Baltimore Sun: Ravens Center Matt Birk Urges Marylanders to Vote Against Question 6

Matt Birk, center for the Baltimore Ravens, writes in the Baltimore Sun:

"On Nov. 6, Maryland voters will decide on whether to change the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples. The potential implications of this amendment for our society are profound. Same-sex marriage is a polarizing issue and, in some instances, has deteriorated into an "us against them" debate. We must respectfully consider all viewpoints, which evoke strong emotions from both sides, because we cannot afford to get this wrong. It should be less about who is right or wrong and more about what is best for our society today and going forward. Let us seek truth, not victory.

Before we talk about redefining it, let's talk about what marriage is and what it isn't. Marriage is an institution that predates our government, society and any religion. It legitimizes the only way to create, and the best way to raise, our next generation. Marriage originates from the unique relationship between a man and a woman, and their exclusive ability, grounded in nature, to conceive children and to nurture those children as a mother and a father. In short, marriage protects the source of life. Marriage is not simply something that validates the love that two people share for each other. It's much more than that.

Government has a vested interest in ensuring that our children, the next generation, are raised in the best way possible. Unfortunately, we all know that this isn't always achievable, but that doesn't mean that we give up and stop seeking the best. It means we try harder. We shouldn't dilute the institution of marriage by expanding its definition.

There are many studies that show a child's best chance for success in life is to be raised by both a mother and a father, but we don't need statistics or data to know this. Common sense tells us. We may not all be blessed with a mother and a father, but we know it nonetheless. We feel the void when one is missing. We know the roles of mothers and fathers are not interchangeable or genderless. Each brings something distinct yet complementary to the family unit. Mothers and fathers play with their kids differently, discipline differently and love differently. Children need and deserve a wholeness and completeness that comes from both a mom and a dad..."

Video: Baltimore Ravens Center Matt Birk Talks About the Misleading Religious Liberty Language in Question 6

Matt Birk, Center for the Baltimore Ravens, warns Maryland residents about being fooled by the misleading ballot language on religious liberty of Question 6 (gay marriage):

"If the referendum is not voted down, religious freedoms are at risk. Churches, hospitals, religious charities, private businesses and individuals, all will be subject to lawsuits and harassment for openly expressing their religious beliefs."

MFM: "Minnesota Gay Marriage Advocates Mislead, Distort Facts"

Minnesota for Marriage pushes back on misleading claims by their opponents:

"The claim of marriage amendment opponents, most recently including some doctors, that 25 years of research supports the conclusion that there are “no differences” in outcomes between children raised in gay and lesbian households and kids raised in intact homes by their mother and father is false. As chronicled in the journal Social Science Research there is no scholarly rigorous body of scientific research that supports the idea that children raised in gay or lesbian households do as well as or better than children living in an intact home with their married mother and father.  In fact, the most recent, peer-reviewed research casts serious doubt on the “no differences” claim and suggests that there may in fact be significant differences

"The statements made by some doctors and gay marriage advocates that dedication and love is the primary factor in child well-being relies on the underlying premise that family structure does not matter—a claim which is both unsupported by significant data and an assault on common sense,” said Jason Adkins, Minnesota for Marriage vice chairman. “Men and women are not interchangeable parts or parents. We continue to ask gay marriage advocates which parent is insignificant or less important for a child, a mother or father, and they and their allies continue to ignore the question and move into the realm of agenda-driven politics."

Black Pastors and Leaders Explain Why They're Voting Yes on Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment

The StarTribune:

"...In other states, supporters of traditional marriage have relied on strong backing from blacks to pass measures against same-sex marriage. Minnesotans for Marriage, the primary group backing the amendment, has worked hard at recruiting churches and has particularly targeted blacks with billboards around the Twin Cities that feature a handsome young black bride and groom, along with a plea to vote for the amendment.

The Rev. Jerry McAfee, president of the Minnesota State Baptist Convention, said the plea is one he'll relay to his followers.

"My plan today is to vote yes, direct my people to vote yes," McAfee said."

New Minnesota Poll Shows Marriage Amendment Keeping Lead!

A new poll which shows Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney by less than the margin of error in Minnesota also shows the Marriage Protection Amendment leading. Victory will come down to turn out and who carries the momentum through to election day:

"...Among likely Minnesota voters, 48 percent support the amendment, down 1 percentage point from late last month. Another 47 percent of Minnesotans oppose the change, the same as a month ago. Just 5 percent of voters remain undecided. Minnesota law requires any change to the Constitution to capture a majority of all ballots cast. That means a ballot in which the voter skips the question is counted as a no vote, a twist that could become critical in the deadlocked race.

The sampling also found that Minnesota's faith leaders are enormously influential.

Fully 70 percent of supporters say their religious leader helped inform their decision on the question; 26 percent say their faith leader had little or no impact. Among amendment opponents, 27 percent said a faith leader played a significant role in their position.

Both campaigns expressed confidence in their ability to win.

