Gay Rights Groups Protest Religious Viewpoint Protection in Michigan Anti-Bullying Bill

The Detroit News:

The Michigan Senate passed an anti-bullying bill Wednesday over strong objections from Democrats and even the father of the bullying victim after whom the bill is named.

"Matt's Safe School Law" passed 26-11 with all Democrats voting against it. The bill is named for Matt Eppling, an East Lansing 14-year-old who committed suicide after being bullied by classmates in 2002.

The law includes a section noting it doesn't abridge First Amendment free speech rights or prohibit expression of religious or moral viewpoints — a provision Democrats fear could be used to justify harassment of gay, lesbian or transgender students.

New Hampshire to Focus on Bill to Repeal SSM

Congrats to Rep. Bates for making a difficult decision to unify the fight in NH:

State Rep. David Bates, the Windham Republican who also is sponsor of the repeal bill, told The Associated Press on Tuesday he wants to let the Legislature consider repealing the law enacted under Democrats two years ago before debating a constitutional change -- a process that would take longer to implement.

"The bill to change the meaning of marriage back to what it was in statute is well on its way," Bates said.

Bates said he did not want to risk having lawmakers choosing between two measures: the bill and a constitutional amendment.

"It would complicate the decision for legislators if there was another alternative out there," he said.

... The full House must vote on the bills early next year. If the House passes the repeal bill, it would go to the Senate. It takes a majority to pass bills. -- Associated Press

"LGBT Inclusive" Programs Represent 24% of Broadcast TV Primetime

From Nielsen ratings:

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT)-inclusive programs represented almost a-quarter (24%) of broadcast primetime scripted and reality shows last season, garnering 28% of broadcast primetime TV viewing and over one in 5 (22%) ad dollars, according to Nielsen data released in October 2011. Motion pictures and department stores led all categories driving advertising on LGBT-friendly programming, allocating 28.3% and 27.6% of their ad dollars respectively.

Not far behind, credit cards, telephone, and tech companies also spent a significant share of their ad dollars with LGBT-friendly programs, at roughly 25% each. Of the top 10 overall advertising categories, retail (18.5%) and pharmaceuticals (14.9%) dedicated less of their ad budgets to these shows than they did on the average for all categories.

UK Introduces Plan to Conduct Same-Sex Partnerships in Church

The UK Daily Mail:

Gay couples are to be allowed to take part in civil partnerships in church and other places of worship under Government plans published today.

Equalities minister Lynne Featherstone confirmed a scheme is intended to be in place by the end of the year to allow religious premises to apply to be approved for civil partnership registrations.

..."the Government is committed to removing the legal barrier to civil partnerships being registered on the religious premises of those faith groups who choose to allow this to happen."

The move comes after an amendment was made in the last Parliament in the House of Lords to the Equality Act which removed the ban on holding civil partnership ceremonies in religious premises.

Have you taken action yet? Help defend DOMA!

Email Header Image

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Tomorrow morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee will consider whether to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, jeopardizing every state constitutional marriage amendment in the nation, and opening the door for the courts to force same-sex marriage across the country.

Have you taken action yet?

San Francisco liberals like Diane Feinstein can't stand the fact that the American people have voted to protect marriage in 31 consecutive state votes. So they are pushing a bill in Congress that would do an end run on voters, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), jeopardizing every state constitutional marriage amendment and opening the door for courts to force same-sex marriage on the entire nation.

All ten Democrats on the 18-member Judiciary Committee have already co-sponsored Sen. Feinstein's bill, so it will be no surprise if the committee votes to pass the bill on to the full Senate. But with your help, we can let them know just how out-of-touch with reality they are – and stop the bill in its tracks when it reaches the floor of the Senate. Use this link to send an email to the entire Judiciary Committee, urging them to oppose the DOMA Repeal bill.

Thanks to last November's election, and Speaker Boehner's stalwart defense of marriage, the DOMA Repeal bill is likely dead on arrival in the House. But we need to fight hard in the Senate, and not allow marriage opponents to build momentum for repeal.


Together, we can protect DOMA and block Senator Feinstein from imposing her San Francisco values on the entire nation, but only if we all do our part today.

Proud to be standing with you,

Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage


86 House Members Demand Senate Protect DOMA

From a press release by the office of Congressman Todd Akin (MO-2):

Congressman Todd Akin, Chairman of the Seapower & Projection Forces Subcomittee, today released a letter to Senate leadership calling for the inclusion of language protecting traditional marriage on the National Defense Authorization Act. The letter was signed by 86 members of the House, calling for language similar to the Akin amendment that was carried on the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act.

“The Defense of Marriage Act was passed by a bipartisan vote in Congress and signed into law by President Clinton,” said Congressman Akin. “Unfortunately, this current administration is now directing the Department of Defense to ignore this law and perform gay marriages on military bases. I think this is wrong, which is why I offered an amendment to the House-passed defense bill making it clear that DOMA applies to the DOD. This letter calls for the Senate to add a similar amendment to their version of the bill. The Department of Defense should not be allowed to simply ignore laws they do not like.”

