Author Archives: NOM Staff

Tune In for Monday's GOP Presidential Debate

Dear Marriage Supporter, You won’t want to miss the next GOP presidential debate this Monday afternoon at 3pm EDT! Hosted by the American Principles Project in Columbia, South Carolina the debate will feature presidential frontrunners and NOM Marriage Pledge signers Gov. Mitt Romney, Rep. Michele Bachmann and Gov. Rick Perry, joined by Rep. Ron Paul, […]

John Stossel's Marriage Debate – NOM Marriage News, September 1, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, Gay marriage is a radical proposal because it cuts marriage off at the root, separating it from its roots in human nature. After gay marriage, every single feature of marriage becomes questionable and therefore will be questioned anew: Why just two? Why not sisters? Why fidelity? We’ve seen the polygamists and the […]

Governor Perry Signs Marriage Pledge!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Kudos to Gov. Rick Perry for making it clear: he’s a marriage champion! Our purpose in creating the Marriage Pledge was to move presidential positions from vague values statements to concrete actions to protect marriage. With his signature yesterday, Gov. Perry joins Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum as a signer […]

NOM: Iowa Voters Prove Again That Marriage Is A Winning Issue

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 13, 2011CONTACT: Elizabeth Ray ([email protected]) or Mary Beth Hutchins ([email protected]) WASHINGTON, DC — Today Iowa voters endorsed National Organization for Marriage (NOM) pledge supporter and marriage defender Michele Bachmann. Further three out of the four top vote-getters signed the National Organization for Marriage’s Marriage Pledge. “Today, Iowans showed the country that […]

Bert & Ernie: NOT Brought to You by the Letters L, G, B & T...

Reuters reports via The LA Times that the Sesame Workshop has closed the closet door on the recent push for long-time characters Bert & Ernie to enter into a same-sex marriage: “The educational workshop behind the 40 year-old TV series dismissed the idea of a made-for-TV, same-sex puppet wedding in response to an online campaign […]

Marriage Takes Center Stage as Straw Poll Nears

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 8, 2011CONTACT: Mary Beth Hutchins at 703-683-5004 Presidential Candidates Travel State with NOM on Values Bus Tour WASHINGTON– The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is ensuring that marriage will be a primary factor in voters’ decision on which presidential candidate to support in the upcoming Straw Poll, highlighting on the “Values […]

National Organization For Marriage Condemns “Intolerable” Gay Activist Harassment Of Congressman Allen West

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 3, 2011 Contact: Elizabeth Ray (x130) or Mary Beth Hutchins (x105) at 703-683-5004 Group Criticizes Business Association For Buckling To Gay Pressure WASHINGTON – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today condemned the Florida Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Democratic Caucus for harassing Congressman Allen West over his support for traditional marriage, and […]

Over 10,000 Demonstrators Usher in New Era in Gay Marriage Battle As Thousands Demand, “Let the People Vote!”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mary Beth Hutchins or Elizabeth Ray at 703-683-5004 WASHINGTON — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today praised the more than ten thousand supporters who crowded streets and plazas in New York City, Albany Rochester and Buffalo in four simultaneous rallies to demand the Legislature give New Yorkers the right to […]

SSM, Lies & Campaign Cash - NOM Marriage News July 14, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, My latest unexpected hero is Adam Kaiser, the young man in Buffalo who told the New York Times that he was for gay marriage—but that, nonetheless, he would never vote for Sen. Mark Grisanti again because he’s against lying. I thought about him in part because of the aggressive, ongoing push to […]


The situation in New York is fluid and remains very urgent. I am asking for you to take action one more time, with targeted messages going to specific New York senators. Shortly after yesterday’s newsletter went out, the New York Senate adjourned for the evening at around 11pm ET. The Republicans are conferencing behind closed […]

VIDEO: Brian Brown Defends Marriage in CNN Debate with Daniel O'Donnell

Brian Brown handily defends marriage in a debate with Daniel O’Donnell—NY State Assemblyman, open homosexual and brother of Rosie O’Donnell—and CNN’s Don Lemon, who also recently came out. Please take a moment to let your voice be heard, no matter where you live, and tell these four undecided NY Senators—especially Greg Ball—to protect marriage as […]

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: NOM's Interview with Former New York Giant David Tyree!

[For our ongoing live coverage of the fight to protect marriage in New York, click here and scroll down!] Take Action Related on the NOM blog: “Tyree Video on Marriage Going Viral!”

Media Ignores Campaign of Hate Targeting Marriage Defenders - NOM Marriage News, June 9, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, Our new Facebook page is exploding! More than 7,000 of you have “liked” our page in the last two weeks, and as I write we are at 16,383 fans. That means I need just 8,617 good, marriage-loving folks to go to: Find and press the “like” button to meet our goal. […]

URGENT ACTION ALERT: The Final Days – Stop SSM in NY with a Letter to the Editor Today!

Same-sex marriage supporters have launched a last-ditch effort to push gay marriage through the New York State Senate yet this year, even renting billboards with a personalized message to one state senator believed to be a swing vote. Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg haven’t stopped talking up same-sex marriage for weeks now. And wealthy elites […]

UK Judge Demands Review of Damaging Divorce Laws

From the UK Telegraph: Outdated family laws have fueled an “alarming” rise in marital breakdown, causing “profound” damage to millions of children, a High Court judge has warned Sir Paul Coleridge called for an independent commission to reform divorce law, arguing that family relationships are now “unrecognisable” from the 1950s, when the last review was […]