Author Archives: NOM Staff

After SSM, What Next? Suing newspapers that refuse to announce gay weddings

It never stops: Gay couple files complaint against Dallas Morning News for not printing wedding announcement A gay couple has filed a discrimination complaint against The Dallas Morning News for refusing to publish their same-sex wedding announcement. Mark Reed-Walkup and Dante Walkup, who were legally married in Washington, D.C., in October, filed the complaint on […]

Video: CA Pol. introduces bill "to require LGBT history" in all public schools

At the book launch of “My Uncle’s Wedding” (which introduces children as young as 4 to same-sex marriage), CA State Senator Mark Leno announced to the crowd that he has introduced a bill in the California Senate which would “require LGBT history to be taught in public schools across California as part of the curriculum” […]

NOM Announces NOM MD PAC, Will Spend $1 Million to Hold Maryland Legislators Accountable

Nation’s Leading Pro-Marriage Group says it will spend at Least $1 million to Defend any Democrats who Support Marriage, Oppose any Republicans who Vote to Redefine Marriage The National Organization of Marriage (NOM) today announced that it will form the “NOM PAC Maryland” in the state. NOM pledges to spend at least $1 million in […]

Archbishop Wenski: Marriage does need a defense

Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami talks about the harmful effects of SSM: “…in redefining the legal definition of marriage to include same sex unions, the proponents of “gay marriage” are in effect imposing their views and lifestyle on the larger populace. Once legal, the state’s coercive power will punish those who refuse to embrace gay […]

Watson on "John Locke and the Evangelical Retreat from Marriage"

Micah Watson, writing at The Public Discourse, argues that John Locke’s philosophy gives no support to those who would seek to endorse same-sex civil marriage: “Gushee is quite right to point out that a crucial part of Locke’s project was to protect religious belief and practice from the meddling of government. Apart from that, however, […]

MD Gov. O'Malley Backtracks on SSM: "Let the People Decide"

This analysis in WaPo by political science Prof. Todd Eberly is interesting for several reasons. He acknowledges that the conventional wisdom – which said the House would be the easy part for SSM – has been “upended.” He also points to Gov. O’Malley’s recent backtracking, from supporting SSM to adopting Sam Arora’s position: “Let the […]

Prince George's ministers make last-minute push against same-sex marriage bill

Encouragement: More than a dozen ministers from churches in Prince George’s County were among religious leaders lobbying Maryland lawmakers in a last-ditch effort to defeat same-sex marriage legislation, which they say violates God’s law. The Prince George’s pastors said they took a stand on behalf of family. “We didn’t come tonight against anybody. We came […]

Audio: Maggie Gallagher debates DOMA on WHHY Radio

Through Attorney General Eric Holder, President Obama instructed federal attorneys “not to defend” the Defense of Marriage Act in court, deeming it unconstitutional and reversing White House policy. Joining us to discuss this development is TOBIAS BARRINGTON WOLFF, Penn law professor and White House advisor on LGBT issues; MAGGIE GALLAGHER, chairman of the National Organization […]

Cal. TV President Condemns AG Move; Calls for Respect for Initiative Process

KSBW President and General Manager Joseph W. Heston’s editorial: “In case you missed it, California’s newly elected Attorney General, Kamala Harris, jumped into the court battle over same sex marriage; she asked a federal appeals court to allow gay marriages to resume while the court considers the constitutionality of Proposition 8, California’s ban on same-sex […]

ADF wants mother released from jail for keeping children from permissive German sex ed.

The Alliance Defense Fund is asking the European Court of Human Rights to intervene in the case of a mother – the 10th parent jailed for not paying a fine waged as a penalty for protecting children’s Christian beliefs. (source)

Prop 8/Obama on DOMA = "The Latest Assault on Representative Government"

Margaret A. Bengs, a state employee, writes in the Sacrament Bee: Whatever one’s view of same-sex marriage, we all must be disturbed when the constitutional process whereby we exercise the right to govern ourselves is undermined. … In our country, a president or a governor cannot decide what is constitutional and what is not. Their […]

Ross Douthat on "Why Monogamy Matters" in the NYT

Ross Douthat’s latest column in the New York Times: …there are different kinds of premarital sex. There’s sex that’s actually pre-marital, in the sense that it involves monogamous couples on a path that might lead to matrimony one day. Then there’s sex that’s casual and promiscuous, or just premature and ill considered. This distinction is […]

Chicago Tribune op-ed: "Gay marriage leads to cultural damages"

Laurie Higgins, Director of School Advocacy for the Illinois Family Institute, writes to the editors of the Chicago Tribune: … most of the cultural damage [of the Chicago SSU bill] will not be seen for years to come. Any thinking person understands that cultural change rarely happens instantaneously. For example, Stanley Kurtz has documented the […]

New Study: Gender Dominates 'Demand-Withdraw" Couple Dynamics

The authors of this study claim that same-sex couples respond quite similarly to opposite sex couples when it comes to “Demand-Withdraw” Dynamics. But what their actual data suggests is that gender dominates the demand-withdraw dynamic. Women demand. Men tend to withdraw, in response to demand. This suggests two women are remarkably different from two men, […]

New Study: CDC Reports Sharp Rise in Abstinence Among Teens, Young Adults

According to this Reuters report: “The largest and most in-depth report on US sexual behavior, sexual attraction, and sexual identity shows a rising number of young people are electing to remain abstinent. In 2006-2008, 29 percent of females and 27 percent of males ages 15-24 reported not having any sexual contact, compared with 22 percent […]