OffTopic: NYT Confesses, One or Two Guys Have Shifted Their Sexual Identity

A surprisingly sympathetic profile in the New York Times of a few men who say therapy helped them lead sexual lives consistent with their values.

This is off-topic for us, but thought it was an interesting development:

"For most of his life, Blake Smith said, “every inch of my body craved male sexual contact.”

Mr. Smith, 58, who says he believes homosexual behavior is wrong on religious grounds, tried to tough it out. He spent 17 years in a doomed marriage while battling his urges all day, he said, and dreaming about them all night.

But in recent years, as he probed his childhood in counseling and at men’s weekend retreats with names like People Can Change and Journey Into Manhood, “my homosexual feelings have nearly vanished,” Mr. Smith said in an interview at the house in Bakersfield, Calif., he shares with his second wife, who married him eight years ago knowing his history. “In my 50s, for the first time, I can look at a woman and say ‘she’s really hot.’ ”

Mr. Smith is one of thousands of men across the country, often known as “ex-gay,” who believe they have changed their most basic sexual desires through some combination of therapy and prayer — something most scientists say has never been proved possible and is likely an illusion.

Ex-gay men are often closeted, fearing ridicule from gay advocates who accuse them of self-deception and, at the same time, fearing rejection by their church communities as tainted oddities. Here in California, their sense of siege grew more intense in September when Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law banning use of widely discredited sexual “conversion therapies” for minors — an assault on their own validity, some ex-gay men feel..."

3/4 of English MPs Say Feedback on Gay Marriage is Negative, Half Strongly Negative

The UK Christian Institute:

"...A recent poll revealed that most voters who write to MPs about the plans to redefine marriage are opposed to the measure.

Three quarters of MPs (74 per cent) said the balance of correspondence about gay marriage was “negative” and almost half (47 per cent) was “strongly negative”.

More than 610,000 people, including a number of MPs, have signed the Coalition for Marriage petition calling for the same-sex marriage proposals to be scrapped."


Maine Elementary Students Subjected to Graphic Homosexual Sex Instruction

Email Header Image

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Gay marriage activists falsely claim time and time again that legalizing same sex-marriage won't change what is taught to our children in school.

They should tell that to Kristy Howard, a mother in Maine whose child was taught about graphic homosexual foreplay during "Diversity Day" at Gorham Elementary and Middle School just last week.

"I don't want my child taught heterosexual foreplay, let alone homosexual foreplay in school," she said.

We couldn't agree more.

Parental and children's rights advocates have long pointed out that changing the definition of marriage will change what schools teach our children. Amazingly, the principal is still defending the choice to have "Diversity Day."

Watch the local news report that was filed just last night:

Gay marriage doesn't just mean it will be taught in schools in the future—it's already happening now unless we act decisively.

Marriage Supporter, I need your help RIGHT NOW. Please forward this email right away to all your friends and family. People need to know what is happening.

Please, please get this story out to your friends, family and church members via email or even better, in person—especially your friends and family in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, or Washington.

If you are on Facebook, Twitter, etc, please share it that way...anything and everything you can do to make sure this story goes VIRAL in the next 48 hours will help tremendously!

We can't let marriage be redefined because gay marriage advocates have convinced people that "it doesn't hurt anybody."

Protecting our children means voting to protect marriage.

To protect marriage, we must vote NO on Question 1 (same-sex marriage marriage) in Maine, vote YES on Minnesota's Marriage Protection Amendment (Amendment 1), and REJECT Referendum-74 (same-sex marriage) in Washington and AGAINST Question 6 (same-sex marriage) in Maryland.

Gay Sperm Donor Told to Pay for His Daughters


A British gay man lived a content life before he was contacted suddenly by the Child Support Agency (CSA), demanding he start paying £26 ($41, €32) a week for two children he technically fathered over a decade ago.

Mark Langridge, from Essex, helped a former lesbian couple who were desperate for children and ask him to donate his sperm so they could have children.

The 47-year-old had not seen the family he helped out of kindness create since 2004, he was not named on the birth certificates of the two children and played no role in their upbringing.

Urgent Appeal from NOM

National Organization for Marriage

Marriage Supporter,

Tuesday's election is all coming down to one thing: voter turnout.

Now we must sustain our get-out-the-vote (GOTV) push to ensure that every marriage supporter gets to the polls to block gay marriage activists and their allies from re-defining God's definition of marriage for everyone.

Follow this link to make an urgent donation of $50, $100, $250, or more and every dollar you give for marriage will be tripled to fully fund our GOTV campaign.

Gay "marriage" lobbyists and wealthy Hollywood celebrities are keeping our opponents' billion-dollar campaign machine flush with cash for their final get-out-the-vote effort. It's assured they will have the resources to turn out their troops on Tuesday.

