Author Archives: Brian Brown

2012 Will Be The Year of Marriage, NOM Marriage News, December 9, 2011

My Dear Friends, In a few weeks the people of Iowa will actually vote for the man or woman who will become the Republican candidate for President of the United States, and Leader of the Free World. Wow, what a roller coaster-campaign of surprising twists and turns it’s already been, with three or four different […]

DEADLINE TOMORROW: Tell the Scottish Government to Protect Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Tomorrow, the Scottish Government closes a public consultation period on the question of same-sex marriage. We need your help today to tell the Scottish Government that people around the world understand and support the true definition of marriage. In what appears to be a desperate attempt to sway the outcome, the Scottish […]

He Said Explicit Videos Were Inappropriate For High Schoolers...And Was Denounced As A Homophobe!?

Dear Marriage Supporter, An anti-bullying curriculum in the Vancouver public schools points kids to a website featuring explicit videos of gay sex. When school board Trustee Ken Denike learned of it, he suggested periodic reviews of all online resources…and was roundly denounced by community leaders as a homophobe! True story. See it here. Our most […]

9th Circuit Hears Prop 8 Arguments Tomorrow!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Tomorrow afternoon beginning at 2:30 pm PT / 5:30 pm ET, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit will be hearing oral arguments on California’s Proposition 8. The three-judge panel, while continuing to deliberate on the constitutionality of Prop 8, will additionally be hearing oral arguments on whether Judge Walker […]

Prince Andrew of Albany Rakes in Hollywood Payoff, NOM Marriage News, December 1, 2011

My Dear Friends, So Prince Andrew gets a handsome Hollywood payoff. No, I’m not talking about the second son of Queen Elizabeth, but about Andrew the son of Mario Cuomo. He’s flying from his throne in Albany to a fundraiser in Hollywood next week to hear the golden chink-chink-chink of cash raised by his decision […]

BREAKING - Switchboards are lighting up, on BOTH SIDES! Please help!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Ever since the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, an all-out war over marriage has broken out in Washington. The Human Rights Campaign — the deep-pocketed anti-marriage lobbying group that is determined to force same-sex marriage on every state in the nation — delivered thousands […]

So Much To Be Thankful For!

Dear Marriage Supporter, This Thanksgiving, I’m grateful to live in a country that is still free. Party bosses cannot shut down the authentic voice of a free and good people. Benjamin Franklin was asked as he left the Constitutional convention of 1787 what form of government the leading men had given to the American people. […]

You have no idea how much you have done.

Dear Marriage Supporter, When I sit down for dinner this Thanksgiving, I will have a long list of blessings on my mind. I’m grateful to the Lord for so many things…my family, my country and my health are always at the top of the list. But you know something? This year, something else immediately comes […]

Gay marriage is now one step closer to reality - Help us fight back!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We just launched a critical fundraising drive to SAVE the Defense of Marriage Act. Because legislation that will destroy marriage as we know it is now on the move! Please make one URGENT and GENEROUS gift to the National Organization for Marriage right away! Remember, we are still in the midst of […]

BREAKING NEWS! Prop 8 Proponents Have Standing To Defend Initiative in Federal Court

Dear Marriage Supporter, In a huge victory for NOM and supporters of Proposition 8, the California Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that the proponents of the initiative have the legal right to defend the initiative in court. This is a major victory for the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund and the lead Prop 8 attorney, […]

EMERGENCY ALERT: Senate Liberals Poised to Hold Marriage Hostage on Defense Authorization Bill!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Senate liberals have sunk to a new low. We can’t let them get away with it. Reports out of Washington are now indicating that – just a week after forcing a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) through the Judiciary Committee on a party line vote – Senator Diane […]

How will gay marriage affect you?

Dear Marriage Supporter, Meet Damian Goddard. On May 9, 2011 Damian had it all: a loving wife, two small children, and a dream job he loved as a sportscaster, for the Canadian equivalent of ESPN. What happened to him is an absolute outrage. Click here to watch the newest Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance video interview and […]

Democrats Push DOMA Repeal – TIME TO FIGHT BACK!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Led by liberal San Francisco Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee passed the (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act (S. 598) today on a 10-8 vote. The party-line vote, with all 10 committee Democrats voting to repeal DOMA and the 8 Republicans voting to protect DOMA, sets the stage for a […]

Cisco & Bank of America Drop Discrimination Practices Against Marriage Supporters, NOM Marriage News, November 10, 2011

My Dear Friends, As I write these words, the Democrat-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee is about to vote to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. I know that many of you, Democrat and Republican, will be appalled to learn what your representatives in Washington are doing—in your name. The Associated Press story on today’s action is […]

Obama's Lawlessness on DOMA (cont.), NOM Marriage News, November 4, 2011

My Dear Friends, This week the Senate Dems began to debate a bill repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, the one federal law that protects marriage as the union of one man and one woman. And this week 86 House members have stood up to ask that the Defense Department authorization re-affirm DOMA. Missouri’s Todd […]