HuffPo on LGBT History Month: "They Hate Us" ... "Force Religious Groups To Stop Discrimination"

The Huffington Post is commemorating LGBT History Month by publishing some particularly vehement op-eds against Christians and religious liberty:

Rev. Dr. Katrina D. Foster writes: "Mr. Daly [President of Focus on the Family], you do hate gay people. You just hate to admit it."

Tracy Baim writes: "Some Americans "like us, they really like us," while others would fire us, take away our children, deny us the right to adopt or foster children, ban us from marrying, and, in some cases, kill us."

Eric Ethington writes: "...a religiously-affiliated business that receives monies from the state or federal government should also be required to obey all laws, including the equal-opportunity employment."

UK Christian Institute: "No, Gay Marriage Isn’t Conservative"

The Christian Institute:

David Cameron said yesterday that homosexual marriage is Conservative, because it encourages strong bonds of commitment between two homosexuals.

The text of his speech shows that he said “Conservative” with a big ‘C’, but it is clear that he also meant conservative with a little ‘c’ – socially conservative.

Dave Landrum of the Evangelical Alliance hit the nail on the head: “If you can’t conserve the institution of marriage, what can you conserve?”

It’s good to see that at least one Dave is thinking clearly about this.

Cameron's Support for Gay Marriage Divides British Tories

The UK Telegraph:

Gerald Howarth, a junior defence minister, told The Daily Telegraph that Tory MPs should not be forced to support the proposal to rewrite the legal definition of “marriage” so that it included same-sex couples.

His concerns were echoed by other Conservatives who warned that the issue was causing disquiet on the back benches and could even lead to ministerial resignations.

Mr Cameron told the Tory conference in his speech on Wednesday that he supported homosexual marriage “because I am a Conservative”. He argued that “commitment” in a relationship should be valued regardless of whether it was between a man and a woman or within a homosexual couple.

The Most Rev Peter Smith, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Southwark, led the religious criticism of the Prime Minister’s comments. The Church of England is expected to oppose the plan when the Coalition begins a formal consultation in the spring.

Australian Archbishop Says Church May Drop Legal-Marriage Role Over SSM

The West Australian:

Perth Catholic Archbishop Barry Hickey has warned that the archdiocese will stop conducting legal marriages if it was forced to carry out same-sex unions.

... Catholic newspaper The Record reported Archbishop Hickey as saying that if the push for same-sex marriage succeeded, the Catholic Church would continue to celebrate marriage as it always had.

"We might be back to the ghetto. We can't do those marriages at all. And if the law forces us to, we cancel our registration as marriage celebrants. We just don't do it," he told parishioners of the Traditional Anglican Church parish of St Ninian and St Chad in Maylands on Sunday.

Archbishop Hickey said he had "very, very serious concerns" about the Federal Government's push to amend marriage laws to include same-sex unions.

Study: Modern Economies "Rise and Fall" with Nuclear Families

A strong economy is built on strong families and vice versa:

If the wealth of a nation is tied to both the quality and the quantity of its people, then modern trends toward cohabiting instead of marrying, easy divorce and fewer children born to couples will have sweeping economic consequences, a new report says.

The “long-term fortunes of the modern economy rise and fall with the family,” the Social Trends Institute says in its new report, “The Sustainable Demographic Dividend: What Do Marriage and Fertility Have to Do With the Economy?”

This is because economic growth, viability of welfare programs, size and quality of a workforce, and profitability of large sectors of an economy - health care and food, for instance - are intertwined with the family decisions of the populace, says the report, which is co-sponsored by six international institutions and the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia.

... Marriage also matters, the report says. Children raised in married, mother-father homes are the most likely to acquire the skills and behaviors conducive to becoming a “well-adjusted, productive” workforce. Also, “men who get and stay married work harder, work smarter, and earn more money than their unmarried peers.”-- Washington Times

Anti-Marriage Radicals Attack Speaker Boehner on DOMA--Take Action Now!

I need you to thank a courageous politician today. Thank him for standing firm on marriage, despite coordinated attacks and vicious abuse being heaped on him by anti-marriage radicals.

House Speaker John Boehner and the House Republican leadership have been stalwart in their defense of marriage and the rule of law ever since President Obama declared war on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) last February.

Click here to Thank Speaker Boehner Now

The attacks from the left have been simply outrageous. Delaware Senator Chris Coons went so far as to accuse Speaker Boehner of wasting taxpayer dollars, even declaring that "spending a dime [in defending DOMA] is beyond the pale."

As gay marriage advocates continue to file more lawsuits challenging DOMA, the cost of defending our nation's law has risen. And then they have the gall to claim those costs are Speaker Boehner's fault!

