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HRC Denies Wrongdoing in IRS Leak, But Offers No Proof

The spokesperson for HRC in this story continues to try to misdirect away from the main question: did HRC illegally receive and disseminate private, federally protected tax information? A spokesman for the gay rights group Human Rights Campaign didn’t respond to the question of whether or not authorities had contacted the group after reports that […]

UK Minister: Gay Marriage Cost Tories at Local Election

Once again, undermining marriage carries with it consequences for politicians who give in to elite sentiment, ignoring the people! The UK Christian Institute: A Conservative government minister has said that his party’s poor performance at the local elections is partly down to its bid to redefine marriage. Gerald Howarth, a defence minister, made the comments […]

Redefining Marriage Could Cost Tories Up to 30 Seats in UK Parliament; Over 1.1 Million Votes

Gay marriage is a “conservative” position? Conservative voters in the UK evidently don’t think so: The Conservative Party could lose up to 30 Parliamentary seats and over 1.1 million votes if it bulldozes ahead with plans to redefine marriage, a new poll shows. The poll, conducted by ComRes, shows that the party’s support for gay […]

U-Turn Tory MPs Tell Constituents: "We Were Wrong on Gay Marriage" in Bid to Win Back Voters

Buyer’s remorse? David Cameron is under intense pressure to ditch his gay marriage initiative amid claims that Tory MPs fear they are ‘haemorrhaging’ votes over the issue. The Mail on Sunday has been told that Chief Whip Patrick McLoughlin has privately assured anxious Tory backbenchers that the Prime Minister’s same-sex marriage plan will ‘not come […]

BP: Half of North Carolina Marriage Amendment Signs Stolen; Vandalism Reported

The Baptist Press: Roughly half of the yard signs around North Carolina supporting a proposed constitutional marriage amendment have been stolen or damaged, according to the communications director for the group promoting the amendment. … “We have distributed tens of thousands of yard signs across the state, and about half of them are now gone […]

Study: Births to Cohabiting Couples Dramatically Increase

The Baptist Press reports on a new study by the National Center for Health Statistics: The number of babies born to unmarried couples who are living together in America has increased dramatically during the past decade, according to a new report by the National Center for Health Statistics. “We were a little surprised in such […]

The Crisis We Face, Together, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, You know me. You know I’m a happy warrior. Even as we speak, voting has begun in North Carolina over the Marriage Amendment. The vote may well be close, but only for one reason: Gay-marriage advocates in North Carolina have abandoned the idea that they can win a vote on gay marriage. […]

Scottish Imams Tell all Muslims: Vote to Defend Marriage

The UK Christian Concern: Imams in Glasgow have told all Muslims throughout Scotland not to vote for any local election candidate on 3 May who supports redefining marriage. The news will trouble the leaders of major parties, all of whom have indicated their personal support for the plan. A statement was issued yesterday by the […]

UK Christian Concern: Grassroots Tories Have Had Enough of Gay Marriage

The UK Christian Concern: Grassroots Conservatives have had enough of their party’s plans to rewrite the definition of marriage, the head of the oldest Tory think-tank has said. Ben Harris, Chairman of the Bow Group, said: “What we are seeing here is genuine fatigue among a party rank and file, disappointed both at the suggested […]

Is There Really A Conservative Case for Gay Marriage? England Expresses Doubts...

Conservatives are expressing increasing doubts about the wisdom electorally of David Cameron’s plan to make pushing gay marriage a priority: Ann Widdecombe has said that she did not campaign for David Cameron “all day, every day in the last general election” so that he could destroy traditional marriage. The former Cabinet Minister warned that the […]

TVNEWSER and Others Take Issue with How MSNBC's Roberts Handled Scheduling Gaffe

Alex Weprin of TVNewser: Thomas Roberts was slated to interview the National Organization for Marriage’s Maggie Gallagher, but the camera feed showed an empty chair, with Roberts saying that Gallagher didn’t show up (h/t Inside Cable News). There was just one big, glaring problem: Gallagher was ready to appear, but was in a different studio. […]

Simon Heffer: The Real Bigots in the UK Gay Marriage Row are the Liberals

Simon Heffer is a columnist for the UK Daily Mail: …anyone wishing to make the case against same-sex marriage must do so rationally. Calling its advocates rude names, or deriding their arguments, would simply weaken the case. This view is plainly not shared by Lynne Featherstone, the Lib Dem MP who is Equalities Minister. She […]

"Thousands of Muslim Women in Britain Entering Polygamous Relationships"

If the numbers are true there could be more of a “demand” for polygamous marriage than gay marriage: An “unprecedented” number of Muslim women are inquiring about polygamy, the Islamic Sharia Council in Britain has said. Newspaper reports suggest that thousands of Muslim women in Britain are entering polygamous relationships. The news comes as the […]

Video: UK Popstar Says State Should Arrest Clergy Who Speak Against Gay Marriage

The Christian Institute: Openly gay popstar Will Young believes vicars who describe gay marriage as ‘abhorrent’ should be prosecuted for hate crimes. He made the comments live on national television as BBC1’s Question Time debated Cardinal Keith O’Brien’s remarks about same-sex marriage. Daily Mail columnist Janice Atkinson, who was also on the show, warned that […]

CNA: Maine Diocese Will Oppose 'Gay Marriage' Ballot Question

Catholic News Agency: While some media outlets have presented Bishop Richard Malone of Portland’s new pastoral letter on marriage as a sign the Catholic Church in Maine will not back a ballot measure to recognize “gay marriage” in the state, the diocese maintains that is not the case. “There will be a ballot question committee, […]