Chuck Colson: Pro-Marriage People Must Break the "Spiral of Silence"

He writes at the Christian Post, explaining what the "spiral of silence" is:

It works something like this: The mass media portray a given issue in a certain way with an eye to actually shaping public opinion. Once individuals see the issue as “decided,” they clam up, even if they disagree. That’s because most people don’t like to go against the grain; they don’t want to be socially isolated, they don’t want to seem to be cranks, or be labeled as bigots.

So how do you control America today? You control it by shaping the ideas of the people and silencing the opposition. And we’re letting a small, unelected elite shape those ideas and define what is and what is not permissible to say.

Shame on us. Because we should be shaping ideas, proclaiming truth from our pulpits and from every platform we have - from the neighborhood cookout to the school board meeting.

First Things on Refounding a Marriage Culture

First Things editor R. R. Reno writes:

"Proponents of same-sex marriage like to pronounce it “inevitable.” Their confidence is based on the progressive conceit that modernity always and everywhere weakens and dissolves the power of traditional norms and practices. But this is not true. During the nineteenth century the social influence of Christianity in America grew dramatically. Victorian England saw a profound remoralization of society. And the diffusion of modern economic systems, science, and technology throughout the globe in recent decades has not led to the diminishment of religious passions, as so many predicted, but instead their increase. History is not a ratchet that turns in only one direction."

...Culture never stands still. The promises that so engage the imagination of one generation are quite often broken for the next, especially if they are promises humanity and human society cannot meet."

"I've Failed My Children by Refusing to Marry Their Father, Even Though They Begged Me To"

Louise Greenfield puts a human face on the cohabitation epidemic in the UK Daily Mail:

"...we were like an increasing number of middle-class couples who co-habit, have children and see no reason to formalise their shared commitment to a lifelong future with a wedding ceremony.

And yet, it seems it wasn’t enough. Because despite all those years together, and all those children, David and I are now in the process of splitting up. We are divorcing without ever having married.

..herein lies an uncomfortable thought. While it pains me to say so, I can’t help thinking that our situation might have been different if we’d got married.

For years, I told myself — and others — that marriage for me was just a word, a formality, and that David and I were as close as any married couple. Now I’m not so sure. Maybe, if we had made a proper commitment in front of our friends and loved ones, if we had said those binding, meaningful words, we might not be in this situation.

UK Government Report: Most Britons Oppose SSM

The UK Daily Mail:

Most people still oppose gay marriage and the adoption of children by same-sex couples, a Government report revealed yesterday.

More than half believe homosexual marriages should not be allowed and two thirds think the adoption of children by same-sex couples should not have become legal nine years ago.

The findings from the Office for National Statistics suggest the Coalition’s plans to upgrade civil partnership laws to let gay couples describe themselves as married may prove unpopular.

Plans Move Ahead to Redefine Marriage in the UK by 2015

The Christian Institute:

The [UK] Government will hold a consultation on redefining marriage in England and Wales to allow homosexuals to wed, following similar moves in Scotland.

The announcement was made at the weekend by equalities minister Lynne Featherstone.

Opponents say there will be far-reaching consequences if a key social institution is so radically rewritten.

The consultation will begin in the spring. The Government says it will ask how, not if, same-sex marriage should be legalised.

Downing Street sources claim David Cameron’s personal intervention has pushed the issue forward.

Christian Today:

Mike Judge, of the Christian Institute, questioned the need to redefine marriage to include unions between homosexuals.

"All the legal rights of marriage are already available to homosexual couples through civil partnership registrations," he said.

"The census shows that only one household in 500 is headed by a same-sex couple.

"Is marriage to be redefined across the whole of society to please a small minority of activists?"

The Prime Minister has reportedly personally intervened to speed up progress on allowing homosexuals to marry.

National Organization for Marriage Announces Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2011

Contact: Mary Beth Hutchins or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

Talk Back to Bank of America on Frank Turek's Beha Campaign

WASHINGTON - National Organization for Marriage today announces the launch of a new Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, releasing its first video on Frank Turek, who lost his contract with Cisco and Bank of America because a company employee complained he had written a book opposing gay marriage. MarriageADA has launched a consumer complaint campaign directed at Bank of America in North Carolina, where the company is headquartered.

