Is Obama a Bigot or Just a Liar?

Prof. Robert George, who is a founding Chairman of NOM's board, asks a great question today on National Review Online: “Obama on Marriage: Bigot or Liar?”

Like Sherlock Holmes’s dog that didn’t bark in the night, liberals have been strangely silent about Obama’s comments on marriage.

It has become a matter of orthodoxy among progressives that those who believe that marriage is properly defined as the union of one man and one woman are guilty of bigotry.

There is a problem, however: Barack Obama has assured voters that he believes marriage to be the union of one man and one woman — not two men, two women, or some combination of more than two people. As Donald Trump rather pointedly noted after the Miss U.S.A. pageant, President Obama’s position on the definition of marriage is identical to the position stated by California beauty queen Carrie Prejean.

So what do progressives think? Has the president embraced bigotry? Or has he lied to the American people about his position on what marriage is and how it should be defined?"

Read the whole thing here.

NOM National Marriage News, July 1, 2010

Big news! NOM is coming soon to a city near you!

This week we announced the launch of our new "Summer for Marriage" 2010 Bus Tour. That's me, my wife, and six kids on a tour bus, along with thousands of other Americans holding rallies for marriage in 19 cities across the country.

Judge Walker will issue his ruling on Prop 8 shortly--and we expect him to rule that marriage is bigotry. He will likely overturn Prop 8. He will attempt to nullify the votes of millions of Americans across this great land who believe to make a marriage you need a husband and a wife--to take away forever our right to vote for marriage. This is our chance to fight back!

NOM's Summer for Marriage bus tour will tell all the Judge Walkers and all the politicians across this great country: We have a right to vote for marriage. And we are going to fight for our rights—and, most importantly, for our children's right to grow up in a country where God's truth about marriage trumps political correctness and judicial tyranny! We're here, we support marriage, we're not going anywhere!

This summer is an important moment. Judge Walker's ruling will echo politically as well as legally in November and beyond, according to a Wall Street Journal columnist: "The issue could be a difficult one for Democratic incumbents from the South, much of the Midwest, Southwest and Rocky Mountain states. Because the current Congress has so few Republicans from gay-friendly states in New England, other parts of the Northeast and the West Coast, it is difficult to see the issue cutting the other way," points out Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Our job is to swell that echo into a chorus of voices raised in defense of marriage! Here's where you can find out more about NOM's Summer for Marriage Bus Tour. And do me a favor right now, will you? Send this message to a friend. This is a chance to meet others who share our deepest values; to identify, energize and equip fellow activists; and to send a powerful message to elites who pretend that Americans don't care about this issue. If they can isolate us, they can intimidate us. But the people united cannot be defeated!

In Maine, first stop on the tour, the press is already taking notice. "Maine rally to launch tour for traditional marriage," the Portland Press Herald reports. (And thanks to Focus on the Family news for covering the tour.)

We know the mainstream media will try to spin this unfavorably--they always do. That's why we need NOM's Summer for Marriage bus tour--to build our own communication networks, to get in touch with each other and build a voice that politicians cannot ignore.

As always we will be working with many folks in these states, especially a number of family policy councils, so thank you.

Look for blogs, tweets, and stories from the Summer for Marriage Bus tour--and sign up your friends too!

Speaking of politicians, we asked you last week to go to to tell GOP leadership to support marriage! Gay-rights folks were flooding the blog but in just one week you changed the vote from pro-gay-marriage, to pro-marriage. But we can't stop now; we need to make the margin bigger. Can you take the time to vote Yes for marriage? Thank you!

I told you we expect Judge Walker to disrespect the millions of citizens who voted for Prop 8. But the news from judges isn't all bad: We had two great court rulings this week. What, you didn't hear about them? Of course not. The mainstream media only plays up stories they think help the cause of gay marriage.

