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Washington Bishop Emphasizes: SSM Will Threaten Religious Liberty

Pro-SSM activists in the four states voting on marriage often claim that voting to redefine marriage will protect religious liberty, even though we have seen in state after state the safest way to guarantee religious freedom is to respect and protect our marriage tradition. Bishop Joseph Tyson of Yakima, WA agrees: As voters in the […]

Kids as Young as 12 Labeled "Nazis" for Opposing SSM

UK Christian Institute: School children as young as 12 who disagree with same-sex marriage have been branded as “Nazis” and “bigots”, a senior Roman Catholic official has said. John Deighan said there is an increasing level of ill will against “very young people” because of their views about such issues. Speaking in Brussels earlier this […]

Breaking News: WA Gov. Christine Gregoire Reveals Obama Hid His True Position on Marriage for Months [Updated]

Video has surfaced of Washington State Governor Christine Gregoire at a pro-Referendum 74 concert and fundraiser revealing that President Obama whispered to her back in February — at least six weeks before his public coming out for gay marriage in May — that he was “proud” of her signing a bill to redefine marriage, that […]

Free Church: Scotland Government Ignored Its Own Consultation on SSM

The UK Christian Institute: Attempts by the Scottish Government to protect people who object to same-sex marriage are “unconvincing,” the Free Church of Scotland has said. The Free Church also said the terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ could vanish from official paperwork. This comes after representatives from the Free Church met with a Government official to […]

Northern Ireland Assembly Rejects Motion on Gay Marriage

Gay marriage is on a roll internationally — of losing: The Northern Ireland assembly has rejected a motion calling for same-sex couples to be married in the province. A joint proposal by Sinn Fein and the Green party to allow gay marriage was defeated because the Democratic Unionists (DUP) ensured that it would have to obtain cross community […]

A Big Month for Marriage, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, November is a big month. We as a people will elect a president of the United States: Either a man who will appoint judges that impose gay marriage on all 50 states… …Or a man willing to fight for the values and views that you and I hold dear. More importantly: a […]

White House Dodges Question About SCOTUS and Gay Marriage

The White House administration is again trying to have it both ways on gay marriage. On the one hand, the President wants the campaign donations of wealthy pro gay marriage donors. On the other hand, his press secretary refuses to answer if his administration would welcome same-sex marriage being ruled upon by the Supreme Court […]

Human Rights Lawyer: UK Teachers Could Be Fired If They Don't Agree With SSM

The UK Christian Concern: If gay marriage is legalised teachers and others could be forced out of their jobs if they fail to endorse such unions, a top lawyer says. Parents would have no right to insist that their children are withdrawn from school lessons across the curriculum that approve of same-sex marriage. Chaplains who […]

UK Government Lawyer to European High Court: Christians Should Leave Faith at Home or Resign

The UK Christian Institute: Christians in Britain should leave their faith at home or accept that they might have to get another job, a Government lawyer has told the European Court of Human Rights. The comment came as the Court heard the cases of four Christians, including that of registrar Lillian Ladele who was disciplined […]

The Great News from Tampa! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Greetings from the great state of Florida, where marriage emerged from the platform fight with a great victory! In the buildup to the RNC Convention in Tampa, the Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud promised that a new generation of Margaret Hoover Republicans would help weaken the GOP’s commitment to marriage. This is […]

Olson and Boies, Afraid They Will Lose, Urge Supreme Court Not to Rule on Prop 8

BuzzFeed Politics: The case challenging the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8 is “an attractive vehicle” for determining “whether the States may discriminate against gay men and lesbians in the provision of marriage licenses” — but the Supreme Court should pass on the case, lawyers challenging the law say, and let stand an appeals court ruling […]

Breaking News: GOP Platform Draft Strongly Defends Marriage!

NOM has been hard at work organizing support for marriage and DOMA in advance of the Republican Party convention in Tampa next week — and these efforts are already achieving results: The Republican Party platform will strongly oppose the Obama administration’s decision not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, the federal law that bars […]

Study: Loving Dads Play Significant Role in Early Child Development

The UK Christian Institute: Fathers who lovingly bond with their babies in the first months of their lives have a good influence on their later behaviour, a study has shown. Researchers watched dads interacting with their infants at three months and then assessed the same babies’ behaviour at twelve months. They found that babies whose […]

HRC vs. The Catholic Church

BuzzFeed: The Human Rights Campaign’s new president, Chad Griffin, started [the American Foundation for Equal Rights]. In a statement about today’s announcement, he said the appointment sends “a chilling message” to the country. “Bishop Cordileone has proven himself to be an anti-gay activist who encourages and promotes discrimination against LGBT people,” he said. “Catholic teaching […]

UK Telegraph: Gay Marriage is "Pointless Distraction"

The UK Christian Institute: An editorial in today’s Daily Telegraph says that David Cameron’s attempt to redefine marriage is a “pointless distraction”. The paper chides Mr Cameron for not allowing any discussion about the principle of redefining marriage, despite the fact that most of the public controversy around the issue has been based on this […]