  • After President Obama refused to uphold his sworn duty to defend our laws...
  • After the Department of Justice spent hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars filing briefs against DOMA...
  • And even after the American people have spoken out time and time again in support of our marriage laws.

Enough is enough! Don't let radicals like Delaware Senator Chris Coons have the last word. As I write, they're gathering petition signatures to try to persuade Speaker Boehner to drop his defense of DOMA. But they can only succeed if we refuse to speak up.

Please take a moment to send Speaker Boehner and the House Republican leadership a message of appreciation today, and then forward this message to three friends. Thank Speaker Boehner for doing the right thing – defending marriage, upholding the rule of law, and giving the American people a voice in our nation's courts. Thank him for his courage, and urge him to stand strong against the attacks he is facing.

Click here to send your message today!


Brian Brown

Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

Experts: Evidence Shows We Must Respect Rights of Religiously-Motivated to Change Orientation

Stanton L. Jones is the Provost of Wheaton College and has served a three-year term on the Council of Representatives of the American Psychological Association. Mark A. Yarhouse is the Rosemarie Scotti Hughes Endowed Chair and Professor of Psychology in the School of Psychology and Counseling at Regent University.

They write in Mercatornet about the results of a longitudinal study they conducted over a period of seven years, now published in The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy:

"...the study suggests that since change seems possible for some, then all should respect the integrity and autonomy of persons seeking to change their sexual orientation for moral, religious, or other reasons, just as we respect those who for similar reasons desire to affirm and embrace their sexual orientation.

This requires that space be created in religious and professional circles for individuals to seek sexual orientation change or sexual identity change with full information offered about the options and their potential risks. We would do well to put as much information as possible in the hands of consumers so that they are able to make informed decisions and wise choices among treatment options.

The results also suggest that it would be premature for professional mental health organizations to invalidate efforts to change sexual orientation and unwanted same-sex erotic attractions."

Irish Presidential Candidate Who Withdrew Over Pedophilia Scandal Back in the Race


Sen. David Norris completed an extraordinary comeback Tuesday, securing the political backing he needed to get onto the ballot after withdrawing over a sex scandal in August, then changing his mind and jumping back into the race.

LifeSiteNews with background:

Despite leading in the polls, homosexual Irish senator David Norris is withdrawing his presidential bid after it was revealed he sought clemency for a former partner convicted of the statutory rape of a 15-year-old boy.

The revelation dealt a mortal blow to Norris’ campaign, which was also sustained damage when the candidate’s remarks supporting “classical pedophilia” were republished earlier this summer.

Study: Fathers' Presence Linked to Enhanced Intellect, Well-Being Among Children

ScienceDaily reports:

Fathers who actively engage in raising their children can help make their offspring smarter and better behaved, according to new research from Concordia University.

Published in the Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, the long-term study examined how fathers can positively influence the development of their kids through hands-on parenting.

"Fathers make important contributions in the development of their children's behaviour and intelligence," says Erin Pougnet, a PhD candidate in the Concordia University Department of Psychology and a member of the Centre for Research in Human Development (CRDH).

"Compared with other children with absentee dads, kids whose fathers were active parents in early and middle childhood had fewer behaviour problems and higher intellectual abilities as they grew older -- even among socio-economically at-risk families."

Brian Brown on SSM in USA News & World Report Debate Club

Brian Brown answers the question "Should Gay Marriage Be Legal Nationwide" asked in the Debate Club hosted at U.S. News & World Report:

Nationally Legal Gay Marriage Puts Churches at Risk

The real question that faces the nation is this: Should the U.S. Supreme Court or Congress invalidate the marriage laws of 44 states and eviscerate 30 state constitutions in order to redefine marriage to make it genderless? Properly understanding the question, the obvious answer is no.

It is a fundamental misunderstanding of the marriage debate to think that same-sex marriage would exist in the law alongside traditional marriage as simply a new and different expression of the same marriage institution Americans have always known. What is at stake is two competing definitions of marriage—the union of any two people regardless of gender, versus the collective understanding of virtually every nation throughout recorded history that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. [Continue reading]

Be sure to vote in the related online poll about the definition of marriage!

Frum Forum: Is Herman Cain Socially Conservative Enough?

Mytheos Holt writes at the FrumForum:

It is on gay marriage where Cain takes more liberties. In fact, on gay marriage, he appears indistinguishable from Libertarian Rep. Ron Paul. Cain has refused to sign the Pro-Marriage Pledge, refused to support the so-called Federal Marriage Amendment, and has “Unknown stances” on every other issue the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) scores, other than defense of the Defense of Marriage Act, which every GOP candidate is on record supporting. In contrast, candidates like Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry and even Mitt Romney have openly said “Yes” to every question asked by NOM.