That's why NOM has planned the largest ever get-out-the-vote campaign targeted to energize and activate 10 million pro-marriage voters who will determine this election. Featuring pro-marriage champions including Sen. Marco Rubio, Dr. James Dobson, and Gov. Mike Huckabee, our phone calls and voter contact push will mean the difference between God's definition of marriage and "one man and one man" as the law of the land.

But we urgently need your contribution to fully fund this critical GOTV campaign.

So follow this link to make an urgent donation of $50, $100, $250, or more and every dollar you give for marriage will be tripled to fund our get-out-the-vote campaign.

And don't forget: thanks to our matching grant challenge, your donation will automatically be tripled to ensure that NOM turns out every pro-marriage voter to defeat homosexual marriage in the next 72 hours!

Philosophy Prof: Same-Sex Marriage Would Discriminate

Richard Berquist is an emeritus professor of philosophy, University of St. Thomas, and writes in the StarTribune:

"...The paradoxical result of all this is that while there is no discrimination in refusing to recognize the homosexual relationship as marriage -- since it is essentially different from the heterosexual relationship -- there would be discrimination in granting the privileges of marriage to homosexual couples while denying them to other personal friendships.

Imagine two dear friends of the same sex, or a brother and sister who live together. Although their relationships would not involve sex, they might find it advantageous to enjoy the legal and economic privileges of marriage. Why would their claim for these benefits be any less reasonable than the claims of homosexual couples?

So if we wish to subsidize homosexual friendships, we must, to avoid discrimination, subsidize all loving personal friendships. If that is absurd, so is gay marriage."

Ten Myths About Gay Marriage

Peter Saunders at LifeSiteNews:

The Prime Minister David Cameron wants to redefine marriage to allow gay couples to marry. Thus far over 600,000 people have signed a petition launched by the Coalition for Marriage (C4M) against these plans which reads simply as follows:

‘I support the legal definition of marriage which is the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others. I oppose any attempt to redefine it.’

I have previously written on this issue and have published 24 articles on all aspects of the debate. One of these, ‘Ten reasons not to legalise same-sex marriage in Britain’, gives an overview of the main issues.

This week, however, the Coalition for Marriage has published a new leaflet titled ‘Ten reasons why the government is wrong to redefine marriage’ which is available in pdf format on the C4M website.

It outlines ten myths about the redefinition of marriage.

I have reproduced the text here.

National Post Interviews NOM Spokesman Goddard on Standing for Marriage in Canada and the USA

The National Post interviews NOM's Spokesman Damian Goddard about his continued pro-marriage activism after being fired for his pro-marriage tweet:

Q Why are you, as a Canadian, appearing in American election ads about gay marriage?
A I think it’s important in this day and age, especially for people of faith, to stand up for what they believe in — especially something as organic as marriage being defined as between one man and one woman. I think it’s vitally important in a free society to be able to not only express your deep-held beliefs but to also not be afraid to appear in a commercial or take to Twitter and social media.

Q And how are those ads performing?
A We are grossly being outspent, but from what we get on the ground, there is a major grassroots support for marriage being between a man and a woman. We feel confidently that, as it’s been done in the previous 31 states, that we’ll go four for four.

Q Now you’ve had some backlash in the past week since the ads came out — were you surprised by that?
A Not at all. The hate is still there, but as I’ve tried to calmly state on social media and in emails, there’s nothing that’s going to deter me. Being called names is not going to stop me from partaking in the awesome privilege of expressing myself.

Maine Newspaper Poll: Slim Majority Think Gay Marriage Will Be Defeated!

Before gay marriage activists swamp this poll we thought it was interesting that by a(n unscientific) vote of 236-226 Mainers think Question 1 (gay marriage) will be defeated! This one is going to be close!

Here' are some quotes in the accompanying article from Carroll Conley of Protect Marriage Maine:

Carroll Conley of Protect Marriage Maine, which leads the campaign against Question 1, said that “Whenever people talk about momentum, it has never occurred by voters.” He pointed to a May 2012 vote that amended North Carolina’s constitution to ban gay marriage. The ban passed overwhelmingly, and “If you took out all the voters over 45, it still would have passed by 8 percent,” according to Conley.

... In an Oct. 17 Reuters report, Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, a leading opponent of gay marriage, argued that pre-election polls are unreliable because the questions are biased.

“If it’s framed as fairness or equality, you see movement,” Conley, of Protect Marriage Maine, said. “If you ask the question of whether marriage should be a union of one man and one woman straight up, the needle doesn’t move as far. If you do polling about the consequences, then we see the numbers down to where they were in 2009.”

Ministers in All 16 Maine Counties Say Vote No On Question 1!

