Author Archives: NOM Staff

Gay Press: SSM Backers Say They Are Still 4 Votes Short in MD

This report from the gay press suggests the Rhode Island House Judiciary Committee may vote on gay marriage as soon as Thursday; meanwhile gay marriage backers are still 4 votes short of a majority in the Maryland House: Backers in the [Maryland] House concede they remain 4 votes shy of the majority needed to send […]

Equality Maryland: SSM "Not a Done Deal" in MD

Delegates Tiffany Alston and Jill Carter also had harsh words about the process: “This process has not been what it should be,” said Delegate Tiffany Alston, D-Prince George’s, who had signed on as a co-sponsor of the bill but ended up voting against it. “This has not been the deliberative process that we normally engage […]

Monday Morning: Maggie talks DOMA on C-SPAN!

Maggie Gallagher, chairman of the board of the National Organization for Marriage, will be on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal this Monday morning from 8:30-9:15am ET to discuss DOMA. You can watch the show online here on the C-SPAN website. CSPAN will be taking questions by twitter, e-mail and the phone lines, so please ask Maggie questions! […]

NOM's Readership Exploding, Thank-You!


Brian Brown quoted in AP story on DOMA intervention

A first reaction to yesterday’s news: The White House declined to comment on Boehner’s announcement. The law’s supporters applauded the new House speaker, saying constitutionality should be decided by the courts and not by the president. “With the House intervening, we will finally get lawyers in that courtroom who are trying to win this,” said […]

National Organization for Marriage Thanks Speaker Boehner for Standing Up for DOMA

Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), responds to House Speaker John Boehner’s comments today on the Defense of Marriage Act: “This is a great win for marriage, for democracy and for our Constitutional processes. We are grateful to Speaker Boehner and to the GOP leadership for standing up for the federal […]

RSC Chairman Jordan Applauds Boehner on DOMA Action

Republican Study Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan released the following statement after Speaker John Boehner announced that the House’s Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group will meet for the purpose of defending the Defense of Marriage Act in federal court. “Marriage and the family are vital cornerstones of society,” said Chairman Jordan. “I thank Speaker Boehner for […]

Interfaith Group Urged Speaker of the House to Defend DOMA in Court

The news is developing fast but we did not want to miss this signification action taken by an interfaith coalition: “Administration’s decision to abandon DOMA was ‘lapse in judgment’ – House must join litigation fully to ‘defend true meaning of marriage’” Leaders of Catholic, Protestant and Sikh communities of faith—together representing tens of millions of […]

Speaker Boehner announces he will convene group to defend DOMA

A press release from House Speaker John Boehner regarding the status of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA): “I will convene a meeting of the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group for the purpose of initiating action by the House to defend this law of the United States, which was enacted by a bipartisan vote in Congress […]

Gay Marriage in MD: "Once A Sure Thing, Suddenly Has A Questionable Future"

The latest from Annapolis: A gay-marriage bill, which was expected to be sure thing in Maryland’s House of Delegates, suddenly has a questionable future, as members wait to cast a committee vote. Tied up in the House Judiciary Committee since Tuesday, observers say the longer the bill waits, the slimmer its chance of passage. (source: […]

NOM National Newsletter: Riding the Marriage Roller Coaster

It’s been an extraordinary roller-coaster week for marriage! MARYLAND VOTE FOR SSM – NOT A DONE DEAL! As I write, the Maryland House Judiciary Committee has still not been able to vote to pass same-sex marriage, despite threats and arm-twisting from leadership. In Maryland, the House of Delegates was supposed to be an easy vote […]

Christians Need Not Apply - From Great Britain to Illinois

In our sister democracy in Great Britain, a truly shocking example of how far gay-rights advocates will go to shut down religious people came to light this week: The British courts ruled that Christians can be excluded from fostering children unless they affirm that homosexual sex and marriage is good. Christians are now “unfit parents” […]

Australia: Gay Marriage Divides Labor Party?

Is what’s happening in Maryland–a split in the Democrat base–also happening in a similar way in Australia?  This report suggests many socially conservative, economically Labor party members are rebelling against the influence of sexual progressives: Julia Gillard has restated her absolute rejection of gay marriage and hotly disputed opposition claims the Australian Greens have hijacked […]

Archbishop Dolan Calls Refusal to Defend DOMA an ‘Alarming and Grave Injustice’

Just released: “Our nation and government have the duty to recognize and protect marriage, not tamper with and redefine it, nor to caricature the deeply held beliefs of so many citizens as ‘discrimination,’” said Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). His statement followed the February […]

Gay Marriage Advocates "Stunned" As Another Co-Sponsor May Jump Ship

SSM advocates are enraged that Delegate Sam Arora has (apparently) decided to vote against the marriage redefinition bill in Maryland. The “America blog” has a photo of Sam published right now with the caption “Religious right coward” underneath. The author of that blog, John Aravosis, goes on to call Sam a “religious right bigot.” If […]