2013 Is Going To Be BIG!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

This year is going to be BIG!

We've been working over the holiday break to formulate our national strategy for 2013.

We're putting the finishing touches on our plans right now, and I'm excited about sharing some major new initiatives with you in the coming be on the look out for those emails!

By the time you read this, I'll be on a plane to help with one of these major initiatives—you'll be hearing about that in a few short days.

Be on the lookout for major new initiatives being launched soon!

But in the mean time, would you please consider making a donation to NOM of $25, $50, $100, $500 or more to help us fund the launch of these game-changing, outside-of-the-box initiatives?

Already this year we've scored a major victory by defeating a same-sex marriage bill during the Illinois legislature lame duck session—a push that was once again heralded as "inevitable" by same-sex marriage advocates and the media...a bill that had political pressure brought to bear by Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama!

Make no mistake: we still have a long way to go to stop same-sex marriage from coming to IL, but what a way to start the year!

Please make a donation right away to NOM to help us launch these major new 2013 initiatives.

I look forward to sharing this exciting news with you in the days and weeks to come.

NOM's Plante: We're Confident We Will Be Able To Defeat Rhode Island SSM

Christopher Plante, executive director of the National Organization for Marriage-Rhode Island, told CitizenLink he’s confident “that we will be able to beat this.”

The House of Representatives is poised to take up the bill in 7 to 10 days, he added, saying that the bill may get passed in the House. “In the Senate, we have a much better chance of killing the bill (where) our numbers are different.”

Rhode Island has never voted on redefining marriage. Sponsors of the bill tried unsuccessfully to move the bill forward in 2011.

Your continued activism is needed!

The 10 Best Arguments for SSM -- And Why They're Still Flawed

Brandon Vogt writes:

[Same-sex marriage is] a magnet for controversy and evokes strong reactions from those on either side of the debate. But underneath the fiery passion and rhetoric, we must evaluate the real arguments.

Thus, Our Sunday Visitor invited me to write a special section for their newsweekly examining the ten most common arguments for "same-sex marriage." You've likely heard many of these from friends, family members, co-workers, and commenters around the Internet. The arguments I cover include:

  1. Marriage has evolved throughout history, so it can change again.
  2. "Same-sex marriage" is primarily about equality.
  3. Everyone has the right to marry whomever he or she loves.
  4. "Same-sex marriage" won’t affect you, so what’s the big deal?
  5. "Same-sex marriage" will not lead to other redefinitions.
  6. If same-sex couples can’t marry because they can’t reproduce, why can infertile couples marry?
  7. Children will not be affected since there is no difference between same-sex parents and opposite-sex parents.
  8. Opposition to same-sex marriage is based on bigotry, homophobia, and religious hatred.
  9. The struggle for "same-sex marriage" is just like the civil rights movement of the 1960s.
  10. "Same-sex marriage is inevitable," so we should "stand on the right side of history."

Also check out Vogt's website.

"What is Marriage?" Book Discussed at Heritage Foundation Today

The Authors of "What is Marriage?" at the Heritage Foundation this afternoon to discuss the book.

For more information on the event click here.

Two Gay Men Sue Christian Preschool in New Mexico for Damages

The school says on its website they offer a "Christian environment with an emphasis on teaching Biblical principles and truths" and yet these two gay men chose to sue the school for "compensatory and punitive damages" when they denied their child's application to attend:

"A homosexual couple has sued a Christian preschool in New Mexico after the school had accepted the three-year-old boy the two men are raising as their son, only to reject the child later. In their complaint the two men, Joseph Romero and John Keelin, allege that officials at Hope Christian School in Albuquerque first accepted their three-year-old son, then sent them a denial letter when the school realized the boy's parents were homosexual.

In the lawsuit, the two men claim that they “were even told that a new student packet has been prepared for him and that the school was expecting to get acceptance letters out the following week.” But shortly after that notification, the two “received a denial letter on April 16, 2010,” the complaint continues. “Upon further inquiry, the school sent a letter dated June 13, 2012 to plaintiffs' attorney. The letter indicated that the school denied admission to plaintiffs' son because plaintiffs were a same gender couple and that, as a result, their home was inconsistent with the school's beliefs.” (The New American)

Prof. Robert George Answers 3 Questions on Marriage

Brandon Vogt asks Prof. Robert George, Princeton professor and author of "What is Marriage? One Man, One Woman: A Defense" three questions about marriage. Here is one of them:

OSV: Some people wonder why the government even concerns itself with marriage. Why does it regulate this type of relationship?

