Author Archives: Brian Brown

Gay Marriage...In Florida!?

Dear Marriage Supporter, The same-sex marriage movement is not about “live-and-let-live.” It is about radically redefining marriage for everyone, whether you like it or not—yes, even in the Sunshine state. As you read this, there is a bill in the United States Senate, advanced by Senator Diane Feinstein of California, to repeal the Defense of […]

Don't Let Same-Sex Marriage Special Interests Control New Jersey Politics!

Dear Marriage Supporter, My sincere thanks to each of you who have risen to the challenge over the past two weeks—taking action to defend marriage in the Garden State. Marriage, as you know, hangs in the balance, and your action is helping to make the difference. Thank you! And that’s I’m writing to you today. […]

ACTION ALERT - Battle to Preserve Marriage in Maryland is Heating Up!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The battle to preserve one man-one woman marriage is Maryland is heating up this week! New legislation, backed by Governor O’Malley, to undo the time-honored and common sense definition of marriage will be heard in the State Senate this week. We need you to take ACTION immediately to have your voice be […]

Don't Let Same-Sex Marriage Special Interests Control Iowa Politics!

Dear Marriage Supporter, As you know, the National Organization for Marriage fights to protect marriage in all 50 states. But Iowa is one of the states on the front lines and of critical importance—more so than most others. When a panel of 7 judges imposed same-sex marriage on the Hawkeye state on April 3, 2009, […]

URGENT MARRIAGE ALERT: Repealing Gay Marriage To Be Voted On Feb 1st! Tell your Legislators to vote YES on HB437!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I’ve got exciting news! We’ve been told that HB437—a bill to repeal same-sex marriage—will be voted on Next Wednesday, February 1st! Now is the time to call your legislators—especially House members—right away and ask them to VOTE YES ON HB437! If you know your House District, click here to see phone numbers […]

2012 Could Make or Break Gay Marriage! NOM Marriage News, January 26, 2012

My Dear Friends, This Baptist Press story is right on the money: “2012 could be make or break year for future of gay marriage.” So much is happening. First, nationally. As I told the press after the roller-coaster South Carolina primary, “It is now clear that the Republican Party will nominate a candidate who is […]

Gay Marriage Legal In California? Not If We Work Together!

Dear Marriage Supporter, As you know, the NOM Education Fund fights to protect marriage in all 50 states. But California is one of the states on the front lines and of critical importance—more so than most others. The same-sex marriage lobbyists have been focusing on the Golden State for a long time, pouring millions of […]

MARRIAGE ALERT: Thank Governor Christie for Standing Up for Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Good news from Governor Christie speaking in Bridgewater Tuesday morning! Asked about the same-sex marriage bill that he had promised two years ago to give “a big red veto,” Governor Christie told reporters his answer had not changed: This issue that our state is exploring—whether or not to redefine hundreds of years […]

Gay Marriage Legal In New York? Not If We Work Together!

Dear Marriage Supporter, As you know, the National Organization for Marriage fights to protect marriage in all 50 states. But you also know that New York is critically important—more so than most others. The same-sex marriage lobbyists have been focusing on the Empire State for a long time, pouring millions of dollars into their campaigns […]

MARRIAGE ALERT: Tell your legislators to vote YES on HB437 to Repeal Same-Sex Marriage

Now is our moment! For more than two years, we’ve been working and waiting for an opportunity to repeal same-sex marriage in New Hampshire. News reports now indicate that the vote will take place in February. Thanks to your efforts, and those of many others, a majority in both houses now supports marriage and is […]

EMERGENCY ALERT! Marriage Hearing in Trenton on Tuesday!

Dear Marriage Supporter, It’s time to stand up and be counted! Please, if there is any way you can arrange your schedule, come to Trenton on Tuesday morning for a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the same-sex marriage bill. The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday morning at 11am, but please come early as large crowds […]

ALL HANDS ON DECK!! Time to Stop Gay Marriage in Washington!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We’ve seen it happen time and time again: gay marriage activists believe that victory is in their grasp, and then a last minute surge of you and our pro-marriage heroes pull off a last-minute victory to protect marriage. We need you to be part of that surge today. Please, stop what you […]

Marriage Battles Heating Up, NOM Marriage News, January 20, 2012

My Dear Friends, Game on! In New Jersey, politicians are trying to rush through a gay marriage bill. They claim that civil unions have failed—even though there’s not one document-substantiated complaint upheld by the civil unions commission designated to investigate compliance with the civil union law. Advocates of gay marriage are counting on Gov. Chris […]

URGENT ALERT: Tell Governor Christie We're Counting on Him to Keep His Promises

Dear Marriage Supporter, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has won the respect and trust of many on both sides of the political aisle with his straight talk, common sense, and fearlessness in taking on special interests. That’s why his comments on marriage last week were so troubling. In 2009, Governor-elect Christie had this to say […]

EMERGENCY ALERT! Activists Pushing SSM Bill in Olympia--Help Stop them Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Marriage rests on a knife’s edge in Washington, and the next few days are critical. Please use the links below to take action, then forward this message to five friends today, and come to the hearings at the Capitol in Olympia next Monday. In early January, Governor Gregoire announced her support for […]