We will fight on in DC!

NOM Marriage News.

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

It is a sad day in our nation's capital, as District offices begin accepting marriage applications from same-sex couples.

Local officials in Washington, DC have done everything possible to silence District residents opposed to same-sex marriage, even going so far as to deny their civil right to file a referendum.

And despite strong efforts in Congress, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the Democratic leadership refused to step in to protect voters rights in DC.

However, while same-sex marriages will be permitted in the District for the time being, NOM is continuing to fight bring an initiative to the ballot to restore marriage to what it has always been -- the union of a husband and wife.

We will fight on!  This battle is far from over. Read More »

Church Forced by DC Government's SSM Law to Drop Future Spousal Benefits

"The church faced two options with the approval of the new law, said Robert Tuttle, a George Washington University professor who studies the relationship between church and state. One choice was to expand the definition of domestic partner, as the Archdiocese in San Francisco did years ago, to include a parent, sibling or someone else in the household.

"The second choice was to do what the Washington Archdiocese has done: eliminate benefits for all spouses.

"'For decades, the church has been at the forefront of worker benefits, so this move cuts against their understanding of social justice and health benefits to all possible,' Tuttle said. 'But obviously, you can see they felt there was a real conflict between those values. They feel they weren't left with much of a choice.'"

Click here to read the full story in the Washington Post. [edited to fix URL]

NOM Marriage News: February 26, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Is our government out of control? A lot of voters are asking themselves that question these days, for a lot of reasons you can read about in the media, or hear on Fox News.

Working to be your voice on marriage has been such an honor and such a gratifying experience. The victories we won together I would not trade for anything in the world. Read More »

NOM to Maryland AG Doug Gansler: "Don't Mess With Marriage"

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Brian Brown, Executive Director of the National Organization for Marriage issued the following statement in response to Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler's decision yesterday to recognize same-sex marriages from other states:

"Maryland's statutory law clearly states that 'Only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid' in Maryland. The Maryland Supreme Court upheld the law and stated clearly it was the province of the legislature to change it. What part of the law doesn't the Attorney General understand? What other laws is he unwilling to enforce? This is an outrageous example of running roughshod over the rights of the people of Maryland in pursuit of a private political agenda," said Brian Brown.

Click here to take action (Maryland residents only)

To schedule an interview with Maggie Gallagher, President, or Brian Brown, Executive Director, of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray, [email protected], (x130) or Mary Beth Hutchins, [email protected], (x105) at 703-683-5004.


©2010 National Organization for Marriage.

MARRIAGE ALERT: Tell Maryland Legislators to Protect Marriage!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

"Only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid in this state."

Who would have thought it would take 55 pages for Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler to explain what these 14 words mean? 

Tell your state legislators to set the record straight by adopting a constitutional amendment on marriage. Click here to send your message now!

In a lengthy opinion released yesterday, Attorney General Gansler unilaterally interpreted Maryland law to permit same-sex marriages in Maryland -- so long as the wedding takes place in Washington, DC, or Massachusetts, or somewhere else where same-sex marriage is valid. Read More »

WV Marriage Alert: Urge Legislators to Protect Marriage!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Less than a year ago, voters in a Midwestern farm state were shocked when their Supreme Court overturned the state marriage laws, forcing same-sex marriage on the state and leaving Iowa voters with a long slow process to reverse the damage.

Don't let West Virginia become the next Iowa!

Take action today to take marriage out of the hands of unaccountable judges, and keep it where it belong - with the people of West Virginia. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: February 19, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The National Organization for Marriage is at CPAC this week--the annual gathering of political conservatives across this country. NOM's booth is awesome! If you are around in D.C. today (and a member) stop by and visit us! 

MSNBC's uber-liberal pundit Rachel Maddow just stopped by. She grabbed a National Organization for Marriage pen and said, "Wow. You guys have great pens. Can I have one?" "Sure," I told her. And then Rachel said: "I got to go tell the NRA guys they really should get your pens." A few moments later an NRA guy shows up and says, "Rachel Maddow says NOM has the best pens. ...Can we have one?"

Surreal, huh? Read More »

NOM Marriage News: February 12, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The San Francisco Chronicle broke the news that Judge Vaughn Walker is gay. I don't know if it's true or not, but here's the really big indisputable fact the mainstream media should be focusing on: Judge Walker has been incredibly biased in his rulings from start to finish. Read More »

ACTION NEEDED! Indiana Marriage Amendment Threatened in House!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

After passing the state senate by an overwhelming 38-10 margin in late January, the Indiana Marriage Amendment has now been formally transferred to the House for consideration.