Given that Cain is perceived as the conservative standard bearer who has eclipsed more socially conventional candidates like Rick Perry, this raises an important question: Is Cain actually conservative enough for his support base, or are social issues actually in their twilight years?

Or is Cain in trouble if Iowa voters find out?


Politico: "Two Powerful Social Conservative Groups SBA/NOM Unveil a Joint Voter Guide"

From Politico's Morning Score update:

EXCLUSIVE - SBA, NOM RELEASE VALUE VOTERS SCORECARD: Two powerful social conservative groups, the Susan B. Anthony List and the National Organization for Marriage, will unveil a joint voter guide today at the Values Voter Summit in Washington. The first page shows whether Republican candidates have taken SBA's "Pro-Life Pledge" on abortion (with related priorities). The second page shows whether candidates have signed NOM's "Pro-Marriage Presidential Pledge" (along with their views on five specific actions). Cain and Romney are the only two candidates not to sign the abortion pledge. Cain, Gingrich and Paul have not signed the marriage pledge. See the scorecard:

The Hill on NOM/SBA's Values Voter Presidential Score Card

The Hill interviewed NOM President Brian Brown for the story:

The anti-abortion rights group Susan B. Anthony List and anti-same sex marriage group National Organization for Marriage released their presidential campaign scorecards Friday morning ahead of the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit.

All the GOP presidential candidates -- with the exception of Jon Huntsman -- are scheduled to appear at the event in Washington, D.C. on either Friday and Saturday.

All of the candidates except Herman Cain and Mitt Romney signed the SBA List's pledge, while all of the candidates besides Cain, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul signed NOM's pledge.

The candidates with unblemished records on both issues, according to the groups, are Perry, Rick Santorum, and Michele Bachmann, the three candidates who, along with Cain, are most seriously vying for social conservatives. NOM President [brian Brown] said he believes his group's issue will play a large role in the campaign. "Given the fact that all of the main presidential candidates have signed our marriage pledge, which is a very strong pledge, clearly this election 2012, social issues are going to be very important," he told The Hill on the eve of the vote's release.

NOM, SBA List, Announce Joint Voter Guide On Presidential Candidates At Values Voter Summit

CONTACT: Elizabeth Ray at 703-683-5004

Groups Seek to Highlight Republicans' Positions on Important Life, Marriage Issues

Washington, D.C. – Two of the country's largest social conservative groups, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), have announced a joint voter guide which was unveiled today at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.

Brain Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, wants both candidates and voters to keep in mind the importance social issues, especially the support of traditional marriage, will play in this election.

"Americans care about marriage and about leaders with the courage to defend their values,"explained Brown. "This voter guide for life and marriage helps break through the clutter to show who has been willing to move beyond talk to making clear commitments to act to protect marriage. The marriage issue is going to play a bigger role in 2012 than last cycle because the differences between the party nominees will be so large and so clear."

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a national pro-life organization, explained the guide is designed to give Values Voter straw poll goers the information necessary to vote for the Republican Presidential candidate who is most in-line with the pro-life movement and the issues most important to their cause.
"Priority number one for the pro-life movement is defeating President Obama and replacing him with a pro-life president committed to advancing laws that will save lives,"said Dannenfelser. "Our goal is to ensure that Values Voter attendees know which candidates have made the commitment to be a pro-life leader in the White House, and where they stand on key priorities of the pro-life movement."

The voter guide lists the tenants of the pledges each organization circulated for all of the Republican candidates to sign.

The NOM pledge commits signers to, among other things, support a Constitutional amendment which would define marriage as a union between one man and one woman and defend the federal Defense of Marriage act. Thus far Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have signed the NOM pledge with Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul abstaining.

The SBA List pledge asks signers to, among other things, actively work to defund Planned Parenthood and nominate only pro-life individuals to relevant cabinet-level positions. So far, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum have signed the SBA List pledge with Herman Cain and Mitt Romney abstaining but vocalizing support for specific parts of the pledge.


Maggie's Latest Column: The Case Against Raising Cain

NOM Co-Founder Maggie Gallagher's latest column:

Herman Cain's star is rising. The unexpected Florida straw poll smash victory by Cain has led to voters taking a second look at the former pizza entrepreneur.

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows that Cain has risen into a tie for second place with the falling Rick Perry -- each claiming a 16 percent share of GOP voters.

A solid 25 percent of GOP voters just like Gov. Mitt Romney. He seems to have a solid base that neither rises nor falls.

The other 75 percent of GOP voters are in search of a candidate with whom to fall in love.

Continue reading at Human Events.