George: Marriage is critical to the success of any society because it is the way that mothers and fathers are united to each other in a relationship uniquely apt for the project of child rearing. Now, obviously, law and the state have a profound interest in successful child rearing. Every other social good depends on that.

So, although the state did not invent marriage — marriage, properly understood, is a pre-political institution — the state rightly and necessarily recognizes marriages, distinguishes marital from nonmarital forms of relationships, and supports, regulates and promotes marriage in the hope of sustaining a vibrant marriage culture.

This explains why, historically and across cultures, governments have formally recognized and regulated marriages, even though they have not done that for ordinary friendships, relationships among siblings or purely religious sacraments and ceremonies, such as baptisms and bar mitzvahs. (OSV)

Bishop Tobin Calls on Rhode Island Catholics to Protect Marriage, Open to Referendum Solution

Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence urges Catholics and pro-marriage politicians to stand firm in defense of marriage:

Calling same-sex marriage immoral and unnecessary, while also expressing concern for the spiritual welfare of those with same-sex attraction, in a column that will appear in this week’s Rhode Island Catholic, The Most Rev. Thomas J. Tobin, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence shares why the General Assembly should protect marriage as a sacred union of one man and one woman.

“The Catholic Church has consistently promoted respect and pastoral care for individuals with same-sex attraction,” the Bishop writes.  “They are children of God and our brothers and sisters. They are invited to be members of our churches. It is our very concern for their spiritual welfare, however, that motivates our rejection of the homosexual lifestyle and same-sex marriage.”

The Bishop shares the following points, among others, relative to why the General Assembly should not pass legislation approving gay marriage in Rhode Island:

  • Poses yet another threat to religious freedom;
  • U.S. Supreme Court will hear two cases that will profoundly affect the legal status of marriage in our country and will make a decision this summer; and
  • If we are in fact forced to discuss the nature of matrimony in our state, it should be placed before the general public in a referendum.

You can contact your Rhode Island representatives here.

Brian Brown on the Future of the Marriage Fight: "We're Going to Win"

Brian Brown speaks to NBC News about the future of the legal and state-level fight to protect marriage:

"...Opponents [of redefining marriage] are pushing back hard to make sure that doesn’t happen, even as they express confidence that the nation’s high court will rule in their favor when it weighs in on the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8.

“Everyone is looking at the Supreme Court. What happens then defines a lot of more about what happens next in the fight,” said Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage

“We’re gonna win that and then there’s going to be a state-by-state fight, and our record on that is amazing.”


Sen. Heather Steans, the sponsor [of Illinois SSM], told the Associated Press that it’s a matter of “when, not if” the measure will pass, with Democrats controlling the Senate 40-19.

“This is never going to be an easy one, but it’s only going to get easier,” Steans said, citing growing acceptance of marriage equality among lawmakers and constituents across the state.

Brown scoffed. “If she had the votes, there would have been a floor vote,” he said. “They called off the session. This is a major victory for supporters of traditional marriage.”

Still, his group isn’t taking any chances.

It vowed to form a state political action committee and spend $250,000 to defeat Republican lawmakers who vote for gay marriage in Illinois, crowing that it helped defeat four GOP state senators who supported the bill that passed in New York."

Matthew Franck on Same-Sex Marriage "Exceeding the Speed of Thought"

Matthew Franck argues that the rush to redefine marriage is fueled in part by the weak arguments underpinning the movement:

"...In the thick of the struggle over the law and politics of marriage, we can easily forget how novel is the idea of two men or two women marrying each other.

This fact came home to me when I participated in a forum on the subject at Princeton University last spring. Present in the room were two lions of the liberal academy, each past the “threescore years and ten” of which the Psalmist speaks, each a distinguished scholar with many publications to his credit, each known for his devotion to liberal causes. Both gentlemen expressed the opinion that the cause of same-sex marriage was obviously just, that opponents of the cause were obviously reactionary and benighted, and that this was plainly the new civil rights struggle of our time.''

Yet it struck me that if denying same-sex couples the “right to marry” was such an obvious and gross injustice as to merit such energetic claims today, why had it never occurred to either of these august scholars decades ago, at the beginning or the middle of their careers? In the books of proud advocacy each had published, say, twenty or thirty years ago, there was not the slightest hint that American public life was disfigured by this particular injustice.

