Cindy Golding in Iowa 18: Let the People Vote

She notes that the people always vote for our marriage tradition.  An off-the-cuff advice to volunteers that reflects her heart on this:

Republicans Expect Victory in DOMA Fight


A fresh push is under way among Senate Democrats to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the 1996 federal law that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman and allows states not to recognize "gay marriages" performed in other states.

On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee is to consider and decide on whether it will send the Respect of Marriage Act, an effort sponsored by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) that would repeal DOMA, to the full Senate. But Brian Duggan of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) expects the issue to receive strong opposition from Republicans, who will likely be able to filibuster the legislation if it reaches the Senate floor.

... the NOM spokesman says he "absolutely" sees the repeal effort as a way to pave the way to legalizing same-sex "marriage."

"That's the whole intent," he insists. "Right now, marriage is [being] fought out largely at the state-by-state level. Thirty-one states, when it's been taken to a vote, every single time when voters have been asked to choose they've defined marriage as one man and one woman."

Chile’s Constitutional Court Rejects Gay Marriage in 9-1 Vote

The Santiago Times:

Chile’s Constitutional Tribunal will officially release their verdict next week rejecting as “inapplicable” arguments for the legalization of same-sex marriage, according to an early report by El Mercurio on Friday.

The year-old case sought to challenge the decision of a Civil Registry official who refused to grant a marriage license to a same-sex couple. The 9-1 vote involved four divergent opinions from the tribunal’s judges, some of which left the door open to future legalization.

Gov. Cuomo Calls for Redefining Marriage In Every State

Does every state want its legislature to operate like Albany? How does Cuomo suggest 31 states with constitutional amendments veto the people's will?

...Cuomo is calling for [redefining marriage] to happen elsewhere, with a loud demand for a national marriage equality and gay rights platform.

"We need marriage equality in every state in this nation, otherwise no state really has marriage equality, and we will not rest until it is a reality," said Cuomo.

Closer to home, advocates are demanding greater civil rights for transgendered New Yorkers.

... There are also future elections, which several notable guests were thinking about as they mingled. -- NY1

The Great NOM Photo "Controversy"

My Friends,

The Great NOM Photo Controversy

Rachel Maddow and her friends on the left are all atwitter about a photo collage created for the website that NOM is sponsoring with allies in New Hampshire who are working with us to repeal same-sex marriage there.

You may recall that marriage was redefined in New Hampshire in 2009 after Tim Gill funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions into the pockets of Democratic legislators and Governor John Lynch. Lynch ran for office as a traditional marriage supporter, but he betrayed the people of New Hampshire when he agreed to sign the same-sex marriage legislation into law.

NOM is committed to overturning that terrible legislative decision, and the people of New Hampshire are with us. Last year, voters in dozens of towns passed referenda demanding their right to vote on the definition of marriage. The referendum measures passed overwhelmingly (the average vote was 63% Yes to 37% No). Not a single town that considered the issue defeated it. Then a year ago, the voters threw out the Democrats who had voted to redefine marriage and replaced them with an overwhelming pro-marriage majority!

It's no accident that Maddow and her allies in the gay activist community chose Tuesday to issue their breathless "expose" about NOM's photo "controversy"—on Tuesday the New Hampshire House Judiciary Committee voted overwhelmingly to repeal same-sex marriage! Neither Maddow nor her friends at the Human Rights Campaign can defend imposing same-sex marriage on New Hampshire with no vote of the people. So they issue "reports" and press releases criticizing NOM over a photo collage! They object to us using a photo of a crowd scene, which symbolizes the tens of thousands of New Hampshire voters who are part of our effort. They're upset that the photo was not taken at a NOM rally. Seriously?! NOM using a common use photo in the public domain is considered a great scandal, yet they can redefine marriage—the most important social institution of society against the wishes of New Hampshire voters—and nobody is supposed to object? It's as if the institution of marriage gets mugged, and they complain about speeding in the neighborhood when someone rushes it to the hospital!

