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Get Ready for Washington Post to Get a Whole Lot More One-Sided About Marriage Debate

Media bias favoring marriage redefinition? It may be nothing new, but the Washington Post may be taking that bias up a notch in the near future. Newsbusters reports that the Post’s new owner, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, spent a reported $2.5 million last year to support same-sex marriage in Washington state. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ […]

Gov. Walker: Don’t Expect Same-Sex Marriage Anytime Soon in the Badger State

When pressed by the media at a recent National Governors Association meeting on the topic of gay marriage, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said a change to the state’s constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman would not come easily: “To change anything in the constitution, not just that, it […]

Gay Marriage Advocates Back to Courts to Redefine Marriage

Gay ‘Marriage’ Advocates Back to Using Courts to Impose Genderless Marriage Dear Marriage Supporter, Even while they claim to the media that ‘the wind of public opinion is at their back’ after the election last November, the actions of homosexual marriage advocates show they don’t really believe that voters support redefining marriage. As gay marriage […]

Marriage Majority Initiative Launches to Restore a Pro-Marriage House in 2014!

Minnesota for Marriage is teaming up with marriage defenders across the state to launch the Marriage Majority Initiative, which will “work to restore a pro-marriage majority in the Minnesota House in 2014 by supporting legislators who withstood immense political pressure in order to cast a vote in defense of traditional marriage and by helping Minnesotans find […]

Rural Minnesotans Speak Out About Their Concerns Over Same-Sex Marriage

NPR reports: Most rural counties supported the idea of banning gay marriage by margins of 3-to-2, or even 3-to-1. They were outvoted statewide by the urban centers. In May, Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton signed a bill allowing gay weddings to go forward. Some parts of the state aren’t ready for it. “Away from the cities, […]

Gov. Pence: States with Marriage Amendments Have Fastest Growing Economies

During a visit to Evansville this week, Indiana Governor Mike Pence pointed out the correlation between states that protect marriage as husband and wife and strong economic growth: Governor Pence was in town to introduce a new state based initiative office at the Evansville Rotary.  He says that many of the 32 states that define traditional […]

National Organization for Marriage Renews Pledge to Hold Politicians Accountable for Redefining Marriage in Minnesota and Rhode Island

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 1, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “We will work tirelessly to hold the politicians accountable for this travesty.” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — With marriage having been redefined and same-sex ‘marriages’ beginning today in Minnesota and Rhode Island, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) […]

Don't Mess with Texas (Marriage Law)!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Unprecedented, chilling, unconstitutional, and simply wrong. Those were some of the words used to describe a San Antonio City Council ordinance that would ban from city government anyone who ever uttered a discriminatory word against same-sex marriage. Truth is stranger, and in this case more horrifying, than fiction. For years we at […]

Star Tribune: Minnesotans More Sad Than Bitter Over Gay Marriage

As Minnesota’s same-sex marriage law gets set to take effect Thursday, The Star Tribune reports on millions of Minnesotans whose views will be overlooked by the media this week: They are ordinary parishioners, neighbors down the street, co-workers in the elevator who steadfastly believe that marriage is meant solely for a man and a woman. […]

Rhode Island To Begin Issuing Marriage Licenses to Same-Sex Couples Thursday

The Providence Journal: The Aug. 1 date for same-sex weddings will go on despite a legal challenge Tuesday in Superior Court, Providence. Ronald L’Heureux, a cofounder of the Faith Alliance to Preserve the Sanctity of Marriage as Defined by God, brought a petition and complaint to the court on Tuesday morning and sought a temporary restraining order […]

Tory MPs' Careers Threatened if They Did Not Support Same-Sex Marriage

The use of open intimidation against those who defend marriage as one man and one woman is more common than ever before. In fact, we see examples of this every day. But what happens when that intimidation poisons the entire democratic process, forcing elected officials to support bills they disagree with. Ministers warned backbenchers that their […]

Tell Gov. Martinez to Stand Firm on Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, The battle for marriage as God designed has come to The Land of Enchantment; and it’s your turn to stand in the breach. Every person who believes marriage to be the union of one man and one woman needs to contact Governor Martinez today, urging her and her administration to give their […]

Why Exactly is Betty Crocker Weighing in on Marriage Anyway?

General Mills is pushing its marriage redefinition agenda even further, this time using a fictional character to assist. General Mills’ culinary “spokeswoman” Betty Crocker decided to take time away from her baking to weigh in on the marriage debate in Minnesota: If you haven’t made the Dump General Mills pledge, please take two minutes to […]

Michigan Clerk Designs Sex-Neutral Marriage Licenses

Oakland County Clerk Lisa Brown is working with the Michigan state registrar to design new marriage license that could be issued to same-sex couples, despite the fact that Michigan defines marriage as husband and wife. My FOX Detroit: In anticipation of a ruling overturning Michigan’s ban on same-sex marriage, Oakland County Clerk Lisa Brown is working […]

Marriage Defenders Protest Illegal Issuing of Marriage Licenses to Same-Sex Couples in Pennsylvania

Pennyslvania marriage activists took a stand in Montgomery County on Friday, rallying against the open defiance of state laws defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman: Pumping signs in the air that read, “stop the war on children” and “marriage = man & woman,” the Pro-Life Coalition of PA addressed a […]