PDF of the letter here.

NYTimes: "Much At Stake" In Iowa Special Election

The New York Times:

By any standard, the midterm election had been a landslide for Iowa Republicans. Last November, the party won back the governorship, gained a majority in the General Assembly and nearly took the Senate, leaving a perilous 26-to-24 edge there as the Democrats’ sole claim to power.

But, as frustrated Republicans would soon discover, that sliver of a majority was enough to halt much of their conservative legislation from ever being debated, let alone voted on, including bills on property taxes, business regulation, education, abortion and, most controversially, a ballot measure to reverse the state’s distinction as one of the few to permit same-sex marriage.

... Though both candidates have insisted that the race will be decided on local issues, the statewide implications have consistently risen to the fore — staff members for both party leaders in the Senate have been out knocking on doors. Most discussed is the future of same-sex marriage in the state, an issue that has featured prominently in state elections since the unanimous 2009 ruling by the Iowa Supreme Court that overturned a state law limiting marriage to unions between a man and woman.

Groups opposed to same-sex marriage, including the National Organization for Marriage, are sending fliers for Ms. Golding, and supporters of same-sex marriage have been volunteering on behalf of Ms. Mathis.

"We see it as a great opportunity to break the handcuffs, to advance some pro-family issues, primarily the marriage vote,” said Bob Vander Plaats, president of the Family Leader, who led the successful effort last year to vote out three State Supreme Court justices because of the same-sex marriage ruling.

UK Association Who Demoted Christian Over Facebook Marriage Comments Feared Losing Gay Rights Award

The UK Christian Institute:

[Adrian Smith] appealed against the disciplinary decision but his bosses wrote to him rejecting his appeal, adding that his comments “had the potential to seriously undermine the Albert Kennedy Accreditation, which we were proud to receive last year”.

The Albert Kennedy Trust is a homeless and housing crisis charity for homosexuals. It awards a ‘quality mark’ to housing providers that satisfactorily meet “the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people”.

The letter also told Mr Smith that, whilst he has a right to preach in churches, he could face further action if he was recognised or linked with the Trust.

Some gay rights activists are also criticizing the decision to demote Mr. Smith over his Facebook comments:

At the weekend a gay rights group criticised Trafford Housing Trust and urged the Trust to give Mr Smith his job back.

Sharon Ferguson, Chief Executive of The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, said: “Trafford Housing may have acted with the best of intentions here, but we believe they have overreacted and very much hope that they will reinstate Adrian Smith.”

Last week homosexual activist Peter Tatchell said that Trafford Housing Trust was being “excessive and disproportionate”.

Jason Adkins Answers "Why A Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment? Why Now?"

Jason Adkins of the Minnesota Catholic Conference:

...Love and commitment are necessary for marriage, but not sufficient. Society has an interest in supporting and sustaining a legal institution that is fundamentally about begetting children, attaches those children to their parents, and carries with it social norms of permanence and fidelity — which research clearly indicates are indispensable to a child’s well-being.

In fact, a recent study from the Social Trends Institute confirms what we know from Catholic social teaching: the long-term success and economic prosperity of societies depends upon the health of intact families.

So, the next time you are asked how redefining marriage hurts you, you can say that marriage is not just about the private relationship of two people, but a public institution that affects all of us, our children and the future of our community.

The Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment ensures that judges and politicians do not have the final say about marriage in Minnesota.

New Jersey Attorney General Seeks to Dismiss New SSM Lawsuit

The Associated Press:

The latest lawsuit that seeks to force New Jersey to recognize gay marriage will soon be going before a judge for the first time.

State Superior Court Judge Linda Feinberg has scheduled a hearing for Friday on the state's motion to have the suit dismissed. The state Attorney General's Office says the matter is already settled.

The state Supreme Court ruled five years ago that New Jersey had to give committed gay same-sex couples all the legal rights and benefits that married couples have — but said it didn't have to recognize gay marriage.

PA Family Institute: Lawsuit Shows Need for Constitutional Marriage Amendment

From a recent action alert by the Pennsylvania Family Institute:

Attorneys for a lesbian woman who was “married” to her partner in Canada have petitioned the court to declare Pennsylvania’s marriage law to be unconstitutional. That means a single judge could, by his decision, rewrite the definition of marriage in the state to allow same-sex marriage. It was a case not unlike this one that led the high court in Iowa to legalize same-sex marriage there in 2009.

The only way to protect marriage for generations to come in Pennsylvania is a Marriage Protection Amendment...

... For the past five years, the state has considered legislation giving you the chance to vote on a marriage protection amendment, but each year the legislation has been prevented from moving forward. With this past year’s election, however, conservatives won a majority in both the state House and Senate, paving the way for the passage of marriage protection legislation in 2011.

Deseret News on How Archbishop Dolan is Redefining the Marriage Debate

McKay Coppins of Deseret News has published an in-depth interview with the Archbishop of New York:

... As it's been framed, the debate over gay marriage has so far revolved around the rights of same-sex couples. But going forward, Archbishop Dolan said, he will work to shift the focus onto the First Amendment rights of the church — rights he fears are now in danger.

