Author Archives: NOM Staff

NOM-Rhode Island Begins Radio Ad Campaign Telling Governor Chafee to Let the People Vote

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 3, 2011 CONTACT: Christopher Plante, at 401-954-7173 or [email protected] NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE-RHODE ISLAND BEGINS RADIO AD CAMPAIGN TELLING GOVERNOR CHAFEE TO LET THE PEOPLE VOTE “Governor Chafee needs to stop wasting time by messing with marriage and start focusing on the real issues of the state.”– Christopher Plante, Executive Director […]

Do Girlfriends and Boyfriends have Rights to Your Child?

For the gay press, this case is about discrimination against a gay “mother” who never adopted a non-biological child. For the rest of us it raises the question: what happens when the law gives romantic partners legal rights over our children? Lambda Legal: “Today the Ohio Supreme Court heard arguments in Lambda Legal’s case defending […]

Senate Republicans show opposition to SSM in MD

From Jon Fairbanks: Senate GOP caucus leaders in Maryland say they will not support legislation legalizing gay marriage. During a private meeting on Tuesday, the group voted to take a formal position against a same-sex marriage bill pending in the Maryland General Assembly. Senate Minority Leader Nancy C. Jacobs said at least eight of the […]

In face of bipartisan House vote, Gronstal digs in his heels

Yesterday’s bipartisan vote in the Iowa State House hasn’t deterred Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal from his decision to be the one man in Iowa stopping a vote on marriage: The bipartisan vote in the House was “a big step backwards for the constitutional rights of all Iowans,” Gronstal said. Danny Carroll, spokesman for the […]

NYT: White House may be forced to finally take a stand on DOMA

Last week the New York Times published a fascinating story suggesting that the White House may soon be forced to take a stand on DOMA, one way or the other: President Obama has balanced on a political tightrope for two years over the Defense of Marriage Act, the contentious 1996 law barring federal recognition of […]

First step to civil discourse? Drop the hateful labels

So says Washington DC’s Cardinal Wuerl in the Washington Post: Increasingly, there is a tendency to disparage the name and reputation, the character and life, of a person because he or she holds a different position. The identifying of some people as “bigots” and “hate mongers” simply because they hold a position contrary to another’s […]

Sprigg to Maryland: Marriage’s public purpose is raising children

Peter Sprigg, a Maryland Resident and senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council, asks in The Baltimore Sun, “do children matter in Maryland?”: That is the question that will be at stake in 2011, when the Maryland legislature considers radically changing the definition of our most fundamental social institution — marriage. The […]

Breaking: Iowa House OKs Marriage Vote 62-37, with support of 3 Dems

Nearly two-thirds of Iowa House Reps are in favor of allowing Iowans to vote on marriage: Three House Democrats sided with Republicans to support a resolution to begin the Iowa constitutional amendment process to prohibit same sex marriage. “I represent a conservative district in the state. There’s no question about that. Sometimes when I represent […]

Transcript: statements made by Iowans during Monday’s House hearing

The Des Moines Register has a story and video up on its website recapping remarks that were made by Iowa citizens at Monday’s public hearing on the House floor over the issue of allowing marriage to be decided by a popular vote in that state. Here are a couple of those comments, transcribed from the […]

Ruth Institute Podcast: Bill Duncan explains DOMA amicus brief

From the Ruth Institute: “Up on our podcast page is a two-part interview with Bill Duncan; Dr Morse asks him to bring us up to speed on DOMA and the amicus brief he and NOM recently filed in that case.” Listen here: [Part 1] [Part 2]


Dear Marriage Supporter, It’s time for action! The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will be holding a hearing on the same-sex marriage bill (SB116) next Tuesday afternoon, starting at 1:00pm. The hearing will be held in Room 2 in the East Wing of the Miller Senate Office Building (11 Bladen Street) in Annapolis. This hearing and […]

Why Does Protecting Marriage Matter?

Frat Boys at Yale and Sex Gone Wrong

Katherine Kerstein has an op-ed on the shameful frat boy antics at Yale: Who can blame Yale guys for being confused? Let’s get this straight. Yale big wigs invite young men — buzzed by testosterone — to experience and celebrate the outer edges of male sexual prurience. They invite them to ogle female fellow students […]

Iowa Dems, United, Block Vote on Marriage Amendment

All 26 Democrats in the Iowa State Senate, every single one, in a party-line vote blocked an effort to debate and vote on a state marriage amendment, after State Sen. Ken Sorenson tried to get around Mike Gronstal’s roadblock. [Danny] Carroll added that he suspected this would not be the last time pro-marriage amendment forces […]

Pope's February prayers urge greater respect for families

From CNA: Pope Benedict is calling for a renewed awareness of the importance of the family in his February prayer intentions. The Pope’s general prayer intention for February is: “That all may respect the family and recognize it for its unmatched contribution to the advancement of society.”