Author Archives: NOM Staff

18 Religious Groups file amicus brief in support of DOMA

From the Press Release: The Massachusetts Catholic Conference (MCC), representing the Roman Catholic Bishops in Massachusetts, has joined with seventeen other major Catholic, Jewish and Protestant groups in filing an amicus brief in support of the federal Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA … a pdf copy of the brief is available here. The religious […]

RI MARRIAGE ALERT: Urgent Action Needed on SSM Bill

Visit Share This Dear Marriage Supporter, It’s time for action! The House Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on the same-sex marriage bill ( HB 5012) next Wednesday afternoon, starting at approximately 4:30pm. The hearing will be held in Room 313 at the State House in Providence, and by our count, the committee […]

Top Pro-Marriage politicians opt out of CPAC

CPAC’s decision to allow GOProud this year continues to have negative repercussions, as USA Today reports: Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, who is thinking of running for president, hasn’t yet responded to an invitation from the American Conservative Union to speak at CPAC, which has been held since the Ex-Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, whose 2008 […]

FROM THE DAILY CALLER: “Stay vertical a bit longer, ladies: Study claims men are winning the game of love”

Dr. J a.k.a. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of NOM’s Ruth Institute comments in The Daily Caller about a new study on devaluing effect of casual sex: “Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, founder and president of the Ruth Institute, a marriage advocacy group, told The DC that some young women are already confronting the challenge with pledges […]

Pro-SSM Attorney on CA IRS confusion: “Embrace the Chaos”

Deb Kinney of KLK Law Group in San Francisco on news that the IRS is requiring same-sex partners to file separately this year: “Embrace the chaos … It will bring us equality faster.” – San Francisco Business Times

WaPo: Supreme Court continues to dress down 9th Circuit

Robert Barnes: Sometimes the Supreme Court simply decides cases and sometimes it seems to have something bigger in mind. In the past two weeks, it has been in scold mode, and its target has been the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. In five straight cases, the court has rejected the work of […]

Gronstal risks political future by blocking IA marriage vote

The Associated Press: “Senate Majority Leader Michael Gronstal says he’s willing to accept the reality that his decision to block a debate over same-sex marriage could cost him his leadership post or even his seat in the Legislature.”

“Nobody Gets Married Any More, Mister”

Gerry Garibaldi talks about how a failing marriage culture is partly to blame for our failing schools: Here’s my prediction: the money, the reforms, the gleaming porcelain, the hopeful rhetoric about saving our children—all of it will have a limited impact, at best, on most city schoolchildren. Urban teachers face an intractable problem, one that […]

Dr. J to all Millennials: “Be part of the marriage solution!”

An open letter to emerging adults, worldwide, from the redoubtable Dr. J: My dear young friends, I know from many conversations with you that you want to get married and stay married. I know that many of you have fears about love and marriage, because of your own experiences of loss and pain resulting from […]

Mike Gronstal, Are You Kidding Us?

Mike Gronstal, the Democratic Majority Leader in the Iowa Senate is practically throwing his body in front of the door to the voting booth, promising to block a state marriage amendment no matter how many Iowans want it. And yet today he had the chutzpah to accuse Republicans of “[stopping] at nothing to take away […]

Tony Perkins on the State of our Unions

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council with an important reflection tied to this week’s State of the Union address: As we use this time to consider our country’s future, we must also recognize that the state of our Union is directly connected to the state of our unions. Where do the pre-governmental institutions of […]

The Ruth Institute's Weekly Newsletter

The ‘Reel’ Love Challenge Deadline is February 1st! Forward this newsletter to everyone you know ages 18-30 for their chance to win $2,000 and other prizes. Can’t enter yourself? You can still vote on the submitted entries! There are quite a few good ones up there you won’t want to miss! Be part of the solution […]

Breaking News: France's Highest Court Rejects Right to SSM [updated]

The highest court in France re-affirmed today that marriage is the union of husband and wife for a reason: it respects the ‘double origin’ of the child. Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is influenced by international opinion, may be impressed. Read Reuters News for the rest. UPDATE: Here is the link to the French Court’s decision […]

NOM Weekly Newsletter: January 27, 2011

Breaking news from Hollywood: The Kids Are All Right has just been nominated for four Oscars, including Best Picture! Big surprise. The movie in case you haven’t heard, is about two lesbian moms raising a daughter and a son; the son misses having a Dad and goes out in search of their biological father. Hey, […]

Kaufman asks, is Marriage the Right Battle for Gay Families?

David Kaufman raises the question at The Root, prompted by his concern that those directing the gay-rights agenda are affluent elites: The dichotomy between the LGBT volk and the LGBT establishment damages the entire movement by alienating the community’s hardest-working change agents while excluding them from the kinds of resources that would truly help gay […]