We got unexpected support this week from the European Union Court of Human Rights, which ruled in a case called Schalk and Kopf v. Austria, that the plaintiffs were not discriminated against because they are not permitted to marry. And the EU Court of Human Rights ruled unanimously: The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union "did not impose an obligation on the Austrian Government to grant a same-sex couple ... access to marriage" and that the "decision whether or not to allow same-sex marriage [is left] to regulation by member States’ national law."

Meanwhile in Wisconsin the state supreme court unanimously rejected an absurd and frivolous challenge to that state's marriage amendment, approved in 2006 by 60 percent of people in this blue state. Gay-marriage activists, obeying their own internal rule which is "we have a right to win no matter what," went into court claiming the marriage amendment violated the "one subject rule" (amendments have to be about one subject) because it defined marriage and also prevented the legislature from passing any other partnership status substantially the same as marriage. This argument has been unanimously rejected by courts across the land, and we're glad the supreme court in a progressive state like Wisconsin also respected the rule of law and the people's right to vote.

The Supreme Court ruled this week 5-4 that a public law school could require all student groups to accept all students for membership and leadership (Christian Legal Society vs. Martinez). No sooner had the ruling come down than the supposedly conservative lawyer Ted Olson released to the press a letter to Judge Walker, claiming that this new ruling supports his anti-Prop 8 claim that sexual orientation is a suspect class, entitled to special Constitutional protection, and that there is no possible distinction in that class between status and behavior. (That is, he argues that the right not be judged for your orientation, which you may not control, also includes the right not to be judged for your sexual behavior, which obviously you do control--if not you, who?)

Gay marriage is not about what people are permitted to do in private--it's about using the most powerful tools in the law to reshape the culture to repress alternative views as discriminatory and bigoted. This is no secret any more. But how does Ted Olson still call himself a judicial conservative? I can't answer that question.

NOM's founding Chairman of the Board, Princeton Prof. Robert George, also asks a great question for "progressives" this week: Is President Obama is a bigot or is he just a liar? NOM's current Chairman, Maggie Gallagher, also takes on Pres. Obama in a column on his Father's Day declaration, and critiques the new "Lesbians are Better Parents" study. See both below.

If you need more good news, consider this: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has announced a new educational campaign, "Marriage is Unique for a Reason" ( It's the first in a series of short videos, accompanied by a downloadable study guide and a guide for Catholic clergy and teachers. But I think many other Christians will find this useful too, so check it out and let us know what you think!

One of my favorite lines comes from the guide for clergy and other teachers: "Treating different things differently is not unjust discrimination. Standing for the truth of marriage does not ignore rights or the equal dignity of human persons. Rather, it is a stand for the rights of husbands and wives, the unique responsibilities of mothers and fathers, the good and rights of children, the dignity of all human persons, and the common good."

God had His reasons for making marriage what it is. But developments like these make me hope and pray that He has His reasons for letting the challenges to marriage unfold as they are unfolding--that the fight against same-sex marriage is going to spur people in many faith communities to strengthen their teaching on the importance of marriage, on the gift and awesome responsibility of human sexuality, and on every child's right to the love and care of his mom and dad.

Thank you and please do not forget this week to pray for me and for all the folks on the front lines of this great battle for marriage.

P.S. Bus tours are not cheap. There's renting, wrapping, gas, insurance, media prep, not to mention hot dogs for all those kids! This week NOM needs $48 from 100 people to pay for the tour launch. Can you be one of those 100 this week? Can you spare $48--$4 a month--to empower thousands of Americans to fight for marriage? I'll be tweeting and writing, sending you photos of what your money paid for. This is our chance for a big splash which sends a message to politicians and judges that we will fight back! It's an outreach that will help us identify, energize and bring into our community hundreds of new activists across the country. If you cannot come to one of our rallies, please help us take NOM's message all across this country by donating $5, $10, or (if you can afford it) $49 today for marriage. Thank you for all that you do to protect two of our country's great treasures: marriage and the right to vote!

Spain: Why So Few Gay Marriages?

