Author Archives: Brian Brown

TAKE ACTION: Tell Sen. McCaskill to Support Conscience Protections for Chaplains

Dear Marriage Supporter, Lately Sen. Claire McCaskill has been on national TV like Charlie Rose and Chris Matthews calling herself one of the lone Senate “moderates” who is working every day for veterans and our men and women in uniform, while fighting against special interests’ control in Washington. Since she raised it, it’s time for […]

Ninth Circuit Speeds Prop 8 Case Toward Supreme Court!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Just hours ago, the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit denied an en banc rehearing of this past February’s decision striking down California’s Proposition 8. The decision clears the way for an immediate petition to the United States Supreme Court, and we need your help. Would you please consider […]

TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress to Keep Defending DOMA!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is under assault like never before. And Congress may well be its last line of defense. Please take a moment to thank House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor for standing firm in defense of DOMA and marriage today! Yesterday morning, the United States […]

A Different "Evolution" on Marriage, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, This week the Maryland Marriage Alliance had to do something to keep the fight against gay marriage going in Maryland. They had to turn in over 18,000 valid signatures just to sustain the efforts to get a vote to repeal gay marriage to the people. Well guess what? Standing on the steps […]

URGENT! Only 6 Hours Left!

Dear Marriage Supporter: We need your help! With just six hours left, we still need to raise more than $30,000 to reach our goal of $50,000 by midnight. But I’m confident we can make it! Some of you have already given $1,000, or $500, or $100. Some have given $15 or $20. I know that […]

This Only Took Me 98 Seconds-Please Take 2 Minutes To Help!

Dear Marriage Supporter: This morning, I launched this $50,000 campaign to expand the scope and impact of And your response has been nothing short of remarkable! Already, we’ve gone from 40,000 to over 42,000 petitions signed and raised thousands! But we can’t stop now! Please make one donation RIGHT NOW to the NOM Education […]

Brian Brown to Dan Savage: "Game On!"

Dan — I accept and will look forward to debating you at your dining room table. As I said in my challenge to you, anytime, any place. While I appreciate the invitation that you have extended to my wife, she will not be able to attend. She is a full-time mom with seven beautiful children […]

For Greater Glory Opens Friday

Dear Marriage Supporter, As you know, I just returned from Europe speaking in both London and Madrid on the fight to protect marriage and religious liberty. While at the World Congress of Families, I had the chance to view a private screening of a transformational motion picture called FOR GREATER GLORY. All I can say […]

Head's Up! Watch for the Challenge Tomorrow!

Dear Marriage Supporter: As of this morning, over 40,000 people have signed our petition to send a powerful message to Starbucks that their entry into the culture war corporately pushing same-sex marriage WILL have consequences. If you have not already done so, please consider signing our petition to stop patronizing Starbucks Coffee—it only takes […]

The New Rebels for Marriage! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, I flew to Europe this week to spread the good news: marriage is a winning issue! I was in London. The Law Society had banned the conference. So the organizers switched the venue to the Queen Elizabeth II Center, which is actually owned by the government. The managers of the QE2 Center […]

President Obama's Big Mistake, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The fallout from Pres. Obama’s flip-flop on marriage continues. Sixty-two percent of Americans say, in a new Fox News poll, that it was just a political decision on Obama’s part (including a plurality of Democrats, 46 percent to 38 percent). If so, it was a very bad one. As NOM’s political consultant […]

Obama Announcement Renews DOMA Attacks!

Dear Marriage Supporter, President Obama’s announcement of support for same-sex marriage last week is already escalating the attacks on DOMA. The day after President Obama’s announcement, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid immediately tagged along, announcing his newfound support for the cause du jour. But he didn’t stop there. As Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid controls […]

Rally for Marriage in Denver Tomorrow!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Governor Hickenlooper has called a special legislative session to address civil union legislation, and Colorado Family Action is hosting a Rally for Marriage at the State Capitol in Denver tomorrow! Please make an effort to come to the Capitol over the lunch hour tomorrow to show your support for marriage. As recently […]

URGENT! Stop President Obama's Assault on Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, What a week it’s been! As you know, it started with a resounding 22-point victory in North Carolina, which became the thirty-first state to amend their constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. This is a BIG victory! As the first of five states likely to […]

One More Down! Sen. Alesi Drops Re-Election Bid!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last night State Senator James Alesi dropped his bid for reelection, becoming the first New York Republican to lose his seat over last year’s vote for same-sex marriage. One Down! Three to Go! Click here to help send the other three Republican turncoat senators packing! Less than a year ago, Senator Alesi […]