AP Tells the Stories of Parents Forced Out of Foster Care by the IL Civil Unions Court Decision

Props to the Associated Press for telling the stories of foster parents who are no longer able to help kids because of the recent Illinois court decision upholding the bad precedent set by the civil unions bill -- excluding faith-based adoption agencies:

In large part due to their faith, Mark Zartman and Beth Banuelos swung open their families’ doors to children from broken homes in southern Illinois. Over the years, some two dozen kids have found refuge with the Zartmans and about 50 with the Banueloses. Yet the Air Force retiree from Bartelso and the family counselor from Mascoutah are now among about 2,000 Illinois foster parents who face a painful decision if the government succeeds in ending its four-decade relationship with a Catholic charity over its opposition to Illinois’ new civil unions law.

... “We’re the most-needed program in southern Illinois,” said Gary Huelsmann, executive director of Catholic Social Services of Southern Illinois, a Belleville diocese entity that handles about 630 foster children for the state. “People do this out of senses of love and care, and they very much want to do it with an agency that has strong Christian values,” he said. “We have a tremendous amount of loyalty.”

... In Murphysboro, Tammy Penrod and her husband have been foster parents to about 20 children for about the past six years through various agencies, most recently Catholic Social Services. The couple, who have three grown biological children, now have two foster children — siblings ages 10 and 8 — whom they’re adopting. “It was a calling,” said Penrod, who runs a daycare center. “We felt God was calling us into this for kids.”

Penrod — who is opposed to civil unions for any couples, gay or straight — believes the state’s stance is an affront to religious rights. If a judge rules against Catholic Charities, she said, “as soon as our adoption is through, this couple will be gone.”

US Bishops Step Up, Demand Obama Administration Cease Its Attacks on Marriage and Family

Archbishop Dolan, President of the US Bishops Conference, today significantly stepped up his tone and urgency in defending marriage and family against the multipronged attacks of the Obama Administration. In a letter sent to the White House, Abp. Dolan begins:

"I write with a growing sense of urgency about recent actions taken by your Administration that both escalate the threat to marriage and imperil the religious freedom of those who promote and defend marriage ... Unfortunately the only response to date has been the intensification of efforts to undermine DOMA and the institution of marriage.

The Justice Department‟s move [to undermine DOMA], in addition to other troubling federal decisions occurring recently, prompts me yet again to register my grave concerns. The content of this letter reflects the strong sentiment expressed at a recent meeting by more than thirty of my brother Bishops who serve on the Administrative Committee of our episcopal conference. I know they are joined by hundreds of additional Catholic bishops throughout our nation...

The Catholic Bishops stand ready to affirm every positive measure taken by you and your Administration to strengthen marriage and the family. We cannot be silent, however, when federal steps harmful to marriage, the laws defending it, and religious freedom continue apace. Attached you will find an analysis prepared by my staff detailing the various executive activities of late that warrant our increasing apprehension."

The letter continues:

" is particularly upsetting, Mr. President, when your Administration, through the various court documents, pronouncements and policies identified in the attached analysis, attributes to those who support DOMA a motivation rooted in prejudice and bias. It is especially wrong and unfair to equate opposition to redefining marriage with either intentional or willfully ignorant racial discrimination, as your Administration insists on doing."

Mr. President, I respectfully urge you to push the reset button on your Administration‟s approach to DOMA. Our federal government should not be presuming ill intent or moral blindness on the part of the overwhelming majority of its citizens, millions of whom have gone to the polls to directly support DOMAs in their states and have thereby endorsed marriage as the union of man and woman."

And this towards the end:

"The Administration‟s failure to change course on this matter will, as the attached analysis indicates, precipitate a national conflict between Church and State of enormous proportions and to the detriment of both institutions."

The letter concludes with a 3-page analysis of federal threats to marriage covering April to August of this year.

Loss of Illinois Adoption Contracts Will "Devastate" Catholic Charities

Catholic Culture:

The cancellation of a state contract for adoption services will be "devastating" to Catholic Charities in Illinois, the Church agencies said in a court plea.

Asking an Illinois judge to reconsider his decision that the state has the right to terminate contracts with the Catholic agencies, the offices of Catholic Charities in Illinois explained that without the government support, their entire work would suffer severely. In the Springfield diocese, Catholic Charities would lose half of its income with the end of the adoption contracts.

71% of West Virginians Support Marriage, Including 61% of Democrats

The support numbers for same-sex marriage are even lower. Public Policy Polling:

"Only 19% of voters think gay marriage should be legal compared to 71% who think it should be illegal. Even among Democrats there's just 26% support to 61% opposed."