A new study by a Spanish gay rights group reports that about 10,000 gay marriages have taken place since Spain legalized gay marriage in 2007.

Spain has about 30 million people in 2008 over the age of 15. If 3 percent of the population is homosexual, that would be about 900,000 gay and lesbian adults. So 20,000 gay people have chosen to marry so far -- about 2 percent of gay adults.  Why so few?

Religious Liberty Watch

Gay marriage advocate (and--like Ted Olson, the lawyer opposing Prop 8--a Federalist Society member) and law professor Dale Carpenter recently said he was advising a Minnesota gay rights group on how they could lawfully exclude a street preacher from handing out literature against homosexuality at a large gay pride even in a public park that 200,000 folks will attend.

Prof. Carpenter argues that the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which had a right to exclude pro-gay rights groups from marching, is the relevant paradigm. A federal judge just said "no go guys."  If the First Amendment means anything it means you can speak, preach, and hand out literature in a public park.  Nobody is going to think that the gay rights groups authorized his speech. "As a festival attendee in a public forum, Johnson is entitled to speak and hand out literature, quintessential activities protected by the First Amendment, so long as he remains undisruptive," Judge Tunheim wrote in the 19 page ruling, according to the WSJ.

A win for the First Amendment. But look how many establishment and "conservative" gay rights figures now believe the First Amendment means: we get to restrict your rights to disagree?

Supreme Court Rules Against Christian Legal Society in California (Sort of)

The Supreme Court yesterday ruled that Hastings College of Law could require that all student groups be open to any student, regardless of that student's views.  Theoretically Christian groups under this "all comers" policy would have to accept not only gay students, but atheists and Buddhists as members and officers of their groups, and vice versa. Gay rights groups would have to accept Prop 8 supporters as full voting members, too. But the Court left open the possibility that Hastings applied the policy in a discriminatory manner, against some groups but not others, as the facts of the case strongly suggest.  Bottom line: Case continues. Most media will report this as a big win for Hastings.  But see:

David Boies Doesn't Have a Clue

Salon asks David Boies to describe the arguments for marriage as the union of husband and wife.  Boies is clueless.

These are the guys who keep lauding each other as brilliant?

Summer for Marriage Tour 2010!

In a few days, NOM will be launching our Summer for Marriage Tour 2010, taking the message for marriage directly to the American people and building support for marriage all across the eastern half of the United States.

Over 33 days, we’ll travel more than 6000 miles, holding rallies in 23 cities from Maine to Minnesota to Atlanta and Tampa before heading back to Washington, DC for the tour finale on August 15th.

Many of the states we’ll be visiting are key battlegrounds in this critical debate, as we work to organize grassroots support for marriage as the union of a husband and wife at both the state federal levels, building support for state marriage amendments and opposing the repeal of DOMA.

Please visit for the latest tour information, including the bus schedule, a chance to register for email alerts from the tour, and video footage of each tour stop.

We need your help to make this summer’s tour a success! Please click here to make your online contribution today. $60 would cover a penny per mile! $115 would be $5 toward the costs of each rally. Whatever you can give will go far as we work together to organize support for marriage all across the nation!

Then tell your friends and come out to see us when we come to your hometown this summer!

WaPo's Favorite New Republican

What does it take to get the WaPo to call you a "rising star" in the GOP and instant "Veepstakes" material in 2012? Be a pro-gay marriage, pro-choice Republican, of course.

Like Charlie Baker, running for governor of Massachusetts on the GOP ticket.  WaPo, swooning, is pretending Baker is following the Scott Brown formula.  But Sen. Brown was pro-marriage amendment and far more openly prolife than his opponent. (He describes himself as pro-choice but opposes partial birth abortion and federal funding; He was endorsed by the Susan B. Anthony List as well as NOM.) Baker did manage to sum up the energy to pledge to veto the so-called "bathroom bill" which adds gender identity to Massachusetts discrimination law--similar language in Maine this year lead the Maine Human Rights Campaign to propose integrating bathrooms and locker rooms in public schools and universities.