"The history of polling on this issue shows that support for our side is always under-represented in the polls and the position of our opponents is overstated," said Frank Schubert, campaign manager for Minnesota for Marriage, the lead group pushing the measure. "If that dynamic plays itself out in Minnesota, as I expect it will, we will have a strong win." -- StarTribune

To see the ads currently running in Minnesota click here.

Upstate Minnesota State Rep Stands By His Pro-Marriage Views

KARE 11:

The state-wide conversation [about the Marriage Protection Amendment] also began in St. Cloud, given that Rep. Steve Gottwalt, St. Cloud, helped put marriage on the ballot.

"I don't run away from that at all," said Gottwalt, a three-term Republican running for his fourth term.

Gottwalt, also a father of four, said he carried the amendment not out of hate for the gay community, but out of fear that so-called activist judges or legislators could end up defining what he considers a cornerstone of the community.

"It's really unfortunate that it has been characterized as hateful or discriminatory or bigoted or homophobic or the other terms that have been used around it, because that's absolutely wrong-minded," Gottwalt said.

He continued, "This is about marriage. In society throughout world history, when a man and a woman -- complimentary opposites -- come together and there's that potential for the creation of a human life -- it's always been in society's best interest, not even religiously, but in society's best interest, that the child comes into a committed relationship," Gottwalt said.

Chick-fil-A Makes Record-Breaking Profits After Marriage Controversy!

A great reminder that our pro-marriage activism pays-off and sends the right message to corporations and brave pro-marriage individuals!

Thank you to everyone who answered our call to celebrate Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day and to continue supporting Dan Cathy's business through the election:

Chick-fil-A has learned upholding traditional values is not just good for the soul; it’s also good for business. Since President Dan Cathy stirred up a firestorm of controversy and protests by daring to say in public that he supports traditional marriage, the fast food chain has enjoyed record sales and increased brand recognition.

A typical line on Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, August 1.

A typical line on Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, August 1.

According to a report by USA Today, consumer use, visits, and ad awareness all rose measurably in the third quarter, despite widespread negative media coverage of Cathy’s remarks to the Baptist Press opposing same-sex “marriage.”

A Sandelman and Associates survey of more than 30,000 fast-food shoppers in markets where Chick-fil-A operates showed consumer use of the restaurant chain rose 2.2 percent in the third quarter compared with the same period in 2011. Their market share rose 0.6 percent. Awareness of their advertising rose 6.5 percent.

Jeff Davis, president of Sandelman and Associates, said the restaurant increased its regular customer base in 80 percent of its markets.

The upswing in business may have started August 1 with “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” when consumers flocked to Chick-fil-A restaurants nationwide to show their support for free speech and traditional marriage. The business enjoyed record sales that day, as people waited in long lines in restaurants and in drive-thrus to buy chicken from the chain. --LifeSiteNews

Video: Public Education Advocates for Christian Equity Explains What Happened in Canada After SSM

Via Minnesota For Marriage:

Public Education Advocates for Christian Equity Phil Lees gives Minnesota For Marriage and the Minnesota Catholic Conference (MCC) an exclusive interview detailing the consequences of redefining marriage and the effect that has had on schools, education and children in Canada.

His exclusive interview is a part of an event sponsored by MCC giving Minnesotans an idea of "What the future looks like if marriage in Minnesota is redefined -- A Canadian Perspective."

Autumn Leva: "Marriage is the Most Prochild Institution We Have"

Autumn Leva of Minnesota for Marriage writes in the StarTribune:

"...Politicians at both state and federal levels often focus their debates on whether policies will help or hurt children. Even courts are guided by the legal principle that family conflicts should be adjudicated to provide for "the best interests of the child."

It seems everyone realizes that what's best for kids should guide our governmental policies and social institutions. This is because children really are our most precious resource, and government and society have a compelling interest in seeing them thrive.

It is surprising, then, that the conversation about what the definition of marriage in Minnesota should be has left many who speak up about the best interests of kids labeled as "bigots," "haters," "discriminators" and worse.

Marriage is the most prochild institution we have -- and the only institution that connects children with their parents. Through marriage, men and women come together complementarily to form one union, not only for the benefit of the couple, but also for the children who benefit from being loved and raised by their mother and father.

Marriage says to society as a whole: For every child born, there is a recognized mother and father, accountable to the child and each other. Indeed, the U.S. Supreme Court has said that marriage is "fundamental to the very existence and survival of the [human] race."

The overwhelming body of social science supports what we already understand to be true -- children do best when raised by their married mother and father. As the journal Child Trends affirms, "[R]esearch clearly demonstrates that family structure matters for children, and the family structure that helps children the most is a family headed by two biological parents in a low-conflict marriage."

Every child has a right to know and, to the extent possible, be cared for by the two people who brought them into the world. Not every marriage produces children, but every child has a mother and father. And we all have a right to live in a society that recognizes the importance of mothers and fathers for a child's well-being."

This is the Whole Ball Game

Email Header Image

Dear Marriage Supporter

I've got more exciting news to share with you!

A month ago a poll by The Baltimore Sun showed us 10 points behind in Maryland.

This weekend their new poll revealed that we have eliminated that deficit and are now leading by a point!