A Democrat Lines Up Against NY Sen. Grisanti

Capital Tonight:

As Sen. Mark Grisanti publicly mulls whether to switch parties, Democrats in his Buffalo district are already jockeying to unseat the first-term lawmaker.

Mike Amodeo, a Democratic trial lawyer from Hamburg says he’s gearing up to run next year. He hasn’t formed a committee yet, but he’s starting to recruit campaign staff and has been in touch with the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee.

... He criticized Grisanti, a former Democrat turned Republican, for what he says is flip-flopping by casting “politically advantageous” for same-sex marriage and UB2020, though quickly added he would have voted yes on those measures.

Minnesota Coalition: Marriage Victories in NY, NC & NH Show Momentum is on Our Side!

The Minnesota for Marriage Coalition celebrates with us all the good news for marriage we're seeing!

The Minnesota for Marriage Coalition, a broad-based group of community and faith leaders and organizations and thousands of citizens supporting next year’s vote to preserve the definition of marriage as only one man and one woman in Minnesota’s constitution, pointed to recent voter and legislative actions in New York, North Carolina and New Hampshire as proof that marriage matters to voters, and that politicians who vote to redefine marriage are vulnerable.

“This has been a momentous week for marriage,” said John Helmberger, chairman of Minnesota for Marriage. “Clearly, these pro-marriage wins in New York, North Carolina and New Hampshire demonstrate what we have been saying all along – marriage matters to voters – and politicians who vote to redefine marriage will be held accountable by the electorate.”

Helmberger is referring to a string of pro-marriage victories in three separate states this week. [Continue reading]

Maryland Family Alliance President on Mobilizing for Marriage

The StarDem reports:

Education is perhaps the most important aspect in encouraging people to become involved with important political issues, according to Derek McCoy, president of Maryland Family Alliance.

"We need to educate people on the issues and get them really understanding not just what's coming up, but the effects of what's coming up," McCoy said Wednesday evening at the Easton Volunteer Fire Department on Creamery Lane. "Let's talk about (these issues). Let's understand what's right for the citizens in our state and what's right for our culture."

... McCoy emphasized that everyone, despite race, income or religion, needs to get involved in the political and legislative process. Every citizen's participation is needed in the effort to stop the same sex legislation from passing next year, he said. If the legislation isn't stopped in the House or Senate, it will be critical to ensure that the legislation is referred to the ballot via a referendum, he said. "It's going to be a vicious fight this session," he said. "Together, we can make a difference."

You do not have to watch same-sex marriage become the law in your state

Victory in NY9

Dear Friend,

There is a well-funded, well-organized effort to redefine marriage as we've known it for centuries, and impose same-sex marriage as the law of the land in all 50 states.

But YOU have the power to stop it.

Friend, you've helped the National Organization for Marriage stand up for marriage by contacting your elected officials, and I cannot thank you enough for that. But today, I must ask not only for your activism, but also for your generous financial support – anything you can afford to donate to our cause is critical.

Because right now, we are in the middle of our most important fight ever. The very future of marriage is at stake, and that is why we are recruiting Americans from all walks of life to stand up with us and declare, loudly:

Don't Mess With Marriage!

Will you help? All I ask is that you take two simple actions right away:

  1. Please click here to sign our online PETITION FOR MARRIAGE, which we'll send to your two U.S. Senators, telling them you oppose so-called "gay marriage."

  2. Make your most generous contribution of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or even $25 to the National Organization for Marriage to help us repeal the new homosexual marriage law in New York and stop the anti-marriage radicals in the other 49 states.

It is vital we put unprecedented grassroots pressure on the Senate, because right now, President Obama is leading an unprecedented assault on marriage. He has declared that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional, and legislation is moving through Congress to completely repeal DOMA.

On top of that, activists in New York State, with a heavy dose of backroom armtwisting from Governor Cuomo, persuaded lawmakers to betray their constituents as they pushed a same-sex marriage bill through in the closing hours of this year's legislative session.

But this is not the end of the fight, it is just the beginning.

We at NOM have promised to raise $2 million to help defeat the politicians who've betrayed marriage in 2012.

I am not overstating things when I say that right now is the most dangerous moment for marriage in American history.

And NOM's sole mission is to fight back and win.

We know how to stand up against the same-sex marriage bullies. Thanks to allies like you all over America, we've been fighting and winning since we were founded in 2007:

  • When a handful of judges imposed gay marriage in California, we led the charge to reverse that decision.

  • When gay marriage was shoved down the people's throats in Maine, we forced the issue onto the ballot, and the voters rose up in defense of marriage.

  • In Iowa, we helped voters throw three Supreme Court justices out of office for their same-sex marriage edict.

