NOM Ad Shakes Up U.S. Senate Race

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

NOM's powerful new Two Peas in a Pod ad is shaking up Tom Campbell in his bid to be the GOP nominee to represent California in the U.S. Senate --  and even the Sacramento Bee is noticing!

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NOM Marriage News: April 2, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Today it's Good Friday. For those of us who are Christians this is perhaps the most important day of the year. And it's a paradox. Always the same paradox: This is the day I am asked contemplate the way in which my sins--my own sins--crucified my Lord and my God. What a horrifying thought. What a black day. God who came down to dwell among us, tortured, humiliated, executed among criminals as a criminal. Read More »

Conservative Victory

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

"We must stand for preserving traditional marriage and oppose
efforts to legalize same-sex marriage."

-Sean Hannity, Conservative Victory-

Our friend and ally, Sean Hannity, host of Fox News Channel's successful primetime program Hannity and of Premiere Radio Network's The Sean Hannity Show (heard by approximately 13.5 million loyal listeners nationwide) has just released his new book, "Conservative Victory." In it, he outlines his "Top 10 Items for Victory" - chief among them social and value issues such as preserving traditional marriage. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: March 26, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

On March 24 the Sacramento Bee carried on its front page a story on threats against lawmakers in both parties in the aftermath of the contentious health care reform vote.

"A fax bearing the image of a noose. Profane voice mails. Bricks thrown, a gas line cut. White powder sent to an office. Democrats and a few Republicans revealed mounting numbers and unsettling details of threats against them Thursday in the emotional aftermath of the passage of the health care overhaul." Read More »

TAKE ACTION: Bennett Amendment Defeated in Senate

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Late Wednesday night, the Senate went on record on marriage, rejecting an amendment introduced by Utah Senator Bob Bennett and refusing to block same-sex marriage in our nation's capital by a vote of 59-36.

All but two of the 38 Republican senators present voted for the Bennett amendment, while all 57 Democrats voted to block the measure (as they did every amendment to the health care reconciliation bill proposed last night).  The amendment would have suspended the DC same-sex marriage law pending a referendum allowing DC voters to resolve the question.

Ironically, the only two Republicans to join with the Democrats in opposing the amendment were Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, where just six months ago voters used the referendum process to reject a same-sex marriage bill passed by the Maine legislature.

Fifty-nine U.S. Senators are now on record allowing same-sex marriage in our nation's capital and refusing to protect the Charter rights of District residents.

Although disappointing, this outcome was not unexpected, and we are grateful for the hard work of Senator Bob Bennett of Utah, and of the Senate GOP leadership, in gaining the floor vote and putting the entire Senate on record on marriage. We're optimistic that the Supreme Court will ultimately vindicate the rights of DC residents to vote on an initiative on same-sex marriage, but today it's important that our voices continue to be heard in Washington.

Let your senators know you're watching their vote! Send your message today! Read More »

Bennett DC marriage amendment defeated in Senate last night

Early this morning, during "vote-o-rama," the Senate voted 59-36 to block the Bennett Amendment on DC Marriage Referendum that would have guaranteed DC residents the right to vote on same-sex marriage. Democrats voted as block to defeat all amendments to the health care reconciliation bill. With the exception of Senators Collins and Snowe of Maine, all Republicans present supported the rights of DC residents to vote on same-sex marriage. Five senators were absent for the late-night vote occurring shortly after 1am.  

Details here.

EMERGENCY ALERT: Senate Vote on DC Marriage Referendum Today!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

I need your help today. The Senate is expected to vote as early as this afternoon on the DC Marriage Referendum.

We need to take action NOW! Click here to send an email to your senators, urging them to vote in favor of the Bennett Amendment on DC Marriage Referendum.

For weeks, we've been working to get a vote on the DC Marriage Referendum. And Senator Bob Bennett has championed the cause -- pushing for a floor vote that will put the entire Senate on record on marriage. We have just a short window of time. Please take action now! Read More »

NOM Marriage News: March 19, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

California citizens fight back!

