Author Archives: Brian Brown

Obama Abandons Marriage. Will America Stand For It? NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Thanks be to God! The victory for marriage in North Carolina was huge. “Overwhelming” and “landslide” were just two of the words even MSNBC had to use in covering the great victory for the marriage amendment. North Carolina was huge because once again, with your help we visibly exploded the myth of […]

SSM Will Cost Obama Re-election Bid

Dear Marriage Supporter, The media is abuzz with the news that President Obama has publicly endorsed same-sex marriage. Many see political calculation. The Washington Post suggests a financial connection, noting that 1 in 6 of Obama’s top fundraisers are gay or lesbian. Others are calling the announcement a profile in courage—a claim more convincing had […]

VICTORY!!! And an exciting new opportunity!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I’m in Raleigh today, still celebrating last night’s amazing victory! What a privilege to be here with the Vote for Marriage NC Team last night as the election returns came in, and it became clear that the Marriage Protection Amendment was on track for a commanding victory. Congratulations to Tami Fitzgerald, whose […]

URGENT: Vote FOR Marriage Protection Amendment in North Carolina Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I hope you’ve already contacted friends and family in North Carolina, urging them to vote FOR the Marriage Protection Amendment today. But if you haven’t, it’s not too late! Polls are open until 7:30 this evening (Eastern Time), and every vote counts as North Carolina voters have the opportunity to become the […]

Critical vote in North Carolina Tomorrow!

Dear Marriage Supporter, As you know, North Carolina voters go to the polls tomorrow with an opportunity to become the 31st state to adopt a constitutional amendment on marriage. The latest polling data suggests that support for the amendment is stabilizing after a massive barrage of misleading ads from pro-SSM groups in the state. But […]

Dan Savage, Pick On Someone Your Own Size! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, By now you’ve probably heard about the incredibly squalid performance of President Obama’s anti-bullying advisor, Dan Savage. If not, go watch this video here:   Invited to address the issue of bullying before a captive audience of other people’s children, Dan Savage chose instead to belittle these high-schoolers’ faith, to repeatedly curse […]

The Bully Pulpit?

Dear Marriage Supporter, By now you’ve probably heard about leading gay marriage activist Dan Savage’s vile attack on Christian teens during his “anti-bullying” presentation at a student journalism conference in Seattle last month. But did you know that President Obama has endorsed Dan Savage and his “It Gets Better” campaign as a core part of […]

Deadline Tonight!

Dear Marriage Supporter, A month ago, I sent out a letter explaining that a generous donor agreed to match any money we could raise before April 30, 2012. Many thanks to those of you who have already responded! But I know that many of our online supporters may not have seen the letter that we […]

The Crisis We Face, Together, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, You know me. You know I’m a happy warrior. Even as we speak, voting has begun in North Carolina over the Marriage Amendment. The vote may well be close, but only for one reason: Gay-marriage advocates in North Carolina have abandoned the idea that they can win a vote on gay marriage. […]

The New Target: Our Children — Silenced in the Classroom

“He said we lost our right to free speech when we walked into that classroom.” Dear Marriage Supporter, He’s 14 years old and goes to Church with his parents. And he was recently kicked out of class and threatened with suspension by his teacher. What did he do wrong? He disagreed with his economics teacher […]

Turncoat Senators Under Fire! Help Turn Up the Heat!

Dear Marriage Supporter, A year ago, I made a promise to the people of New York… …that I would not rest until the people of New York were given their right to vote on the marriage question… …and to hold the politicians in Albany accountable for their backroom dealmaking and for selling out their constituents […]

Urgent Need In North Carolina!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I’ll keep this message brief, but we have an urgent need in North Carolina and I need your help immediately. As we expected, our opponents in North Carolina have just launched a million dollar ad campaign, flooding the airwaves with outrageous lies and misrepresentations. And the North Carolina campaign doesn’t have the […]

A Story You’ve Never Heard Me Tell, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Scandal is building over the release of one of NOM’s confidential tax documents. The release of this document is due to either an IRS employee leak, someone hacking into IRS systems, or someone illegally impersonating a NOM official to obtain this confidential information—information then retailed to the public by the Human Rights […]

Please...we cannot give up...together we can and we will win!

Dear Marriage Supporter, NOM is fighting with everything we have to give voice to what societies throughout history have believed: that marriage is between a man and a woman because children need a mother and a father. But we need your help today! Today is our last chance to take advantage of this matching grant […]

A Special Message from Bishop Harry Jackson

Dear Marriage Supporter, For three years, I have stood shoulder to shoulder with Brian Brown and the National Organization for Marriage, fighting to protect marriage in Maryland and in our nation’s capital. Together—for the first time in Maryland—we have built a true rainbow coalition of Blacks, Latinos and whites, Republicans and Democrats, Catholics, evangelicals, Mormons […]