Author Archives: NOM Staff

Don't Divorce! Your Average Marriage is Great for Your Kids!

HuffPost has launched a new divorce page–most of which is dedicated to adults and their feelings about their divorces.  But Elizabeth Marquardt writes to tell parents in boring, average good enough marriages who are thinking about divorce: your marriage matters a whole lot–especially to your kids: Read why by clicking here.

One Brave Professor Tells Colleagues: Speak Up for Marriage!

Even at Eastern Kentucky University, a professor named Todd Hartch braved the climate of chilled speech to speak up for his view that domestic partnerships threaten marriage—and faced an apparent campus-wide backlash.  Feeling at first alone and unprotected, he perservered—and soon found many others who shared his concerns among faculty and students, as he single-handedly […]

Gay Marriage Advocates Lost Big in Last Week's Elections

Jeff Johnston ( breaks down the devastating effects that last week’s elections had on the lobbying power of pro-homosexual groups.  Read it here: LGBT-Identified Groups and the 2010 Election.

Thomas Sowell Defends the Voters of Iowa!

In his latest column, Thomas Sowell stands up for the right of Iowans to vote their judges out of office: Those who believe in gay marriage are free to vote for it. But, when they lose that vote, it is not the role of judges to nullify the vote and legislate from the bench. Judges […]

Why Iowa Voters Fired 3 Judges

A reporter from West Branch, Iowa used the West Branch Times website to ask voters why they voted for or against three Iowa Supreme Court Justices last week.  His summary of the reasons the majority voted “no” include these responses: I believe judges should realize the people are watching. They should rule based on the […]

Election Watch2010: SF Pro-SSM Kamala Harris Trails Steve Cooley for CA AG.

Steve Cooley’s lead in the California AG race expanded to 43,000 votes on Tuesday as counties continue to report final results. The San Francisco Chronicle explains how a Cooley victory over pro-ssm Kamala Harris could impact the Prop 8 litigation.

Having Your Son's Baby?

Mexican mom gives birth to her gay son’s baby.  What can we say?

WSJ: Iowa Voters Fire Judges; Lawyers Shocked!

The editors of the WSJ side with the people of Iowa over the handwringing of shocked elites: “Far from a beacon of judicial independence, the three Iowa justices were fired because they put their own political preferences above their commitment to the law. If judges want to avoid recalls, they should leave social legislation to […]

Exit Poll: Americans Oppose SSM 54% to 40%

Americans oppose same-sex marriage 54% to 40%, according to CNN’s exit poll of 17,504 voters this past Tuesday.

NOM Video Response to Election Returns

As you know by now, Tuesday’s election results were truly historic – with dramatic victories for marriage that could shape the legislative landscape at the state level for years to come.  Our successes on Tuesday will undoubtedly translate into many more victories for marriage, as the coalition of social conservative groups continues to grow stronger, […]

Victory! NOM Achieves Stunning and Historic Wins for Marriage

All I can say is:  Amazing.  Last night NOM helped win stunning and unprecedented victories for marriage. And we know it was because of your support. As you have heard by now, for the first time in the entire history of judicial retention elections in Iowa, the Supreme Court justices were defeated.  And not just […]

Iowa Judges Ousted!

WHO TV in Des Moines has called the retention vote in Iowa: “The poll results are in and the three Supreme Court Justices up for retention have been ousted.” Congratulations, Iowans!  Read more.

Iowa Update: Iowans Narrowly Rejecting Pro-SSM Supreme Court Justices

With 54% of the vote in, Iowans are voting to oust three state supreme court justices who forced same-sex marriage on the state, 53% to 47%. Details here.

Pro-Marriage Majorities in NH!

Even if Gov. Lynch wins the NH governor’s race tonight, we have helped flip the state house in NH – Huge victory! Looks like it may be veto-proof.

On Social Issues, Democrats are Out of Touch

A column in the Daily Caller asks: Why would the Dems run anti-Catholic ads and push for gay marriage — in Minnesota???