Baker is running just seven points behind an unpopular state governor in latest polls.  Will be interesting to see how this plays out in Massachusetts, but don't hold your breath for anyone named Baker on the ticket in 2012.

Charlie Baker, best of luck, but to paraphrase Ronald Reagan, Scott Brown is a friend of ours, and you are no Scott Brown.

America's Manliest City: #1 Charlotte NC; Last Place, Portland, OR

This is just a marketing scheme.  But if you want to know how Mars Chocolates chose Charlotte, NC as America's Manliest City, take a look here.  My question: why is a chocolate company ranking manliness at all?

WaPo Reporter Who Called Marriage Supporters Bigots Resigns

David Weigel has resigned after numerous emails surfaced disparaging conservatives.  Weigel was hired as a conservative to cover the "conservative beat" for WaPo. A few weeks ago, he blogged that he has sympathy for everyone he covers except for those who oppose gay marriage, whom he called "bigots."  Now it appears his sympathies for conservatives are more generally limited. Weigel Resigns:

Background: More Leaked Weigel Emails:

NOM's Founding Chairman Princeton Prof. Robert George Receives Canterbury Medal for Defending Religious Liberty

NOM's founding Chairman of the Board, Robby George, is a renaissance man. Here's a photo of Robby at the Becket Fund gala (which I attended) where he was honored with the Canterbury Medal for his contribution to the religious liberty of all faith communities.

We here at NOM certainly understand that SSM and related laws based on the assumption that Christian and other traditional faiths' views of marriage and sex are somehow akin to racism are serious threats to religion in America and the world.  We are grateful to Robby and to all defenders of religious freedom!

Planned Parenthood St. Louis Insemination Services

Insemination Services?  Who knew?  Lovely photo of two women headlined "They Just Found Out They Were Expecting Finally"

Because nothing causes infertility like attempting to have a child with another woman?

Letter From Brian

Dear Friend of Marriage,

Black Democrats to the rescue of marriage!

Saturday I had the honor of attending the D.C. State Democratic Convention with Bishop Harry Jackson.

African-Americans for marriage turned out in force, shocking the D.C. establishment!

I wish you could have been there. Strong marriage supporters, unafraid of the media or anything else, chanting "Let us vote! Let us vote!" If the mainstream media were what it should be, this would be the picture in every living room in America: Politicians blocking the door to the voting booth against citizens of D.C. in order to impose gay marriage on an unwilling populace.

The political establishment was shocked when all these newfound activists almost knocked off Harry Thomas in the straw poll the DC Dems conducted. His opponent, Delano Hunter, is a strong marriage supporter, eager to knock off a politician who ignored the will of his constituents and voted for gay marriage.

Exciting times!

They keep telling us "the culture has changed, gay marriage is the future." When they stop blocking the path to the voting booth, when they accept the legitimacy of elections like the one which passed Prop 8, then maybe they would have something believable to say about that. Let the people vote!

It's going to be a hard fight through the courts to vindicate the people's right to vote in D.C., but we are fighting for their rights and the rights of all Americans. Just as in Prop 8 last week, NOM's Chairman Maggie Gallagher was there, and NOM's Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund is helping fight for our constitutional rights.

If you believe in the right to vote, can you help us defend the Constitution from these ongoing attacks? We need to raise $8,479 in the next 48 hours for NOM's Legal Defense Fund, which supports not only Prop 8's able lawyers and the legal campaign to win back the right to vote in D.C., but also litigation designed to protect voters and donors from campaigns of harassment and intimidation. I am looking for 150 people willing to donate $57 each. Will you step forward to be one of NOM's 150 for the Legal Defense of Marriage?