Let's teach Rachel Maddow and her pals at the HRC what's really important in this debate in New Hampshire. We've swapped out photos on the site to avoid the distraction, now it's time to focus on the real controversy.

Join with us to restore the law to what it was before Tim Gill and John Lynch hijacked it following hundreds of thousands in campaign contributions.

Call your legislators and ask them to support HB437 to restore marriage as the union of one man and one woman and reinstate civil unions for gay couples. And please make a contribution of $43.70 to help us win this battle. This is going to be a tough fight. Maddow and her uber-liberal allies can be expected to try every dirty trick in the book to defeat us because they know that if we are successful, it will be a tremendous setback for them. But by supporting HB 437 and making a contribution of $43.70 (or whatever you can afford), you'll be showing the left that we are going to win!


Thank you for your support!


Brian Brown

Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

Irish Presidential Candidate Mired in Scandal Finishes Distant Fourth in Election

Ireland had its presidential election over the weekend and Sen. David Norris (who jumped back into the race after withdrawing over a scandal involving his support for pedophilia) came in a distant fourth:

David Norris had led polls early in the race to become Ireland's president, before he dropped out and then jumped back in amid a scandal. But the senator, who could have become the world's first openly gay president, has conceded defeat today.

Early poll results show him finishing a distant fourth, and so Norris became the first candidate to congratulate Labor Party candidate Michael Higgins on what appears to be his win. -- The Advocate

Video: The Facebook Martyr -- "He Can't Be Punished for His Belief"

This week's video update by the UK Christian Institute tells more of Adrian Smith's story:

Rick Perry Praises New Hampshire Effort to Repeal SSM

The Concord Monitor:

Presidential candidate Rick Perry praised the legislators working to overturn New Hampshire's same-sex marriage law last night in Manchester.

"As conservatives we believe in the sanctity of life. We believe in the sanctity of traditional marriage," Perry said. "And I applaud those legislators in New Hampshire who are working to defend marriage as an institution between one man and one woman, realizing that children need to be raised in a loving home by a mother and a father."

Can We Trust Gov. Quinn and the Illinois Department of Children & Foster Care Services to Protect Children?

Catholic Charities has a sterling record of protecting foster children in the State of Illinois. With Gov. Quinn's consent, the children they protected are now going to be transferred to new homes because the Department of Children and Foster Care Services will no longer do business with any foster care agency that does not do gay couple adoptions.

Meanwhile, for years, the Illinois DCFS did business with a man named George E. Smith (a close personal friend of the then-head of DCFS Erwen "Mac" McEwen) who apparently bilked DCFS and other state agencies of $18 million dollars.

More troublingly, Smith actually administered psychotropic drugs to children in foster care without proper medical care or consent.

When Gov. Quinn found out, he quietly pressured McEwen to resign. No public condemnation. No calls to investigate. Nothing.

The "Chicago Way" is apparently now the 'Illinois Way", where politics trumps not only good government, but basic decency.

We've mentioned this development before but see this report in Business Week:

"McEwen, who described Smith as his "personal friend and mentor," stopped cooperating with investigators in May, the report said, although state employees are required to aid such probes. He announced his resignation in August and left DCFS at the end of September.

Gov. Pat Quinn said Monday that McEwen "was given the opportunity to resign and he took that opportunity." Quinn, appearing at an unrelated news conference, did not take any other questions on the issue and did not explain why he didn't publicly disclose the reason for McEwen's departure.

Brooke Anderson, a spokeswoman for the Democrat, said the law barred Quinn from disclosing the misconduct. However, that law applies to early release of "investigatory files and reports" from the inspector general; it does not prohibit a governor from saying he believes a member of his Cabinet is mismanaging an agency.

Anderson said all contracts and grants to Smith were halted and that DCFS is taking steps to make sure nothing like this happens again. She could not describe the steps that are being taken.

McEwen and Smith did not return messages seeking their comment on the allegations."

Will Spain Repeal SSM?

After New Hampshire, next Spain?

Next month's general elections threaten to undo Spain's 6-year-old gay marriage law.