Hundreds of ministry leaders from all across Maine, covering all 16 counties, support marriage and have publicly endorsed voting NO on Question One (gay marriage):

Learn more at

New PPP Poll Confirms: Turnout Will Be Key to Victory

A new poll out from Dem-leaning PPP shows that Question 1 (gay marriage) has not gained any more support since September, while we've gained a point in opposition. At this point we are down 7 points (marriage typically under-polls 6-7 points). Even PPP believes this will be a very close race. This means turnout is key:

Maine's referendum to legalize gay marriage is leading for passage by a 52/45 margin, numbers virtually unchanged from 52/44 in our last survey. What we've found historically with these gay marriage ballot measures though is that undecided voters tend to end up voting anti-gay so if I had to guess this is something more like a 52/48 advantage and at that point it can go either way- this is likely to be a pretty close vote.

There is an enormous gender gap opn the marriage issue with women planning to vote for equal rights by a 59/37 margin, while men oppose them by a 55/43 spread. 75% of Democrats support the proposal, 75% of Republicans oppose it, and independents lean slightly in favor of it 51/44. Every age group supports it except for seniors, who are opposed 51/46. Voters under 30 unsurprisingly give it the widest support at 57/34.


Brian Brown on the Marriage Protection Amendment: "I Trust Minnesotans, Not the Courts"

This is the front page story of the StarTribune in Minnesota today:

"...The amendment also has put Minnesota squarely at the forefront of a national debate about same-sex marriage. Three other states are dealing with marriage-related measures Tuesday: Maine, Maryland and Washington. Thursday's debate had a more national flavor, too, featuring Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage and the Rev. Gene Robinson, the Episcopal Church's first gay bishop.

The debate took many testy turns, with heated contention over the Bible and sometimes tense discussions about same-sex marriage and the civil rights movement.

State law already doesn't recognize same-sex marriage, but supporters argue that court cases and proposals in the Legislature could change that without a vote of the people.

"All the amendment does is take the current definition of marriage and make sure that judges and politicians don't change the definition," said Brown, whose organization is the single-largest contributor to pro-amendment forces in Minnesota.

The amendment does not quash the debate on marriage, it merely ensures that Minnesota voters have the ultimate say, Brown said. "I trust Minnesotans, not the courts."

Anderson & Girgis: Marriage and the New York Times’ Fear of Democracy

Ryan Anderson and Sherif Girgis in National Review Online:

Ever since the rise of the progressive movement, the American Left has championed political reforms to create direct democracy: ballot initiatives, popular referenda, direct election of senators, and recall initiatives. But now, apparently, there are exceptions. They favor direct democracy  . . . except when they don’t like the result. Then they turn to rule by enlightened overseers.

There is no other way to explain the odd editorial in Tuesday’s New York Times, one week before citizens in Maryland, Minnesota, Washington, and Maine consider ballot questions on marriage.

... When popular votes in 32 of 32 states go against you, you start taking a low view of democracy. Better to place your hopes with five of nine unelected justices of the Supreme Court.

A few more points. Next week’s votes on marriage are not about banning anything. Nothing will be made illegal as a result. In all 50 states, two men or two women can live together, have their religious community bless their union, and have their workplace offer them various joint benefits, if the religious communities and workplaces in question so desire. Many liberal houses of worship and progressive businesses voluntarily have decided to do so.

There’s nothing illegal about this; there’s no ban on it. What’s at issue is whether the government will recognize such unions as marriages — and then force every citizen and business to do so as well. This isn’t the legalization of something, but the coercion of others to affirm same-sex relationships as marriages.

Their entire essay is well worth reading!

Minnesota For Marriage Releases 6th TV Ad: "We Are All Voting Yes"

Minnesota for Marriage releases its 6th TV Ad, featuring Minnesotans of diverse backgrounds explaining why they are voting YES to protect marriage:

"In my life I've learned to be open and kind to all people.

Everybody knows somebody who's gay.

Gay or straight we're all entitled to love and respect.

But we can support gays and lesbians without changing marriage.

Marriage is still about children having a mom and a dad.

I'm voting on yes on the Marriage Amendment.

Yes to protect marriage.

On Amendment 1, we're all voting YES!"

150 Medical Professionals Urge Minnesotans to VOTE YES On Amendment 1

Another outpouring of support for the Marriage Protection Amendment in Minnesota:

Today, 150 medical professionals—the vast majority of whom are medical doctors—urged Minnesotans to VOTE YES on Amendment 1, the Marriage Protection Amendment because the state has a vital interest in supporting the best environment for the creation and care of children: a married mother and father. The medical professionals pointed to decades of social science research that shows children do best when reared by their two biological parents.

Their statement reads, “Children develop best when raised within marriage in a secure and recognized relationship to their mother and fathers. No child should ever be intentionally deprived of a mother or father without just cause. Public institutions best promote the welfare of children by affirming that marriage is a unique relationship of one man and one woman, and that marriage, as traditionally understood, is the optimal family setting for raising children.” -- Minnesota For Marriage