Not everyone has money to give, we understand. (With six kids, believe me, I understand!) So here's something else you can do for marriage this week. Republican leaders have put up a website, America Speaks Out. But it's being slammed by liberals trying to create the impression that Republicans support gay marriage. We asked for your help on this before, but the website had glitches. Here's the good news: They've been fixed. Go here, login and vote "Thumbs Up" to protect marriage between a man and a woman.

Thank you!

How many times have you heard that you and I are like racists because we know that to make a marriage you need a husband and wife? Gay-rights advocates say this over and over--most recently, former judicial conservative Ted Olson stood before Judge Vaughn Walker and repeated this point ad nauseam. They don't just say we are racists; they try to get courts to rule as if marriage were akin to racism, founded only in bigotry. They use this argument in D.C., San Francisco and all across this country as their principle justification to taking away our right to vote for marriage.

Good news. Heritage Foundation's Tom Messner just published a devastating critique of "the race analogy" in National Review Online. It’s posted here. Check it out.

His sensible conclusion?

"Defending marriage is not similar to defending racism. Loving didn't fundamentally redefine the natural understanding of marriage. Rather, the 1967 decision rescued marriage from an extreme ideology that sought to hijack marriage for purposes unrelated to marriage itself. Today, the courts faced with Perry and similar litigation should do the same."

In other words, it is gay-rights advocates who (like the racists of old with their bans on interracial marriage) are trying to hijack marriage for ideological purposes that have nothing to do with marriage's core mission.

Of course their motivations are "progressive" rather than racist and that makes a difference, but it doesn't change the fact that gay marriage is an illegitimate attempt to "take over" a natural institution and reality and use it for new ideological purposes.

As Chuck Cooper pointed out in the final arguments in San Francisco last week, race was never part of the natural definition of marriage. Interracial marriage had to be "banned" because people understood that these were marriages; the bans were designed to keep two races separate so one race could oppress the other. That's what the 14th Amendment was designed to prevent, not the common-sense understanding of marriage.

Thanks Tom for speaking out for the truth, common sense, and sound and intelligent understanding!

And thank you, my friends and fellow comrades in this great battle for God's truth about marriage, for all that you make possible.

We've got big plans for this summer: to fight back against out of control judges, and to defend the votes of millions of Americans from out-of-control judges and an out-of-touch political elite. I can't tell you more right now but stay tuned, it’s going to be exciting.

Let me end on a small grace note. We do so much here at NOM that I can only tell you a part of it. But one young college student recently wrote to thank us, in this case Maggie.

"I recently wrote a college paper on marriage as public policy, and I could not have done it without the extensive work you have done on the subject. I've read your newspaper columns before, but until I started researching this topic I was unaware of the exhaustive treatment you had given the matter. I am now more fully prepared to discuss and defend traditional marriage with any who wish to confront the issue. Your writings on the matter are at the same time intellectually challenging and emotionally compelling. Thank you for making so much information available. I hope anyone who wavers finds your work and is strengthened by it as I was."

The next generation. That's what it's all about, isn't it?

You are the reason we can do so much. God bless you and strengthen you and your family, this day and always.

Semper fi!


Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage
2029 K Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC  20006
[email protected]

Letter to the New York Times (NOT!)

David Blankenhorn responds to Maureen Dowd's silly screed.

NY Assemblyman Opposes No-Fault Divorce

The statement of Michael Benjamin, D-Bronx:

Assembly Member Benjamin - Statement Against No-Fault Divorce

I am opposed to no-fault divorce because it would harm most women in divorce proceedings. According to the National Marriage Project at Rutger’s University, a woman’s standard of living drops by an average of 27% and a man’s increases by 10% following a divorce.

In addition to the economic disadvantages imposed by this bill, I am also against no-fault divorce because it would define marriage as something temporary and trivial. Under the provisions of the law, marriage would essentially be defined as a contract that could be broken at any time, for any reason.

Due to the economic disadvantage that women face, combined with my unwillingness to break down the blessed institution of marriage, I can not in good conscience vote for no-fault divorce.