With victory within our grasp, I need you to dig deep and chip in whatever you can.

Please help now with anything you can spare—your help has never been more crucial! Every dollar counts—and if you could give even just $10, $15 or $25, it will go a long way. Your gift will go directly to Maryland and the other three states voting on marriage next week.

How did we overcome a 10-point deficit in Maryland in less than four weeks?

Here is our tried-and-true winning formula:

  1. A robust, grassroots ground game of religious leaders and people of faith (in this state, we owe special thanks to the African-American churches!);

  2. Persuasive TV and radio ads that attest the goodness of marriage and warn undecided voters about the harmful consequences of redefining it;

  3. YOU! Your support and activism has always been and always will be critical.

Thanks to you, we have been able to commit an additional $400,000 to Maryland in these final days of the campaign.

These resources are helping us air our ads to the undecided voters who will decide this contest.

But in order to get these ads out there, we've been forced to empty our coffers.

Because this is the whole ball game!

So please help us with an emergency gift for marriage today! With your help, we have already overcome a 10-point deficit, and the race is now neck-and-neck.

Your last-minute gift can help us over the top. If you have the means, can you up your planned contribution to $50, $100 or even $250? Maryland and the four states voting on marriage need your immediate assistance!

Thank you for what you have done; thank you in advance for what you will do!

High Stakes: SCOTUS to Decide Taking Prop 8 & DOMA

A reminder that the stakes couldn't be higher for marriage right now -- news reports today confirm that the Supreme Court will in all likelihood announce it is taking up lawsuits involving Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act later this month.

That's why it's so important that marriage head into the Supreme Court with a perfect winning record.

Find out how you can help at

Matthew Schmits on French Pro-Marriage Demonstrations: "Modernity Has Not Outmoded Marriage"

Matthew Schmitz writes at First Things about the French pro-marriage flash mobs:

"...Rather than assembling outside a church with rosaries and images of the Sacred Heart, these protestors met beneath the Grande Arche de la Défense with some Abba LP’s and a mime. They went, to borrow George Weigel’s phrasing, with the cube rather than the cathedral, and that is significant. The assertion made by such a choice is that marriage is not just a particular religious inheritance but rather something indispensable in every kind of society: Modernity has not outmoded marriage.

We can cheer this canniness while lamenting that faith has become less central to France’s national life. It also reflects a real truth, for opposition to the prime minister’s plans is coming not just from the traditional quarters of society. Another protest, scheduled for November 7, has been signed on to by several left-wing and LGBT organizations. American nightmares of French socialism and liberalism sometimes forget that it’s a country where there are organized socialists for lifeand gay men and women against gay marriage.

Photo: Maryland Religious Leaders Rally at Gallaudet

Via the Maryland Catholic Conference Facebook page:

"Clergy and supporters for Dr McCaskill rallying for her prompt reinstatement and everyone's right to participate in our democratic processes."

PMW: Another Pro-Referendum 74 TV Ad Tells More Lies About Hospital Visitation Rights

Preserve Marriage Washington counters more untruths being pushed by our opponents:

In a recently released TV advertisement entitled “Angie,” lesbian couple Angie Buysee and Cynthia Per-Lee say that Buysee was in surgery and the nurse refused to tell Per-Lee what was happening “just because we weren’t married.”  The pro-Referendum 74 ad suggests that same-sex domestic partners do not currently have hospital visitation rights.  That is not true.  The ad repeats a false claim that was previously made in a television ad entitled “Chris,” which gay marriage activists aired last month, and which has already been discredited by both The Seattle Times and the Associated Press.  (Click here to read The Seattle Times’ story, “Truth Needle:  Gay-marriage ad fails to mention rights granted to domestic partners,” September 26, 2012.  And click here to read the Associated Press story which ran in the Tacoma News Tribune and numerous other newspapers:  “Campaign fact check:  Same-sex couples have visitation rights,” September 26, 2012.)

Calling the TV ad’s assertions “a bunch of baloney,” Preserve Marriage Washington Communications Director Chip White said, “This claim is an utter lie.  Under Washington state law, same-sex couples already have the same exact legal rights as married couples, including the right to be with each other in the hospital.  Approving R-74 would provide no additional rights to same-sex couples because they already have the same rights as married couples under the ‘Everything but Marriage’ domestic partners law from three years ago.”

Deborah Owens: "Obama Can’t Take the Black Vote for Granted"

Deborah Owens in the Washington Times:

"...Marriage is a sacred institution that is recognized in every culture around the globe. Marriage between one man and one woman was established by God for procreation. This union creates a family, and it is necessary for the healthy development of children, who need both a mom and a dad in the home.

The black American community already is plagued with problems related to children growing up in single-parent households. For example, a boy who lacks a father in the home is more likely to engage in delinquent and criminal behavior unless he has a positive male role model to help shape him. The homosexual agenda, which attempts to redefine family and marriage, will erode the very foundation of our society. It will place our youth on a dangerous trajectory toward a bleak future in which mothers and fathers don’t matter, values don’t matter and children are placed at risk."