Preliminary vote tallies already show a majority of House members in favor of the amendment, with a number still undecided. But House Speaker Patrick Bauer is threatening to bury the bill in committee, without even receiving a hearing in the Democrat-controlled House.

Take Action Today!

Use this link to send an email to your state representative, urging him or her to support SJR 13, and to press Speaker Bauer to allow the measure to come up for a committee hearing and floor vote.

Read More »

Got Bias? SF Chronicle Reports Prop 8 Judge Vaughn Walker is Gay

NOM Marriage News.

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

In a story this Sunday (Feb. 7), the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Prop 8 Judge Vaughn Walker is gay and called his orientation, "The biggest open secret in the landmark trial over same-sex marriage."

We have no idea whether the report is true or not. But we do know one really big important fact about Judge Walker: He's been an amazingly biased and one-sided force throughout this trial, far more akin to an activist than a neutral referee. That's no secret at all. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: February 5, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The Perry trial is over and the first poll is out: Americans overwhelmingly want the Supreme Court to support marriage.  Americans want to uphold the right of Californian voters to amend their own constitution to protect marriage.

By a 2-1 margin, Americans are rooting for Perry and Prop 8! Fifty-eight percent want the Court to uphold marriage, while only 34% want it redefined. Read More »

U.K Chief Rabbi: "The Pope is Right About the Threat to Freedom"

Marriage Update/Maggie Gallagher

The Chief Rabbi's  eloquent defense of religious liberty:

"There are times when human rights become human wrongs. This happens when rights become more than a defence of human dignity, which is their proper sphere, and become instead a political ideology, relentlessly trampling down everything in their path. This is happening increasingly in Britain, and it is why the Pope's protest against the Equality Bill, whether we agree with it or not, should be taken seriously.

Let me make it clear that I believe homosexuals have rights that need defending. Like Jews, they have been a persecuted minority for far too long. They too, like Jews, were victims of the Holocaust. They have a case that should be heard. . . .

[R]eligious vision burned brightly in the minds of those such as John Locke, who first formulated the idea of rights in the 17th century. It was integral to the American Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal [and] that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights." John F. Kennedy made a similar statement in his great inaugural address: "The rights of Man come not from the generosity of the State, but from the hand of God."

. . . .using the ideology of human rights to assault religion risks undermining the very foundation of human rights themselves. When a Christian airport worker is banned from wearing a cross, when a nurse is sacked after a role-play exercise in which he suggested that patients pray, when Roman Catholic adoption agencies are forced to close because they do not place children for adoption with same-sex couples and when a Jewish school is told that its religious admissions policy is, not in intent but in effect, racist, we are in dangerous territory indeed."

Bennett Defends Traditional Marriage In Nation's Capital


CONTACT: Tara DiJulio, 202-224-5444, Washington DC 20510
For Release FEBRUARY 2, 2010


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) introduced legislation today that would guarantee residents of Washington, D.C. the right to vote and decide whether same-sex marriage licenses should be issued in the nation's capital rather than allowing the decision to be made by the D.C. city council. Read More »

URGENT ALERT: Urge Congress to Support Bill to Protect Marriage!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Breaking news from Washington . . . .

9 U.S. Senators have agreed to co-sponsor a bill that would guarantee the right of DC residents to vote on same-sex marriage.The bill will be introduced shortly and will complement a similar bill introduced in the House in January.  The House bill is HR4430, and I'll keep you posted when the Senate Bill is introduced and assigned a number. Read More »

Re-engineering the Family?

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher

Heather McDonald has just published a very thoughtful and brave piece on National Review online.

It begins this way:

An image from a TV ad for gay marriage, reproduced in the January18 New Yorker, provides a Rorschach test for reactions to America'songoing revolution in family structure. Two men in black suits stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a group of people, looking into each other'seyes. In their arms are two newborns in white baby clothes and blankets. Though it's not immediately apparent from the photo, the men are at a baptism for their infants. The ad, still being test-marketed, is called "Family Values," and is intended to emphasize the "conventionality of gay couples," explains The New Yorker.

If your reaction to the image is: "Where's the mother(s)?" you may not yet be fully on board the "conventionality" bandwagon. If your reaction to the foregoing question, however, is: "Why does it matter?" then you are keeping pace with the revolution. "Why does it matter?" may ultimately prove the more appropriate response, but no one should pretend that it represents anything other than a radical revision of the traditional relationship between parents and children - one whose consequences no one can predict.