Author Archives: NOM Staff

Maggie's Column: Is Gay Marriage an Economic Development Plan?

Maggie’s syndicated column this week is a shorter and slightly different version of her NOM blog post: The arguments for gay marriage get ever stranger: This week in Indiana, Jill Cook, an executive from engine-maker Cummins Inc., testified that a proposed state marriage amendment “jeopardizes our ability to be competitive in global markets.” I hope […]

Video: Archbishop Dolan of NYC explains his views on SSM

Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the jovial Archbishop of New York, recently sat down with CBS 60 Minutes. Here is his response when he was asked why the Church is opposed to same-sex marriage: Source:

Breaking News: RI Speaker Gordon Fox Concedes Gay Marriage Bill in Limbo

According to the March 17 Warwick Beacon story “Marriage Bill in Limbo”, House Speaker Gordon Fox’s spokesman conceded there is no immediate plan for the House Judiciary Committee to vote on gay marriage; he says he doubts the bill will be moved until “some sort of concession can be reached.” The Beacon says only two […]

Bishop Jackson: The Black Church Helped Stop SSM In Maryland (Video)

CBN News reports: Liberal Maryland turned out to be socially conservative when it comes to recognizing what constitutes marriage in the eyes of the state. Bishop Harry Jackson of the High Impact Leadership Coalitition gave more insight to the outcome of the fight for gay marriage in Maryland:

Bishop Cordileone on DOMA: "Future prospects of marriage, democracy go hand-in-hand"

We missed Bishop Cordileone’s take on efforts to undermine DOMA when it first came out. Here it is now: It is a curious irony that in this moment of history, when people in a number of countries in the Middle East are agitating for change from dictatorship to democracy, here in our own country, the […]

The Risk of Eggsploitation

Recently, the Center for Bioethics and Culture stirred up public debate with its documentary “Eggsploitation: the infertility industry has a dirty little secret” released in 2010. The Alliance for Humane Biotechnology followed up with a call for more research on the dangers of egg donation. The question at hand: “What are the effects of ovarian […]

Gay Press Admits: Illinois Civil Unions Bill May Drive Christian Charities From Foster Care

Kendall Marlowe, spokesman for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) admitted to the Windy City Times (Chicago’s oldest gay newspaper) that, just as Cardinal George predicted, the new Illinois civil unions bill will probably help drive Christian adoption agencies out of the foster care business: Marlowe [said] the passage of the state’s […]

Equality Maryland Concedes Defeat on SSM

“Though we are disappointed that we must continue to fight for marriage equality, today’s move was a strategic step that will allow us to fight and win in the future,” said Morgan Meneses-Sheets and Charles Butler, the executive director and board president, respectively, of Equality Maryland, the statewide advocacy group, in a statement. A coalition […]

Del Jill Carter: Leadership Killed Bill By Killing Debate, Amendments in Committee

A unique perspective from a pro-gay marriage black Democrat, Jill Carter: by refusing to permit open and genuine debate, the leadership killed gay marriage in Maryland. Bill sponsor Jill Carter, a Democratic delegate, blamed its demise on a failure by the Democratic leadership to properly manage the debate. “The fact that leadership was unwilling to […]

Days Before MD Vote, Abp O'Brien Called for Prayer and Fasting in Support of Marriage

From the Catholic Review, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Baltimore: During a March 9 Ash Wednesday liturgy at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore, Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien called on Catholics to affirm traditional marriage by participating in a special day of prayer and […]

Video: Dr. Morse's comments to the RI State Legislature on redefining marriage

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute was asked to testify in hearings at the Rhode Island state legislature on SSM. These are her prepared remarks — re-recorded with a modest handycam, of course — in early March:

MN judge re-affirms marriage by citing 40-year-old precedent

An important decision with potential national consequences (as we’ll explain in a subsequent post): “Citing a 40-year-old precedent, a Hennepin County judge has dismissed a lawsuit that sought to remove legal barriers to gay marriage in Minnesota. In an order signed Monday, District Judge Mary Dufresne rejected an argument by the group Marry Me Minnesota […]

Video: Maggie Gallagher on Maryland's SSM Bill

Maggie appeared on NewsChannel8 – Washington, D.C. right after her Monday appearance on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal to discuss the same-sex marriage bill in Maryland as well as other issues relating to marriage:

Baltimore Sun's Maryland Politics Blog on NOM's $1M Maryland PAC

The Baltimore Sun’s Maryland Politics: The National Organization for Marriage today pledged at least $1 million to help defeat Republicans who favor same-sex marriage and assist the campaigns of Democrats who oppose it. The announcement came as the Maryland House of Delegates today moved the legislation a step closer to a final vote. More debate […]

Video: Ted Olson says Children Don't Need Mothers ... or Fathers Former Bush Administration Solicitor General Ted Olson, who represented the plaintiffs who sued California to overturn that state’s ballot-approved constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, told on Tuesday that children do not need mothers–or fathers–and do just as well being raised by two parents of the […]