Author Archives: NOM Staff

IRS Scandal Smoking Gun Found in House Testimony this Week

As much of official Washington—and the rest of the nation for that matter—are in full summer malaise mode, a smoking gun has emerged in the on-going investigation of the Internal Revenue Service’s illegal targeting of conservative and tea party patriot groups. Peggy Noonan’s Wall Street Journal commentary cuts through the confusion and monotony of this […]

Study Finds Cohabiting Couples Less Economically Productive

Another reason why cohabitation just doesn’t provide the benefits — to both men and woman — that marriage does. …unemployment among men across all sorts of employment classes (service-sector workers, sales workers, unskilled laborers, professionals) is lower among those who are married than among those who are single or cohabiting. This gap in unemployment between […]

God Save the Queen? Queen Elizabeth Gives “Royal Assent” to SSM in England, Wales

The Washington Post reports that Queen Elizabeth II has given “royal assent” to a same-sex marriage bill that has recently passed in both of Great Britain’s legislative houses. This assent comes despite the fact that the Queen is also the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, which opposes same-sex marriage. The bill had the […]

Marriage Reduces Likelihood of Child Poverty by 82 Percent

Heritage’s blog, The Foundry, recently shared an illuminating chart (see below) that demonstrates the connection between child poverty and being raised in single-mother households. Today, one out of every four children lives with only his or her mother. Of those children in single-mother homes, 58 percent are impoverished. In contrast, as Heritage’s Robert Rector points […]

American Thinker: A.G. Holder’s Department of Injustice

Scott Varland over at the American Thinker cites John Eastman’s recent House testimony as some of the strongest evidence yet that the IRS broke federal law: Dr. John Eastman (Chairman of the Board, National Organization for Marriage) makes the most convincing argument for probable cause with regard to the release of tax returns. In his […]

Pennsylvania Pastors Speak Out for Marriage

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is already under fire for her recent announcement that she will not uphold PA’s law defining marriage as one man and one woman. The Pennsylvania Pastor’s Network held a press conference at the state capitol in Harrisburg yesterday asking Kane to change her position and uphold state law. The Pennsylvania Pastor’s Network, […]

AUDIO: PFI's Michael Geer on State of Marriage in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Family Institute President Michael Geer appeared on WHYY Public Radio earlier this week to discuss PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s decision not to uphold state marriage law because she personally doesn’t support it. Listen to the full audio below:

National Organization for Marriage Communications Director Seriously Injured in Swimming Accident

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 17, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) Group requests thoughts and prayers for Thomas Peters Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage urges you to join us in asking for God’s blessings and strength for Thomas Peters, our communications director and dear friend, who was seriously injured in […]

NOM Sharply Condemns US Supreme Court Over Illegitimate Rulings Legislating From The Bench on Marriage and Rewarding Corrupt Politicians and Federal Judges on Prop 8 and DOMA

[For ongoing coverage of today’s news please scroll down. -Ed.] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 26, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “There’s a stench coming from these cases that has now stained the Supreme Court. It’s imperative that Congress continue to protect the right of states to not recognize faux marriages in their […]

National Organization for Marriage: Senator Murkowski's Betrayal of Marriage Seals Her Political Fate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 19, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “Murkowski has betrayed marriage and the overwhelming majority of Alaskans who have voted to define marriage as the unique union of one man and one woman. She has sealed her political fate.” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — Today, […]

National Organization for Marriage Calls for Balanced News Media Coverage for Same-Sex 'Marriage'

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 18, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “An important new study proves that the news media is overwhelmingly biased in favor of same-sex ‘marriage,’ leaving viewers to wonder if they are trying to shape the news rather than cover it.” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — […]

National Organization for Marriage Hails New HuffPost Poll Showing National Support for DOMA

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 6, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “The Supreme Court ought to uphold DOMA and uphold Proposition 8 and respect the pro-marriage views of millions of Americans.” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — Brian Brown today hailed the results of a new poll conducted by HuffPost/YouGov […]

National Organization for Marriage NY PAC Endorses Erick Salgado for NYC Mayor

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 3, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) Question Conservative Party Endorsement of Candidate “Excited” to Perform Gay Marriages Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage NY PAC, today, endorsed Rev. Erick Salgado for Mayor of New York City. “NOM is proud to endorse a candidate who has the […]

Marriage Supporters Win Major Victory In Illinois — Effort To Redefine Marriage Fails To Gather Support And Is Tabled Without A Vote

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 31, 2013Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “This is a great victory for our allies and supporters, as well as Illinois families who have worked tirelessly with us to preserve marriage in Illinois.” — Brian Brown Washington, DC — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today celebrated the failure of […]

National Organization for Marriage Reacts to Boy Scouts of America

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 24, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “It’s the beginning of the end for what once was one of America’s noblest organizations.” — Brian Brown, President, NOM — Washington, D.C. — The following statement may be attributable to Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage: “Today is […]