Author Archives: NOM Staff

Reclaiming the rainbow

From Dr. J at NOM’s Ruth Institute: by Becky Yeh Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the San Diego-based Ruth Institute rightly argues that the rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant with man, and she says proponents of Proposition 8 – California’s measure that passed in 2008 to define marriage as between a man and a woman […]

From Iconic to Ironic – Steve Jobs Transformation into Big Brother

Apparently Apple Computers “got the memo” that it is “OK” to discriminate against Christians. Leading that charge is their Chairman/CEO Steve Jobs. Despite one of the highest positive ratings available (4+), Apple pulled an app developed by the Manhattan Declaration—a group of 500,000 Christians who have publicly declared their support for traditional marriage, life and […]

See Maggie Gallagher on CBN News: Even Liberal Judge Reinhardt Sees Boies/Olson Strategy as Back Door Effort.

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher gives fellow proponents of marriage between one man and one woman plenty of reasons to be hopeful that traditional marriage will carry the day, legally speaking; not the least of which is that most liberal judge on the panel, Stephen Reinhardt—whom NOM asked to recuse himself from the case—clearly saw that […]

Dr. J Talks to Prop8 Legal Team Lawyer Austin Nimocks About the Strength of the Pro-Prop8 Argument

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse–Dr. J–of NOM’s Ruth Institute interviews Austin Nimocks–senior legal counsel at the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) and member of the Prop8 legal team–about the national implications if Prop8 were overturned and the reasons he believes that the pro-traditional marriage argument will carry the day in court and around the nation. Click the […]

ADF: Taking Away Rights Argument Holds No Water

ADF Senior Counsel Joe Infranco writes: One intriguing question in the Perry arguments was whether voters had done something wrong in “taking away” a briefly established scheme of “marriage” for persons engaged in homosexual behavior. To give some context to this line of questioning, the court was focusing on a brief window of approximately four […]

Maggie Gallagher Debating Andrew Sullivan at Georgetown Univ. Tonight!

For those of you in the DC area, NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher will be debating Andrew Sullivan at Georgetown University tonight at 7:30pm. Please come on out if you can to support Maggie and enjoy the lively debate. Come early to get a good seat! The evening is sponsored by “Catholics for Equality,” a new […]

23 Days Left! Take the NOM Marriage Challenge Today!

We need your help to protect the gift of marriage this Christmas season! In this season as we prepare for the greatest gift, we too must prepare to defend the rightful home of that gift: marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The November elections have brought us to a moment of […]

Ron Prentice on Prop 8 Arguments

After the arguments today, Dr. Morse sat down with ProtectMarriage Chairman Ron Prentice to get his reaction. Listen in.

Dr. J: The good news about Judge Reinhardt and Prop8

Yes, there is some good news about Judge Stephen Reinhardt being one of the 3 judges drawn at random to hear the Prop 8 case in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Some people are worried about this, since he is notoriously liberal. His wife also has significant connections to the case, which some argue […]

NOM Decries Biased 9th Circuit Appeals Hearing -- Reinhardt Refusal to Withdrawal Robs People of Unbiased Appeal

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today decried the hearing to determine the constitutionality of Proposition 8, California’s constitutional amendment providing that marriage is only the union of a man and a woman. NOM is protesting the involvement of Judge Stephen Reinhardt because Reinhardt’s wife has been involved in the case from the beginning as the Executive Director of the […]

Dr. J interviews Bill May on Prop 8 Arguments

Bill May, Chairman of Catholics for Common Good discusses standing, rationality, and the rights of California voters with Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse.

Activity Ramping up over at!

Activity is ramping up over at, with pictures and commentary from outside the courthouse. Dr. Morse is inside and will join us with live blogging updates shortly. Check out all the action at

Dr. J: What Chuck Cooper will say to defend Prop 8

Chuck Cooper, lead attorney for the defense of Proposition 8, will surely make a big deal out of the sloppy reasoning of Judge Walker’s opinion. He will certainly point out that there are numerous cases at the state and federal level, which are precedents for the same sex marriage issue. These cases hold that there […]

Live Coverage of Prop 8 Case Today

Oral arguments in the Prop 8 case begin at 1pm ET/ 10am PT today! We’ll be
 streaming it live at, together with live courtroom
 reporting from Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, president of NOM’s Ruth Institute, 
including liveblog & twitter updates and video reaction following the 

They’ve already redefined marriage.

In their minds, that is. Our side considers legalizing same sex marriage to be a redefinition of marriage. We try to persuade people that redefining marriage would be harmful.  But I have noticed that many people who favor ssm have ALREADY mentally redefined it.  In their minds, marriage is only about adult relationships, with children […]