Author Archives: NOM Staff

Laughing Bride Speaks!

The “laughing bride” video became an overnight sensation, with 2 million hits on YouTube and counting. Here’s the laughing bride (and groom), speaking about their courtship. Watch.

Legal scholar and California AG Candidate John Eastman on Judge Walker's Ruling: "Are you kidding me?"

From an email sent out by John Eastman to his supporters Saturday afternoon: “Attorney General Jerry Brown was again derelict in his duty, not only refusing to defend the initiative, but actively joining with Plaintiffs in the case to have it invalidated. That should be troubling no matter where you stand on the merits of […]

Dr. Alveda King’s speech: “God imprinted us with His dream for marriage”

Yale Law Prof on Judge Walker’s Prop 8 ruling: “a remarkably limited and vulnerable opinion”

As we have noted before, under the headlines even pro-gay marriage legal experts are expressing increasing reservations about Judge Walker’s strange opinion.  Yale Law Prof. Lea Brilmayer, joins the mounting criticism today in the Washington Post. “The invalidation of California’s Proposition 8 is based on the U.S. Constitution’s due process and equal protection clauses — […]

Newt Gingrich on Prop 8 Ruling: "Outrageous Disrespect for Our Constitution and for the Majority"

Newt Gingrich’s response to Judge Walker’s Prop 8 ruling, from a statement released on his website: Judge Walker’s ruling overturning Prop 8 is an outrageous disrespect for our Constitution and for the majority of people of the United States who believe marriage is the union of husband and wife. In every state of the union […]

WaPo: What will be the impact of the Prop 8 ruling? Maggie answers

The Washington Post asked a group of experts their views on the expected impact of Judge Walker’s Prop 8 ruling. Maggie responded: “[T]he ruling – a slur against the majority of the American people, who have been declared irrational bigots by a federal judge – is firing up millions of voters.” MAGGIE GALLAGHER Chairman, National […]

Democratic Pollster says Prop8 ruling "will almost certainly hurt the Democrats in November"

Douglas Schoen, a Democratic pollster responding to the Washington Post’s inquiry about the expected fallout from the Prop 8 ruling, said the ruling “will almost certainly hurt the Democrats in November.” DOUGLAS E. SCHOEN The court decision throwing out Proposition 8 will almost certainly hurt the Democrats in November. To be sure, it will activate […]

Rush Limbaugh is Right! Dems Will Pay for Judge Walker’s Arrogance and Insults to American People

NOM released the following statement this afternoon, after’s Rush Limbaugh’s commentary on the Prop 8 ruling: Many Republicans shy away from gay marriage, but not Rush Limbaugh.  After Judge Walker’s ruling, Rush said on the air that his emails were boiling over from voters angry at the way their voices and values are being ignored: […]

Rush Limbaugh on Prop 8 Ruling: Judge Walker found 7 million voters guilty in a kangaroo trial

In the Thursday (8/5) edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh had this to say of Judge Vaughn walker’s slur against Prop 8 supporters: Judge Vaughn Walker, California, did not just slap down the will of seven million voters.  Those seven million voters were put on trial, a kangaroo court where everything was […]

Cardinal Mahony: Judge's rulings based on "Feelings" not Facts

Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop of Los Angeles, wrote this week that Judge Walker “got it wrong,” focusing on feelings instead of facts: Today it was announced that U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn R. Walker has ruled that Proposition 8 which was enacted by the People of California is unconstitutional. His decision fails to deal with […]

Eugene Volokh's Proposes New Language for a Federal Marriage Amendment

Respected pro-SSM legal scholar Eugene Volokh says: The most interesting politico-legal question raised by Judge Walker’s same-sex marriage decision, I think, is whether it will provoke a new — and perhaps narrower — round of Federal Marriage Amendment activity. . . . But now, with the federal district court decision recognizing a right to same-sex […]

More Criticism of Walker: "Falsehood and Fallacy" from the Bench

Professor Matthew J. Franck in the Public Discourse, says the Prop8 decision conveys the “palpable sense that one is being mugged by a progressive.” When the judge himself is an advocate “even falsehood and fallacy have a decent chance.” There’s one consolation, “albeit a small one,” that Walker’s opinions shows “the best arguments advocates for […]

NY Times on Prop 8: “A Challenge for Both Parties”

New York Times – “Gay Marriage Ruling a Challenge for Both Parties” SAN FRANCISCO — A federal judge’s decision on Wednesday overturning Proposition 8 — California’s ban on same-sex marriage — has tossed a largely unwanted issue into the middle of the November midterm elections. The decision, which ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional, has complicated the […]

NOM-RI Director Chris Plante Discussing Prop8 Ruling

NOM Rhode Island Executive Director Chris Plante was on ABC Channel 6 in Providence yesterday to discuss the Prop 8 ruling. As Chris told viewers: “This is judicial activism almost at its worst. We have 7 million people in California who have been told ‘Your vote, your voice, doesn’t count.’” Watch here.

NOM Founding Board Member Prof. Robert George on Jim Lehrer's NewsHour.

Jim Lehrer NewsHour – “After Calif. Same-Sex Marriage Ruling, What’s Ahead Legally for Both Sides?” RAY SUAREZ: . . . And, Professor, let me start with you. Today, that notice to appeal was filed, a formality. But what does flipping that switch do? What do the two teams involved in the original case start doing […]