Author Archives: Brian Brown

The Day After the 4th of July, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Greetings! Like me, you probably spent yesterday in some sort of celebration with family and friends. Barbecuing, swimming, fireworks. I was talking with a friend who is not a believer, and I asked him, “Do you believe that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights? […]

"Betty Crocker Faces Boycott," NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, 14,714! That’s the number of Americans who, as I write this morning, have already signed our new petition at! Speaking of morning, what in the world is the nation’s leading manufacturer of breakfast cereals thinking?! I never thought that by eating Cheerios for breakfast I would be supporting gay marriage. General […]

We Can't Let Them Get Away With It!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Since we launched less than two days ago, over 10,000 people have signed our petition! And we need you to join us! Please take 30 seconds right now and sign our petition on! General Mills has lost 10,000 customers in less than two days. If we keep this up, somebody […]

Sign the Petition! NOM Announces Protest of General Mills

Dear Marriage Supporter, Just a few months ago, Starbucks announced that gay marriage was “core” to the beliefs of their company and formally endorsed same-sex marriage in Washington State. NOM responded by organizing a protest of Starbucks—and nearly 45,000 people have now signed the DumpStarbucks petition. Well, the radical left of corporate America is at […]

A Prayer for Freedom!

Dear Marriage Supporter, As many of us gather in houses of worship across the nation this weekend, I hope you’ll join me in taking a moment to remember our nation in prayer. Here is a suggested Christian prayer from Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty O God our Creator, Through the power and […]

Gay Marriage Repeal Bill Introduced in Albany!!!

Dear Marriage Supporter, In March, David Storobin pulled off a historic upset: he won a seat in the New York Senate as a pro-marriage Republican in Brooklyn, one of the bluest districts in the entire country. He beat out the strongly pro-gay marriage Lew Fidler and replaced the disgraced Senator Carl Kruger, who sold out […]

Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Erie, Illinois is a small, rural town of 1,600 residents in western Illinois, just across the border from Davenport, Iowa…not exactly where you’d expect to find a national controversy brewing over pro-gay marriage school curriculum. It all started when concerned parents in Erie, Illinois got word of plans for a new curriculum […]

The Sanctity of a Comic Book Gay Wedding, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, X-Men Comics is depicting a gay superhero wedding. “Northstar,” who came out as gay in 1992, is now proposing to “Kyle.” Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Axel Alonso said, “Marvel has a long and proud tradition of reflecting the world in all its diversity, and this is just one more example of that.” Marjorie […]

Fortnight for Freedom Starts TOMORROW!

Dear Marriage Supporter, If you’ve read the papers lately—or especially if you’re a regular reader of my weekly e-newsletter—you know the alarming and increasing pressures on people of faith. Believers forced to abandon their religious convictions when they enter the public square. Religious agencies forced to shut their doors or violate key tenets of their […]

It's All Riding on Four States...Please Help Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter: Same-sex marriage advocates are stockpiling millions of dollars that will be used in Washington, Maryland, Minnesota and Maine this November. They know how much is riding on the outcome of these four elections . . . and it is imperative that we stand up and fight back against the Hollywood liberals and […]

What Did You Get Your Dad For Father's Day?

Dear Marriage Supporter, With Fathers’ Day tomorrow, what better time to give a gift to protect marriage in honor of your own dad? Dads aren’t perfect—and those of us who are dads know that better than anyone! But even imperfect dads make unique and valuable contributions to the lives of their kids. And marriage is […]

Disposable Dads? Stand up for Dads this Fathers' Day Weekend!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Are dads disposable? As Brad Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, put it: Dads are disposable. This is the story now being told in certain precincts of our culture, from the Hollywood Hills—”Women are realizing it more and more, knowing that they don’t have to settle […]

The Big Mo for Marriage, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, 247,331. That’s the number of signatures people in the state of Washington turned in opposing gay marriage and asking for the right to vote. The news this week from Washington State is huge. R-74, a measure overturning gay marriage, will be on the ballot this November. 247,331 is a huge number of […]

Maggie's New Book: Debating Same-Sex Marriage, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The guys at Oxford University Press are no dummies. When they needed someone to make the case against same-sex marriage as part of a Point/Counterpoint series, edited by James Sterba of Notre Dame, they went straight to the top: to one of the best, the brightest and most articulate spokespeople for marriage […]

NOM Co-Founder Maggie Gallagher Discusses New Book Tomorrow at 6pm ET!

Dear Marriage Supporter, NOM Co-Founder Maggie Gallagher has just released a new book from Oxford University Press entitled Debating Same-Sex Marriage, co-authored with Wayne State Professor John Corvino. The book offers a point/counterpoint discussion of fundamental questions like, “What is marriage,” and “What are the implications of same-sex marriage for children’s welfare, religious freedom, and […]