Author Archives: Brian Brown

It's Shaping Up To Be a "Make or Break" Year for Marriage...AND WE WILL WIN!

Dear Marriage Supporter, 2012 is already shaping up to be a “make or break” year for marriage in America. With a high-stakes presidential election, Congress up for grabs, legal battles headed to the U.S. Supreme Court, and state-level battles raging over same-sex marriage from Maryland to Minnesota, from New Jersey to Washington, from Iowa to […]

We Did It!!! Thank You So Much!!!

The Presidential primaries have begun, and we’re already in the middle of some major campaigns to promote and defend marriage. 2012 has begun with a bang—I’m currently writing to you from Texas where I’m meeting with key religious leaders. I’ve already been to Iowa for the caucuses and will soon be going to South Carolina. […]

Thank Senate President Mike Miller for standing up for marriage!

Please take a moment to thank Maryland Senate President Mike Miller (D) today. His courageous comments urging “Evangelicals, Catholics, and African Americans” to come together to stop same-sex marriage in Maryland have already come under attack from gay marriage advocates. Miller said, “I’m a historian and I look at civilizations, I study civilizations, I read […]

EMERGENCY ALERT: Activists Fast-Track SSM Bill in Trenton-Help Stop them Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Marriage rests on a knife’s edge in Trenton, and the next few weeks are critical. Please use the links below to take action, and then forward this message to five friends today. The bill to redefine marriage for everyone will be introduced tomorrow, and SSM activists have already begun the spin game—claiming […]

Ron Paul Meets His Waterloo on Marriage, NOM Marriage News, January 6, 2011

My Dear Friends, What a night in Iowa! The top two winners in Iowa—separated by a hair’s breadth—were both men who signed NOM’s Marriage Pledge, frontrunner and winner Gov. Mitt Romney and the incredible, surprise come-from-behind (to within eight votes) Sen. Rick Santorum. Congratulations to both of them, and to all the other candidates who […]

Only 12 Hours Left — This Is It... Your Last Chance!

This is the last email I’m able to send you before tonight’s midnight deadline and the conclusion of our tremendous million dollar matching campaign. As you know, one of our most generous donors has offered to MATCH—dollar for dollar—every donation we receive, all the way up to one million dollars! As of this morning, we […]

Double Your Money – Invest in Marriage Today

Dear Marriage Supporter, There are just 36 hours left to take advantage of this exciting opportunity! Invest in marriage today and DOUBLE your impact! One of our most generous donors has given you the exclusive opportunity to DOUBLE YOUR MONEY by investing in marriage with NOM today! Every single gift we receive from you from […]

Wrong on Marriage: Spotlighting Ron Paul's Unwillingness to Defend Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, I wanted you to be one of the first to see NOM’s newest TV ad airing in Iowa. In this final week before the Iowa caucuses, NOM is working hard to make sure the Republican nominee for president is a leader in defending marriage. As you know, five of the leading GOP […]

Only 96 Hours to Go...

Dear Marriage Supporter, There are only 96 hours left… …to take advantage of this wonderful and most timely blessing: That one of our most generous donors has offered to MATCH—dollar for dollar—every single gift we receive between now and New Year’s Day, all the way up to one million dollars! Friend, thousands of Americans just […]

We Can't Stop Now!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I have reviewed our updated financial reports and they look fantastic! As you know, one of our most generous donors has offered to MATCH—dollar for dollar—every single gift we receive before New Year’s Day, all the way up to one million dollars! Friend, I don’t need to remind you how much of […]

Fwd: Momentum For Marriage in New Hampshire

Dear Defender of Marriage and Family, In this busy Christmas Season I want to take just a moment of your time to share some great news about you and your neighbors in New Hampshire. Below is a wonderful email from Jason Rose, Director of the July Fourth Forum PAC and one of the leaders in the […]

You won't believe this incredible blessing

Dear Marriage Supporter, In this season of giving, I could not be more excited about this incredible news: One of our most generous donors has offered to MATCH—dollar for dollar—every single gift we receive between now and New Year’s Day, all the way up to one million dollars! Friend, I don’t need to tell you […]

Gingrich Signs NOM Marriage Pledge, Ron Paul Only Holdout, NOM Marriage News, December 15, 2011

My Dear Friends, Really big news this morning: Newt Gingrich just signed onto to NOM’s Marriage Pledge—leaving Ron Paul as the only major contender for the GOP nomination who has refused to do so. Let’s go to the good news first. Newt Gingrich has joined Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, and Michele Bachmann in […]

Which one should I cut?

Dear Marriage Supporter, Please help us overcome a looming shortfall! Increasingly virulent and frequent attacks from the same-sex marriage lobby have depleted our emergency funds, and we need your help! As 2011 draws to a close, everyone at the National Organization for Marriage is excited about the election year ahead, which we believe will be […]

Urgent Opportunity To Let The People Vote On Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, A new development in Albany last week provides us a great opportunity to finally give voters the right to vote on marriage in New York. According to the New York Daily News, legislative leaders have agreed with Governor Cuomo to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot to expand casino gambling. If […]