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Search Results for: democrats

GOP Majority in New York in Jeopardy As Pro-SSM Saland Goes Down

More from us soon, friends, about the results of last night’s elections. In the meantime we wanted to point out a silver lining outcome from last night: “The fight for control of New York’s state Senate was too close to call hours after the polls closed. With most precincts reporting in unofficial results, it appeared […]

New PPP Poll Confirms: Turnout Will Be Key to Victory

A new poll out from Dem-leaning PPP shows that Question 1 (gay marriage) has not gained any more support since September, while we’ve gained a point in opposition. At this point we are down 7 points (marriage typically under-polls 6-7 points). Even PPP believes this will be a very close race. This means turnout is key: […]

The Miracle Continues, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last week, I told you about the odds we face in the four battleground states—outspent, scorned in the media, with gay marriage advocates confidently predicting victory. But thanks to millions of Americans who’ve sacrificed their time and treasure to stand up for God’s visions of marriage, pro-marriage messages are finally getting out: […]

New SurveyUSA Poll Confirms: We're in the Lead in Minnesota!

A new SurveyUSA poll out today has the Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment leading 48%-47% with 5% undecided. We will need at least 50%+1 to win on Election Day (failing to vote on the Amendment automatically counts as a “no” vote). Once again, only 16% of Republicans oppose the Amendment but 27% of Democrats favor it. […]

NRO's Costa: Marriage Bringing Out Romney Supporters in Minnesota

NRO’s Robert Costa notes that one of the reasons a new poll shows Mitt Romney within the margin of error with Barack Obama in Minnesota (a state Obama won by 10 points in 2008) is the simultaneous Marriage Protection Amendment: “…A Star Tribune poll released Sunday shows a dead heat, with Obama at 47 percent and […]

National Organization for Marriage: Obama's New Statements in Support of Same-Sex Marriage are a Reminder About the Clear Choice America Faces in November

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 26, 2012 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “Every time a state has voted on marriage over the past four years the citizens have ignored the President and voted their pro-marriage beliefs … and this November will be no different.”—Brian Brown, President of NOM— Washington, D.C.—Reacting to the news that […]

Seven Former DFL State Senators Urge All Minnesotans to Vote Yes on Marriage Protection Amendment

A great showing of bipartisan support for the Marriage Protection Amendment. Polls show consistently that more Democrats support the amendment than Republicans oppose it! Today, seven former DFL state Senators released an open letter to the people of Minnesota urging them to support the Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment. The letter was signed by Sen. Joe […]

A Reminder About Polls vs. Reality

This year, like every year we have had a vote on marriage, the media and press are obsessing about polls claiming they show gay marriage will win in a couple short weeks. It should of course be pointed out that marriage has historically under-performed in polls by at least 6-7 points, and more importantly, that […]

PPP: Vote NO on Judge Wiggins Ahead 43%-37% in Iowa

Encouraging news from PPP that the effort to unseat another pro-SSM Iowa Supreme Court Justice is going well: “Iowa’s Supreme Court retention election looks like it could be pretty close. Right now 37% of voters say they plan to keep David Wiggins in office, while 43% say they’re inclined to remove him. With 20% of […]

SSM Flip-Flopper Addabbo Only Leads by 2 Points

NOM has not forgotten about the New York State Democrat Flip-Flopper Joseph Addabbo who only leads his challenger by 2 points: “…Addabbo, a Queens Democrat who holds a 2-point edge over Republican New York City Councilman Eric Ulrich, was one of three Democrats to vote in favor of same-sex marriage last year after previously voting against […]

So Much Marriage News, And All Of It Good!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last Thursday, the voters in New York State finally got a chance to have their say. As I told you in last week’s letter, the primaries recently held in New York are incredibly important to the future of marriage. Powerful donors tried—and are still trying—to remake the Republican Party in their own […]

Audio: Brian Brown on Why Obama's SSM Position Will Hurt Him in November

Our President Brian Brown was interviewed by 790 KABC during the Democratic National Convention and had this to say about marriage and the November election: “We just won in North Carolina by 61% — 61% to support a strong marriage amendment. Just looking at it politically this is a state President Obama needs to win […]

New Liberal Polls Show Support for Gay Marriage Declining in Maine!

The latest polls shows its close in Maine, with support for gay marriage declining! This latest Maine People’s Resource Center poll oversampled Democrats by six points and still found declining support for Question 1: The poll released today shows a decline in support for gay marriage, at least when compared to a June survey conducted […]

Video: Will People Be Influenced by Obama's Flip-Flop on Marriage?

Kalley Yanta of the Minnesota Marriage Minute explains: “…will President Obama’s flip-flop on the issue impact how the country views gay marriage and impact the Marriage Amendment campaign in Minnesota? … the evidence says no. President Obama has opposed every marriage amendment in recent years including Prop 8 in California and most recently the marriage […]

The Daily Beast on the Defeat of Pro-SSM Senators: "It Wasn’t Supposed to Be This Way."

David Freedlander writes in the Daily Beast about false expectations — and about what the real consequences of voting to redefine marriage are: “… It wasn’t supposed to be this way. When the four bucked their party leadership, renounced their longstanding opposition and voted to bring gay marriage to New York, they were hailed far and wide as […]