Author Archives: NOM Staff

SSM debate in Rhode Island today

From the Providence Journal’s politics blog: The State House debate over same-sex marriage will play out in three forums on Wednesday: a press conference, a rally and then a House Judiciary Committee hearing. It will begin with the 2:45 p.m. press conference called by [NOM Rhode Island]. Speakers will include Maggie Gallagher, the chairwoman of […]

Pro-marriage comments made at MD's SSM hearing

Some sample comments made in defense of traditional marriage at yesterday’s hearing on SSM in Maryland: Martha Schaerr, Montgomery County School Board candidate: “Marriage is about children and the good of society. To change it to adult love changes the definition of marriage.” Maggie Gallagher ”The reason that marriage is a virtually universal human social […]

Top UK Cabinet minister says "couples should be encouraged to marry"

The UK  Telegraph: In what is the Coalition’s clearest pro-marriage intervention since it was formed, Iain Duncan Smith will say that it is “absurd and damaging” for ministers not to extol the benefits of marriage for fear of stigmatising those who choose not to marry. The Work and Pensions Secretary will argue that the current […]

RI Newspaper profiles NOM RI's Christopher Plante

From the Warwick Beacon: The debate on legalizing gay marriage has been in the state spotlight in recent weeks, but for Christopher Plante, it’s been a priority for more than two years. Plante is the executive director of the National Organization for Marriage’s Rhode Island Chapter, which was formed in 2008, one year after the […]

Maggie Gallagher, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse To Testify in RI SSM Hearings Tomorrrow

Maggie Gallagher, fresh from testifying in Annapolis today, will fly to Providence, RI tomorrow to testify – and blog and tweet – about the hearings on SSM there. The Ruth Institute’s Dr. Jennifer Roeback Morse will also be there to testify to the importance of protecting marriage as the union of husband and wife. If […]


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 8, 2011 CONTACT: Elizabeth Ray, x130 or Mary Beth Hutchins, x105 at 703-683-5004 NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE: MAGGIE GALLAGHER MAKES THE CASE FOR MARRIAGE IN MARYLAND “SB 116 doesn’t just add more people to marriage, it changes marriage.” – Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of NOM (WASHINGTON, DC) – Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of […]

UPDATE: Prop 8 Case Will *NOT* be Tweeted

Earlier today we passed along the news first published by NBC that the Prop 8 case, if/when it reaches the U.S. Supreme Court, could be tweeted. Turns out, NBC confused the British Supreme Court with our U.S. Supreme Court. The “” ending to a website URL is important!

Undeclared lawmakers to decide fate of marriage in MD

The Baltimore Sun: As a lifelong Roman Catholic, state Sen. Katherine Klausmeier grew up with the clear understanding that marriage is between a man and a woman. But the Baltimore County Democrat also empathizes with young gay couples, including two women who recently sat in her office and described the joy of raising children. As […]

Maggie talks Marriage with Oregon Faith Report

A good interview to begin the week: “Georgene Rice of KPDQ-FM interviews Maggie Gallagher with the National Organization for Marriage in California. She discusses the Supreme Court’s recent decision to deny an appeal to the D.C. same-sex marriage decision. They discuss whether it was a procedural decision or if it goes to the merits of […]

Religion Reduces Risk of Domestic Violence

In a similar vein, from the same source: “Domestic violence risk. According to national surveys, men and women who frequently attend religious services are about half as likely as nonattenders to perpetrate physical aggression against intimate partners, according to both partners (Appendix B). This link persists net of the offender’s social integration and support, alcohol […]

Study: Religion and Divorce

A lot of Internet chatter focuses on state-level divorce rates, but the best social science research suggests people who actually practice their faith do indeed have lower divorce rates: “Divorce rates. As in prior decades (Mahoney et al., 2001), three recent longitudinal studies tied higher religious attendance, particularly by wives or by couples who attend […]

Iowa Action Alert

Dear Marriage Supporter, On Tuesday, the Iowa House of Representatives voted 62-37 in favor of giving the people of Iowa the chance to vote on marriage, sending HJR 6 to the Senate for approval. But Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal has vowed to block the measure from ever coming to a vote in the Senate, […]

Canada: Bishops speak out against marriage commissioner ruling

LifeSiteNews: Two more Canadian bishops have joined their voices with that of Calgary Bishop Fred Henry in condemning a Saskatchewan Court of Appeal ruling that denied marriage commissioners the right to refuse to perform same-sex “marriages.” In a new pastoral letter, Archbishop Daniel Bohan of Regina, Saskatchewan has challenged the government to work [to] protect […]

"He's Just Not That Into Anyone"

An explosion of recent interest in how porn is affecting sexual culture, this time from New York Magazine.

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter, So much is happening–in Rhode Island, Maryland, Wyoming, and even New Mexico, where a bill to block recognition of out-of-state same-sex marriage was introduced. To see and hear our new Rhode Island radio ad click below! But the heart of the marriage debate this week moved to Iowa. The Iowa House voted […]