"Gay marriage advocates are seeking to create an America in which decent, loving, law-abiding Americans are afraid to stand up for the idea that marriage is the union of husband and wife, for fear of reprisals ranging from insults and invectives like 'hater' and 'bigot,' to practical consequences like the loss of a job," said Maggie Gallagher, co-founder of NOM. "Frank Turek's experience shows that an anti-defamation initiative is urgently needed, not for some point down the road, but right now in America. He's right, it is simply un-American, regardless of your views on gay marriage, that any American could lose their job or contract for writing civilly, thoughtfully, and intelligently in defense of our historic, cross-cultural understanding of marriage."

"We reached out to a small number of customers of Bank of America in the Charlotte area, told them what happened to Frank Turek and asked them to call the company to let bankers know their customers do not appreciate this kind of disrespect. In the last few days more than 1,400 people have called to complain," said Gallagher.

"We want to create an America in which people do not fear losing their jobs, or any other threats to their person or property, because they do not agree with gay marriage. I believe both sides in this debate deserve basic respect for exercising their core civil rights as Americans to engage in an important public debate," Gallagher concluded.

For the video, and more information on the new Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, go to .

To schedule an interview with Maggie Gallagher, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins, [email protected], x.105 or Elizabeth Ray, [email protected], x.130 at


Manhattan Law Firm Seeks Criminal Prosecution of Upstate Marriage Clerk

Thompson Reuters:

A Manhattan law firm [Proskauer Rose, LLP] is calling for the resignation of a town clerk in upstate New York who claims she can't grant same-sex marriage licenses because of her religious beliefs.

... The Proskauer letter cites a July 13 memorandum from the New York State Department of Health that says town and city clerks have a legal obligation to provide a marriage license to all eligible applicants. "It is a misdemeanor violation if the clerk refuses to do so for any reason," the memo states.

Proskauer's letter urges the Ledyard town board to direct Belforti to issue same-sex marriage licenses or order her to resign.

"In the event such decisive action is not taken, we will be forced to take further legal action on behalf of Mmes. Carmichael and DiBiaggio in order (to) fully protect and enforce their rights under New York law," the letter says.

On Tuesday, People For the American Way Foundation, which serves as co-counsel to the women, circulated an online petition calling for Ledyard to require Belforti to issue same-sex marriage licenses or step down.

Only 32% of Missourians Support SSM, Dem-Leaning Polling Firm Notes National Trend Favors Protecting Marriage

The Democrat-leaning Public Policy Polling firm has been actively polling marriage and other political topics state-by-state recently. They include an observation about a trend line they are seeing favoring the protection of marriage in their analysis of Missouri voters:

"59% of voters in Missouri think that gay marriage should be illegal, compared to just 32% who would like to see it become legal. But when you throw civil unions into the equation 62% of voters support some form of legal recognition for gay couples to only 37% opposed to giving same sex couples any sorts of rights. The 62% breaks down 28% for whom full gay marriage rights is their first choice and 34% who prefer civil unions. This is what we're seeing in most states- voters are uncomfortable giving the label 'marriage' to gay relationships...but they're ok with granting those couples more rights as long as it's called something else."

Rick Santorum Says Google Could Fix His Search Results Problem if They Wanted To

Alexander Burns at Politico reports:

A Google search for Santorum has generated some inappropriate results since gay columnist Dan Savage organized an online campaign to link graphic sexual terms to the socially conservative senator’s name.

Now, the Republican presidential candidate says he’s convinced Google could do something to remedy the issue, if the company wanted to.

“I suspect if something was up there like that about Joe Biden, they’d get rid of it,” Santorum said. “If you're a responsible business, you don't let things like that happen in your business that have an impact on the country.”

He continued: “To have a business allow that type of filth to be purveyed through their website or through their system is something that they say they can't handle but I suspect that's not true.”

Santorum has acknowledged his widely covered “Google problem” in the past, but his contact with the company is a newer development.

Karen Santorum on Her Husband's Presidential Bid, and Family Life on The Campaign Trail

In Catholic Online's exclusive interview:

JH: What are the unique gifts and strengths that Rick brings to the table to solve our nation's biggest challenges?

