Author Archives: NOM Staff

Judge denies divorce to same-sex Nebraska City couple

From Nebraska City News-Press: District Judge Randall Rehmeier Tuesday denied a divorce to a same-sex Nebraska City couple that was married in 2003 in Vermont. The judge said the Nebraska Constitution provides that “only marriage between a man and a woman shall be valid or recognized in Nebraska.” He said since the state does not […]

CPAC head organizer Davie Keene to resign in February

From Brian Fitzpatrick: Several American Conservative Union board members have confirmed that David Keene, the chairman of the board of the ACU, is planning to resign at the group’s next meeting. … Keene is leaving ACU in a state of turmoil. The organization alienated social conservatives by permitting a homosexual activist organization, GOProud, to participate […]

Arguments for SSM in Montana begin in district court

From Local KULR: Six same-sex Montana couples represented by the American Civil Liberties Union appeared in Helena District Court Tuesday afternoon to begin preliminary oral arguments in the case of Donaldson and Guggenheim versus the state of Montana. … The ACLU said it is very likely that this case will wind up before the Montana […]

USA Today Editorial: It’s Time to Lower Out of Wedlock Births!

An Op-Ed in USA Today says Our view on kids: When unwed births hit 41%, it’s just not right: “In 2009, 41% of children born in the USA were born to unmarried mothers (up from 5% a half-century ago). That includes 73% of non-Hispanic black children, 53% of Hispanic children and 29% of non-Hispanic white […]

Husbands or Employers?

From Dr. J of NOM’s Ruth Institute: Security in the workplace is taking the place of security in marriage. I have been saying this for some time. But now, the major league self-styled feminist groups are coming right out and saying it. Women and children don’t need stability in marriage if they can have stability in […]

Iowa panel backs putting gay marriage to a vote

The Associated Press reports: A key House committee on Monday approved a resolution that would begin the long process of putting a gay marriage ban before voters. The House Judiciary Committee approved the measure on a 13-8 vote, sending the measure to the full House for debate. Earlier, a subcommittee of that panel voted 2-1 […]

“The Anonymous Us Project,” first ever story-collective for people 
involved in reproductive technologies

From the press release: “Not all the kids are doing all right,” says Alana S., founder and curator of, “Anonymous Us is a place for all participants in the 
fertility industry to share their own truths in a way that retains dignity 
and privacy for our loved ones, while also sharing valuable perspectives and […]

Benedict XVI: There "is only one marriage ... a real juridical bond between a man and a woman."

Read the Pope’s statement.

Boys of Divorced Parents Face 3X Risk of Suicide

From USA Today: “Adults who were children when their parents divorced are more likely to seriously consider suicide than adults who grew up in intact families, according to a new study. “…Men whose parents divorced when they were children were three times more likely to seriously consider suicide (suicidal ideation) than other men. Adult daughters […]

Marriage Update for 3 States, 1 Country

In Iowa: A House panel will begin hearings today on a bill that would repeal gay marriage in the state In Maryland: Gay marriage legislation has been filed in the General Assembly In New Hampshire: House could ask to delay effort to repeal gay marriage until 2012 And in Peru: Former President Alejandro Toledo will […]

Marching on the Right Side of History

Our friend Dr. J writes at the Public Discourse that Defenders of marriage should draw hope and courage from the pro-life movement’s success: As an advocate of conjugal marriage, I am often told that I am on the “wrong side of History.” The justice of “marriage equality” is overwhelming; the younger generation favors it; same […]

A gay writer speaks frankly about redefining marriage

Gabriel Arana at the American Prospect: On Feb. 5, I’m getting married here in the District. This has made me look at the gay-marriage debate in a slightly different way. … [And] as I’ve planned my wedding — making lists, updating them, and re-updating them; deciding whether we’re doing a first dance (we are, though […]

British Deputy PM Clegg says Stop Preaching about Marriage

From the UK Daily Mail: Ministers must not ‘preach’ to parents about marriage or lifestyles, Nick Clegg declared yesterday – as he signalled a new Coalition rift on the family. In a direct challenge to David Cameron he also dismissed the Prime Minister’s cherished plan for a marriage tax break – saying that Liberal Democrat […]

Happily married wife testifies polygamy is 'really amazing'

From the Province: A polygamous mother from Utah on Wednesday agreed to lift an anonymity order and testify using her name at the polygamy trial in B.C. Supreme Court. … To date, much of the evidence at trial has indicated that polygamy is associated with harms to individuals, families and society as a whole. But […]

URGENT MARRIAGE ALERT: SSM Bill Introduced in Maryland House

Maryland is already shaping up as a key battleground for marriage in 2011 – one of three states in which the Human Rights Campaign and their allies are pushing for same-sex marriage this year. We need your help! Click here to send a message to your delegate and state senator today! Just yesterday, Delegate Luiz […]