The Socialist government of Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, which swept into office in 2004, looks to be on the outs. Polling shows the conservative Popular Party (PP) with a 15-point lead over Socialists.

Mariano Rajoy, the leader of the PP, has previously said he believes the law is unconstitutional and that he would “change” it even if the nation's highest court ruled it constitutional.

“I will listen to the court, but I don't like the fact that there is gay marriage and I don't think it is constitutional,” he told daily El Pais. “What I don't like is the word 'marriage.'” -- On Top Magazine

Video: Christian Broadcasting Network Interviews NY Clerk Belforti

CBN News interviews New York town clerk Rose Marie Belforit (watch her interview with marriage-ADA here):

What's the scariest costume you've ever seen during Halloween?

A Halloween Message from NOM PAC NY!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

I don't know about you, but I'd have to say that the scariest costume I've ever seen is probably "Turncoat Republican Senator" masquerading as a representative of the people.

Tell NY Legislators to leave the trick-or-treating to the kids.

Don't let these turncoat senators get away with their tricks! Please consider giving a generous gift to the NOM NY PAC today to provide us with the resources we need to hold these legislators accountable to you, the people. Help us give a happy ending to this scary story playing out in the Empire State.

Brian Brown

Have a happy and safe Halloween!

Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown
NOM PAC New York

P.S. Donors who give $100 or more must be publicly listed on our campaign finance reports. Please give as generously as you can—whether it's $99, $50, $25, or even more, if you are willing and able to make a public stand in support of marriage. Don't let these turncoat senators get away with their tricks!

Catholic Bishop Urges Congress at Hearing to Defend Religious Liberty, DOMA

A press release from the U.S. Bishops:

The head of the Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) called on Congress to defend the American legacy of religious liberty on October 26, during a hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee.

The chairman, Bishop William C. Lori of Bridgeport, Connecticut, noted several recent actions by government entities that mark the erosion of the freedom of religion, often called the nation’s “First Freedom.” [Read his testimony here.]

... He also urged the House to reject the Respect for Marriage Act (H.R. 1116), which would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). DOMA, which was signed by President Clinton in 1996, defines marriage as between one man and one woman for purposes of federal law and leaves states free to define marriage as they see fit. Bishop Lori added that the U.S. bishops “applaud the decision of the House to take up the defense of DOMA,” which the U.S. Department of Justice has refused to defend in court. He called on the House to continue that defense “for as long as necessary to obtain definitive confirmation of [DOMA’s] constitutionality.”

He added that the Department of Justice’s decision to abandon DOMA seems to “warrant congressional inquiry.”

Report: Gay Groups in Scotland Received 10x More Funding Than Church Groups

The UK Christian Institute:

Homosexual groups in Scotland have received nearly ten times as much Government funding as church groups over the past decade.

New figures reveal that since 2001-2, three homosexual lobby groups have received a total of £5.9m. However over the same period only £600,000 has gone to church groups.

Christian groups Solas and CARE for Scotland as well as a national newspaper criticised the news.

Report: ‘Baby Trafficking’ Scandal the Tip of the IVF/Surrogacy Iceberg


After a CNN report this week condemned an illegal surrogacy ring run by high-profile fertility lawyers, one expert says that media and the pro-life community alike still fail to acknowledge the corruption endemic in the entire “baby trafficking” business - whether legal or not.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Sandra Endo this week reported on the surrogacy business of Hilary Neiman and Theresa Erickson, two of the most prestigious reproductive law attorneys in the world, who impregnated surrogates before adoptive parents were found. If the baby survived to the second trimester, the attorneys auctioned him or her off to the highest bidder, up to $180,000 per baby.

... Jennifer Lahl, the founder and president of The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, said the chilling aspects of Neiman and Erickson’s “baby trafficking” don’t only belong to illegal fertility operations. “Ms. Erickson and her co-conspirators violated a legal distinction without a difference,” said Lahl.

“Babies are being bought and sold. Women are being exploited. Non-traditional families are being made with no consideration for the children created by these technologies,” said Lahl. “And in this specific case, we see that greed trumps all.”