KS: Most important, he's rock-solid. Rick is rooted in his faith and has a solid foundation. You get what you see. He walks the walk. He's someone who goes after the issues with such a passion. Preserving marriage, the sanctity of Life; these are things we really have to roll up our sleeves and fight for. He's also brilliant in matters of the economy and national security. He has a mind for history and facts and numbers. There's no doubt in my mind he'll be a great leader to this nation.

NOM Launches Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance! -- NOM Marriage News September 22, 2011

My Dear Friends,

I have so much to share with you this week, so much good news you will not hear anywhere else.

Let me start by acknowledging with gratitude the immense contribution to NOM, to marriage, and to our country of Maggie Gallagher.

Today we are announcing that Maggie is stepping aside as Chairman of the Board, and that a truly distinguished constitutional law scholar, John Eastman, is stepping into her shoes.

I've long admired John for his brilliant intellect, his fearless courage, and his profound desire to make a difference.

John is a former Dean of Chapman Law School, and our friends in California will recognize his name from his bid for the California Attorney General nomination.

Brilliant and in the arena, a fighting law scholar!—it doesn't get better than that.

Maggie asked us to find a new Chairman of the Board so that she could finish some long-deferred projects—including an Oxford University Press book, "Debating Same-Sex Marriage," which she is co-authoring with pro-gay-marriage advocate and philosophy professor John Corvino.

But don't worry—she is not going anywhere. Maggie remains on the board of NOM, a cherished part of the NOM family, and I promise you she is continuing to fight for marriage—with NOM!

Witness the latest exciting project I have to announce this week, which Maggie is shepherding:

NOM's Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance!

You and I know that advocates of gay marriage are seeking to create an America in which good, decent, loving, law-abiding people are afraid to speak up for marriage as the union of husband and wife.

It's intellectually and morally absurd, but our opponents have sought to silence debate, and to strip Americans of our core civil rights to speak, to donate, to organize and to vote to protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

We are so blessed as Americans to have a voice like Frank Turek.

Frank is a Christian apologist who has written a book opposing gay marriage. In his day job, as a former naval officer, he teaches leadership skills to Fortune 500 companies.

If you do one thing this week, watch this video:

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It will tell you more succinctly than I can where we are now in America.

A student of Frank's says, in essence, that he LOVES Frank's corporate leadership class, which includes teaching respect for diversity within a corporate culture. But because this student has Googled Frank and discovered that Frank opposes same-sex marriage, he seeks to get Frank Turek fired—and succeeds!

This is even bigger than gay marriage. This is simply un-American. You have to have a corporately-correct political view to hold a job in America?

What does that tell us about the kind of America gay-marriage advocates are seeking to build?

You have to see Frank speak for himself about what happened to him.

Take a moment and see what courage in defense of truth looks like:

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But NOM's Marriage Anti-Defamation League is fighting back! We've reached out, in the first instance, to citizens of North Carolina in the Charlotte area, where Bank of America is headquartered, and let me tell you, in the hundreds and the thousands they have responded:

Are you outraged that Frank Turek was fired? Yes!

Will you call the company to complain? More than than 1,400 North Carolinians, out of the 9,000 we called, agreed to phone in their dismay. 37 percent of them are customers of Bank of America.

(I have to pause to give a shout out to the American Family Association, which has also taken up Frank Turek's cause, God bless them!)

If you are a Bank of America customer who wants to join the Americans expressing concern about Frank Turek's firing, you can call too: 704-386-5681. Press 2. And say you are outraged that Bank of America would disrespect all its customers by firing a man for writing a book opposing gay marriage. Be polite, give respect, but make your voice heard!

NOM's Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance is not a one-shot. It's the beginning of something truly big. We need to come together in love to support each other in the threats to our jobs, our families, and our rights that are now clearly laid down by gay-marriage advocates.

Remember, alone we can be isolated, but together we are too many to stigmatize!

Please go to Pass the website address to a friend. This is the beginning of something Big!

Each week or so you will see another video, another face of a human being whose rights and dignity are denied by too many gay-marriage advocates. (Yes, we know there are exceptions—we hope that people on both sides of this debate step up to the plate to deplore these injustices!)

This is just the beginning of a huge new step, a blow for liberty, for justice, for community and for civility to ALL sides in the gay marriage debate.

Marriage ADA is our unique, fruitful response to this attempt to create a climate of fear.

