Author Archives: NOM Staff

Prop 8 Defenders Shred Walker Decision in Appeals Court Filing

The Prop 8 legal defense team just filed their opening brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger case, and it is a tour de force. Authored by chief Prop 8 litigator Chuck Cooper, the 100+ page brief shreds the decision of federal district court Judge Vaughn Walker, and lays […]

Cooper Strikes Back! Brief at 9th Circuit Shreds Walker's decision

Read the whole thing here.

Minnesota’s Catholics Bishops Urge Flock to Protect Marriage in November Elections

It what is being characterized as a first “glimpse” of the Minnesota Catholic Bishops plan to fully and properly form the conscience of Catholic voters before the November general elections, Bishop James Quinn of the Diocese of Winona, MN has reached out to his flock through the diocesan newspaper, The Courier, and via a mailer […]

Mike Castle's Hissy Fit

Have you noticed a pattern? An establishment, “moderate” Republican loses an election…and what do they do? Congratulate their primary opponent? Close ranks to fight for the Party’s principles? Ah…no. In NY’s 23rd, Dede Scozzafava endorsed her Democrat opponent rather than support the conservative.  In Florida, Gov. Crist tried to shed the GOP label in opposition […]

Editors of National Review make “The Case for Marriage”

The National Review’s cover story make the case for marriage: true, honest, principled, right. Read the whole article here.

HRC Mailer Credits NOM with Bringing Down Dems

With the headline: “HRC Blames Prop 8 Trial Ruling, NOM for Possible Democratic Loss of Congress” the pro-homosexual marriage blog LGBT POV attacks a recent fundraising mailer sent out by the pro-gay behemoth Human Rights Campaign (HRC).  The mailer says that Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision overturning Prop8 may help the National Organization for Marriage bring […]

Pro-Marriage Kelly Ayotte Takes Lead in NH Senate Race

The people know what they want and the message is clear: Marriage can only be between one man and one woman.  Rasmussen’s first post-primary poll shows prolife, pro-marriage candidate Kelly Ayotte taking a strong lead over the Dem Pro-SSM nominee Paul Hodes, 51 percent to 44 percent. Read more.

Why It's a Bad Idea to Have a Baby with Some Dude you Met on Craigslist

And also how courts are bending over backwards to deny natural fathers rights if it interferes with lesbians moms’ wishes. From ABC News: Karen B., a Los Angeles writer in her 40s, found a sperm donor on Craigslist when [she] decided to have a baby that she would later raise with her lesbian partner. “I tried every […]

ElectionWatch2010: New NOM Poll Shows Marriage Could Swing Elections in Minnesota

A new NOM poll released by the Minnesota Family Policy Council shows that gay marriage could be the issue that swings the elections this fall in Minnesota. Here’s the Star Tribune’s story: The Minnesota Family Council said a recent poll commissioned by same-sex marriage opponents shows that Emmer is the choice of 42 percent of likely voters and […]

ElectionWatch 2010: Poll Shock. O’Donnell Surging in Delaware Senate Primary

A new poll shows one-time dark horse Christine O’Donnell–strongly pro-life and pro-marriage–ahead of establishment moderate GOP Rep. Mike Castle. Will the GOP leadership get the message?

Iowa Judges Battle Heats Up: Sandra Day O'Connor Enters the Fray

Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has raised the profile of the battle to unseat three Iowa judges by rushing to their defense. O’Connor was appointed by Reagan as the first female supreme court justice but ended up as the moderate swing vote on abortion and related social issues. Her decision to enter the […]

New Poll: Elites Out of Touch on SSM

Frank Cannon, a political consultant, explains in Politico just how out of touch Republican elites are on marriage. John McCain, while running for president, sought to minimize the social issues–and lost under the guidance of pro-gay marriage Republican consultant Steve Schmidt.  Now, in a race for his life in Arizona, he ran a totally different […]

LA Times to Jerry Brown and Gov. Schwarzenegger: Do Your Job, Defend Prop 8

The LA Times, of all places, editorializes: “California’s top public lawyer and its chief executive have an obligation to defend the laws of the state whether they like them or not, and that includes Proposition 8.”  Gov. Schwarzenegger and AG Jerry Brown: Do your job. Defend Prop 8.  Read more.

700 Club Reports on NOM’s Summer for Marriage Tour

CBN’s 700 Club profiles NOM’s Summer for Marriage RV Tour, as the marriage debate heats up in Iowa.

Dr. Morse on “What Judge Walker Didn’t Talk About”

Over at the Ruth Institute blog, Dr. J points out “the dog that didn’t bark” — glaring omissions in Judge Walker’s Prop 8 ruling that Chuck Cooper nailed him on in the petition for a stay at the 9th Circuit. Sherlock Holmes once famously said, “Watson, I call to your attention the curious fact of […]