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Search Results for: democrats

On Social Issues, Democrats are Out of Touch

A column in the Daily Caller asks: Why would the Dems run anti-Catholic ads and push for gay marriage — in Minnesota???

Democratic Pollster says Prop8 ruling "will almost certainly hurt the Democrats in November"

Douglas Schoen, a Democratic pollster responding to the Washington Post’s inquiry about the expected fallout from the Prop 8 ruling, said the ruling “will almost certainly hurt the Democrats in November.” DOUGLAS E. SCHOEN The court decision throwing out Proposition 8 will almost certainly hurt the Democrats in November. To be sure, it will activate […]

New Video Makes It Clear Why Amy Coney Barrett Must Be Confirmed

A powerful new video from the National Organization for Marriage highlights what’s at stake in the confirmation battle facing Judge Amy Coney Barrett

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Stop Pelosi: Sign the Petition

View this Message Online. Dear Friend—We’ve got an urgent situation. Nancy Pelosi remains fully committed to using the coronavirus crisis to impose elements of her extreme liberal agenda, which could include special “goodies” for the LGBT community. We’ve got to stop her. Please sign our petition urging President Trump, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and House […]

They Can Hear You

Dear Marriage Supporter, It’s been a very busy week on every level in the defense of marriage and religious freedom — from the City Council in Richmond, VA to the United States Congress, marriage champions like you have been called upon to stand for the truth of God’s design for marriage and family. And you […]

Gutting the Republican Party

Dear Marriage Supporter, As you know, NOM is engaged in fights to defend marriage in Congress as well as in states all across the country. And one of the most frustrating things I repeatedly run in to is Republicans who are pressured, bullied and cowed into silence by a small but powerful faction that is […]

A True Conservative Hero Needs Your Help!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Twenty years ago, a young U.S. Marine Corps Officer took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” He put his life on the line in an honorable career to protect our liberty and all the freedoms we hold dear. Today, he is a Republican candidate for the […]

Hawaiian Bishop Makes Urgent Appeal for Marriage

Hawaii House Democrats are planning to meet this week in a special session to discuss a bill that could redefine marriage for the state. But Hawaiian faith leaders are fighting back. Bishop Silva from the Diocese of Honolulu issued a memorandum to all parishioners this past Sunday, clarifying Church teaching and asking people of faith […]

85% of Americans Say Christian Photographer Has Right to Refuse Same-Sex Ceremony

We’ve heard a lot of stories recently about people of faith being forced to compromise their religious beliefs over same-sex marriage (bakery owners in Oregon, a florist in Washington state, innkeepers in Vermont…). But a new Rasmussen poll shows the vast majority of Americans are highly opposed to business owners being penalized or sued for running […]

You've Been Framed, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Prof John Eastman, Chairman of our board, is one sharp legal eagle. Watch him take on and demolish the idea that the Supreme Court has authorized county clerks in Pennsylvania and other states to just hand out ‘marriage’ licenses to gay couples lawlessly, without even the cover of a court order. Watch […]

Politico: Chris Christie Blasts Gay Marriage Ruling

Bold words from Governor Christie: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie slammed the Supreme Court decision on DOMA as “wrong” and an example of “judicial supremacy.” Christie, a former federal prosecutor, made the remarks on his “Ask the Governor” radio show, hours after the court struck a crucial section of the Defense of Marriage Act. “I […]

Brian Brown in NRO: African-American Pastors in Democratic Illinois Show that Redefining Marriage Is Not Inevitable

Our President Brian Brown writes in NRO today: Illinois is one of the biggest and most important states in the nation. It’s President Obama’s home state. Democrats have a super-majority in both houses of the legislature. Governor Pat Quinn is a prominent supporter of so-called same-sex marriage, as is the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel […]

Watch Rep. Paul Ryan Question NOM's Chairman About The IRS Scandal!

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Welcome to Washington.” That’s how Rep. Paul Ryan begins his statements in last week’s hearing about the ongoing IRS Scandal. His comments followed Rep. McDermott’s, who incredibly claimed that marriage supporters shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the public square because (unlike the Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry and Planned Parenthood, […]

Scurrilous, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The epic events of the last week for marriage unfolded at breakneck speed: a huge victory for marriage, an attack on you and your rights that was truly “scurrilous” — But first the courage of one man who stood up for truth and justice in the halls of Congress. Standing Up For […]

National Organization for Marriage Hails New HuffPost Poll Showing National Support for DOMA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 6, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “The Supreme Court ought to uphold DOMA and uphold Proposition 8 and respect the pro-marriage views of millions of Americans.” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — Brian Brown today hailed the results of a new poll conducted by HuffPost/YouGov […]