  • And when the media told us that gay marriage was "inevitable" in Maryland, we mobilized a powerful grassroots lobbying campaign and won.

In short, we know how to educate and mobilize Americans from all walks of life to rise up and declare loudly:

Don't Mess With Marriage!

So please join our historic effort today by signing your PETITION and make your urgent, generous gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $25—we need your voice and your financial support to win these difficult, expensive battles.

Thank you in advance.


Brian Brown

Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S. One last thing—the radical same-sex marriage activists receive enormous financial donations from Hollywood celebrities and wealthy private foundations. The Human Rights Campaign—just one of the groups pushing gay marriage on you and me—rakes in more than $30 million per year! That's why it is so important for citizens like you—who support marriage—to donate whatever you can to help us fight back. So when you sign your PETITION FOR MARRIAGE, please also make one thoughtful financial gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or even $25 to the National Organization for Marriage.

Ed Whelan on Unsealing the Tapes: "The Latest Step in the Anti-Prop 8 Farce"

He writes on the topic extensively at NRO's Bench Memos:

"...Walker’s and Ware’s actions are plainly inconsistent with the reasoning of the Supreme Court’s January 2010 order. The Supreme Court credited the witnesses’ fear of harassment and specifically stated that “witnesses subject to harassment as a result of broadcast of their testimony might be less likely to cooperate in any future proceedings.” Walker and Ware have done as much as possible to make that harassment a reality, yet Ware dismisses the effect on witnesses as “mere unsupported hypothesis or conjecture.”

In the grand scheme of things, Walker’s shenanigans (now abetted by Ware) on the video recording of the anti-Prop 8 trial pale in comparison to Walker’s outlandish decision on the merits. But they are part and parcel of Walker’s broader course of misconduct in what deserves to be recognized as the most egregious performance ever by a federal district judge."

Without Gov. Lynch Veto, SSM Repeal Advocates Like Their Chances in 2013

So says Karen Langley at the Concord Monitor:

News that Gov. John Lynch will not seek re-election next year was welcomed by Rep. David Bates, a Windham Republican who wants to repeal the law that allows same-sex couples to wed in New Hampshire.

Once an opponent of same-sex marriage, Lynch signed the law in June 2009 and later pledged to veto any effort to reverse it. That raised the bar for a repeal bill, which would need the support of two-thirds of each chamber to override the veto.

Even so, Bates said he thinks the chances are good for repeal this year. But if not, he expects the turning of the gubernatorial guard will make the supermajority unnecessary in 2013.

"Now that the governor has been kind enough to step aside, if we don't get the supermajority necessary to override his veto, he's paved the road quite nicely for us to be able to pass it (with) a simple majority," Bates said.

No Standing: What Marriage Radicals Really Think of “The People”

Bill Duncan's Speech at "It Takes a Family" '09

Click to watch Mr. Bill Duncan, Director of the Marriage Law Foundation, give his ground-breaking talk on marriage at the inaugural "It Takes a Family to Raise a Village" Conference in 2009.

by Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.
Ruth Institute Founder and President

Last week’s hearing in the California Supreme Court on whether the proponents of Prop 8 have standing to defend the measure in court seemed to go well for the defenders of natural marriage. But another issue lies beneath the surface of the court arguments. The issue is what kind of people are the marriage redefiners: Ted Olsen, Rob Reiner, and the American Foundation for Equal Rights?

Is their bid to deny Prop 8 proponents legal standing just the next step in the unfolding of the civil rights movement, as they seem to perceive themselves? I think the evidence from the courtroom shows beyond doubt that we are dealing with something else entirely. These people are bent on obtaining a particular outcome, no matter what the cost to the rest of the legal system. Advocates of minimum government, especially libertarians, should be more than wary about hanging around this type of person: they should avoid them absolutely, and call them out wherever possible.

Proposition 8 is the ballot initiative defining marriage as the union of one man and one women in the California Constitution. In 2008, California voters approved Prop 8, with 51 per cent of the vote, approximately the margin of victory that elected Obama. Since then, celebrity lawyers Ted Olsen and David Boies have brought a suit in the federal courts to argue that Proposition 8 violates the US Constitution.

Please note the high stakes here. If the courts decide that the US Constitution requires the redefinition of marriage that will be the end of the line for debate on the subject in the US. We will have genderless marriage throughout the US, overturning the constitutions of the majority of states.

So, the point at issue in last week’s hearing before the California Supreme Court was whether the proponents of Prop 8 (that is, the group of people who put Prop 8 on the ballot and who are legally responsible for it) have standing to defend the measure in court.

