Author Archives: NOM Staff

Defending the voters of CA

I expect that Chuck Cooper will defend the voters of California against the truly scurrilous attack made by Olsen and Boies and repeated by Judge Walker.  The plaintiffs complained about the advertising used during the campaign. I was shocked the first time I heard this complaint.  They couldn’t find anything explicitly “homophobic” in the campaign […]

WaPo gets the Prop 8 point: the number of “experts” is irrelevant.

The Prop 8 legal defense team has taken a beating in public debate. But the MSM, in the person of Washington Post reporter Lisa Leff (finally) start asking the right questions. What was the point, if any, of all the expert testimony presented in the original Prop 8 case?  Our side says it was basically […]

The "fundamental right to marry" case favors man/woman marriage.

Skinner v Oklahoma is one of the standard cases cited in defense of the
”fundamental right to marry.” In this 1942 case, the Court stated, “We are
 dealing here with legislation which involves one of the basic civil rights 
of man. Marriage and procreation are fundamental to the very existence and
 survival of the race.” The […]

The 28 Days of the NOM Marriage Challenge!

We need your help to protect the gift of marriage this Christmas season. The November elections have brought us to a moment of unprecedented opportunities, with the chance to pass new marriage amendments, strengthen legislative protections, and even roll back same-sex marriage in states like New Hampshire and Iowa. But it’s also a moment of […]

Action Alert: Tell the Courts Judge Reinhardt MUST Step Down in Prop 8 Case

Judge Stephen Reinhardt has just refused to step down from a three-judge panel that will consider the arguments for and against Prop 8 on Monday — in spite of the fact that his wife has provided legal counsel to one of the parties in the case! And in an unparalleled act of judicial arrogance — […]

Stop the Presses! European Court Protects Marriage!

“The European Court of Human Rights has refused permission to appeal in a challenge to the ban on gay marriage in Austria. The effect of the decision is to make the court’s rejection of the same-sex couple’s claim final.” ( Me: The European Court of Human Rights is unwilling to impose same sex marriage upon reluctant […]

WSJ: NOM Calls for Judge Reinhardt to Step Down

That was fast! The Wall Street Journal has already taken note of NOM and others’ call for Judge Reinhardt to step down, because his wife’s involvement in this case means Reinhardt’s continued involvement would violate the Judicial Code of Conduct.


Washington, DC – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is calling on Justice Stephen Reinhardt, one of the judges in the Prop 8 trial scheduled for hearing next week in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, to recuse himself because his wife, Ramona Ripston, has been intimately involved in the case including advising the plaintiff’s […]

EU Top Court Rules: SSM is NOT a Human Right

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, the swing vote on the court, is said to be particularly influenced by trends in international law of human rights. If so this latest ruling by the European Court of Human Rights may be good news for Prop 8! The EU court refused to consider a challenge to Austria’s marriage […]

EWTN Interviews Maggie on Southern Poverty Law Center Report

“Gallagher saw the SPLC’s action as a vindication of her past statements. “I wish they would stop proving that we’re right so consistently. I’m not surprised. This is what I predicted would happen. I’m a little surprised it’s happening so fast. “They believe you should be treated like a racist if you think marriage is […]

WSJ: NOM Calls for Judge Reinhardt to Step Down

That was fast! The Wall Street Journal has already taken note of NOM and others’ call for Judge Reinhardt to step down, because his wife’s involvement in this case means Reinhardt’s continued involvement would violate the Judicial Code of Conduct: Read the whole article here.

How Radical a Leftist is Judge Reinhardt?

Bill Duncan points out that Judge Reinhardt is as radical a leftwing judge as you can find on the federal bench–one of the reasons the 9th Circuit gets overruled so often by the SC: He has ruled that assisted suicide is a constitutional right, invalidated California’s term limit law, permitted schools to ban student speech […]

Legal Expert: Judge Reinhardt Must Recuse Himself

Ed Whelan says that Judge Reinhardt must recuse himself from the case–not for showing overwhelming liberal bias, but because his wife consulted with the plaintiffs on whether or not they should bring the case. Details here.

Judge Reinhardt: "Liberal Badboy of the Federal Judiciary"

Way back in 1997, before gay marriage was even an issue, the Weekly Standard reviewed Judge Reinhardt’s career and called him “the liberal badboy of the federal judiciary,” “one of the most overturned judges in history” as well as “The Judge the Supreme Court Loves to Overturn” STEPHEN REINHARDT is the liberal badboy of the […]

WARNING – “NOM World” Impersonating NOM on Facebook/Twitter

Last week, a new group calling themselves “NOM World” began impersonating NOM on Twitter (be4marriage) and Facebook. They have mimicked the NOM logo (except with black and blue rings), have begun using the NOM twitter hashtag (#no4m) and claim: “We are working to get NOM’s message out to the world!” Please understand that this group […]