Author Archives: NOM Staff

Ed Whelan: Stay is "further compelling evidence that [Judge] Walker has gone utterly bonkers"

From Ed Whelan’s reflections on the 9th Circuit stay order in the Prop 8 case, over at NRO Bench Memos: The Ninth Circuit’s grant of a stay of Judge Walker’s judgment pending appeal provides yet further compelling evidence that Walker has gone utterly bonkers in his egregious mishandling of this case. Walker’s denial of the […]

New Fox News Poll: Just 37 percent of Americans support gay marriage.

A new poll from Fox News finds just 37% of Americans support same-sex marriage. Even 39 percent of Democrats oppose gay marriage. Read more.

Prof. John Eastman to Gov. Schwarzenegger: Do Your Duty, Defend the Voters

The Prop 8 case is called “Perry v. Schwarzenegger,” but Governor Schwarzenegger has flip-flopped and switched sides, potentially preventing the appeal of Judge Walker’s outrageous ruling. Professor John Eastman has an open letter today urging Gov. Schwarzenegger to defend the voters’ rights in this case: “Finally, I strongly urge you to direct counsel to mount […]

Debra Saunders: Does Anyone Represent the Voters of California?

SF Chronicle columnist Debra Saunders on Gov. Schwarzenegger and AG Jerry Brown’s failure to do their duty and uphold the law: When 52 percent of California voters passed Proposition 8 in November 2008, Attorney General Jerry Brown said he would defend the measure during the inevitable appeals. Then, as is his fashion, Brown changed his […]

Atty General Ed Meese: Walker's Ruling "Ignores Precedent, Evidence, and Common Sense"

Reagan’s Attorney General Ed Meese weighs into the legal debate over Judge Walker’s ruling in the Aug. 17 Washington Post: “Despite ample evidence introduced into the record that only a union of a man and woman can produce offspring (as if that needs proof), Walker’s opinion denied the relevance of that biological fact. That difference […]

New Chicago Poll: Just 42 percent support gay marriage

Chicago is a Democratic town.  This latest poll shows even in blue areas, gay marriage is gathering anemic support. In the greater Chicago suburbs just 40 percent approve with 46 percent saying they oppose and an astonishing 14 percent refusing to tell pollsters their opinion. In the Chicago area as a whole, including the city […]

Breaking news: Appeals Court Stays Judge Walker's Ruling

Judge Walker gave the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just 6 days to decide whether or not to overrule his order requiring the immediate issuing of marriage licenses to gay couples.  Today the 9th Circuit, one of the most liberal in the country, stepped in to overturn that order, issuing a stay on implementing Judge […]

New Poll: Americans Oppose Gay Marriage 57 percent to 33 percent

A new PPP poll shows Americans oppose gay marriage by an almost 2-1 margin: 57 percent to 33 percent.  “Our newest national survey finds 57% of Americans think it should be illegal while 33% think it should be legal and 11% have no opinion. Republicans are pretty universal in thinking it should be illegal, 81/12, […]

Katherine Kersten: Judge to Voters: Shut Up, Sit Down

Katherine Kersten on Judge Walker’s Prop8 ruling in the Minneapolis Star Tribune: Arrogance and disdain for those who dare to disagree drip from every page: So what if male/female marriage has been the core institution in virtually every human society? Walker dictates that male/female differences shall henceforth be eradicated from marriage. “Gender no longer forms […]

Statement of Charles Cooper on Judge Walker’s denial of stay

Charles Cooper, lead counsel for the Prop 8 defense team, released the following statement on Thursday in response to Judge Walker’s order refusing to stay his Prop 8 ruling during appeal: “We are gratified that Judge Walker has continued until August 18th the temporary stay of his decision.  We will promptly seek from the Ninth […]

Bishop Harry Jackson: “Don’t be intimidated: Stand UP!”

What is happening is a minority — just like we’re hearing now — is attempting to impose its will on the majority. Never mind sobriety, never mind what you would call just common decency or courtesy. Never mind what’s right and just. Whatever way they can get in, that’ what they want to do., and […]

Live Broadcast of Rally for Marriage at 2pm ET Today

Today’s Rally for Marriage at the U.S. Capitol, between the Capitol and the Supreme Court building will be broadcast LIVE at 2pm ET at Speakers will include Dr. Walter Fauntroy, Bishop Harry Jackson, a message from Dr. Alveda King, a special live performance from Gospel Singers, Song-Writers and Producers Deitrick and Damitra Haddon and […]

Human Rights Leader: “The question is not whether or not we can win the battle; the question is whether we will join it.”

Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, president of Human Life International—one of the world’s largest human rights organizations—makes a clear case why the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, particularly same-sex marriages, is the end of Western society: Fr. Thomas Euteneuer: Gay Marriage and the End of Christian Civilization Gay Marriage and the End of Christian Civilization Back in […]

Ed Whelan on Walker's Latest Outrage: Trying to Prevent his Opinion from being Reviewed

The latest news is that Judge Walker is suggesting that Prop 8 supporters do not have standing to appeal his ruling–in effect he is trying to prevent a higher court from even reviewing his opinion, which may not be surprising given how weak, extreme, and it turns out dishonest, his opinion is. Ed Whelan explains: […]

Maggie Gallagher on CBS Evening News

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher discusses Judge Walker’s latest ruling in the Prop 8 case on yesterday’s CBS Evening News.