The political establishment is abuzz about the launch of the National Organization for Marriage's new "Two Peas in a Pod" ad, educating citizens about both Tom Campbell's and Sen. Barbara Boxer's support for gay marriage. As the Associated Press headline put it, "Gay Marriage Foes Attack Calif. GOP Senate Hopeful."

Here's the backstory. A few months ago Tom Campbell, who was getting trounced in the polls for the California governor's race, decided to drop out and run instead for the GOP nomination for the U.S. Senate. Tom's been around a long time, so he has pretty good name recognition, and he immediately leapt to the top of the polls in a three-way race with HP executive Carly Fiorina and Chuck DeVore (a favorite with many conservatives). We knew both Chuck DeVore and Carly Fiorina had stood with the 7 million Californian voters who braved threats, harassment, and intimidation to stand up for marriage in the Prop 8 election in November of 2008. Read More »

PA Senate Committee Tables Marriage Amendment

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

On Tuesday, the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee voted 8-6 to table the Marriage Protection Amendment, effectively killing SB207 for this year.

The eight votes to kill the amendment included three senators who voted for a similar measure in committee just two years ago.

Please take a moment to call and politely, yet forcefully, tell these three senators how disappointed you are that they would turn their backs on marriage and on the people of Pennsylvania, who overwhelmingly support the Marriage Protection Amendment.  Especially if you live in their district, call and tell them you want, and expect, leaders who will stand for what is right, and not sell out to special interests. Read More »

Two Peas, Same Liberal Pod

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

It's primary season, and NOM is leading the charge to expose the RINOs.

As you know, RINO means "Republican in Name Only" and if you were to look it up in the dictionary, you'd likely find the picture of former Congressman Tom Campbell. Campbell is a supporter of higher income taxes, higher gas taxes and gay marriage. During the Prop 8 campaign, he actually wrote an op-ed urging voters to reject Proposition 8. Fortunately, over 7 million California voters, including more than 80% of Republicans, ignored him.

Campbell is now running for the US Senate from California. With a record like his, you'd be right to think that he was running as a Democrat. After all, his position on higher taxes and gay marriage mirror those of Barbara Boxer - one of the most notorious uber-liberals in the Senate.

Please help us get this message out by making a donation today!

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MARRIAGE ALERT: Committee Vote on Marriage Amendment Tuesday!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

We've just learned that next Tuesday, March 16th, the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on the PA Marriage Protection Amendment. 


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NOM Marriage News: March 12, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The people of New Hampshire have spoken! As the Eagle Tribune headline put it, "New Hampshire Voters Want a Say on Gay Marriage"!

This is news you haven't heard, not even on conservative talk radio, where the relative news blackout on developments in the movement for marriage continues.

Here's the true story: Read More »

ILLINOIS MARRIAGE ALERT: Tell your State Senator to Vote NO on SSM!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Same-sex marriage supporters are trying to push a gay marriage bill through the Illinois Senate!
Make your voice heard today! Tell your Senator to vote NO on SB 2468.

Use this link to send an email to your state senator.
Click here to look up your senator's phone number.

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Two articles from the Deseret News

"Symposium battles trends that damage the traditional family":
"In similar fashion, a group of BYU students of the Family Law Society organized and carried out a formal symposium, called Stand for the Family, meant to counter modern philosophies perceived to be damaging traditional family relationships and, ultimately, society.

"After attending a several-day seminar in Southern California last summer at an interfaith organization, the Ruth Institute, BYU law student Alisa Rogers rallied support for a conference on strengthening the family."
(read it all here)

And "LDS Leader Stresses Importance of Marriage, Family":
"Marriage and families are at the heart of mortal life, Elder Bruce D. Porter of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Quorum of the Seventy said during the Stand for the Family conference held at BYU Friday. If the family breaks down, so does everything else, he said."
(read it all here)

NOM Marriage News: March 5, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

A few words about where we are in D.C.

Notice the headlines from the mainstream media: a persistent drumbeat of despair. Recognize that the keenest weapon in the hands of our opponents are these spiritual weapons--which means they are weapons we can strip from them any time we see that they are being wielded against us.

That's a longwinded way of saying: Don't believe the lies. It's not over in D.C. by any means. Read More »