Author Archives: NOM Staff

When 80% of Divorces are "Forced", How the Church Can Help

Psychologist Hilary Towers, while discussing the opportunity provided by Newt Gingrich’s presidential run to have a national debate on the reality of divorce, observes: Data from the National Survey of Children (NSC) indicate that approximately 80% of divorce cases in this country are forced divorces.  In other words, the vast majority of divorces are situations […]

Surveying European Attitudes on SSM and Sexual Morality

This report (PDF) asked citizens of various European countries to respond to statements about marriage and homosexuality. Here’s what they said: “It is a good thing to allow marriages between two men and two women” Accept the statement as true – Poland: 11.8%, Hungary: 30.7%, Italy: 35.9%, Portugal: 37.6% France: 47.3%, Great Britain: 57.9%, Germany: […]

The Donald Says Not This Time

Donald Trump – who has been acting like he was going to run for President in 2012, and who stated his opposition to SSM frequently – has decided not to run: Donald Trump said today he will not seek the Republican nomination for president, after stoking speculation with statements and speeches taking on pro-abortion President […]

Study: Girls Particularly Likely to Commit Suicide After Parental Divorce

Here’s the abstract from a new study on the effects of parental divorce in causing depression among children, as well as increasing their risk of attempting suicide – especially girls: In previous studies by our group, we found that female offspring of parental divorce and parental remarriage are more susceptible to suicide attempt than male offspring. […]

Report Details Hate Crimes Against Christians and Churches

The European Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians have issued their five-year report (PDF), with pages and pages of recent examples of anti-Christian acts that have taken place internationally, including hate crims against Christian buildings (desecrations, vandalisms, etc). Here’s a couple sample cases included in the report: Austria: Socialist Pupils Association Encourages Members to Vandalize Churches March […]

Chuck Colson to Christians: Wake Up on the Consequences of SSM

Chuck Colson writes about the numerous consequences of redefining marriage – and the consequences of how activists are trying to accomplish their goal: For two years now, I’ve warned that the drive for so-called “gay marriage” was the greatest threat to religious liberty we’ve ever faced. But I think I may have underestimated the threat, because now I […]

“How does gay marriage affect you personally?” Ask Goddard and Vidmar.

Bruce Hausknecht writing at CitizenLink: Yesterday I wrote about the repercussions from the issue of same-sex marriage in the lives of Peter Vidmar and navy chaplains. Today’s headlines concern Toronto, where sports anchor Damian Goddard was fired the day after tweeting this controversial line on his personal Twitter account: “I completely and whole-heartedly support Todd […]

Ted Olson Comes Out Against Civil Unions for New York

In an op-ed with New York’s Attorney General in the NY Daily News.

Diaz Rally Breakthrough: People Who Love Can Disagree

From the same NY Daily News piece: Among the group was Erica Diaz, the granddaughter of State Senator Diaz, who said she’d been kicked out of the Navy due to her sexual orientation. To her side was her girlfriend, Naomi Torres, who Diaz said she hoped to eventually marry — but only if the laws […]

Canadian Sports Writer: "Goddard firing is scary business"

Steve Buffery at the Toronto Sun begins his op-ed by saying that he supports SSM “wholeheartedly”, but goes on to say: That being said, I also believe people should have the right to oppose same-sex marriage based on their religious beliefs, without being mocked and vilified for it. Or worse, losing their job over it. Frankly, […]

NY Daily News: Diaz Rally "Massive" ... Small Counter-Protest

The NY Daily News says the Diaz’s rally was “massive” and the counter-protest small: State Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. held a massive rally Sunday outside Bronx Supreme Court against gay marriage – only to prompt a counterprotest by his lesbian granddaughter. We’re looking to post the video of Sen. Diaz’s lovely response to his grandaughter, who disagrees […]

"If Your Boss Opposes Gay Marriage, You Can't Talk to Our Students About the Importance of Thrift"

Does this make any sense at all? Amber Lapp writes at FamilyScholars: I wanted to write a story featuring [a] class project for National Thrift Week, which is a public education campaign that “seeks to bring together a broad coalition of citizen leaders who share an appreciation of thrift as the wise use of resources […]

Newt Gingrich's Daughter on His First Divorce

Jackie Gingrich Cushman writes: My father, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, has been in politics as long as I can remember. And as long as I can remember, media coverage about him has contained misstatements of facts. The vast majority are simple mistakes that are easily corrected, understood and rewoven into an ongoing storyline. […]

Tim Gill's Tactics, Coming to a Campaign Near You?

One of Gay multi-millionaire Tim Gill’s tactics is to help elect gay-friendly politicians without bringing up gay issues during the campaign – in essence electing “sleeper cell” candidates who take Tim’s money but don’t mention what they’ve promised to do in return. Joshua Green writes in The Atlantic about how this successful strategy may soon be “franchised” for other […]

Heritage Foundation on the Inaccuracy of Calling DOMA Cases an "Evolving Legal Landscape"

Chuck Donovan, a senior research fellow at Heritage, writes on their Foundry blog: … last November, when the Defense Department’s working group unveiled its recommendations regarding implementation of a prospective repeal of the law, it noted repeatedly that DOMA made it “legally impermissible” to treat same-sex couples as married under the military’s family policy. The report included an acknowledgement of […]