Marriage ADA's goal is to create a community of Americans who, regardless of their faith tradition, adhere to the core Gospel value: "Be not afraid!"

On that front, NOM's leadership in NY-9 continues to bear great fruit.

Initially, pundits tried to deny that David Weprin's vote for gay marriage was a key part of his loss, but with perseverance—and good data—we've pushed through the media's wall of silence.

God bless the good conservative voices who have arisen to speak truth to power.

Here, for example, is Rush Limbaugh on the "Lessons of NY-9":

"Gay marriage was an issue here, gay marriage, and the anti-gay marriage position is what emerged as victorious here!"

Peggy Noonan, the liltingly beautiful prose stylist, said, "Orthodox Jews and Israel, gay marriage, the economy—all these things played a part...."

John Fund (formerly of the Wall Street Journal, now at the American Spectator), acknowledges the role of gay marriage on the John Batchelor show on WABC.

And the magnificent Laura Ingraham said, "This is a pushback on the Andrew Cuomo cramdown of marriage. No doubt about it. ...An interesting piece in Politico, 'Is NY 9 in part about the marriage question?' David Weprin, who is the Democrat who hoped to win this seat, his support for same-sex marriage has been a MAJOR issue in the district.

"He's hurting because of his vote earlier this year to legalize same-sex marriage...The National Organization for Marriage invested $75,000 in mailers in NY- 9 last week, that is the story that most in the media will not cover; I give kudos to Politico for actually writing this piece."

(The best single run down of the evidence that gay marriage sunk David Weprin was provided by our beloved Maggie Gallagher in her nationally syndicate column. Check it out here.)

The need for our new Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance was made clear this week in a new study from the National Religious Broadcasters warning that for the first time in American history, the new media platforms are being used to censor Christian speech and thought, primarily on the gay issue.

Almost every major technology platform studied has used their market power to suppress speech the corporate owners deem "anti-gay."

This is the result of a deliberate campaign by gay-marriage advocates to express "offense" over statements they do not like (like the eloquent Manhattan Declaration, signed by major religious leaders).

The Christian Broadcasting Network's news report is here:

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God has given us challenging times But in the end truth and love together will prevail.

Let me end by detailing for you a wonderful victory in California by good people who refused to be cowed or intimidated, in the matter of whether or not the California GOP would continue to stand for marriage and life.

When the platform was threatened to be rewritten to exclude marriage, close to a thousand "GOP activists, donors and leaders descended on the L.A. Live! Marriott-Ritz hotel, across from the Staples Center (we were the pre-show for the Emmy Awards, I guess)," according to Jon Fleischman's flash report.

"Moderate Bay Area Republican donor Charles Munger, Jr. (the son of Warren Buffet's billionaire business partner) has decided, so the story goes, to put a pile of money behind a play to moderate the party's platform into something more to his liking. While his plan was cloaked as an effort to 'update; the platform, it takes about a nanosecond to compare the new version he was advancing, and the existing platform (see the comparison here) and see it for what it is—a play to fundamentally alter the California GOP's positions on a myriad of issues. ...Because conservatives were asleep at the proverbial switch, a small group of moderates won the majority of seats on this small committee. Then, with around 30 people present (barely achieving a quorum), the Drafting Committee adopted a platform draft that guts the current platform. Though not on the platform or drafting committees, Munger was at the drafting meeting, as was his paid staff."

The effort was foiled only by a strong turnout from good people who are unwilling to excise marriage and life from the list of core political principles for which they fight.

Tom Fuentes, a former Chairman of the California Republican Party, is battling cancer. His flesh was weak but his spirit was willing when he arose in a dramatic speech to urge his friends and fellow citizens to stand tall for marriage and for all the core principles on which our nation was founded:

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Tom said:

"Be not afraid... When next you see the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger don't be afraid to reject him. ...Most especially... when money and special interests are set to gut our party's traditional conservative platform, don't be afraid to stand firm and tell them: that we are not just a party of big business and special interests, we are a party of people with values and principles that must be defended. ...Be not afraid. Remind Mr. Munger he has only one vote in the ballot box just like you and me. Sustain our platform as a conservative Republican platform. Thank you and God bless you all."

I can't end any better than that:

Be not afraid, and God bless you all!

Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

PS: Can you stand up for your values and principles today? Can you help fight for marriage by considering what you can give—whether it's $20 or $200? When you donate to NOM you make sure that your voice is heard.


National Organization For Marriage Announces New Chairman of the Board Prof. John Eastman

Contact: Mary Beth Hutchins or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

Washington, DC - The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) announced today that John Eastman, a distinguished Constitutional law scholar, is taking on the role of Chairman of the Board for NOM.

Dr. John Eastman is the former Dean of Chapman University Law School in California and is the Founding Director of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, a public interest law firm associated with the Claremont Institute. He has participated in over 50 cases in our nation's highest courts, including such landmark cases as the Pledge of Allegiance case, the Boy Scouts of America case, the Ohio school vouchers case, the Kelo case involving property takings, and the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act case. Dr. Eastman is a former clerk to United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He received his J.D. from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in government and political philosophy from Claremont Graduate School.

Brian Brown, President of NOM, stated, "John Eastman is one of America's foremost constitutional scholars and has distinguished himself as a fierce advocate for families and religious liberty. As a legal scholar, he has participated in dozens of cases before our nation's highest courts, including the United States Supreme Court. When important constitutional principles are on the line, people frequently turn to John Eastman to advocate a conservative, pro-family position. He will be a great asset to NOM."

John Eastman stated, "Marriage has quite correctly been described as a bedrock of civilization. Protecting the institution of marriage is a critically important issue, and I'm honored to join such distinguished company on the Board of such a phenomenally effective organization as the National Organization for Marriage."

Maggie Gallagher, the previous Chairman of the Board, stated, "My original intention in co-founding the National Organization for Marriage was to launch a politically sophisticated national activist organization to fight for the views of millions of Americans who believe that marriage is and should remain the union of husband and wife. I think it's fair to say that NOM has been launched, and is now far more successful than even I dreamed (and I dreamed big!). I'm grateful to NOM's President Brian Brown for leading this organization, and the addition of an eminent public intellectual like John Eastman to the NOM team is a great sign as we move forward to the battles ahead."

"I will remain on the NOM board, and continue to work on specific projects for NOM, as well as taking on some additional outside projects I've long deferred, such as finishing my book Debating Same-Sex Marriage¸ which I've been working on for Oxford University Press with Prof. John Corvino," Gallagher added.

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President, or John Eastman, Chairman of the Board of NOM, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins, [email protected], or Elizabeth Ray, [email protected], at 703-683-5004 ext. 105.


Video: Ovide Lamontagne Enters Governor's Race in New Hampshire

The local Concord Patch reports that "at a Bedford GOP breakfast, the former Senate candidate says he'll steer New Hampshire in a positive direction."

Gov. Lynch recently announced that he will retire at the end of his current term.

Sen. Grisanti Faces Potential Primary Challengers as Either Dem or GOP

Sen. Mark Grisanti finds himself in a tough spot after his vote to redefine marriage:

Remember that when Grisanti voted in favor of same-sex marriage he was chided by Erie County Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy. Leaders of the state Conservative Party, which provides a critical line boosting many Republican candidates, have said the will not give their banner to any Republican who supported same-sex marriage. If Grisanti were to face a primary challenger, their presence on the C line would hurt his case.

But he would also, likely, face a primary if he were to enroll as a Democrat. He’s a white man in a heavily African-American district that was drawn for a Democrat.

And finally, this point: if Grisanti switches, he would have no cover in redistricting. He could find himself in the same district as Tim Kennedy, of south Buffalo, or against Republican Sen. Patrick Gallivan, who represents much of Erie County’s suburbs. -- Capitol Confidential

Same-Sex Couple to Sue Two Christian-Run Bed & Breakfasts in Illinois

The Chicago Tribune:

The couple filed a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights, which investigated and found "substantial evidence" that a civil rights violation had been committed.

The August finding allows the Wathens 90 days to file a complaint with the state Human Rights Commission or take civil action in Circuit Court. The Wathens' attorney, Betty Tsamis of Chicago, told the Tribune that her clients have chosen the latter path and will file lawsuits against both businesses as early as next week.

... Steven Amjad, an attorney representing Timber Creek, said the state constitution guarantees religious freedoms.

"These are business owners that have strong religious convictions. The Legislature has created this (conflict), and the courts will have to sort this out," he said.