"One of our arguments has always been that people of principle who feel this violates their deepest-held convictions are going to be forced to the wall," Archbishop Dolan said. "We were told we were being Chicken Littles and that was ridiculous."

... "We have to be particularly vigorous now in the protection of religious freedom," Archbishop Dolan said, "making sure the government does not force us to violate our conscience."

... While questions of religious freedom keep lobbyists and church leaders busy in the public policy arena, Archbishop Dolan will simultaneously seek to remind his flock what this debate has really been all about: not homosexuality, but the sanctity of marriage.

... If traditional marriage advocates can find the right tone in making their case, Archbishop Dolan believes they will ultimately come out on top, especially as the gritty realities of redefining marriage — divorce, custody battles, shifting standards of fidelity — complicate the romantic public perception of the campaign.

Illinois Foster Parents: Discriminating Against Christian Adoption Agencies Hurts Our Kids!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Can you imagine forcing foster children to suffer just so you can advance your political agenda?

Of course not!

When I first learned that the gay marriage movement is right now actively working to shut down religious foster and adoption agencies my heart dropped. I could not believe it.

When Illinois passed a "civil union" law, the state began demanding that adoption agencies place children with same-sex couples.

And when groups such as Catholic Charities or the Evangelical Child and Family Agency refused due to religious objections, the state ripped up their contracts!

So I sent a crack filmmaker out to Illinois to investigate, and here is the new video that tells you the unvarnished truth: the new gay "rights" agenda includes the right to deprive children of loving, foster homes, if those homes are found by religious adoption agencies that won't do gay adoptions.

In this groundbreaking report you hear the truth the mainstream media doesn't want you to know. You will meet wonderful loving parents, like Randi Craigen, who with her husband Clive adopted Zeb and Trinity: "I felt that was a place I could serve God and help a child."

You will meet Tammy and other Christian foster and adoption parents who will tell you about the incredibly important role Christian foster care agencies like Evangelical Child and Family and Catholic Charities have in helping find Christian parents to help abused children:

"One of the main things we were looking for in an agency is someone who shared our faith-based beliefs. I don't think I could have weathered the storm of the foster care system" without Evangelical Child and Family's help says Tammy.

Now that government is refusing to work with Christian adoption agencies, Randi is really, really concerned about the impact on her own foster kids and others like them: "It's bad for children first of all because now there's an agency that is not going to be able to provide families for them, and there are already not enough families," Randi tells us. Foster father Mike adds, "if those [Christian] people don't have a logical place to go there will be less parents helping these children."

Fewer parents helping abused and orphaned kids?

You and I should be very concerned too.

I'm the father of seven children myself. As a Christian I know we have a special obligation to the orphaned and abused child.

We cannot stand by and just watch the gay so-called "rights" movement use government power to discriminate against Christian adoption agencies, not when the ones who will be hurt in the end are the neediest little ones of all.

Will you stand up with me for Randi's kids, and Tammy's kids and hundreds of thousands of other orphaned and abused children?

Please watch this short video and take action.

Marriage Supporter, this is the TRUE nature of their fight to destroy marriage . . . the part that you do not hear about in the mainstream media.

It is an all out assault on our religious liberty, with vulnerable children as its innocent victims.

The goal of the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance is to defend Americans' religious liberty from being trampled by the same-sex marriage bullies, and we need friends like you to stand with us in support.

So please, today: Watch this incredible video and make one generous financial contribution to help us spread our message and expose the vicious agenda behind the anti-marriage assault.

Thank you in advance,

Brian Brown

Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown
Executive Director
NOM Education Fund

P.S. Please forward this email to three friends right now so they can see the truth and get involved. Isolated and alone, we can be intimidated. Together we are too many to be treated as second-class citizens.

Simply visit, learn about the vicious attacks on religious-based adoption agencies, and make one urgent contribution. Thank you again, and God bless you!

New HRC Campaign Targets African Americans

Frank Bruni of the New York Times:

Without drawing much attention to it yet, one of the leading groups promoting same-sex marriage has taken an interesting tack, one that implicitly acknowledges the complicated relationship between gay Americans and another minority group not firmly on their side.

Two weeks ago the Human Rights Campaign inaugurated a new effort to move public opinion nationwide by unveiling a video testimonial. [...] In its infancy the H.R.C. effort, called Americans for Marriage Equality, has showcased three prominent black Americans in a row. That’s no accident.

In our world there are divisions and even tensions among minority groups, and the quest to legalize same-sex marriage — now permitted in six states and Washington, D.C. — has met particular resistance from African-Americans.

This isn’t a topic that advocates for gay rights or their many black supporters relish discussing, because it focuses on a wedge where they wish there was a tighter bond. But polls indicate that support for same-sex marriage lags among black Americans.

Audio: Rep. Trent Franks on the Threat of SSM

Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona recently spoke on FRC's "Washington Watch Weekly" on the harmful consequences of redefining marriage: