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Cameron’s Gay Marriage Slur Against the Church

The UK Christian Institute: The Prime Minister David Cameron last night lashed out at churches for “locking out” gays by supporting marriage between one man and one woman. He said he was proud to follow in the tradition of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, who introduced civil partnerships in 2005. And he repeated his commitment […]

Chick-fil-A Feels the Love, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Victory! Chick-fil-A Feels Your Love! In response to the open hatred and threats directed at the Cathy family for gently saying they stand on Biblical principles (including on marriage), Gov. Huckabee called for a day honoring the restaurant chain and the heroic family who founded Chick-fil-A in 1946. That day will be […]

Weekly Standard: Media Invented Story That Chick-fil-A is Anti-Gay

Mark Hemingway of The Weekly Standard on the lazy habit by the media of simply collapsing being pro-marriage into being anti-gay/homophobic: “…To say that [Chick-fil-A CEO] Cathy condemned gay marriage is stunningly dishonest. And yet, Cathy’s had to endure headlines such as, “Boston Mayor Blocks Chick-fil-A Franchise from City over Homophobic Attitude” — and that […]

New Poll: Majority of Scots Against Gay Marriage

The UK Christian Institute: Most people in Scotland want marriage to stay between a man and a woman, latest polling shows. A majority (55 per cent) agree that “marriage should continue to be defined as a life-long exclusive commitment between a man and a woman”. Only 38 per cent disagree. And half of all Scots […]

Marriage Wins Bipartisan Support!, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Gov. Mitt Romney spoke this week at the 103rd national convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). A powerful majority of African-Americans are strong Democrats (and economic liberals), so, while I hardly think it is news, the headlines have focused on the fact that the crowd did […]

60 Democrats Refuse to Join Efforts to Repeal DOMA

The media prefers to focus on lack of unanimity in the Republican party on marriage, but the truth of the matter is that there are pro-marriage Democrats as well: One third of House Democrats broke with their leaders today and kept their names off a brief urging a federal appeals court to strike down the […]

Brad Pitt's Mother Target of Liberal Hate After Letter Supporting Marriage

The Examiner: Jane Pitt, the mother of actor Brad Pitt, was the target of hateful and misogynistic tweets from pro-abortion liberals after the Springfield News-Leader published her letter supporting Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Twitchy reported Friday. Gawker painted her as a “loon,” but liberals on Twitter went overboard. … “Once again, the Left’s revolting […]

Deputy PM Clegg Wants to Allow Gay Weddings in UK Churches

The UK Christian Institute: Deputy Prime Minister and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg wants the Government’s gay marriage plans to go much further by allowing gay weddings in churches. He has been accused of shifting the goal posts and playing politics with marriage to curry favor with homosexual groups. Mr. Clegg’s comments show that religious […]

New Liberal French Government Announces Gay Marriage by 2013

Will the people of France have a say about this? The French Prime Minster has told his parliament that marriage will be redefined and same-sex adoption brought in by the “first half” of 2013. Under the previous administration redefining marriage was voted down, but the recent elections saw a change in power with the Socialist […]

Influential MN Pastor: Star-Tribune Got it Wrong -- I Support Marriage!

(Watch Pastor Piper’s full message from last Sunday here.) Pastor John Piper writes in response to the Star-Tribune attempting to say he “opt[ed] out” of the fight to protect marriage when he preached against same-sex marriage last Sunday: “[The Star-Tribune] got two parts wrong. First they say, “Key Minnesota pastors opt out of marriage fight.” […]

Giant Turtles Divorce After 115 Years Together

A little humor to wrap up the week with: You can’t say they didn’t try. After an impressive 115 years together, two giant turtles at an Austrian zoo are refusing to share their cage anymore, the Austrian Times reported Friday. “We get the feeling they can’t stand the sight of each other anymore,” said Helga […]

Assemblies of God Opposes Obama's Stance on SSM

The Assemblies of God is the largest pentecostal denomination in the world: The Assemblies of God, in reaction to President Barack Obama’s embracing of same-sex marriage, is voicing its dissent and objection. According to Dr. George O. Wood, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, the Assemblies of God is in complete disagreement with the […]

President Obama's Big Mistake, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The fallout from Pres. Obama’s flip-flop on marriage continues. Sixty-two percent of Americans say, in a new Fox News poll, that it was just a political decision on Obama’s part (including a plurality of Democrats, 46 percent to 38 percent). If so, it was a very bad one. As NOM’s political consultant […]

Bristol Palin: People Want Me To Die Over Gay Marriage Blog Post

Politico: Bristol Palin admittedly “stirred up a hornet’s nest” with her argument against gay marriage last week, drawing hate mail and death wishes that she addresses in a new blog post. “People claim they’re just trying to protect the right of two people to love each other – a right I don’t contest, by the […]

Newsweek Cover: "The First Gay President"

The New York Daily News: Newsweek isn’t going to let Time win without a fight. In the battle for most controversial cover of the week, Newsweek fired back at Time magazine’s now-infamous breastfeeding mom image by putting President Barack Obama under a rainbow halo with the tagline “The First Gay President.” “Obama’s earned every stripe […]