Author Archives: NOM Staff

Del. Carter Says Votes Still Aren't There for SSM, Accuses Leadership of Lying About her

Delegate Jill Carter says the MD House leadership is “lying” about her, and that they are “probably still two votes short” of having enough to pass the SSM Bill through the House Judiciary committee: “I didn’t block the vote “ Jill Carter (D-41st) told Investigative Voice in a telephone interview early Thursday morning. “We didn’t […]

Speaker Boehner on FOX News: "We are going to intervene" on DOMA

Last night Speaker Boehner was asked by Greta Van Susteren about DOMA and intervention: VAN SUSTEREN: The Defense of Marriage Act — the president has said that he’s not going to enforce it or is not going to — he’s not going to fight it in the courts, the challenges to it. You or at […]

Aussie ABC News Columnist: Marriage Needs Redefining Because Monogamy Does Not Work

Or so Katrina Fox writes: Simply allowing ‘same-sex’ couples to marry will still leave people like Wilson and many other intersex, sex and/or gender diverse (ISGD) people unable to access the same legal right. A more inclusive option is to allow individuals to get married whatever their sex or gender, including those who identify as […]

Illinois B&B Owners Sued for Refusing SSU Ceremony

Two bed-and-breakfast owners in Illinois are being sued after refusing to host a same-sex civil union ceremony. The harm to the gay couple is simply their emotional distress, not the lack of a nice place to hold a ceremony (because already another bed-and-breakfast has offered to host their ceremony). In a way I can sympathize; […]

Angry SSM Protesters Target Religious Services for Protest/Disruption

Meanwhile, I wanted to make sure that in the big Obama DOMA news last week you didn’t miss the latest installment of our Breaking News videos. This one is on a new tactic launched by the Gay Liberation Network in Chicago: organized protests during religious services. “It’s time to stop being nice to anti-gay bigots” […]

Maryland SSM Sponsors Jump Ship

Meanwhile the press and the pols were shocked this week to find suddenly that black Dems were jumping ship. Melvin Stukes (a black Democrat from Baltimore), a co-sponsor of the bill, pulled out. When the leadership, realizing public support was evaporating, moved to push for a committee vote quickly–all of a sudden at least two […]

Maryland Lawyer Erika Cole Warns MD House Against SSM

Here’s another thing you didn’t see on the mainstream news coverage: a respected church lawyer, Erika Cole, testifying at the House hearings, in which gay marriage advocates repeatedly urged legislators to exercise “leadership” by voting for gay marriage, whether their constituents want it or not: We may be on the verge of another truly amazing […]

Pres. Obama's DOMA Disaster

Nationally, the biggest issue is Pres. Obama’s DOMA “Disaster,” as Maggie calls it. Obama’s refusal to defend DOMA is already backfiring on him. At NOM we try to stay ahead of the curve. Let me tell you, we have been strategizing behind the scenes for weeks with other leaders and groups on how to get […]

Defending DOMA - Will the House Intervene?

Now the big question is: Will the House intervene to protect DOMA? 14,732 of you have already responded to NOM’s urgent call to the House: Vote to protect marriage by intervening in DOMA! Don’t stop now! Here’s the latest news: On Wednesday night Speaker Boehner told Greta Van Susteren, “The long and short of this […]

Prop 8 Case News: County Clerk Seeks Standing in Case

On the Prop 8 case, this week saw another very important and totally underreported development too: Chuck Storey, the newly elected county clerk of Imperial County, is back in court, asking the Ninth Circuit for standing to intervene to uphold Prop 8! You may recall that the Ninth Circuit denied Imperial County’s assistant clerk standing, […]

Maryland Vote for SSM - Not a Done Deal

As I write, the Maryland House Judiciary Committee has still not been able to vote to pass same-sex marriage, despite threats and arm-twisting from leadership. (Or, as the gay press is reporting, “Maryland delegates ready to vote on gay marriage bill; NOM mailers spread fear”!!!) In Maryland, the House of Delegates was supposed to be […]

Brian Brown's op-ed picked up in KS, MI, NY & VA

Brian Brown’s op-ed for the Washington Post (“Gay Marriage and Obama’s end run around democracy”) has been picked up by the Wichita Eagle in Kansas, the Muskegon Chronicle in Michigan, the Times Union in New York and the Virginia Pilot/Ledger-Star in Virginia (so far).

Legal analysis: Obama overlooked SCOTUS ruling in refusing to defend DOMA

Attorney Paul Benjamin Linton wrote this legal analysis for the Thomas More Society: In deciding to abandon the defense of § 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, the Attorney General has overlooked a binding precedent of the Supreme Court. In Baker v. Nelson, 191 N.W.2d 185 (Minn. 1971), a same-sex couple challenged on federal […]

WSJ: In Defense of DOMA

David Rivkin and Lee Casey, writing in the Wall Street Journal, are Washington D.C.-based attorneys who served in the Department of Justice during the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations: Marriage is unlike any other governmental benefit. License to marry carries with it far more than mere permission, as in obtaining a license to […]

Should Christians Give Up on Gay Marriage? Maggie Responds in USA Today

Tom Krattenmaker says they should. Maggie responds: Marriage core teaching Commentary writer Tom Krattenmaker sees the issue as “On gay rights, keep fighting or adapt?” But for those of us who are Christian, a better headline would be: “Genesis: continue fighting for it or adapt?” (On Religion, The Forum, Feb. 14). The idea that God […]