Author Archives: NOM Staff

Civil rights leader Alveda King says government must respect the people’s vote.

Speaking at NOMs Summer for Marriage Bus Tour stop in Atlanta, GA, Alveda King—niece of civil rights icon Martin Luther King, Jr.—states that the government should not stand in the way of the American people’s effort to protect marriage between one man and one woman. ALVEDA KING: “…Government cannot govern our hearts. And so when […]

Civil Rights Leader Alveda King: Same Sex Marriage “is not a civil right.”

Speaking at NOM’s Summer for Marriage 2010 Atlanta, GA bus tour stop, Alveda King—niece of civil rights icon Martin Luther King, Jr.—called upon all to support NOMs efforts and join us at the final stop in Washington, D.C. (8/15/10) as she explains the stark disparity between the real civil rights movement her father and uncle […]

Pro-same sex marriage columnist pans Judge Walker’s “silly” ruling; says it paves the way for Federal Marriage Amendment

Writing for Real Clear Politics, noted libertarian columnist Steve Chapman notes in his column, “Overreaching on Gay Marriage:” “…it’s silly to believe only nut jobs and bigots could rationally oppose same-sex marriage, or that millions of Californians who accept other laws protecting gays were acting irrationally.” Chapman also is the first “conservative” author to openly […]

Another Pro-Gay Marriage Voice Critiques Judge Walker's "Radical Ruling"

Jonathan Rauch, a major advocate for gay marriage, today in the NY Daily news called Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling in the Prop 8 case “radical.”  And he didn’t mean that in a good way:   “Although California’s voters overturned gay marriage in 2008 (an unjust and unwise decision, in my view), they left in place […]

Eric Cantor v. Judge Walker

House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) today issued the following statement regarding recent court decisions on same-sex marriage: “In recent weeks, several activist judges have issued decisions, overturning protections for traditional marriage in both a bipartisan-passed federal law and a ballot initiative passed by the people of California. First, in Massachusetts, a judge threw out […]

NOM to Politicians: Gay Marriage is a Career-Ending Position

NOM released the following statement this afternoon: National Organization for Marriage to Politicians:Gay Marriage Is a Career-Ending Position State Senator Who Supported Gay Marriage Defeated in Minnesota (Washington, D.C.) – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today praised voters in Minnesota’s 12th Senate District for decisively ousting pro-gay marriage state Senator Paul Koering in his […]

Michael Medved v. Judge Walker

Michael Medved answers Judge Walker’s false charges including this one: “Recognizing gay marriage would do nothing to harm existing opposite sex marriages.” TRUTH: The problem with government endorsement of same sex marriage isn’t damage it would do to current heterosexual couples, but the profound change it would bring to the institution of marriage itself. In […]

One Catholic Priest: "Judge Walker's New Marital and Constitutional Order"

From Father Roger Landry:  “[T]wo cartoons summed it up. The first one featured the calligraphic initial words of the Constitution, “We the People…” crossed out and replaced by the cursive words, “I, Judge Walker…” The second presented the author of the U.S. Constitution, James Madison, seated at a table in Philadelphia as he was drafting […]

Are We Really Going to Take Electoral Advice from a Hoover?

Over at Fox News (naturally!) Margaret Hoover, an advisory board member of a major gay rights organization, is passing out advice to conservatives. [Margaret Hoover, “My Fellow Conservatives, Think Carefully About Your Opposition to Gay Marriage”] . It would be easy to take cheap shots at Herbert Hoover’s great-grandaughter giving Republicans advice on how to […]

1787 Revisited: Where to Put Same-Sex Marriage

From the Investor’s Business Daily editorial page:

Michelle Bachman v. Judge Walker

House Republicans Condemn Prop 8 Ruling – District Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision last week to overturn a California ballot initiative that prohibited same-sex marriage was an example of “judicial activism at its worse,” according to Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas). Smith and fellow House Republicans Steve King (Iowa) and Michele Bachmann (Minn.) introduced a resolution this morning disapproving of Vaughn’s ruling. […]

Indianapolis Star Cartoon for Judge Walker

More cartoons from Gary Varvel

USCCB, Legal Experts Denounce Walker's "Fact #77": Religious views hurt gay people

Catholic News Agency – Leaders Criticize Anti-Prop. 8 Ruling’s Claim that Religious Beliefs Harm Homosexuals Washington D.C., Aug 10, 2010 / 04:57 am (CNA).- The anti-Proposition 8 decision’s claim that religious opinions about the sinfulness of homosexuality harm homosexuals is “outrageous” and could endanger both the place of religion in public life and religious liberty […]

Prof. Nelson Lund: Walker Ruling "Strange"

In yesterday’s San Francisco Chronicle, law professor Nelson Lund says “Prop 8 judge makes strange charge”: A federal judge in San Francisco ruled Wednesday that President Obama is a bigot. And not just the president. Joe Biden as well, and Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sandra Day O’Connor. And maybe you, too. The judge didn’t put […]