Author Archives: NOM Staff

Breaking News: Three Judge Panel Named for Prop 8 Case

We’ve just received word that the three judges on the 9th Circuit who will be considering Perry v. Schwarzenegger are: Judge Stephen Reinhardt, Judge Michael Hawkins and Judge Randy Smith. Ed Whelan, the distinguished legal scholar writing over at Bench Memos, says this panel is bad news.

NOM Calls Southern Poverty Law Center’s New “Hate” Designation an “Absurd Distraction”

WASHINGTON – The Southern Poverty Law Center (SLPC) today included NOM among “18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda.” Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, reacts: “This is an absurd distraction emanating from a once-great organization’s real mission—with all the actual hate groups out there, how can Southern Poverty Law Center stoop so […]

Hope and SSM

“If they can persuade us there is no hope, then they will have created the conditions under which there is no hope.”  Maggie Gallagher talks to the Australian Conservative.

Black Parents Protest Forced Viewing by Schoolchildren of LGBT Film They Say Demeans Black Families

Pacific Justice Institute is taking the lead: A heated controversy in this Bay Area city over mandatory pro-gay curricula for all students has taken an unexpected twist that is leaving gay activists and the ACLU scrambling to explain why a film shown to elementary students portrays African-American families in a negative light. At a school […]

Let Rhode Island Vote!

The overwhelming majority of Rhode Islanders say they believe the people should have the right to vote on marriage.  Chris Plante, NOM’s Rhode Island director, makes the case on the FRC blog.

Maggie Gallagher Heads Up New Center at Ave Maria Law

The National Catholic Register interviews NOM’s Chairman Maggie Gallagher on her new center at Ave Maria Law School: “To abandon the political fight will be viewed as a moral abdication as well. The only reason abortion is still a live moral issue is that people acted like they really believed it’s wrong to kill babies, […]

NOM-Rhode Island Demands Governor-elect Chafee Listen To Voters

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2010     For more information contact: Christopher Plante, Executive Director [email protected] (401) 954-7173 National Organization for Marriage – Rhode Island Demands Governor-elect Chafee Listen To Voters “Listen to the voice of over 80% of Rhode Islanders who want the right to vote on marriage.” – Christopher Plante, executive director, […]

"We are With the Lord of History"

Cardinal Biffi’s new essay in a book “The Inconvenient Memoirs” points out the ways in which an “aggressive ideology” is shattering the once-Christian west and increasingly silencing the voice of Christians.  But to those who argue for the inevitability of the victory of this new ideology, he says, fear not, “We are with the Lord […]

Equality California's Donations Drop by More than Half

After an unsuccessful effort to block Prop 8 in 2008, Equality California’s donations dropped from $14 million to $6 million in 2009, necessitating the closing of some offices.  In a recent interview, the head of Equality California downplayed the cuts, explaining that  an “anonymous donor contributed $6.5 million in 2008 that the Let California Ring […]

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes...New USCCB Chief Names Marriage Defender Among Heroes

Archbishop Timothy Dolan, newly elected president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, tells the National Catholic Register, “Robby George is one of my heroes.” George, a Princeton professor,  is the founding Chairman of the Board of the National Organization for Marriage.  Read more about this exciting news for the defense of marriage here.

LDS Church Rebukes HRC's Claims Mormon Theology/Morality has Changed

The Human Rights Campaign delivered a petition demanding the LDS Church change its theology on sex and marriage, in order to remedy bullying. Apparently, Joe Solmonese thinks HE should dictate theology for the Mormon church!  Now, when that effort fails, HRC issues a press release claiming victory anyway.   (The leaders of the Church called […]

Archbishop Kurz: "It's 1970 for Marriage"

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurz of Louisville, Kentucky, the Vice President-Elect of the USCCB, told his fellow bishops this week “It’s 1970 for marriage!”  — He means that we have a brief window of time to win this marriage battle, an opportunity the Supreme Court took away on abortion in 1973.  Read more.

Setting the Election Results Record Straight: An open letter from Brian Brown to HRC Supporters

How’s your contribution to the Human Rights Campaign working out for you? You may have seen the screaming posts on their website claiming that NOM lost most of the races we supposedly participated in during the 2010 election cycle. As far as we can tell, working on this website and shadowing NOM around at […]

Newsweek Profiles NOM President Brian Brown

Newsweek sat down with Brian Brown following NOM’s electoral successes earlier this month, declaring NOM’s president “the nation’s fiercest crusader against gay marriage.” For a bastion of old media liberalism not known for its kindness to conservatives, Newsweek manages a mostly accurate portrayal of the facts:  Brown has been a dynamic, successful leader for NOM […]

Brian Talks Iowa Judges on Fox News

On Fox News this morning, NOM President Brian Brown and Sean Eldridge of Freedom to Marry discussed judicial activism and last week’s decision by Iowa voters to rein in their state supreme court, reacting to the court’s ruling on same-sex marriage with an unprecedented ouster of all three justices up for retention. Eldridge: Sometimes lawmakers get […]