Redefining marriage to include same-sex relationships simply didn’t occur to them, because it didn’t occur to anyone. Yet that day they espoused that view with the fervor of men who had always thought so, and for whom it was unthinkable to believe otherwise. If they reflected on this change in their own thinking, would they conclude that their reasoning powers had been deficient years ago, or their moral sympathies inadequate?" -- Public Discourse

Conservative Illinois Blog Notes Success of Pro-Marriage New Media

The authors of the Illinois Review note that while many mainstream media outlets are trying to play up the momentum to redefine marriage in Illinois, grassroots and new media-savvy pro-marriage groups are effectively communicating their message to their constituents:

It's always interesting to watch the mainstream media coordinate their stories with the left's public policy strategies. For example, below are just three of the headlines running today:

Illinois Gay-Marriage Bill Stalls Despite Broad Backing (Bloomberg) - Despite the fact that polls consistently show a majority of Illinoisans oppose gay marriage, Bloomberg headlines it has having broad backing.


The truth is new media again showed itself to be more effective; picking up unreported stories from front-line, pro-family organizations like Thomas More SocietyIllinois Family Institute, and the National Organization for Marriage. Organizations that clearly seemed to be leaders in the gay marriage battle taking place in Springfield provided inside information to Illinois Review and other new media outlets, while the mainstream media, as usual, fed off [their] leads.

Today: Watch the Authors of What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense

You can watch this event online here at 12:30PM Tuesday (today):

What Is Marriage?
Man and Woman: A Defense

Featuring authors--

Sherif Girgis
Ph.D. Student, Princeton University and J.D. Candidate, Yale Law School

Ryan T. Anderson
William E. Simon Fellow in Religion and a Free Society, The Heritage Foundation

Robert P. George
McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University

Until recently, no society had questioned whether marriage would be anything other than a male-female union. What Is Marriage? identifies and defends the reasons for this historic consensus and shows why redefining civil marriage is unnecessary, unreasonable, and contrary to the common good. What Is Marriage? answers common objections: that the historic view of marriage is rooted in bigotry; that it is callous to people’s needs; or that it can’t show the harm of recognizing same-sex couplings.

Originally published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the book’s core argument quickly became the year’s most widely read essay on the most prominent scholarly network in the social sciences. Since then, it has been cited and debated by scholars and activists throughout the world as the most formidable defense of the tradition ever written. Join us as authors Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson, and Robert P. George discuss what marriage is, why it matters, and how to talk about it.

You can order the book here.

New Polls Show Increasing Support for Marriage in New Zealand!

Via the new MercatorNet blog on the future of marriage Conjugality:

The following press release provides an update on the same-sex marriage issue in New Zealand, where a bill redefining marriage to include such unions is due for a second reading on March 20:

Family First NZ and the ‘Protect Marriage’ campaign is welcoming a Herald on Sunday poll today showing that support for redefining marriage has fallen from a previous high of 63% in a ONE News Colmar Brunton poll last May to just 53% now.

This echoes a similar slide in polling by Research NZ which showed support for ‘same-sex marriage’ dropping to less than 50%, down 11% from a similar poll in 2011...

Bishop Paprocki Mobilizes His Priests to Proclaim the Truth About Marriage

Bishop Thomas Paprocki is the bishop of Springfield, Illinois.

Following the lead of Chicago's Archbishop, Cardinal George, he's taking a bold stand to protect marriage, instructing his priests to read this letter from the pulpit at Mass today in defense of marriage.

As we've already reported, seventeen hundred faith communities have already spoken out in defense of marriage.

Delaware, Illinois, Minnesota and Rhode Island Need Your Help to Protect Marriage!

We don't want to interrupt our regular flow of reporting and commentary, so please click one of these links if you live in Delaware, Minnesota or Illinois -- and continue to spread the word -- thank you!

Now is the Time – It Starts With You

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Rhode Island Declaration Supporter,

As you probably have heard and read, same-sex marriage activists are once again attempting to redefine marriage for all Rhode Islanders this year, starting with the introduction of Representative Art Handy's same-sex marriage bill yesterday afternoon.

Despite what you have read and heard, the redefinition of marriage is not inevitable in Rhode Island; there is a clear path to victory for those who believe that this unique and blessed institution is defined as the union of one man and one woman. But that path starts now, and it starts with you calling your representative today.

We won't lie to you, the fight over marriage in the House of Representatives will be a difficult one. But we have a great coalition, with many groups working together to protect marriage and preserve it for the generations to come.

Here's the bottom line: We need you today to call your Representative and tell him or her, "Don't Redefine Marriage. Vote 'No' on Representative Handy's same-sex marriage bill."

If you do not know your Representatives contact information, here is a link to this year's roster, complete with phone numbers, email addresses, and links to their personal biographies.

A call will take just a few minutes of your time, and you don't need to be eloquent. Just tell your representative, "Don't redefine marriage. Vote 'No' on Representative Handy's bill."

Please stop what you are doing and make the call NOW. The fight to preserve marriage starts now and it starts with you.

Thank you.