Before I went to San Francisco to cover the Prop 8 trial, I hoped that the marriage redefiners would try to distinguish their case. That is, would they try to come up with some argument that distinguishes the proponents of Prop 8 from proponents of other potential ballot initiatives? If they make no attempt to do that, we might conclude that they don’t care whether they destroy the initiative process. They just want what they want, and they don’t care about collateral damage.

I am sorry, but not surprised, to report that attorney Ted Olsen made no serious effort to create a legal argument that would apply to Prop 8 and not to other ballot measures. As I sat in the jam-packed courtroom, I sensed that the justices were appalled by his cavalier attitude toward the voters. One by one, the justices poked holes in Olsen’s theory.

Justice Carol Corrigan observed that Olsen’s theory would give the Attorney General the right to “pocket veto” any voter initiative. Justice Joyce Kennard noted that to agree with Olsen is to nullify the power of the people. Justice Kathryn Werdegar noted that “we” (meaning the Supreme Court of California) have always given ballot proponents standing in court.

In addition, Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye noted that this case was the first case in history in which the proponents were the sole defenders of a measure. In past cases, the proponents have stood “shoulder to shoulder” with the Attorney General. She asked what would happen to the state’s interest in a law, if the Attorney General refused to defend it. “Does the state’s interest evaporate?”

Ruth Institute Commends California GOP For Platform Vote On Marriage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 19, 2011

CONTACT: Mary Beth Hutchins at 703-683-5004

California Republican Party Votes to Maintain One Man-One Woman Marriage In Party Platform

San Marcos, CA –The Ruth Institute, a project of the National Organization for Marriage Education Fund, commended the California GOP today in response to their vote at the September 16-18 convention to maintain a strong defense of traditional marriage:

“The voters of California continue to make their defense of marriage as one man and one woman clear,” said Dr. Jennifer Morse, president of The Ruth Institute. “Even though there are those both inside and outside the party who are trying to sway Republicans in California on their stance on marriage, the California GOP sent a clear message this weekend: Don’t Mess With Marriage! It is only with a solid understanding of the value of marriage and the significance of the defense of it that a party can move forward to help protect it. More Californians voted for Prop 8 than for any Republican candidate in a long time. Supporting marriage as the union of a man and a woman is smart politics, as well as the right thing to do. We commend the California GOP and look forward to continued efforts by them to support marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”

As the Associated Press reports, “The proposed rewrite [of the party platform] states the party ‘supports traditional marriage,’ a significant retooling from 2008, when the platform said marriage should be defined as between a man and woman.” After considering a draft of a new platform that would have altered the language regarding traditional marriage, “in a close vote alarmed conservatives said the draft pushed by moderates would erase the party's traditional, conservative values. In a 60-55 vote Sunday, a party committee sidestepped those changes and adopted a slightly revised version of the party platform adopted in 2008,” reports AP.

To schedule an interview with Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins (x105), [email protected] at 703-683-5004.


Laura Ingraham: NY-9 Outcome a Push Back Against Cuomo's "Cram Down" of Gay Marriage in NY

At 2:40 in this segment from Laura Ingraham's nationally-syndicated talk show, she makes the point that David Weprin's defeat is a push back against Governor Andrew Cuomo's "cram down" of gay marriage on the people of New York -- "no doubt about it", she says.

At the 5-minute mark, she talks again about how Weprin's vote for gay marriage hurt him and she also gives our efforts to educate voters in the district about Weprin's vote a shout-out!

"Bob Turner is the turning point for politics in this election year" she concluded.

Henry Stern: Orthodox Jews Decided to Send a Message on SSM in NY-9

The Huffington Post:

The Orthodox were upset that Weprin favored gay marriage, and said that his position was consistent with his Orthodoxy. His co-religionists disputed his claim. I support gay marriage, although I was late to the cause. Turner promised Koch not to exploit the issue, and he kept his word. The Orthodox, however, consider this an important matter...

SSM Activists Trying to Get Chris Christie to Back Down on Marriage Support

They will fail, we predict, in this long-shot bid to pass gay marriage in New Jersey by getting their truth-talking governor to fudge on the marriage issue:

State Sens. Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen) and Ray Lesniak (D-Union) — sponsors of the original failed legislation — will meet Friday in New York with Alphonso David, New York State’s deputy secretary for civil rights. [...] Lesniak said they’re likely to reintroduce the bill in the Senate, where it failed early last year — even though Gov. Chris Christie has said he’ll veto it.

“We’re leaning toward doing it and asking Christie, when he vetoes it, to send a Gov. Tom Kean-like message to the Legislature that this vote is a matter of conscience they have to personally and individually examine in the override vote,” Lesniak said. -- The Auditor/Star-Ledger