, 38 percent of likely Republican Iowa caucusgoers said they felt same-sex unions should have no legal recognition. Only 22 percent said the right to marry should be extended to same-sex couples.

Our press release will be available shortly. In the meantime, you can watch the ad for yourself and visit