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Search Results for: marriage

"Legal Chaos" Ensues After Rogue Pennsylvania County Ignores Law, Issues Marriage Licenses

The inevitable outcome after state officials take it upon themselves to break their own laws: “There is no limit to the administrative and legal chaos that is likely to flow from the clerk’s unlawful practice of issuing marriage licenses to those who are not permitted under Pennsylvania law to marry,” the [Pennsylvania Department of Health’s […]

Not All Children Raised by Gay Parents Support Same-Sex Marriage

In a 2012 landmark study on same-sex parenting (and its long-term effects on children), sociologist Mark Regnerus’ identified 248 adults who were raised by couples in same-sex romantic relationships and gave reports unfavorable to the same-sex marriage agenda. Robert Oscar Lopez bravely shares his own personal story on what it was like to be raised by two women, […]

National Organization for Marriage Denounces California Supreme Court Decision Not to Consider Viability of Proposition 8

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 15, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “Same-sex marriage in California is illegitimate, imposed by judicial activists in opposition to the expressed will of the people. The nation, and the rule of law, are worse for it.” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — The National Organization […]

Utah Attorneys Say State Has ‘Sovereign’ Right to Protect Marriage

The Salt Lake City Tribune: Utah has a “sovereign right” to define and regulate marriage and a constitutional amendment that bars recognition of same-sex marriage enshrines that right, state attorneys say in a brief filed in U.S. District Court. The state’s 13-page answer filed in federal court Monday says marriage between a man and a […]

Arkansas Attorney General Rejects Same-Sex Marriage Proposal

Arkansas voters passed the Arkansas Marriage Amendment, which protects marriage as the union of one man and one woman, by a margin of 75% to 25% in 2004. Now, Attorney General Dustin McDaniel has again rejected ballot language for a proposed initiative that would REPEAL the amendment: Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel has again rejected a pro-gay […]

Millennials Will Save Marriage

Here’s a fantastic piece from Chris Marlink over at Marriage Generation. Millennials, he argues, the same generation poised to throw it all away, will ultimately be the ones to redeem and restore marriage: Millennials, those approximately 18 to about 31, are the generation most supportive of redefining marriage. They’re increasingly likely to delay or forgo marriage altogether (just 26% of adults […]

After Being Fired for His Beliefs, Frank Turek Helps Other Marriage Supporters in Similar Positions

Remember Dr. Frank Turek? Dr. Turek is an award-winning author and leadership consultant who was abruptly fired from both Bank of America and Cisco Systems in 2011 after someone Googled his name and discovered that he had written a book entitled Correct, Not Politically Correct: How Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone. Keep in mind, Dr. Turek’s political and religious views were never expressed […]

Local Bishops Urge Nigerians to Protect Marriage and Family

Catholic Culture: The bishops of the ecclesiastical province of Ibadan, which is located in southwestern Nigeria, warned against attempts to legalize same-sex marriage. “We confirm that a family consists of a man, a woman and children,” the bishops said in a statement, as reported by the Fides news agency. “We empathize with people who live […]

The Burden of Proof is on Same-Sex Marriage Advocates

Family Action Council of Tennessee President David Fowler explains why those pushing to redefine marriage need to meet their burden of proof. And if they can’t, the “marriage equality” argument has no foundation to stand on. The issue is not whether homosexual conduct is good or bad.  It is not whether those who engage in homosexual relations can be productive […]

National Organization for Marriage Calls on Ethics Board to Remove Executive Director/General Counsel From Investigation Due to Bias and Conflict

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 12, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “The people of Iowa are entitled to the highest standards of ethical conduct and independence from the state’s top ethics officer, but Megan Tooker has shown herself to be biased and incredibly unprofessional in her handling of the complaint against NOM.” — […]

REALLY?! Abraham Lincoln would approve of 'marriage equality'?! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The wedding industry attracts a number of devout Christians. It’s natural perhaps, given the Bible describes the act of joining a man and woman in marriage, as mirroring God’s presence in a special way. Many of these Christians are now being asked, cruelly, to choose between their faith and their families’ livelihoods. […]

National Organization for Marriage Decries Gay Activist Witch Hunt in Iowa

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 8, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “This is another attempt to shut down criticism of activist judges and politicians who wish to redefine marriage.” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today decried the decision of the Iowa Ethics and […]

"My Two Husbands": Salon Gives Glowing Account of Multi-Spouse Marriages

Back in April, an author for Slate argued that polygamy is the natural next step for “marriage equality”. Now, Salon is extolling the virtues of multi-spouse marriage with their piece on a woman who has been married for 16 years to her husband, but also has a boyfriend whom she plans to marry in a […]

Coming to a Canadian Law School Near You: Gay Marriage

Bradley Miller discusses on the Public Discourse blog how same-sex marriage (in Canada), “…has become, for many, a cherished symbol of tolerance, inclusion and acceptance. So much so that many have a difficult time seeing any reason to tolerate continued dissent.” He points out that this line of thinking has created a systematic purging of […]

Poll: Majority of Michigan Voters Want Marriage Defined as Husband and Wife!

New poll results out this week show that 51% of Michigan voters are opposed to legislation that would redefine marriage in their state. Just 42% would support such legislation. According to A slim majority of likely Michigan voters would oppose legislation or a ballot measure seeking to allow same-sex marriage in the state, according to […]